Proceedings of the 7th Regional Accounting Conference (KRA 2020)

119 authors
Ajuna, Luqmanul Hakiem
The Consumer Behavior Among Muslim Millennials in Buying Sharia Stock in the City of Kudus
Alhaleh, Shadi Emad A.
The Challenges and Prospect of Qualitative Research in Accounting
Alhaleh, Shadi Emad Areef
Research on E-banking Functionality and Technology Empowerment in Palestine: An Empirical Investigation
Anggraeni, Elvia
Determinants Intellectual Capital of Banking Companies in Indonesia
Anugrahani, Inanda Shinta
What Went Wrong? Feeling Like a Fraud
Aprillia, Windha
The Dark Triad and Ethical Behavior
The Practice of Disclosing Sustainability Reports on Bank Performance: Maqashid Shariah Perspective
Armin, Rini
Identification of Corporate Value Through the Good Corporate Governance Mechanism
Astuti, Dwi Puji
Effectiveness of Accounting E-Book Oriented to Problem-Based Learning Model
Aviana, Noer
The Role of New Public Management (NPM) on the Relation of Government Internal Control System (SPIP) With Public Organizational Performance
Ayuningtyas, Karina
Education and Training as an Effort in Increasing Teacher’s Competence and the Impact Towards Learning Achievement
Aziz, Shihha Fawziya
The Meaning of Village Fund Management for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Building A Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility Conceptual Model Based on Harmonic Cosmological Philosophy and Priest Heliocentric Al Ghazali
Cahya, Bayu Tri
The Consumer Behavior Among Muslim Millennials in Buying Sharia Stock in the City of Kudus
Damayanti, Damita
The Effect of Local Own Income and Transfer Funds on Fiscal Independence with Capital Expenditures as an Intervening Variable
Effendi, Bahtiar
The Impact of Environmental Performance on Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesia
Ermayda, Ria Zulkha
Facilitating Soft Skills Development of Higher Education Graduate Through Alumni Involvement
Fauzan, Slamet
Effectiveness of Accounting E-Book Oriented to Problem-Based Learning Model
Fauzan, Slamet
Education and Training as an Effort in Increasing Teacher’s Competence and the Impact Towards Learning Achievement
Fauzan, Slamet
The Influence of Transformational Leadership in Moderating Job Satisfaction and Intrinsic Motivation on Teachers’ Task Performance
Fauzan, Slamet
The Professionalism of Accounting Teachers: Responding to the Rapid Change in the New Education Era
Febriansyah, Angky
Vocational Reforms Increasing Graduates Absorption in the Industry World
Fikrianoor, Kahfi
Religiosity and Experience Encourage Student Intention to Become Entrepreneur
Firmansyah, Rizky
The Meaning of Village Fund Management for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Firmansyah, Rizky
Madep Manteb Manetep Value-Based Village Budgeting in Malang Regency
Ganinda, Faishal Prahatma
Religiosity and Experience Encourage Student Intention to Become Entrepreneur
Hamzah, Ardi
Determinants Intellectual Capital of Banking Companies in Indonesia
Handayati, Puji
The Meaning of Village Fund Management for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Handayati, Puji
The Challenges and Prospect of Qualitative Research in Accounting
Handayati, Puji
Research on E-banking Functionality and Technology Empowerment in Palestine: An Empirical Investigation
Hansel, Martin
The Announcement of an Increase in Cigarette Excise Rates and Its Implication Towards Indonesia Capital Market
Harahap, Ridoni Fardeni
Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) Effect on Earnings Management
Hardianto, Ade Manggala
Building A Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility Conceptual Model Based on Harmonic Cosmological Philosophy and Priest Heliocentric Al Ghazali
Hayati, Nur
The Role of New Public Management (NPM) on the Relation of Government Internal Control System (SPIP) With Public Organizational Performance
Hermawan, Sigit
Can the Internal Locus of Control as a Moderating Variables on the Effect of Three Intelligence on Financial Accounting Understanding?
Hidayatulloh, Amir
Religiosity and Experience Encourage Student Intention to Become Entrepreneur
Ika, Siti Rochmah
Political Connection, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value: Indonesian Evidence
Juliardi, Dodik
The Effects of Machiavellian, Equity Sensitivity, and Ethical Sensitivity on the Accounting Students’ Ethical Perceptions in Perceiving the Accountants’ Ethics
Effectiveness of Accounting E-Book Oriented to Problem-Based Learning Model
Khafit, Abdul
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): Measurement of E-Learning Used By Accounting Students of State University of Malang
Khanida, Marisha
Identification of Corporate Value Through the Good Corporate Governance Mechanism
Khusna, Nafisatul
The Influence of Capital City Redeployment’s Announcement on Abnormal Return and Trading Volume Activity of the LQ-45 Companies
Komala, Adeh Ratna
Vocational Reforms Increasing Graduates Absorption in the Industry World
Kristianti, Ika
Can Accounting Practices, Interests, and Motivations Increase Work Readiness for Prospective Accountants?
Laily, Maskartika Rahmatul
Madep Manteb Manetep Value-Based Village Budgeting in Malang Regency
Lasdi, Lodovicus
Effect of Diversification Strategy, Directors Compensation, Managerial Ownership and Company Sizes on Company Performance
Latifah, Sri Wahjuni
The Effect of Earning Management on Firm Value and Good Corporate Governance as a Moderating Variable
Lestari, Heni Dwi
The Effect of Green Accounting Implementation on the Value of Mining and Agricultural Companies in Indonesia
Lukum, Amir
Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance Before and After Acquisition
Made, Anwar
The Effect of Local Own Income and Transfer Funds on Fiscal Independence with Capital Expenditures as an Intervening Variable
Maharani, Satia Nur
Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) Effect on Earnings Management
Maharani, Satia Nur
The Dark Triad and Ethical Behavior
Maharani, Satia Nur
The Practice of Disclosing Sustainability Reports on Bank Performance: Maqashid Shariah Perspective
Maharani, Satia Nur
Research Paradigm on Grounded Theory Method for Accounting Research: Filtering All Sensory Input
Effect of the Application of North Malang Service Application (APEL MALANG) and Tax Service Quality on Taxpayer’s Compliance
The Effect of Political Relation on Firm Value at Manufacturing Companies
Mariyah, Siti
Accounting Students and Business Ethics Perception
Mariyah, Siti
The Influence of Transformational Leadership in Moderating Job Satisfaction and Intrinsic Motivation on Teachers’ Task Performance
Marpaung, Muslim
The Consumer Behavior Among Muslim Millennials in Buying Sharia Stock in the City of Kudus
Mudrikah, Saringatun
Effectiveness of Accounting E-Book Oriented to Problem-Based Learning Model
Muhammad, Erfan
Determinants Intellectual Capital of Banking Companies in Indonesia
Nadifa, Farah
The Consumer Behavior Among Muslim Millennials in Buying Sharia Stock in the City of Kudus
Nadilla, Irodatun
The Effects of Machiavellian, Equity Sensitivity, and Ethical Sensitivity on the Accounting Students’ Ethical Perceptions in Perceiving the Accountants’ Ethics
Nagari, Salma Faundria
Can Accounting Practices, Interests, and Motivations Increase Work Readiness for Prospective Accountants?
Nanda, Hanjar Ikrima
Facilitating Soft Skills Development of Higher Education Graduate Through Alumni Involvement
Nazamuddin, Hamid
The Effect of Company Size, Company Performance and Exposure to Media Exposure Availability of Environmental Information
Nirwana, Nihlatul Qudus Sukma
Can the Internal Locus of Control as a Moderating Variables on the Effect of Three Intelligence on Financial Accounting Understanding?
Novitasari, Fina
The Effect of Earning Management on Firm Value and Good Corporate Governance as a Moderating Variable
Nugroho, Agung Dwi
Religiosity and Experience Encourage Student Intention to Become Entrepreneur
Nugroho, Joko P
Political Connection, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value: Indonesian Evidence
Nugroho, Tatas Ridho
Identification of Corporate Value Through the Good Corporate Governance Mechanism
Pamungkas, Surya Seno
Can Accounting Practices, Interests, and Motivations Increase Work Readiness for Prospective Accountants?
Pangestuty, Aprin Diah
Effect of the Application of North Malang Service Application (APEL MALANG) and Tax Service Quality on Taxpayer’s Compliance
Prajogo, Tabita
The Announcement of an Increase in Cigarette Excise Rates and Its Implication Towards Indonesia Capital Market
Prakoso, Dwi Hantoro
Accounting Students and Business Ethics Perception
Determinants Intellectual Capital of Banking Companies in Indonesia
Purnamasari, Fitri
Madep Manteb Manetep Value-Based Village Budgeting in Malang Regency
Purwaningsih, Vela
Can the Internal Locus of Control as a Moderating Variables on the Effect of Three Intelligence on Financial Accounting Understanding?
Puspaningtyas, Miranti
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): Measurement of E-Learning Used By Accounting Students of State University of Malang
Putri, Dhika Maha
Facilitating Soft Skills Development of Higher Education Graduate Through Alumni Involvement
Putri, Dhika Maha
The Professionalism of Accounting Teachers: Responding to the Rapid Change in the New Education Era
Putri, Sheila Febriani
Accounting Students and Business Ethics Perception
Putri, Sheila Febriani
Facilitating Soft Skills Development of Higher Education Graduate Through Alumni Involvement
Putri, Wika Harisa
Political Connection, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value: Indonesian Evidence
Rachmanti, Zulkarizki
Political Connection, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value: Indonesian Evidence
Ramadina, Baiq Tesya
Analysis of Financial Management in Rahayu Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) Montong Gamang Village Central Lombok Regency
Rasuli, La Ode
Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance Before and After Acquisition
Restuningdiah, Nurika
The Effect of Green Accounting Implementation on the Value of Mining and Agricultural Companies in Indonesia
Restuningdiah, Nurika
The Influence of Capital City Redeployment’s Announcement on Abnormal Return and Trading Volume Activity of the LQ-45 Companies
Retnasari, Ati
The Effect of Local Own Income and Transfer Funds on Fiscal Independence with Capital Expenditures as an Intervening Variable
Rochayatun, Sulis
Interpreting Qardhul Hasan Between Business and Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility
Rochman, Fatchur
Comparative Analysis of a Financial Performance on Conventional Banks and Sharia Banks in Indonesia
Rohma, Frida Fanani
Determinants Intellectual Capital of Banking Companies in Indonesia
Sari, Lita Permata
Intangible Assets, Research & Development Intensity, and Firm Value with Firm Performance as an Intervening Variable
Sari, Syarifah Ratih Kartika
The Effect of Company Size, Company Performance and Exposure to Media Exposure Availability of Environmental Information
Sayugo, Muchammad Zaky
Interpreting Qardhul Hasan Between Business and Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility
Setiaji, Yongky Teguh
The Influence of Transformational Leadership in Moderating Job Satisfaction and Intrinsic Motivation on Teachers’ Task Performance
Soeherman, Bonnie
Building A Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility Conceptual Model Based on Harmonic Cosmological Philosophy and Priest Heliocentric Al Ghazali
Subaida, Ida
Intangible Assets, Research & Development Intensity, and Firm Value with Firm Performance as an Intervening Variable
Suganda, Tarsisius
The Announcement of an Increase in Cigarette Excise Rates and Its Implication Towards Indonesia Capital Market