Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation (ISCCCA 2013)
633 authors
- Yang, Jiasheng
- Self-alignment algorithm for strapdown inertial navigation system under strong flurry interference
- Yang, Jifeng
- Fuzzy Clustering for Military Decision Analysis with Remote Sensing Information
- Yang, Jinfeng
- Adaptive semi-fragile watermarking based on complete quantization and image contents
- Yang, Jixin
- Study on the Intelligent Recognition Method for the Maturity Grade of Fresh Corn Ear based on Computer Vision
- Yang, Jue
- Design and Implementation of Intelligent Vehicle Control System Based on Camera Sensor
- Yang, Jun
- Research and Design of Beamforming Device of SLC- LSCMA Algorithm Based on FPGA
- Yang, Jun
- Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Encryption and Decryption System Based on SOPC
- Yang, Luan
- Research on the Security Technologies of Power Grid EMS Based On SOA
- Yang, Shifeng
- Research of The Harmful Gas Detection and Control System In Dairy
- Yang, Shifeng
- Electrical Parameter Detecting System of Jordan Refinner Based on Virtual Instrumentation
- Yang, Sihua
- Edge-Magic Total Labellings of Some Network Models
- Yang, Wang
- A New Design of Three-Legged Robot of Mechanical and Control System
- Yang, Xue-peng
- Design and implementation of a large points FFT acceleration unit in multi-processor system based on FPGA
- Yang, Ye
- Electrical Parameter Detecting System of Jordan Refinner Based on Virtual Instrumentation
- Yang, Yu-xiang
- Feature Selection Algorithm for Palm Bio-impedance Spectroscopy based on Immune Clone
- Yang, Yu-xiang
- A kind of ECC - KNN classifier's vehicle identification algorithm
- Yang, Zhongxue
- Design of Web Based Secure Embedded System in C
- Yao, Bing
- On the adjacent vertex distinguishing proper edge colorings of several classes of complete 4-partite and 5-partite graphs
- Yao, Bing
- Edge-Magic Total Labellings of Some Network Models
- Yao, Ming
- Edge-Magic Total Labellings of Some Network Models
- Yao, Qi-guo
- Analysis and Research of Monitoring and Controlling on Greenhouse Environment in Facility Agriculture
- Ye, Chutian
- Research on Vulnerability Detection for Software Based on Taint Analysis
- Ye, Feng
- A Hierarchical Fuzzy-neural Multi-model Applied in Nonlinear Systems Identification and Control
- Ye, Jingqing
- 3D Tree Modeling and Visualization Simulation Based on Fractal
- Ye, Ronghua
- The Petri Net model of the requirements and service composition
- Yin, Huarui
- Performance Evaluation of Finite-Resolution IR-UWB Signal Detection
- Yin, XinChun
- Researchment and Realization Based on Android Database Application Technology
- Yin, Yanbin
- OFDM parameter design of a digital broadcasting system in FM band
- Yu, Shicai
- Research of Sign language synthesis Based on VRML
- Yu, Tong-bin
- Analysis of Microstrip Circuit by Using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Method
- Yu, Tongbin
- A Fast Algorithm for Monostatic RCS based on LU Decomposition
- Yu, Xiang
- Improvement on LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network
- Yu, Yan
- Reserch on Intelligent Tutoring System Model Based on Multi-AGENT In Mobile Environment
- Yu, Yanyan
- Research and Design of Beamforming Device of SLC- LSCMA Algorithm Based on FPGA
- Yu, Yueqing
- A New Design of Three-Legged Robot of Mechanical and Control System
- Yu, Yunxia
- Multicast Address Allocation Based on Interest Constraints
- Yuan, Qin
- The AS' Property and Policy of MANET Structure Tourism Network
- Yuan, Ying
- Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Encryption and Decryption System Based on SOPC
- Yuan, ZhiJun
- Website information extraction based on DOM-model
- Zeng, Bingfang
- Compute Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Brachial Plexus and its Surrounding Tissues by using Chinese Visible Human (CVH) Data Anatomical foundation for brachial plexus entrapment
- Zhai, Guanghui
- Research on the Security of Massive Data Storage
- Zhai, Hui
- The Design and Implementation of Database on Library Management Information System
- Zhai, Hui
- The Design and Implementation of Florist’s Shop Online System Based on J2EE
- Zhai, Rui
- The Design and Implementation of Database on Library Management Information System
- Zhai, Rui
- The Design and Implementation of Florist’s Shop Online System Based on J2EE
- Zhai, Sheng
- Bayesian Networks Application in Multi-State System Reliability Analysis
- Zhang, Changqing
- Compute Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Brachial Plexus and its Surrounding Tissues by using Chinese Visible Human (CVH) Data Anatomical foundation for brachial plexus entrapment
- Zhang, Chuan
- Impact of Indirect Network Effect between Two Sides on the Diffusion and Pricing of Platform
- Zhang, Chunyuan
- Scalable Parallel Motion Estimation on Muti-GPU system
- Zhang, Di
- Design of Deformation Monitoring Terminal System Based on STM32
- Zhang, Di
- One OCDMA PON System with 2D Multi-Length Two-Weight CHPCs
- Zhang, Duo-li
- Design and implementation of a large points FFT acceleration unit in multi-processor system based on FPGA
- Zhang, Fan
- High Performance Data Processing Pipeline Of Chinese Solar Radio Heliograph
- Zhang, Fengwang
- The Research of ARMA Model in CPI Time Series
- Zhang, Fuchun
- Research on Signal "Batch-increasing" Phenomenon of Superheterodyne Reconnaissance Receiver
- Zhang, Ganglin
- Optimal Power Consumption Analysis of Two-level Hierarchical Model and Non-hierarchical Model
- Zhang, Gongjie
- Ontology based Domain Resource Semantic Retrieval Model
- Zhang, Han-dong
- Hydraulic system modeling and motion control of demotion robot’s working equipment
- Zhang, Hongbing
- Multi-parameters Measurement Based on STM32 ARM of Dual-excited Electromagnetic Flow Meter in Partially Filled Pipes
- Zhang, Hongliang
- Research on Signal "Batch-increasing" Phenomenon of Superheterodyne Reconnaissance Receiver
- Zhang, Hongpeng
- Fractal Structures of General Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets Generated From Complex Non-Analytic Iteration Fm(Z)=Zm+c
- Zhang, Hui
- Target Classification Using PAS and Evidence Theory
- Zhang, Jian
- The Comparative Analysis of SVC and STATCOM on Subsynchronous Oscillation Mitigation
- Zhang, Jie
- Construction of Odd-variable Boolean Functions with Optimum Algebraic Immunity
- Zhang, Juan
- A Novel Model-Based Method for Automatic Generation of FMEA
- Zhang, Juan
- Building quotient cube with MapReduce in hadoop
- Zhang, Kai
- Customized MMRF: Efficient Matrix Operations on SIMD Processors
- Zhang, Kena
- A Genetic Algorithm-Based Quasi-Linear Regression Method and Application
- Zhang, Lei
- A Fast Algorithm for Monostatic RCS based on LU Decomposition
- Zhang, Lei
- Analysis of Microstrip Circuit by Using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Method
- Zhang, Manyu
- Application of Performance Motion Capture Technology in Film and Television Performance Animation
- Zhang, Maolei
- Research on the cooperation method of traffic control and route guidance of local area network
- Zhang, Ni
- A survey on smartphone security
- Zhang, Rui-nian
- SIFT Feature Extraction Algorithm for Image in DCT Domain
- Zhang, Songwei
- Design for realizing arbitrary fractional divider based on FPGA which duty cycle is up to 50%
- Zhang, Tai
- Reliability analysis of Structured P2P System
- Zhang, Ting
- Application of Fusioncharts in Web System
- Zhang, Weitong
- A Novel Frequency Locked Loop Based on Stochastic Resonance
- Zhang, Xiaodong
- The Liquid and Plastic Limit Data Treated System Based on VC++
- Zhang, Xiaowei
- AlNGaN HEMT T- gate Optimal Design
- Zhang, Xiaoyong
- Clock Compensation Strategy in Train Ethernet
- Zhang, Xing
- Active Defense Security Model in the Application of Network Deception System Design
- Zhang, Xuemin
- A Relation Oriented System Analysis Method
- Zhang, Xuemin
- Research on Command&Control Simulation System Architecture
- Zhang, Xueping
- A Probabilistic based Redundancy Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network
- Zhang, Xuewu
- Signal recognition basing on optical fiber vibration sensor
- Zhang, Xuewu
- A novel method of Visual Attention for Targets Detection
- Zhang, Yanling
- Structure-based pharmacophore models generation and Combinatorial Screening of ICE Inhibitors
- Zhang, YiChong
- Website information extraction based on DOM-model
- Zhang, Yijun
- Research on the Security Technologies of Power Grid EMS Based On SOA
- Zhang, Yongliang
- Technical and Economic Analysis on Renewal of Shipborne Measurement and Communication Equipments
- Zhang, Yongmei
- An Analysis on the Application of P2P in Network
- Zhang, Yudong
- Analysis and Implementation of Raptor Codes for Video Multicast
- Zhang, Yuhan
- Design and Application of a Policy-driven Interactive Security Model
- Zhang, Yuhan
- Design and Application of a Network Security Model
- Zhang, Zhichao
- Construction of Odd-variable Boolean Functions with Optimum Algebraic Immunity
- Zhang, Zhuo
- Signal recognition basing on optical fiber vibration sensor
- Zhang, Zhuo
- A novel method of Visual Attention for Targets Detection
- Zhao, Cheng
- Design for realizing arbitrary fractional divider based on FPGA which duty cycle is up to 50%
- Zhao, Dan-dan
- The Study of Stage Assessment Scheme of Programming Courses Based on Experiment