Proceedings of the International University Symposium on Humanities and Arts (INUSHARTS 2019)
40 articles
Proceedings Article
The Utilization of an Electronic Archival System to Support Archiving Services Offered by the University of Indonesia
Sofiana Rahmawati, Anon Mirmani
The University of Indonesia’s Archives Office provides direct archiving services but was not able to fulfill user needs because of the immense volume of its archives. Thus, it was difficult to serve user requirements for archived documents. Recent technological developments have facilitated the creation...
Proceedings Article
Hybrid Records Management in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia
Naila Rahma, Nina Mayesti
The rapid development of technology over the past few decades has impacted many different sectors, including records management. This can be seen from the many studies that have been conducted on the topic of electronic records management. This paper focuses on how Indonesia’s Ministry of Maritime Affairs...
Proceedings Article
Managing Knowledge in Creating Archive Access in an Indonesian Records Center
Rizkiana Karmelia Shaura, Ike Iswary Lawanda
This paper investigates the construction of knowledge and knowledge management in the creation of record access in the records center of the Directorate General of Elementary and Secondary Education in the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia. Record officers in this organization have...
Proceedings Article
Sentiment Analysis on Indonesian Political Hoaxes
Aghnia Salsabila, Totok Suhardijanto
Distinguishing between hoaxes and real news from a linguistic perspective requires further identification than can be provided by structural analysis. The study of emotions and sentiments contained in the text is also important, since these can indicate the author’s mental state, rhetorical position,...
Proceedings Article
Video Games as Motivators of English Vocabulary Acquisition and Reading
Audrey Ningtyas, Sonya P. Suganda
The current generation of students is keen on playing video games across platforms such as smartphones, personal computers, or other devices. Teachers could take advantage of their enthusiasm for gaming by integrating learning with games played in the classroom or at home. Most students in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Are French Teachers Passionate About Their Profession?
Salman Al Farisi, Sisilia Setiawati Halimi
This study discusses the passion exhibited by instructors teaching French as a foreign language in high schools in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek). In the domain of psychology, passion is deemed to be the pivotal factor for successful classroom learning. Passion is closely...
Proceedings Article
Podcasts? Why Not! – Perceptions of German Language Teachers
Dwi Putri Ningsih, Sonya P. Suganda
Technology and the internet affect the teaching of second/foreign language (L2). Podcasts have emerged as prominent tools for L2 extensive listening exercises. Data from several studies suggest that podcasts can be used in L2 learning to help learners improve their listening and speaking skills and promote...
Proceedings Article
Susan’s Disempowering Portrayal in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and its Source Text
Eddline Kusuma Andani, Dhita Hapsarani
Films are often motivated to correct social anomalies, and some recent movies have sought to empower women through the depiction of strong, foregrounded female characters whose voices and actions would otherwise fade into the background. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) [1] is a film adaptation...
Proceedings Article
Men of the Troops: The Construction of Masculinity in the Contemporary Hollywood War Movie The Yellow Birds (2017)
Destia Nur Arafah, Bayu Kristianto
Various studies have noted a recent shift in the representation of masculinity in war movies, in which the image of the traditional, ideal masculine soldier has gradually been replaced by a more feminine image. One recent war film, The Yellow Birds (2017), challenges the notion of hegemonic military...
Proceedings Article
The Supernatural Woman and Wartime Female Agency in The Foreshadowing (2006)
Anindita Larasati, Dhita Hapsarani
Female characters in patriarchal settings must often navigate through society using their own agency. One form of power with which they are sometimes endowed is supernatural power. The Foreshadowing (2006) is a children’s novel set in England and France during World War I. Unlike most war-themed children’s...
Proceedings Article
An Examination of Masculinity as the Cause of Domestic Violence in Big Little Lies
Shasti Salsabila, Marti Fauziah Ariastuti
The recent HBO series Big Little Lies has received much popular and critical acclaim for its exploration of several socially relevant themes including domestic violence. Achieving a nuanced portrayal of domestic violence, this television series grapples with the complex issue but does not quite expose...
Proceedings Article
Representation and Deconstruction of Gender Constructs in David Levithan’s Every Day (2012)
Almasafira Nurarafah, Adriana Rahajeng Mintarsih
David Levithan is renowned as an author who does not portray stereotypical LGBTQ characters in his novels. His 2012 novel, Every Day, presents one such gender non-conforming protagonist. The novel’s plot revolves around a genderless and unembodied spirit who travels from one body to another every day....
Proceedings Article
Female Empowerment and Femininity in Barbie’s “You Can Be Anything” YouTube Channel Campaign
Alyssa Melita Rahmat, Shuri Mariasih Gietty Tambunan
The famous Barbie doll is stereotypically perceived with negativity because of its unrealistic representation of the female appearance and standards of beauty. Thus, Mattel created a new campaign titled You Can Be Anything (YCBA) to encourage young girls to be ambitious and aim toward their aspirational...
Proceedings Article
The Social Fear of Female Subjectivity and Disney’s Liliths
Ken Rahmalia Masjhur, Inditian Latifa
The extant scholarly discourse on female Disney villains has often asserted the non-feminine identities of these fictional women. The female antagonists of the Disney fairy tales are generally assumed to display qualities that are believed to be too masculine. The term subjectivity is utilized in this...
Proceedings Article
The Simplification Domestic Violence in Colleen Hoover’s It Ends with Us (2016)
Winda Dwiastuti, Harumi Manik Ayu Yamin
Many popular culture genres have tried to address the issue of domestic violence, attempting to raise awareness, and empower people who experience violence in their relationships. However, domestic violence is a complex issue and is often misrepresented. Thus, critical appraisals of how popular cultural...
Proceedings Article
Anachrony in Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita: A Study of the Novel’s Narrative Tense Arrangement
Alsyifa Rifka Sabarini, Thera Widyastuti
This article represents a critical reading of the arrangement of the narrative tense in the storytelling of Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita (1955) [1]. Gérard Genette’s [2] concept of narratology as a structuralist approach to literary criticism forms the theoretical grounding for this analysis. The study...
Proceedings Article
Understanding Grief and Symbolism in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Galih Bramantyo, Marti Fauziah Ariastuti
Grief is an intense feeling of loss. Studies on grief have often taken gender and psychological perspectives. This investigation adds to this extant body of literature, specifically scrutinizing the reactions of the characters in the movie Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) [1] to grief....
Proceedings Article
The Main Character’s Construction and the Critique of Capitalism in the Film Deux Jours, Une Nuit
Muhammad Evan Alwin, Joesana Tjahjani
The economic crisis that hit Europe in 2008 had a significant impact on the industrial sector, especially among the working class. The effects of this particular crisis have been depicted in many literary works such as writings, films, and music. Thus, the present article analyzes the main character’s...
Proceedings Article
The Nasakom Ideology in the Short Stories of Varia Magazine
Syifa Hanifah, Mamlahatun Buduroh
The concept of Nasakom was one of the most important pillars of Indonesian president Soekarno’s Guided Democracy in 1965. Fundamentally, Nasakom is an attempt to merge three major ideologies: (1) nationalism as an attitude of defense and love for the state, (2) religion as an attitude of trust in God,...
Proceedings Article
A Discourse Analysis on Logan Paul’s Apologies: Are They Apologetic Enough?
Poppy Amalia Binraya, Yasmine Anabel Panjaitan
In a world full of Internet sensations and Internet scandals, a famous YouTuber named Logan Paul raised to fame by bringing one of the biggest Internet controversies in the beginning of 2018, which was the filming of a dead body in the Japanese Suicide Forest. Although he later apologized for his mistakes,...
Proceedings Article
Singaporean Identity Through Singaporean Eyes: A Cultural Study of the Instagram Account Humans of Singapore
Balqis Az Zahra, Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih
Singapore has always been a hot spot for studies of multiracialism. Singapore’s multiculturalism is so significant to the city that multiculturalism is the bedrock of government rules and policies defining what it is to be a Singaporean. However, cultural studies of representations of multiracialism...
Proceedings Article
The Framing of Russian Military Involvement in the Syrian Civil War on Sputnik Media
Khairuni Cesario, Reynaldo de Archellie
The legitimacy of a country’s foreign policy is often determined by how the media report on the country’s political activity outside that country. The country’s involvement in a conflict or war and the reason for engaging needs to be communicated to the public globally with a media-framing strategically....
Proceedings Article
The Rise of English Among K-Pop Idols: Language Varieties in The Immigration
Andita Dyah Octaviani, Harumi Manik Ayu Yamin
Well known worldwide, K-Pop idols are expected to maintain their fame by speaking in English to promote themselves to international viewers. The idea that K-Pop idols ought to speak English is even emphasized by the host of a variety show called The Immigration, aired on K-Style TV. The host has stated...
Proceedings Article
Life in“Downton”: The Representation of Edwardian Social Hierarchies in Downton Abbey (2010)
Novia Magda Imanuella Tambunan, Junaidi
The Edwardian Era (1901–1914) represents a period of extreme socio-economic inequality in Britain. The upper-class invested its financial resources on land and built luxurious estates with large country houses; the lower-class struggled to survive. More than one million people in Edwardian England were...
Proceedings Article
Cyber Literature: Wattpad and Webnovel as Generation Z Reading in the Digital World
M. Yoesoef
The convergence of digital technology and information in the 4.0 revolution industry has given birth to a generation who grew up with devices, including both smartphones and computer devices (desktops, laptops). Well versed in the intricacies of social media, digital applications, and platforms, Generation...
Proceedings Article
Minorities in the Lead: Collectivism and Self-Personalization in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Political Campaign Videos
Gita Ayu Maharani, Shuri Mariasih Gietty Tambunan
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a representative of the 14th Congressional District for New York State in the United States, uses YouTube to share her political statements and to bolster her election campaign. These videos are tools to not only attract voters but also to brand and construct her identity as...
Proceedings Article
Reading Human Rights Through Emmanuel Levinas’s Theory of Ethics and Existentialism
Sulfiah, James Farlow Mendrofa
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as UDHR) is meant to guarantee equal rights for everyone, including women and minorities. While the UDHR stipulates protection from racial discrimination and other issues of social inequality, human rights violations are found everywhere....
Proceedings Article
Mise-en-Scène Analysis on Heteronormativity in Queer Narrative “San Junipero” from Black Mirror
Dominick Wulandhani, Andika Wijaya
As one of the most interesting episodes from the famous sci-fi British TV series Black Mirror, “San Junipero” warrants analysis, specifically from the perspective of science and technology. Nevertheless, gender and LGBT issues have not commonly been explored in sci-fi content like Black Mirror. Through...
Proceedings Article
The Construction of Meghan Markle’s Identity as a Biracial Woman in Media Reports
Maghfirah Fitrianur Ardifa, Harumi Manik Ayu Yamin
The construction of Meghan Markle’s identity as a biracial woman can be represented through the reports on the British royal wedding in 2018 in some UK and US media outlets. However, the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle became a controversy since Harry was the only royal family member to marry...
Proceedings Article
Racism and Stereotyping of Refugees: The Use of the Hashtag #Aufschrei by Twitter Users in Germany
Nandita Adilfi Eti Riyadi, Maria Regina Widhiasti
This article analyzes the use of the hashtag #Aufschrei from the end of February to the end of March 2019. On January 25, 2013 Anne Wizorek, a German feminist, initiated the idea of encouraging German women to use the hashtag #Aufschrei to express their personal experiences of sexism and harassment,...
Proceedings Article
The Collective Memories of the Famine in 1977: Indonesia’s Policy on Disaster Management in the Karawang Regency
Bunga Rosalina, Susanto Zuhdi
In 1977, the people of the Pedes District in the Karawang Regency of West Java, Indonesia, experienced a severe famine, due to the crop failures in every agricultural area over three consecutive seasons. Although this famine occurred more than 42 years ago, the memories still linger among those who were...
Proceedings Article
Gugon Tuhon Table Manners as a Medium of Cross-Generation Cultural Transfer
Rr. Ratna Budi Andari, Widhyasmaramurti
Gugon tuhon is a teaching on behaviors built upon the local wisdom of the Javanese culture. Gugon tuhon is expressed orally through prohibitions, instructions, and advice. In general, gugon tuhon is communicated by mothers to their children [1], meaning that mothers have a role in cross-generation cultural...
Proceedings Article
The Authenticity of Death: A Study of Tillich Existentialism in Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s The Funeral Party
Rekha Nur Alisha, Thera Widyastuti
While the majority of people regard death as a frightening event, human beings evince a remarkable variety in the ways in which they confront and tackle death. Human reactions to death can range from being terrified to welcoming. This article explores how the protagonist in Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s novel,...
Proceedings Article
On Being and Becoming the “Ideal” Muslim Women: Girlhood Narratives of Young “Indonesian Muslims in Pesantren
Sovia Nur Khalida, Herlin Putri Indah Destari
This research aims to explore how female students of Pondok Pesantren Kebon Jambu Al Islamy, Cirebon, form their identity through their girlhood experiences. Their experiences are analyzed through construction narratives ranging from social and communal to personal narratives. Using the concepts of narrative...
Proceedings Article
Javanese Noble and the Misuse of Mosque Cash, 1890–1942
Endi Aulia Garadian, Susanto Zuhdi
To avoid misuse and corruption spreading even more contagiously among government officials, the Dutch East Indies administration issued several circulars from 1890–1931. The circulars regulated Javanese nobles (priyayi) in accessing mosque funds (mosque cash, Dutch: moskeekas) unreservedly. However,...
Proceedings Article
Hadhrami Cultural Identity in Bafagih’s Fatimah
Sayidatul Ummah, Christina Suprihatin
Indonesia is a multiethnic country with diverse and rich cultures. The Hadhrami people belong to the second largest minority group who came to Indonesia through diaspora. The Hadhrami people’s assimilation was best facilitated through religion [1]. Another form of assimilation was interracial marriages,...
Proceedings Article
New Insight: Chinese Tombstone Inscription Found in Barrang Lompo’s Ancient Islamic Cemetery
Yadi Mulyadi, Irmawati Marwoto Djohan, Isman Pratama Nasution
Barrang Lompo is an island in the Spermonde archipelago in Makassar, South Sulawesi. As reflected by diverse ancient tombs dating to the 17th century, this island has been inhabited by varied ethnic groups since the reign of the Gowa and Tallo kingdoms. Among the tombs discovered on the island, there...
Proceedings Article
The Sarekat Islam in Surakarta (1912–1915)
Adhytiawan Suharto, Abdurakhman
This article examines the local development of the Sarekat Islam movement in Surakarta, and the influence of local figures on the socioeconomic dynamics of that community, in the period 1912–1915. This occurred in the context of the economic conflict between the Sarekat Islam and the Tionghoa group in...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Priyayi Inside Local Sarekat Islam in the Priangan Residency 1913–1919
Fajar Nur Alam, Abdurakhman
This article discusses the contribution of priyayi in the local Sarekat Islam (SI) in the Priangan residency. The development of SI in Priangan became so phenomenal due to the presence of priyayi, who led the SI movement from the cities to the villages. The merger of priyayi in SI in Priangan became...
Proceedings Article
The Meaning of Embedded Arabic in Japa-Mantra in Banyakan Village, Kediri, East Java
Hawa Intan Malayyana Sari, Widhyasmaramurti
Japa-mantra is an oral tradition used for healing and is oftentimes associated with mystical superstitions. It is a legacy bequeathed to generations in Javanese culture. Based on the infiltration of religions in Indonesia, the japa-mantra people know is, apparently, a bilingual mixture between Javanese...