Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific conference on New Industrialization: Global, national, regional dimension (SICNI 2018)
436 authors
- Savchenko, Y
- The results of the Russian mechanical engineering movement on the path of new industrialization
- Savchenko, Yana
- Development of portfolio management system in R&D: a case study
- Savchina, Oksana
- Problems of the registration of labor relations in conditions of the economic model of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Savchina, Oksana
- Coastal regions as innovation gateways: the new industrialization development trajectory
- Savelyeva, Irina
- Tasks with conflicting conditions in terms of negative stabilization: the Dutch Disease and the Middle Income Trap.
- Savelyeva, Irina
- Import Substitution as a Strategy for the New Industrialization of the Russian Agricultural Sector in the Eurasian Economic Union
- Sbrodova, Nadezhda
- Burning Issues of Development of the Transport Network of the Largest Industrial City
- Semenova, Irina
- The Impact of the Organizational Culture on the Employee Proactivity: Empirical Study in Innovation Oriented Companies
- Semin, Alexander
- Problems of transformation of social and labour relations in conditions of agriculture robotization
- Semin, Alexander
- Trends of the Agroindustrial Complex in the Context of New Industrialization
- Serebrennikova, Anna
- Innovative Activity of Russian Companies As a Driver of New Industrialization
- Sergeev, Sergey
- Economically Optimal Digital Solutions to Manage Integrated Network Flows
- Sevostyanova, E.M.
- The Possibility of Using "Accelerated Aging" Method to Predict the Mineral Waters Shelf Life for Non-Alcoholic Industry Enterprises
- Shalina, Olga
- Use of the mechanism of the priority social and economic development areas in order to accelerate the industrialization of Russian regions
- Shamgunov, Ruslan Gabdrashytovich
- “New Industrialization” in Turkmenistan: Background, Substance and Priorities
- Shamova, Elena
- Russian regions export specialization in the new industrialization process
- Shangina, Elena
- Informatization of higher education
- Shaposhnikov, I.I.
- The bakery products market in the globalization economy conditions: institutional сhanges and trends in the development of consumer behavior and competitive strategies
- Sharafutdinova, Elena
- Lean Production Technologies: Application in Modern Industrial Practice
- Shatalova, I.I.
- Integration potential for technological cooperation of the EAEU countries
- Sheveleva, Ekaterina
- Modern approach to evaluate neo-industrial enterprise innovative capacity
- Sheveleva, Oksana
- Specificity of environmental problems in industrial regions in context of new industrialization and ways to solve them
- Shichiyakh, Rustem
- Prerequisites of emergence of the theory neo - industrialization and its applied opportunities
- Shinkareva, Olga
- Digital banks: development trends
- Shiryaev, Aleksey
- Digital technology research of the number of scientific diaspora
- Shiryaeva, Valeria
- Crowdsourcing as a modern management technology used by government, business and society in the context of new industrialization
- Shkolnikova, Marina
- Sociological Information as a Strategic Resource for New Industrialization of Food Production
- Shoppert, Ksenia
- Industrialization as a factor of external conjuncture and internal environment influence on financial stability of non-ferrous metals companies
- Shorikov, A. F.
- Intelligent computer decision support system for optimizing the control of investment analysis and projecting processes in the context of new industrialization
- Shupletsov, Alexander
- Aspects of the functioning of industrial clusters as network economic systems
- Shutro, E. N.
- Development of the theory of complex analysis of the activity of the enterprises of small businesses in the context of new industrialization
- Silin, Yakov
- Modernization Paradigm of New Industrialization Research
- Simonova, Marina
- The development of a forecast model of labour productivity management at industrial enterprises
- Simonova, Viktoriya
- The Network Potential of IT Firms
- Sinchukov, Alexander
- Trends in the development of economic education in the conditions of new industrialization
- Skripnichenko, V.
- Financial and legal mechanisms of newly industrialized mining: Case study of diamond mining sector
- Skvortsov, Egor
- Problems of transformation of social and labour relations in conditions of agriculture robotization
- Skvortsova, Ekaterina
- Problems of transformation of social and labour relations in conditions of agriculture robotization
- Skvortsova, Irina
- Neoindustrial Policy to Stimulate Labor Productivity in the Regions of Russia
- Slepuhina, Julia
- Development of methodological tools assessment of financial stability of enterprise
- Slesarenko, Ekaterina
- Specificity of environmental problems in industrial regions in context of new industrialization and ways to solve them
- Smirnykh, Svetlana
- Neoindustrial Policy to Stimulate Labor Productivity in the Regions of Russia
- Sobina, Nadezhda
- Concept of the сryptoruble market formation in Russia
- Sokolovska, Olena
- Taxation of digital corporations: options for reforms
- Solodukhina, O.I.
- Innovative-oriented neo-industrialization as an imperative to the development of the Russian economy
- Solosichenko, T.Zh.
- Digitalization Process as a Factor Increasing Austrian Competitiveness
- Sopilko, N.Yu.
- Integration potential for technological cooperation of the EAEU countries
- Sosnina, N.G.
- The Organization’s Sales Policy Innovations in Terms of Exhibition Experience within the New Economy Conditions
- Sosnina, Natalya
- Self-learning systems as a new macro-regional level of the productive forces in the process of new industrialization
- Starikov, Yevgeniy
- Smart Manufacturing: essential features and development opportunities in Russia
- Stepanova, Ekaterina V.
- Intersectorial Structure of National Economy: Algorithm for Studying Industrialization Rate
- Stozhko, D.K.
- Managing the innovative educational environment of the university in the context of knowledge economy
- Stozhko, N.Yu.
- Managing the innovative educational environment of the university in the context of knowledge economy
- Streltsova, E. D.
- Economic – mathematical models as basis of the interbudgetary regulation in the formation of the digital economy
- Streltsova, E. D.
- Intellectualization of economic and mathematical tools to support decision - making in the management of public finances in the context of digitalization
- Sukhanova, Elena
- The development of a forecast model of labour productivity management at industrial enterprises
- Surnina, Nadezhda
- Informatization of higher education
- Suvorova, Arina
- Management of a municipality territory development under the new industrialization
- Sycheva-Peredero, Olga
- Macroregional Modifications of the Spatial Structure of GRP in the Context of Newly Industrialized Economy
- Sysoeva, T.L
- The Organization’s Sales Policy Innovations in Terms of Exhibition Experience within the New Economy Conditions
- Tabakov, A.N.
- New industrialization: spatial factors of regional economic rise
- Tagirova, Aset
- Innovative activity development of social entrepreneurs
- Tarasov, A. V.
- RCST USUE in the new industrialization: innovation potential
- Tatyannikov, Vasily
- Concept of the сryptoruble market formation in Russia
- Terentieva, Marina
- Fiscal stimulus activity of subjects of the regional economy in the context of the new industrialization
- Teslenko, Irina
- Prospects for digitalization of the Russian economy
- Tikhomirova, A.M.
- Ecological consciousness as a factor in consumer behavior of young people in the context of new industrialization: sociological research experience
- Tikhomirova, Anna
- Re-Industrialization: Spatial and Territorial Aspects (the experience of Sverdlovskaya Oblast)
- Tikhonov, Sergey
- Modern Technologies of Milk Whey Processing in the Conditions of New Techno-Economic Paradigm
- Tikhonov, Sergey
- Neo-industrialization: High Food Processing Technologies in the Sixth Technological Paradigm
- Tikhonova, Anna
- Self-learning systems as a new macro-regional level of the productive forces in the process of new industrialization
- Tikhonova, Natalya
- Neo-industrialization: High Food Processing Technologies in the Sixth Technological Paradigm
- Timacheva, E.V.
- New industrialization: spatial factors of regional economic rise
- Timokhina, G.S.
- Management of internal consumer innovation readiness
- Timoshin, A.
- Dynamic Approach to Monitoring the Competitiveness of Non-Public Engineering Companies in the Region Under New Industrialization
- Titova, V.
- Financial and legal mechanisms of newly industrialized mining: Case study of diamond mining sector
- Titovets, Alisa
- Investment Policy of the Region in the Age of Informatization and New Industrialization (on the Example of Sverdlovsk Region)
- Tkachenko, Irina
- Smart Manufacturing: essential features and development opportunities in Russia
- Tkachenko, Irina
- The Methodology Of Determining Asymmetry Of The Stakeholders’ Income Distribution Within The Industrial Park Structures As An Effective Tool For Strategic Management In The Face Of New Industrialization Challenges
- Tokareva, Guzel
- Use of the mechanism of the priority social and economic development areas in order to accelerate the industrialization of Russian regions
- Tokhiriyon, Boisjoni
- Industrialization issues in the production of specialized products for complex body metabolism support
- Tolstolutsky, Vladimir
- Problems and directions of improvement of legal security of the new industrialization stage in the Russian Federation
- Tonkikh, Natalia
- Evaluation of the strategic priorities of the development of the consumer market of industrial areas in conditions of the new industrialization
- Trotsenko, Oksana
- Public-private partnership as a complex interdisciplinary concept in the conditions of modern industrialization
- Tsarenko, Natalia
- Improving development management of knowledge-intensive production under the new industrialization
- Tsibanova, Natalia
- Aspects of the functioning of industrial clusters as network economic systems
- Turgel, Irina
- Neo-Industrialization as a Priority in Urban Strategic Planning
- Tyulyukin, V. A.
- Intelligent computer decision support system for optimizing the control of investment analysis and projecting processes in the context of new industrialization
- Ugarova, Galina
- The impact of industrialization on approaches to optimizing labor costs
- Ulyanova, Elizaveta
- Neo-Industrialization as a Priority in Urban Strategic Planning
- Urasova, A.A.
- Elements of the new industrialization in the regional industrial complex
- Ushakova, Tatyana
- The impact of new industrialization on the quality of life of the population of the Arctic territories
- Vankevich, Alena
- HR-Departments of Organizations: Scope of Activity and Prospects in the conditions of new industrialization
- Varkova, Natalia
- Improving the Company's Capital Model in the Context of Production Modernization as a Factor in the Sustainability of an Industrial Enterprise
- Vedrova, Darya
- Development profitability classification of mineral deposits for mining industry
- Veretyokhin, Andrey
- Improving development management of knowledge-intensive production under the new industrialization
- Vershinina, A.V.
- Problems of Projects Assessment in Terms of New Industrialization of Russia
- Vidrevch, Marina
- Higher education in the XXI century Russia: an imperative of reindustrialization
- Viktorov, Oleg
- The economic component of labor migration in a megacity in the conditions of new industrialization
- Vinogradova, E.Yu
- Implementation of corporate information system at the companies of knowledge-intensive activities