Proceedings of the 4th Progressive and Fun Education International Conference (PFEIC 2019)

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24 articles
Proceedings Article

Applying The Twenty First Century Skills (4c Skills) in Present Classroom Instructions

The teacher’s skill in developing good and successful classroom learning has been high attention for the government for years. Several government decrees are issued to make standardized classroom learning to get the maximum achievement; among others, PP No 44 2015 on SNPT, Permendikbud No 022 2016...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Women’s Image on Newspaper Advertisement in Japanese Colonial Era: A Historical Multi-Modality Study

Arifin Suryo Nugroho, Saefurrohman
This research was aimed to know what did Japanese colonial perspective of Indonesian women, the involvement of Indonesian women in public especially in Japanese colonial press, and also to know Indonesian women’s important on newspaper advertisement in Japanese Colonial. This research was using some...
Proceedings Article

Literacy Movement Read Al-Quran through Habits of Reading Fifteen Minutes every day

The content of multicultural education in curricula in Elementary School or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah is an integral part of strengthening character education, one of which is religious attitudes which are part of the superiority of religiously labeled Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. One of the excellent programs offered...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge Exploration Study of Muhammadiyah School Students about Urban Heat Island Threats in Surakarta City

Siti Azizah Susilawati, Farah Maytasari, Ayu Sekartaji
This study aims to determine the knowledge of school students on the threat of Urban Heat Island (UHI) in Surakarta City. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach with survey methods and image interpretation. This study aims to determine the threat of UHI in Surakarta through image interpretation...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative Learning Training Through CSCL Approach (Commputer Supported Collaborative Learning)

Gusman Lesmana, Lahmuddin
This paper is made with the intention of knowing the effectiveness of collaborative learning that is applied using the CSCL method in learning. This is done to find out how much the contribution of computer use in collaborative learning. The main focus is how subject teachers utilize computer learning...
Proceedings Article

Engrafting Character-Building Education through Extra-Curricular Activities for Kindergarten Students in TK Aisiyah Busthanul Athfal (ABA) Banjarmasin

Dina Rafidiyah, Sri Normuliani, Arif Ganda Nugroho
Character-building education is related to character components that contain behavioral values to develop in stages at an early age until higher education. The connection between knowledge of behavioral values with attitudes or emotions. To implement them, it must start at an early age. The government...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Visual 3D Media and Graphics Media for Design Machine Models

Diplan, Chandra Anugrah Putra
Quality education requires qualified and capable educators to play a professional role in school and community settings. In line with this, the teacher's competence demands also adjust to these developments. Teachers are not only able to deliver the subject matter, but the teacher must also be able to...
Proceedings Article

Child-Friendly Education Program In Elementary School Toward Traditional Games

Fikriyah, Widia Nur Jannah
Sekolah Ramah Anak (SRA) or child-friendly school (CFS) is a formal, non-formal, and informal education which will guarantee, fulfill and respect children's rights and protect children from violence and discrimination. CFS attempts to realize the fulfillment of children’s rights and protection for 8...
Proceedings Article

Antropometri Factors Determinants of Pencak Silat Tanding Category

Muhad Fatoni, Haris Nugroho, Nur Subekti
The purpose of this study was to determine the anthropometric factors that determine the skills of the tanding category of pencak silat. This study uses a correlational method, with a confirmatory factor analysis design that confirms the relationship of indicator variables with latent variables that...
Proceedings Article

Dominant Physical Factor Determinant to Play Football

Nurhidayat, Eko Surdarmanto, Rony Syaifullah, Agam Akhmad Syaukani
There is an important physical condition for football’s athlete. It determine the athlete performance on field. This research goal is to identify the dominant physical factor determinant to play football. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The subjects of this reserach were 125 football...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study of Reasoning Capability and Mathematical Understanding of Student between Application of Open Ended Approches and Expository Approches and Relatioan to student Early Capablities

Nur Afifah
The problem in research is the low reoning ability and mathematical unnderstanding of students is the lecturer-centered learning outcomes. Change in the learning process into student-centerd learning must be done, one of wich is learning that applies the Open-Ended approach. This research is aimed to...
Proceedings Article

Counseling Guidance Module to Prevent Students' Hedonism Lifestyle Attitude

Muhammad Fauzi Hasibuan, Deliati, Ismail Hanif Batubara
This study aims to formulate the feasibility of the counseling guidance module to prevent student’s hedonism lifestyle attitude and also the use of counseling by counseling teachers / counselors in senior high school. This research method uses the ADDIE model. The subject of the research trial consisted...
Proceedings Article

The Teachers' Challenges in Applying Information and Communication Technology as English Teaching Media

This study aims to: 1) describe the factors that support the success of implementing Internet information technology in schools, and 2) describe the challenges of teachers in using the Internet as teaching media in schools. This research was conducted using qualitative methods that use observation and...
Proceedings Article

Argumentative Speak Ability in Oral Assessment for Students In Indonesian Language Education Study Profgram at Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto 2010

Eko Suroso, Sumarlam, Muhammad Rohmadi, Sumawati
The phenomenon that occurs among PBSI college student is that there are many students who are not skilled at speaking argumentatively. There are four abilities that must be done by someone so that the conversation's him argumentative, namely the ability to make opinions, compose evidence, reason, and...
Proceedings Article

Morphological and Anatomical Characteristic Kinship of Faloak Plant (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) as Learning Source for Morphology and Anatomy of Plant Course Based on Local Natural Resources

Asmiati, Nurdiyah Lestari, Uslan
This study aims to determine the morphological and anatomical characteristic kinship of faloak plant (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) growing in Kupang Regency as learning source for morphology and anatomy of plant course based on local natural resources. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Biology...
Proceedings Article

Muhammadiyah's Islamic Propagation Strategy in Response to The External Challenges of Islam (Christianization): The Social-Historical Lessons Learned From The Case of Immanuel Christian Hospital Ever Been Established in Bukittinggi

Islamic propagation development in Muhammadiyah plays important role in realizing the mission of Islamic movement. This research discusses on how Muhammadiyah’s Islamic propagation strategy in response to the external challenges of Islam (Christianization), the social-historical lessons learned from...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Mind Mapping Learning Model with Picture Media for the Theme of the Beauty of Togetherness Grade IV Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Fitrah Oesapa, Kupang

Sunimbar, Farid Fauzi Almu
Mind mapping is one of the learning models that learns the concept or technique of remembering things with the help of mind mapping (learning techniques using mind maps, recording learning material as outlined in diagrams containing interconnected symbols, codes, pictures and colors) so that the two...
Proceedings Article

Ability to Writing Text Fable Learning Using Discovery Learning

Oktavia Lestari Pasaribu
This research aims to investigate the use of methods of learning Discovery learning in the ability to write text fable story. The method of teaching is a knowledge of the ways of teaching that is used by a teacher or instruction and how to convey the subject matter to the students for each subject or...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Physical Sport Games Learning Method On Students English Ability

Bachtiar, Arsyi Rizqia Amalia
The background of this study is the results of learning English of physical education department (PJKR) students which achieved the lowest score in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi (FKIP UMMI). In general, students will be happy if the learning activity carry...
Proceedings Article

Enhancement Self Efficacy with Counseling Services Technical Self Management to Convicted Criminal in Jail Class II B Labuhan Deli 2018

Sri Ngayomi Yudha Wastuti, Gusman Lesmana
Prisoners have considered themselves to be a group that is considered dangerous and who consider themselves to have a large disability and are considered low in society. Therefore, there needs to be an effort to improve the prisoners' self-efficacy to improve their motivation in interacting and interacting...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study of Indonesian Language Skill Between PGSD and PJKR Students at STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung

Asyraf Suryadin, Sasih Karnita Arafatun
The purpose of this research is to describe the Indonesian language skill at STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung students. In particular, the purpose of this research to compare Indonesian language skills between PGSD and PJKR students at STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung based on the results of the...
Proceedings Article

Science Literacy in Prospective Elementary School Teachers Through Science Technologu Literacy Learning

Sistiana Windyariani, Rizqia Arsyi Amalia
The PISA report on science literacy skills in 2015 shows the position of Indonesian students in the 61st rank of 69 participating countries. Eventhough it has increased from its previous achievements in 2012, but Indonesian students are still lagging behind other students, especially in Southeast Asia....
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Teachers Personal Character Toward The Teachers’ Performance And Work Productivity In The Organization

Tri Yuni Hendrowati
The teacher personal character is how the teacher behave and act that can influence the teacher’s performance and work productivity in the school organization. Since the teacher’s duty is not only teaching but also educating the students. The aim of this research is to know the influence of teacher’s...
Proceedings Article

Engaging EFL Learner in Explainer Video for Creative Writing

Erwin Akib, Eny Syatriana
This study investigated the effect of Explainer Video as a media for EFL students of Muhammadiyah University to improve writing ability. However, few of these studies have examined how students respond to the effect of explainer video. In order to broaden the writing skill trough explainer video, this...