Series:Advances in Physics Research
Proceedings of the 4th Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC 2024)
116 authors
- Salsabilla, Lulu Friska
- Identification and Prevalence of Parasite Types in Various Freshwater Ornamental Fish in Jakarta
- Saputra, Irwan
- Assessing the ecpA Gene as a Target for Detecting Klebsiella pneumoniae Using Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method
- Setiawan, Agus
- Assessing the ecpA Gene as a Target for Detecting Klebsiella pneumoniae Using Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method
- Setiawan, Agus
- The Potential of htrA Gene to Identify Enterococcus faecalis using real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Sholahudin, Usep
- Optimizing Students’ Mathematical Visual Thinking Through Graphing Quadratic Worksheets: A Rasch Modeling Approach
- Sihombing, Ananda Indah Putri
- Assessing the ecpA Gene as a Target for Detecting Klebsiella pneumoniae Using Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method
- Sihombing, Ananda Indah Putri
- The Potential of htrA Gene to Identify Enterococcus faecalis using real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Siregar, Dania
- Structural Equation Modeling for Analyzing the Relationships among Packaging, Perceived Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Business Competitiveness in Food Products
- Sulthan, Fathi Alauddin
- Identification and Prevalence of Parasite Types in Various Freshwater Ornamental Fish in Jakarta
- Sumiyati, Sumiyati
- Description of Data on Screening Results for Infections Infectious Through Blood Transfusion (IMLTD) at Unit Donor Darah Palang Merah Indonesia DKI Jakarta Province in 2023
- Suryani, Elma
- The Effect of Differentiated Learning with Think-Tac-Toe Strategy on Students’ Learning Outcomes on the Topic of Buffer Solutions
- Susanto, Hendra
- Combining Problem-Based Learning and Collaborative Mind Mapping: A Strategy for Empowering Students’ Collaboration Skills
- Susanto, Hendra
- Exploring Protist Literacy Among University Students’: Findings from a Recent Survey
- Syaadah, Rika Siti
- Identification Chemistry Pre-Service Teacher’s Misconceptions on The Topic Atomic Structure
- Wulaningsih, Ratna Dewi
- The effect of NPK pearl fertilizer on the germination of green mustard seeds (Brassica juncea L.)
- Wulaningsih, Ratna Dewi
- Analysis of Student’s Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills in Flowering Plants Improvement