Proceedings of the International Conference on Social and Politics (ICSP 2023)
40 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Achmad Nurmandi, Eko Priyo Purnomo, Mitja Decman, Hazel D. Jovita, Ching-Fu Hung, Ibrahim Ibrahim, Arif Zainudin, Dyah Mutiarin
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICSP 2023 during 1-4 October2023 in Jambi. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee, and Editor then approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description...
Proceedings Article
Village Digitalization Through the E Office Application in Jati Endah Village, Cilengkrang District, Bandung Regency in 2023
Agus Taryana, Nandang Alamsah Deliarnoor, Utang Suwaryo, Neneng Yani Yuningsih
This research is about Village Digitalization through eoffice Applications in Jati Endah Village, Cilengkrang District, Bandung Regency, West Java Province, it is based on that to realize good governance and clean from KKN practices, then agile (agile) at this time the transformation of services and...
Proceedings Article
Managing of Government Social Media Agency in Indonesia
Ahmad Irfan Fauzi
This study investigates the institutionalization and management of the State Apparatus Social Media Synergy Team (SIMAN Team) in 2017-2019. The SIMAN team, formed by Joko Widodo Government, is responsible for coordinating all government social media institutions in one organizational platform. The institutionalization...
Proceedings Article
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Goals: How the Mining Industry Supports Quality Education in Paser Regency
Ahmad Syahir Idris, Tengku Imam Syaifuddin, Safaranita Nur Effendi, Anwar Alaydrus, Adam Idris, Jauchar B
aser Regency is one of the districts with the largest Gross Regional Domestic Product in the mining sector in East Kalimantan. The mining industry is one sector that has an important role in the economy of Paser Regency. However, this sector also has the potential to have negative impacts on the environment...
Proceedings Article
Institutionalization of Political Linkage for Members of the East Java Regional Legislative Council in Malang RegencyAngga Sukmara Christian Permadi
Ahmad Zaki Fadlur Rohman
This article tries to explain the institutionalization of post-electoral political links. This research is motivated by the case of a member of the East Java DPRD from the Indonesian Democratic Party faction who succeeded in winning legislative elections for two consecutive periods, namely the 2014 and...
Proceedings Article
Jurisdiction Overview of Cyber Troops in Digital Campaigns
Amalia Syauket, Ida Budhiati, Bambang Karsono
Political elites often use paid cyber troops, also known as cybertroops, to manipulate public opinion on social media for their own benefit. These cyber troops emerged and evolved from electoral campaign organizations in Indonesia, ranging from winning teams in presidential elections to regional elections....
Proceedings Article
Defeating Incumbent: The victory of the Pair Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno on TPS 02 Tidung Island
Angga Sukmara Christian Permadi
The DKI Jakarta Regional Election held on February 15, 2017, raised two candidates who will compete in the second round, the incumbent pair Ahok-Djarot and the challenger Anis-Sandi. In the first round, the Ahok-Djarot incumbent was superior to the other two pairs, Anis-Sandi and Agus-Sylvi. Although...
Proceedings Article
Civil Societies and Issues of The Decline of Democracy in Indonesia
Bambang Eka Cahya Widodo, Titin Purwaningsih
There are several indicators from the 2020 Democracy Index, including electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, political culture, and civil liberties. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has passed several laws that do not involve public...
Proceedings Article
Government Village Competency in Realizing Digital Government through Simpeldesa Application in Bandung District
Dede Sri Kartini, Samugyo Ibnu Redjo, Rahman Mulyawan
The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the implementation of digital government through the Simpeldesa application with the dimensions of ability, knowledge, and attitude. Simpeldesa has three functions, namely regarding public services and administration, village community social interaction,...
Proceedings Article
The Significance of New Media in the Pandemic Era of the Covid-19 in Indonesia
Dina Fadiyah, Siti Aisyah, Sapto Setyo Nugroho
This research will discuss about the significance of new media in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit Indonesia since last year has had an impact on all aspects of people's lives. All sectors are required to adapt to this challenging situation, including the new...
Proceedings Article
Land Resource Conflict Resolution Model (Agrarian) Based on Local Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples of Jambi Province
Elita Rahmi, Riri Oktari Ulma, Cholillah Suci Pratiwi, Fitria Fitria
Land conflicts that occurred between PT. The blessing of Sawit Utama (PT. BSU) with the Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) community in Bajubang District, Batanghari Regency, to be precise in Bungku Village, has happened about twenty years ago. But until now, this conflict has not ended. On the basis of this problem,...
Proceedings Article
Generation Z and Cyberspace: The Challenge of Environmental Development in Indonesia
Fadhiilatun Nisaa, Wan Asrida, Wazni Azwar, Ali Yusri, Adlin Adlin
Environmental awareness of Generation Z is interesting to be researching for supporting sustainable development. Generation Z (GenZ) was born between 1997 – 2012, has a character that likes technology, is flexible and tolerant of cultural differences. Generation Z is globally connected and networked...
Proceedings Article
Governance of Sustainable Tourism in Developing Countries: Between Ideality and Reality
Fathur Rahman, Pande Made Kutanegara, Zaenal Bachruddin, Dewi Haryani Susilastuti
Arnessing tourism can be used as a tool to achieve economic growth, rural development, and improved quality of life. However, this hope can be obtained if the governance implements the principles of sustainable tourism. This is because effective governance influences sustainable tourism. This article...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Tamanmartani Kalurahan Community Institution Empowerment Program as an Effort to Increase Community Participation in Overcoming Covid-19
Hanantyo Sri Nugroho, Agustina Rahmawati, Mei Maemunah, Muhammad Zuhdan
This research will examine the empowerment program of community institutions and community participation. This is interesting to study because the act of empowering community institutions is usually only for coaching actions, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, Kalurahan Tamanmartani became...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Instagram's Social Media Marketing Activity Strategy on PT Astra Motor's Selatan Sulawesi Brand Awareness
Ian Bonita, Tuti Bahfiarti, Alem Febri Sonni
In a company that provides a product or service, marketing is very important. Marketing is now no longer done traditionally but has used new media such as the Internet to do advertising. Social media marketing is used by business owners and companies to strengthen brand awareness and increase purchase...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Village Government Performance in Managing Village Finances Through the Village Financial System Progra
Indah Tri Wulandari, Hanantyo Sri Nugroho, Ferri Wicaksono, Ardiyati Ardiyati
This research aims to examine the effectiveness of the performance of the Mireng Village Government, Trucuk District, Klaten Regency in managing village finances. An interesting problem finding for research is maintaining village financial management methods which were previously carried out manually...
Proceedings Article
#tundapemilu2024: Indonesia Twitter Social Activism Movement
Lubis Lubis, Budi Setiyono, Kushandajani Kushandajani, Nur Hidayat Sardini
Welcoming the 2024 elections, social media has become a new battlefield for discussion on the issue of postponing the elections. Its issue is echoed by accounts that reject the plan to postpone the elections. This research used a critical approach to the role of Twitter social media in shaping a social...
Proceedings Article
Bureaucrat’s Political Activities in the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Elections in Indonesia: What They Express on Social Media?
M. Yusuf, Dimas Subekti, Makmun Wahid, Maratun Saadah
The politics-bureaucracy relationship in Indonesia, especially post-reform, has been discussed widely by scholars concerning the non-compliance of bureaucrats to the principle of neutrality. Related to the issue, the development of technology and the emergence of social media as a platform used to show...
Proceedings Article
Stunting Prevention in Collaborative Governance Perspective
M. Y Tiyas Tinov, Isril Isril, Zulfa Harirah, Asiah Wasillah
Stunting prevention is a strategic government program that requires multisectoral cooperation at the center, regions, and villages. Stunting is a priority issue of the Government as evidenced by the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction,...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing Public Services Through Regional Innovation (Case Study of Regional Innovation in Mojokerto City)
Mayuko Galuh Mahardika, Tanazza Zalsabella Firsty
In today's era of globalization, government innovation is becoming increasingly important as the challenges and complexities faced by governments increase. These challenges include issues such as economic uncertainty, climate change, and rapid technological advancements. To overcome these challenges,...
Proceedings Article
Legal Force of Conditional Unconstitutional Verdicts by the Constitutional Court in Decision Number 91/PUU-XVII/2020 Regarding the Omnibus Law on Job Creation
Meri Yarni, Kosariza, Yetniwati, Khofifah Rizki Amanda
The aim of this research is to ascertain and analyze the legal force of conditional unconstitutional verdicts by the Constitutional Court in Decision Number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 concerning the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. The research methodology employed in this paper is juridical-normative, indicating...
Proceedings Article
Contestation Of Economic And Political Interests In Community Mining (Comparative Study Of Jambi Province And Bangka Belitung Province)
Michael Lega, Ibrahim, M. Yusuf, Moh. Arief Rahman, Ranto, Citra Darminto
his research aims to analyze the contestation of economic and political interests in artisanal and small-scale mining in two provinces in Sumatra. Mining activities in both areas have been long established and have significantly increased in number due to their potential to drive economic growth in the...
Proceedings Article
Social Tensions in Mining Areas Through the Hydrosocial Territories Perspective: A Case Study in Sumberagung Village, Banyuwangi
Muhammad Lukman Hakim, Indah Dwi Qurbani, Muhamad Erza Wansyah
This research aims to investigate the social tensions arising from mining activities in Sumberagung Village, Banyuwangi. The focus of this study is on the dynamics of interaction between residents and the village government, as well as the psychological impact of mining conflicts on the residents. The...
Proceedings Article
Election Law Politics In The Perspective of Pancasila Democracy In Indonesia
Nanang Hidayat, Helmi, Zarkasih
In this study, there is a problem with the phenomenon, namely the direct general election system as a political law for general elections in Indonesia is considered to be contrary to the spirit contained in the 4th precept of Pancasila, thus obscuring the characteristics of typical Indonesian democracy,...
Proceedings Article
Challenges of Indonesia Digitalization Government in Disruptive Era
Nita Aribah Hanif, Muhammad Eko Atmojo, Faizatur Rochmah, Muhammad Lukman Hakim, Silviana Wahyu Nur Cahyani Putri
This research is aimed at examining the challenges faced by the Government of Indonesia to digitizing government and public services in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data source for this research comes from secondary data taken from official government...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Government Policies Through Development of Sustainable Apj Rest Area Technology to Improve Socio-Economic Development of Local Communities Around Toll Road Locations in Indonesia
Parbowo Parbowo, Utang Suwaryo, Rahman Mulyawan, Neneng Yani Yuningsih, Neni Kusnianti, Untung Cahyadi
Rest areas are part of non-direct road equipment whose implementation is an obligation of the road operator. The purpose of providing rest areas on toll roads beside to reduce the number of accidents, should also contribute to sustainable regional development through improving the socio-economy of local...
Proceedings Article
Female Candidates and Education. Can Education Issues Make Female Candidates Win?
Ratnaningsih Damayanti
This paper explains the use of education issues by female candidates during the 2019 legislative election campaign in the Batu City DPRD, East Java. Through in-depth interviews and observations of campaigns carried out by female candidates, it was discovered that many female candidates running for regional...
Proceedings Article
Mapping Pivotal Features and Proposed Theoretical Model: Artificial Intelligence in Social Science Discipline
Rifaid Rifaid, Cahya Kuniawa
Political viewpoints on artificial intelligence, particularly in countries adopting A.I. The technical view recognizes the importance of information and communication technology as the driving force behind the times we live in. Research conducted from the point of view of public administration examines...
Proceedings Article
Shift of Criminal Liability in Unauthorized Oil Mining Offenses Towards Realizing The Welfare of the People
Sahuri Lasmadi, Elly Sudarti, Nys. Arfa, Pahlefi Pahlefi
This research has the purpose to: (1) To analyze and evaluate the Concept of Criminal Liability in Unauthorized Oil Mining Offenses in the context of realizing the welfare of the people. (2) To discover that the Norm Shift Regarding the Concept of Criminal Liability in Unauthorized Oil Mining Offenses...
Proceedings Article
Collaborative Governance in Managing Flood Disasters in North Sangatta District, East Kutai District
Saputra Hidayat, Jumansyah Jumansyah, Silviana Purwanti, Budiman Budiman, Muhammad Reza Fahlevy, Tengku Iman Syaifuddin
This research aims to describe how Collaborative Governance is implemented in handling flood disasters in North Sangatta District, East Kutai Regency in 2022. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using a field research approach and using purposive sampling techniques in the data collection...
Proceedings Article
Digital Government: Efforts and Problems in The Realization of Smart Governance
Siti Aisyah, Dedy Juniadi, Daniel Pasaribu, Nong Ayu Triyanti Utami Hakim, Dina Fadiyah
This study aims to analyze the application of digital government that has been implemented in local governments in the context of realizing smart government. The problem in this study is the number of applications that develop in local government but have not shown the efficacy and ease of public access...
Proceedings Article
Sustained Economic Revitalization of Peatlands to Support the Green Economy in Jambi
Suhendri Suhendri, Muhaimin Muhaimin, Hapsa Hapsa
Peat land is a natural resource that has great potential to support the greening of the economy in Jambi. Revitalizing the peatland economy is an important strategy to achieve this, maintain environmental sustainability and, achieve sustainable economic growth. This research aims to examine efforts that...
Proceedings Article
Determinants Of Service Innovation Governance Of “Gampil” In Bantul Regency
Suranto, Habibullah Akhmad, Awang Darumurti
Many innovations in public services have been released despite no greater inclusivity of benefits. Innovation-related governance provides a framework for how innovation can be managed to demonstrate greater benefits. This study aims to identify the determinants that influence the level of governance...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Muslim-Friendly Tourism Policies in Indonesia, Thailand, and Japan
Suswanta, Cici Sundari, Wais Alqarni
This study analyzes comparative Muslim-friendly tourism policies in Indonesia (the case of Bali), Thailand, and Japan. Halal tourism is part of the tourism industry that provides tourist services concerning Islamic rules. Halal tourism is intended for Muslim tourists (Muslim-friendly) but does not rule...
Proceedings Article
Supervision of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Permits Against Environmental Damage
Syamsir Syamsir, Fitria Fitria, Eko Nuriyatman, Cholillah Suci Pratiwi
The authority to supervise mineral and coal mining business permits is exercised by the Minister after the enactment of the new Minerba Law. In terms of conducting supervision, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is assisted by three instruments, namely Mining Inspectors, Government-appointed...
Proceedings Article
Collaborative Governance in Preventing Marriage Problems Among Children in Malang Regency
Tia Subekti, Irma Fitriana Ulfah
Malang District has the highest number of child marriage cases in East Java Province. This can be seen in the data for submitting marriage dispensations in 2022, which reached 1,386 applicants. Child marriage in Malang Regency is caused by cultural and economic factors, and the influence of technological...
Proceedings Article
Model of Institutionalization of PDIP, PKS and Golkar Political Parties in Minimizing Money Politics (Case Study of Mataram City DPC and East Lombok DPC)
Titin Purwaningsih, Tunjung Sulaksono, Rossi Maunofa Widayat, Inka Nusamuda Pratama
The research aims to identify the institutional models of PDIP, PKS, and Golkar in the Mataram City DPC and East Lombok DPC to minimize the practice of money politics and assess the effectiveness of implementing institutional models in each party. This research method uses a qualitative approach based...
Proceedings Article
Space Fits for Children: Perspective of Law and Ethics
Wan Asrida, Ali Yusri, Wazni Azwar, Sofyan Hadi, Fadhiilatun Nisaa, Osi Alpriani
This paper focuses on bureaucratic aspects through a historical institutionalism approach in carrying out government functions, one of which is environmental development for children. Development that is seen focuses more on family development as social capital in Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency....
Proceedings Article
The Collaborative Governance of the Development of the Apar Tourism Village in Pariaman City West Sumatra Province
Yahya Krisnwansyah, Falhan Hakiki, Anisa Noviyalni
This paper aims to explain the collaborative governance of the development of the Apar Tourism Village, Pariaman City, West Sumatra Province. Developing a tourist village requires collaborative governance, Penta Helix in nature. However, to realize an advanced tourism village with pentahelix collaborative...
Proceedings Article
Tourism Policy in the Situation of Public Spatial Conflict in Bintan Regency
Yudhanto Satyagraha Adiputra, Eki Darmawan
Tourism has become an important sector in the development of regional economic corridors in Bintan Regency, Indonesia. This district is famous for its attractive tourism destinations, especially Lagoi Tourism and Kampung Baru. However, this tourism development also faces serious challenges related to...