Proceedings of the International Conference on Maritime and Archipelago (ICoMA 2018)
86 articles
Proceedings Article
Community Structure Of Seagrass In Ketawai Island, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Indonesia
Wahyu Adi, M. Rizza Muftiadi, Okto Supratman, Dwi Rosalina, Fika Dwi Pratiwi, Sudirman Adibrata
The seagrass ecosystem of Ketawai Island has the potential as a shelter, feeding, spawning ground from various aquatic organisms and it has an important role for the coastal and marine environment. The utilization of coastal and Ketawai island as a tourist area becomes a threat to the growth of seagrass...
Proceedings Article
Purification of Silica from Tin Tailing by Acid Leaching Methods
Fitri Afriani, Evi J, Robby Mahardika, Rifqi Rafsanjani, Yuant Tiandho
Tin mining will leave industrial waste in the form of tin tailings. Physically, the main content of tin tailing is sand that can hardly be utilized for agricultural purposes. Tailings contain only a small amount of nutrients and may contain toxic compounds. In this article we developed a method of purifying...
Proceedings Article
The Fishing Gears Traditional of Malik Village, South Bangka Regency
Budi Afriansyah, Nur Hidayati, Tia Pratiwi, Nety Fitrianingsih
Malik village is not a coastal area so fisheries activities are conducted in public waters by using traditional fishing technology. Knowledge of technology catching fish in Malik village regarding traditional fishing gears should be documented to preserve the knowledge as a cultural heritage. Research...
Proceedings Article
Morphometric and Meristic Characters of Selangat Fish (Anodontostoma sp.) from Kelabat Bay and Tukak Strait, Bangka Belitung
Siti Aisyah, Ahmad Syarif
Morphometric and meristic characters are authentic methods for the specimen identification. The study on morphometric and meristic characters in fishes is important for the differentiation of taxonomic units and are able to spot differences between fish population. This study aims to analyze and determine...
Proceedings Article
Spatial Distribution of Mangrove in Kelapan Island, South Bangka Regency
Irma Akhrianti
Mangrove forests are an important coastal renewable resources which were found in the brackish water, estuary, lagoon, and tropical island. These forest provide important ecosystem goods, create the new island in the coastal area and biofilter’s supporting as a place to live, to spawn, to feed and coastal...
Proceedings Article
Oceanography Database Development in Bangka Seas
Indra Ambalika, Irma Akhrianti, Aditya Pamungkas, Mohammad Nugraha, Umroh
Bangka island is the biggest island in Bangka Belitung Province and located between Sumatra and Kalimantan Island. Furthermore, Bangka seas are connecting Natuna sea with Java sea and also become a important part of Indonesia Throughflow. This geographic condition makes Bangka island has a unique oceanography...
Proceedings Article
Bangka’s Tin Sea Sand-Fe3O4 as A Removal of Heavy Metals in By-Product of Tin Ore Processing
Shofi Anfaresi, Intan Putri, Ridho Mulia, Anisa Alfisyahr, Nurul Muzayyanah
An experiment to investigate the adsorbent capacity of tin sand from Bangka Island Indonesia toward the lead/Pb(II) ion in lead aqueous solution either non-modified sand and magnetite-coated sand were studied using adsorption method. The adsorbent was activated with sulfide acid (H2SO4) and showed that...
Proceedings Article
Voluntary Disclosure Practices at University of Bangka Belitung by Using Non Profit Organization Reporting Index
Wenni Anggita, Anggraeni Yunita, Erita Rosalina, Izma Fahria
In the fulfillment of public trust, nonprofit organizations are required to provide information on the source of funds obtained and the use of such funds in a financial statement which will ultimately be assessed the financial performance of nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations and contributors...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Economic Regional Potency in Central Bangka District Province Bangka Belitung Island’s
Mochammad Ashar, Vebtasvili
Economic growth is an indicator of an economic development process undertaken at both national and regional levels. Achieving the success of regional development through economic development must be adjusted to the conditions and potential of each region and required coordinated development planning...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of White Pepper Quality on Petaling 1 and Lampung Daun Kecil (LDK) Varieties at South Bangka
Euis Asriani, Riwan Kusmiadi, Selphi Sari
This The study of pepper quality at South Bangka in Bangka Belitung islands will build a high benefit for many sectors and considerations, primarily on mapping and development of pepper comodity in the future. This research was conducted to study the quality of Petaling 1 and Lampung Daun Kecil (LDK)...
Proceedings Article
Import of Salt: Needs or Interest
Retno Astuti, Desti Qurniawati, Kismartini
Salt is an important commodity in the life of a country including Indonesia. Indonesian salt production has not met the needs, so the government issued import policies as stated in the Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 125 / M-DAG / PER / 12/2015 concerning Provisions on the Import of Salt, Protection...
Proceedings Article
The Design of E- Marketing for Bangka’s Pepper Using Web Server and Android
Eddy Atmaja, Ghiri Putra
Bangka’s pepper is known in the world market with the trademark Muntok White Pepper (MWP) that has a good quality and the highest price. The marketing pattern of Bangka’s pepper from the past until now is still convetional. It can be seen from the pepper marketing chain: from farmers as producers, merchants,...
Proceedings Article
The Policy Strategy of Utilization Coastal Area Resource In South Bangka Regency
Endang Bidayani, Sujadmi, Agus Hartoko
Coastal area resources that open access regime cause problem in its utilization, not least in South Bangka Regency. The aim of this research is to formulate alternative policy of coastal resource utilization between local fishermen and migrant fishermen. The method in this research is survey method....
Proceedings Article
Social Construction Rituals of Nuju Jerami Orang Lom Bangka Indonesia
Jamilah Cholilah, Bustami Rahman, Herdiyanti
The social construction of ritual Nuju Jerami as a form of gratitude for the success of rice harvest in indigenous communities Orang Lom Bangka needs to be questioned. Some previous research findings suggest that the ritual Nuju Jerami is a period of time for the Lom community to restart a new field for...
Proceedings Article
Discovering the Historical Trail of Oral Traditions in Tuatunu Village
Andri Fernanda, Dini Wulansari, Sandy Ferianda
Oral tradition is one of the local wisdoms which is very susceptible to disappear from civilization. This research is a form of tracing and organizing several oral traditions which are still recorded in Tuatunu Village community. Furthermore, this research is also connected with the historical facts...
Proceedings Article
Determination Of Geomagnetic Data Measurement Point Spacing By Geostatistic Approach
Guskarnali, Mardiah
Exploration activities can not be separated from the measurement of geomagnetic method. Geomagnetic method is one of geophysical method that is often used and does not require big cost in exploration activity of tin. The use of geomagnetic method tools is very effective to reach a wide scale with a variety...
Proceedings Article
Sea Level Variability Around Belitung Using Satellite Altimetry
Hariyadi, Eko Handoko, Muhammad Yusuf, Johannes Hutabarat, Denny Sugianti, Anindya Wirasatriya
The Sea around Belitung Island is an oceanic pathway for the South China Sea and the Java Sea which has some characteristics. This paper addresses to determine sea level variation around Belitung Island using satellite altimetry observation. Several parameters applied to determine sea level anomaly....
Proceedings Article
Formulating a Criminal Policy of Unlicensed Tin Minings which the Community Welfare in Bangka Belitung IslandsImproves
Dwi Haryadi
Unlicensed mining is a complicated issue in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. Tin which used to be a strategic commodity, in the reformation era, has been stated as a non-strategic commodity; the export activities of tin are no longer supervised. As a result, unlicensed tin minings emerge, causing...
Proceedings Article
Effect Of The Monsoon to Sea Surface Temperature In The Java Sea
Yosafat Haryanto, Rezfiko Agdialta, Agus Hartoko, Sutrisno Anggoro, Muhammad Zainuri
Monsoon is the seasonal wind blowing through continents Australia and Asia. Monsoon is one of the main element which influences the weather and climate in some Indonesia areas. Sea Surface Temperature is the water temperature close to the ocean’s surface. Sea Surface Temperature is directly influenced...
Proceedings Article
Livelihood Strategy of the Riding Panjang Post-Tin Village Community (Study of Riding Panjang Village Community, Merawang District, Bangka Regency)
Herdiyanti, Jamilah Cholilah, Panggio Wilujeng
This research is one of the studies that refers to the socio-economic conditions of the Bangka community, especially in the village of Riding Panjang. The purpose of this study was to explain the livelihood strategies applied by the community of Riding Panjang Village post tin. This is based on a variety...
Proceedings Article
Local Stakeholders’ Perception toward Tin Mining Issues in Bangka Belitung
Ibrahim, Dwi Haryadi, Nanang Wahyudin
Since tin mining that has been long and massively lasted in Bangka Belitung Island province has created lots of positive impacts for economical growth; however, its negative impact has been also not least. In the middle of status quo, stakeholders as the part of decision makers didn’t firmly take the...
Proceedings Article
Magnetic Properties Observation of Cerium-Iron-Boron Amorphous
Anisa Indriawati, Herman Aldila, Widodo Kurniawan, Yuant Tiandho, Fitri Afriani, Verry Fabiani
Bangka Belitung island province is one of the tin producing areas. In the process of processing tin produces a monasite waste in which monasite minerals contain rare earth metals. One application of rare earth elements is as a candidate for RE-Fe-B based magnetic material. In this study, we investigated...
Proceedings Article
Soil Ameliorant in Post Tin Mining Land of Bangka Island for Pepper Growth
Ismed Inonu, Rion Apriyadi, Riwan Diaguna, Muhammad Rinaldi
Pepper is one of the spices plant and its production countinous decrease caused by converting of the planting areas to tin-mining areas. One of the effort that could be done was the usage of sub-optimal land which has low fertility. The research was aimed to study the effect of soil ameliorant application...
Proceedings Article
Geosite Potential as Tourism Destination in Jebus West Bangka Regency Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province
Irvani, Delita Andini, Guskarnali, Mardiah, Dimas Ardiyanto, Ervina Utami, Sulka Wijaya
Bangka Island was formed by collition of some block geology (terraine) in hundreds million years ago. Earth plate amalgamation driven by tectonic force that caused increasing intensity of magmatism, tin mineralation, structural geology dan metamorphic rock formed. The geological condition has attractiveness...
Proceedings Article
Growth and Accumulation Of Pb In Native Hymenachne (Hymenachne acutigluma) In Tailings Area As Affected By Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer
Nyanyu Khodijah, Rujito Suwignyo, M.Umar Harun, Lucy Robiartini
Tin mining in the Islands of Bangka and Belitung left behind a vast area with low fertility. The tailings area of ex-tin mining is different from common soil both in terms of mineral and chemical compositions, with characteristics such as the unstable geochemical aspect, extreme pH value, cation-exchange...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Fishing Policy Trap
Kismartini, Hartuti Purnaweni, Suradi Saputra
Indonesia faces challenges in its sustainable fisheries management. Various policies have been issued as the effort to solve this problem. One of which is the prohibition on the use of fishing gear called Cantrang. However, the policy received rejection from various parties. This study aims to identify...
Proceedings Article
Critical Analysis of the Regulation Regarding Traditional Fishermen in Grey-Area of Indonesia-Malaysia
Ida Kurnia, Imelda Martinelli, Ade Adhari
With the capture of Indonesian traditional fishermen by Malaysia without any clarity of violations as they operated in the grey area, Indonesia needs to act adequately and conduct legal protection. This is based on international agreement of UNCLOS 1982, which has been ratified by both Indonesia and...
Proceedings Article
Culturable Cellulolytic Bacteria From Mangrove With Anadara Granosa Cultivation In Sukal, West Bangka
Ardiansyah Kurniawan, Suci Sari, Euis Asriani, Abu Sambah, Andi Kurniawan, Asep Prihanto
Sukal, West Bangka district became one of the centers of Anadara sp culture. Not yet known the effect of shellfish cultivation on the ability of decomposition in mangroves. Cellulolytic bacteria are part of degradation in mangroves. Cellulolytic bacteria have cellulose degradation ability and it made...
Proceedings Article
Fishing Ground of Featured Fishes in South Bangka Regency, Indonesia
Kurniawan, Arthur Farhaby, Siti Aisyah, Siti Gustomi
South Bangka Regency has 59 islands with various abundant potentials including the potential of capture fisheries. Information about fishing ground is absolutely necessary as a baseline for sustainable data management of the capture fisheries sector, both from the ecological, social and economic aspects....
Proceedings Article
Damage Intensity of Pepper Stem-Borer (Lophobaris piperis) on Different Weed Control in Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province
Tri Lestari, Rion Apriyadi, Abdul Husein
Pepper Stem Borer (Lophobaris piperis) is one of main pest in pepper plant that can reduce the yield near to 72%. Ecologically, the development of L. Piperis can be influenced by the presence of weeds surrounding plants as temporary dwellings for both pests and natural enemies. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Sorghum Cultivation (Sorghum Bicholor) with Ameliorant Addition in the Post-Tin Mining Of Bangka, Indonesia
Tri Lestari, Rion Apriyadi, Ismul Aan
Sorghum is a drought-tolerance plant that have ability to survive on post-tin mining land. One way to increase the optimum growth and production of sorghum on post-tin mining land can be done by ameliorant addition. The objective of the study was to increase the optimum growth and production of sorghum...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Incentive or Disincentive Perception on Fisherman Ocean North East Java
Muhammad Madyan, Gigih Prihantono
Illegal unreported unregulated fishing undermines efforts to fisheries resource in Nort Sea East Java. As we now, fishing resource in ocean north east java has long indicated of overfishing or can be interpreted the area in poor condition. The Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries...
Proceedings Article
The Political Law Management of the Sea and Coastal Area in Indonesia
Jeanne Manik
Coastal regions and small islands has a diversity of natural resources potential is high, and it is very important for the development of social, economic, cultural, environmental, and buffer the sovereignty of Nations, therefore needs to be managed in a sustainable way and berwawasaan global, having...
Proceedings Article
The Exigency of Comprehensive Maritime Policy to Materialize and Implement Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum Objective
Nirmala Masilamani
For the past three years, since President Jokowi took up the office, Indonesia has been emphasizing its ambitious goal to transform the nation into a global maritime fulcrum and have been developing some projects and initiatives to achieve it. To transform Indonesia into the world maritime fulcrum was...
Proceedings Article
Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum L.) Extract as a Green-Indicator for Monitoring Shrimp Freshness
Aliefia Noor, Evi.J, Safitri Mustari, Afriani Aisyah, Tiandho Fitri, Yuant
The freshness of shrimp is the main priority for consumers. Nutrition and taste of seafood are directly proportional to its freshness. After seafood spoil, the anaerobic metabolism will produce ammonia compounds. In this article, the senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum L.) extract is used to monitor shrimp...
Proceedings Article
Sodium alginate extraction from brown seaweed (Turbinaria conoides) and its structural property as bipolymer electrolyte
Nurhadini, Yudi Setiawan, Ristika Oktavia Asriza, Anggraeni
This research was conducted to extract sodium alginate from Turbinaria conoides and its structural property as biopolymer electrolyte. The existence of brown seaweed (Turbinaria conoides) is abundant in Bangka Belitung Islands. The main content of brown seaweed is alginate that it can be used as biopolymer...
Proceedings Article
Urban Island Concept and The Relevance for Archipelagic States: Case of Ambon City-Maluku Province
Andiah Nurhaeny, Miming Miharja, Pradono
The recent studies of Island tend to focus on peripheral, isolated, and marginality aspects of the island community in mainland context. However, the understanding about interactions of several elements in archipelago development has to encompass broader context, including marine space and the others...
Proceedings Article
Hydro-Oceanography Modelling Characteristic (Tides, Waves, and Currents) in Kelabat Bay, Bangka Belitung
Aditya Pamungkas, M.Arthur Farhaby
Kelabat Bay is one of the most important waters in northern Bangka Island since it is a semi-enclosed bay and directly face Karimata Strait and Natuna Sea. Furthermore, in the last ten years, the provincial government of Bangka Belitung plans to make Teluk Kelabat become an intergrated marine-fisheries...
Proceedings Article
Selection of Bangka Local Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Germplasm Tolerant to Drought Stress
Gigih Ibnu Prayoga, Ropalia, Anggraeni
Bangka Belitung is dominated by marginal lands, such as dry land, which can affect the productivity of groundnut by reducing groundnut yield. Increased groundnut yield in Bangka Belitung could be done by using drought tolerance genotypes. The objective of this study is to obtain groundnut genotypes tolerant...
Proceedings Article
Potential For The Development Of Ecotourism Of Begadung Island, Bangka Regency
Hartuti Purnaweni, Kismartini, Hesti Lestari
Bangka Belitung Province is an archipelago that has tremendous tourism potential because of its natural wealthand socio cultural potencies which enjoys increasing popularity among tourists. However, it isnow ironically threatened by tin mining activities, including in Bangka Island, in which Bangka Tengah...
Proceedings Article
Tourism Information System for Kota Kapur Village As Island and Historical Destination
Ghiri Basuki Putra, Rudy Kurniawan
At present almost all regions in Indonesia are trying to develop tourism in their area to attract tourists and increase their regional income. Bangka Belitung is one of the provinces that began to develop tourism as an alternative to replace mining as an economic center. Bangka Island is starting to...
Proceedings Article
Legal Restoration Eradication of Illegal Fishing Towards Sovereignty at Sea
Derita Prapti Rahayu, Sulaiman, Esmi Warasshi, M.Adli Abdullah, Yokotani
There is one courage from the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries from the beginning of the inauguration, ie sinking a boat that catches fish illegally. Until now, the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has drowned more than 350 ships of various sizes committing illegal fishing...
Proceedings Article
Illegal Asylum Seekers through Sea and Exploitation of Indonesian Children Working on Ship to Australia
Erna Ratnaningsih
Indonesia is a strategic archipelagic country. It makes Indonesia as a transit point for asylum seekers and refugees to pursue their destination to Australia. Some of these asylum seekers do not apply for refugees’ status determination procedure through UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)...
Proceedings Article
Empirical Investigation Of Mompreneur Big Five Personality Plus In Pangkalpinang City
Reniati, Nasikh
The main purpose of this research is to test the consistency of Big Five Personality Plus dimension and indicator on Mompreneur in Pangkalpinang City. The research method used is descriptive-quantitative, with respondents mompreneur in Pangkalpinang City who has a culinary business of 60 people. The...
Proceedings Article
Factors That Affect The Development Of Tourism On The Belitung Island
Reniati, Endang Bidayani, Khairiansyah
The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that affect the development of the KEK Tourism Kelayang Cape as an alternative economy after tin mining. The research method used with quantitative descriptive design, the number of samples are 80 SME based on Tourism. Analysis of the data by using...
Proceedings Article
Designing Pepper Peeler Machine with Crusher System to Support Pepper Processing in Archipelago
Firlya Rosa, Rodiawan
Designing pepper peeler machine with crusher system is the steps of designing tool to assist the process of peeling pepper to replace the system pepper peeler manually at Bangka Belitung. This system uses 2 dishes mounted horizontally with a certain distance and slope of a particular dishes. The design...
Proceedings Article
Diversity Relation Between Soil Mesofauna and C-organic Content in Pepper Plantation Area, Petaling, Bangka Belitung Islands
Ratna Santi, Riwan Kusmiadi, Deni Pratama, Robiansyah
Forest was source of biodiversity. Forest conversioninto plantation area causes disruption to existence of soil mesofauna such as Collembola and Acarina. Soil mesofauna have a role to decomposition of organic matters in soil. Purpose of this research is to know the diversity of soil mesofauna and relation...
Proceedings Article
Participation Increasing Community Strategy in Planning Development of Petaling Banjar Village District Bangka
Putra Pratama Saputra, Sujadmi, Luna Febriani
This study aims to identify and analyze strategies to increase community participation in the development planning of Petaling Banjar Village. The village of Petaling Banjar is one of the newly created villages in West Mendo District, Bangka Regency. At a young age, there needs to be a development effort...
Proceedings Article
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) in PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk and PT Aneka TambangTbk
Darman Saputra, Hidayati, Sumar, Khairiansyah
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Method the standard deviation calculation described in the previous section assumes that the data volatility is constant (homoscedastic) and can not be applied to unstable (heteroscedastic) data volatility.Therefore, one of the approaches to deal with the volatility...
Proceedings Article
Monitoring Of Land Cover Changes in Mine Environment
Suci Puspita Sari, Aditya Pamungkas
Land cover detection change is significant for planning and managing an area. The condition of an area should be analyzed to observe human activities that influence environment and thus it is important to simulate land cover changes. Land cover can be effectively monitored by remote sensing technique...
Proceedings Article
Extensive Interpretation of Corporate Liability in the Crime of Illegal Fishing in Indonesia
Article 101 of Indonesian Law Number 31 Year 2004 concerning Fisheries states that if there is a crime as mentioned in some previous articles conducted by a certain corporation then prosecution and criminal sanction will be imposed on its directors and the fine amount for the corporation will be added...
Proceedings Article
Actionagainst And Punishment For Illegal Fishing Inflictingfinancial Losses To The State
Ahmad Sofian
Illegal fishing has been rampant in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) since these last five years. This has resulted in the detriment to the finances of the State and breach of the sovereignty of the State. Per the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic Indonesia suffers financial...
Proceedings Article
The Fecundity of Freshwater Prawn(Macrobrachiumrosenbergii) in Menduk River, Bangka, Bangka Belitung
Eva Utami, Okto Supratman
Freshwater prawn (Macrobrachiumrosenbergii) in Bangka,is one of the important economic prawn.The sustainability of freshwater prawn is threatened by degradation of natural habitat. Information of reproductive aspect is needed for further management. The objective of this study was to examine fecundity...
Proceedings Article
The Iinfluence Of Triple Track Strategies In Developing Tourism Against Economic Growth Province Bangka Belitung Island
Devi Valeriani, Desy Yuliana Dalimunthe, Eka Fitriyanti, Ineu Sulistiana
The tourism sector has a contribution to the regional economy which is reflected in the GRDP and employment. Tourism development becomes one of the flagship programs of Bangka Belitung Islands Province which is contained in RPJPD so that the need for focused developmentefforts through Triple Track Strategy....
Proceedings Article
Red Tourism: Prospect of Puri Tri Agung Pagoda as Alternative Tourism Development on Bangka Island
Devi Valeriani, Aning Kesuma Putri
During this time tourists are familiar with tourist destinations on Bangka Island only in the form of beaches, sea or marine tourism. While there are several cultural-based tourist destinations and religious and worthy to be developed. Bangka Island is an area with a strong Chinese ethnic culture, as...
Proceedings Article
MICE Model: Artificial Tourism Potential
Nanang Wahyudin, Sandy Pratama, Echo Perdana Kusumah
Pangkalpinang City located in Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Indonesia which has a unique charm in the form of the physical uniqueness of the natural environment of the countryside and the natural wealth of tourist charm. Social life its people are packed naturally and attractively so that the attractiveness...
Proceedings Article
Identification Of Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprise Technology (MSMEs)
Dian Prihardini Wibawa, Muhammad Tanggung, Maya Yusnita, Christianingrum
Micro, Small aand Medium Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) in Pangkalpinang still have a low competitiveness. One of the causes of low competitiveness due to low utilization of information technology. In order to improve the competitiveness of MSMEs, it is necessary a study to identify the condition of information...
Proceedings Article
Characterization of Briquettes from Rubber Seed Shell And Stem of Senggani
Ekasa Sari Wijayanti, Saparin
Briquettes are one of the renewable energies included in the solid fuel category. The raw material of briquettes used in this research was made from the mixture of rubber seed shell and stem of senggani. The composition of the mixture of rubber seed shell and senggani are 100%:0%, 75%:25%, 50%:50%, 25%:75%,...
Proceedings Article
Women Working Hours as a Family Economic Stabilization (Study on Pepper Famers in Dellas Village, Air Gegas Sub Disrtric, South Bangka Regency)
Ayu Wulandari, Aning Kesuma Putri, Yulia
The scope of the position of women in families and households and the wider community has a dual role, this means that a woman does not only play a role as a domestic workforce where her position gives support to other breadwinners to take advantage of existing employment opportunities but also women...
Proceedings Article
The Strategic Architecture to Facilitate Small and Medium Enterprise Growth “Raja Abon Makmur Lestari” Pangkal Pinang City
Yulia, Fika Dewi Pratiwi, Rufti Puji Astuti
Small and medium enterprise was form business which support the economic development of society because it could create the business growth in accordance with market demand and create the job opportunities. Raja AbonMakmur Lestari was one of the SMEs in Pangkal Pinang City,producing egg floss. Strategic...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation Of Accountability AndEffectiveness Of Village Fund In The Village Of AikPelempang Jaya District Belitung
Anggraeni Yunita, Christianingrum
The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the management of rural funds has been accountable and effective in terms of regulation and institutional, funds. management, supervision and human resources to be assessed using a qualitative approach.The research was conducted in rural districts receiving...
Proceedings Article
Coastal Dynamic, Nitrate (NO3-) Phosphate (PO4-) and Phytoplankton Abundance at Morodemak North Java Sea Indonesia
Muh Yusuf
Coastal dynamic of North Java sea was the influence of the west and east monsoon as well as interseasonal effect during April-June and October-December. Espescialy to coastal current patern and to nitrate and phosphate variation and ultimately to phytoplankton. Study area focused at 110°52'03.72''E...
Proceedings Article
Tin Mining and Political Territory of Lom Indigenous People in Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
Iskandar Zulkarnain, Endriatmo Soetarto, Satyawan Sunito, Soeryo diwibowo
This article is about the process of political territory on Tin mining at Lom Indigenous People location and their responses from a political economy perspective. Based on the qualitative analysis and case study approach this article showed that the dynamics of political territory progression is dual...
Proceedings Article
Energy Self-Sufficient Village (ESSV) Program: An Opportunity For Coastal Development
Elok Faiqotul Mutia, Yusuke Hgaki
Bangka Island has significant potential for development of its local industries through harnessing solar power.. Improved availability of a locally generated and cost-efficient energy source is much needed to boost the local economy. Electricity use and access to fuel drives the main, local industry...
Proceedings Article
Determination of Primary Tin Zone Use Gravity Method In Tanjung Gunung Village Central Bangka Regency
Tina Puspita Sari, Mardiah, Guskarnali
Bangka Island is a potentially large area of both secondary and primary tin producers, indicated by exploration and exploitation that took place since Dutch colonialism. The need for primary tin exploration in Tanjung Gunung Village, Central Bangka Regency to optimize the acquisition of primary tin resources...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics Identification of green open space in Kelurahan Manahan, Kota Surakarta
Intan Muning Harjanti, Laras Safira
Green open space is an important component in the formation of a city. A city that has good green open space will make the city comfortable and beautiful. Kelurahan Manahan is one of the urban villages in Surakarta that has a large number of public green open spaces, both types and uses. Therefore, there...
Proceedings Article
Analyze Travel Costs Various Kinds’ Marine Tourism Transport Modes of Coastal Community in Karimunjawa Island
Mohd Ridwan, Muhammad Zainuri, Sunarso Sugeng, Sulaiman Sulaiman
Karimunjawa archipelago is a tourist destination, has 27 islands and 4 of them are inhabited (coastal communities). Karimunjawa coastal communities can provide marine tourism transportation services as an additional income in addition to their main duties as fishermen. They can be used 3 kinds of marine...
Proceedings Article
Floating Equipment Model Using Anco Fishing Operation For Poor Bedono Fishermen, (Sayung, Demak, Central Java)
Sunarso Sugeng, Eko Julianto Sasono, Budi Utomo, Zulfaidah Aryani
There are still fishermen using Anco as a fishing gear by carrying it, and walking along the river, greatly affecting the health of fishermen, especially for feet that are too long submerged in water, as well as limited fishing grounds. This obstacle can be overcome by using a simple, inexpensive and...
Proceedings Article
Mechanical Test of Gigantochloa Apus by Drying
Bambang Sri Waluyo, Mohammad Ridwan, Muhammad Zainuri
Bamboo forms an important component in the traditional material building of Indonesia Rural. Bamboo known live any place at Indonesia, is a renewable material with extensive application prospects. It has been expected to be a sustainable alternative for more traditional construction materials, such as...
Proceedings Article
The Preliminary Study To Removing Oil Content In Condensate Steam Of Gland Seal System With Activated Carbon
Bagus Prakoso
PT Badak NGL is a Liquified Natural Gas Company based in Bontang KALTIM, in the process of liquefying natural gas using a refrigeration compressor which powered by steam turbine, the steam turbine uses gland seal system to prevent steam leakage to the environment and the air entry to the vacuum system...
Proceedings Article
Compression test of Bamboo Laminated (Dendrocalamus asper and Gigantochloa apus) in accordance with longitudinal for the best Pliability material at Gligen Section (Part of Anco)
Solicin Djazuli Sa'id, Bambang Sri Waluyo, Sarwoko Sarwoko, Samuel Febriary Khristyson
So far the use of anco often uses materials as a frame. Bamboo is one of the results of non-timber agriculture in the type of grass plants that have basic characteristics not much different from wood. The use of bamboo laminate as an anco / fishing gear has weaknesses in the period of material durability....
Proceedings Article
Traces of Tasripin Landlords in Kampong Kulitan and Surrounding as Potential of Cultural Tourism
Sukawi, Gagoek Hardiman, Siti Rukayah
Kampong Kulitan is forerunner of kingdom of landlord Tasripin keeps high historical value. The historical value that exists in the village is the Tasripin family house that has not been changed or renovated since its inception. These houses as historical evidence of the glory of Semarang past. Formerly...
Proceedings Article
Materials Analysis of English for Tourism Handbooks
Girindra Putri Ardana Reswari
English for tourism needs to be learned since travel and tourism is a dynamic engine of economic development and job creation throughout the world. In 2016, statistics showed that the travel and tourism industry is one of the highest contributors in global economic development. This significant development...
Proceedings Article
Community-based waste management strategy: A Note on Community Empowerment Level in Supporting Waste Bank at Semarang City, Indonesia
Anantisa Atyadhisti, Sarifudin Sarifudin
Community involvement in waste management becomes one of waste management strategies development from upstream reduce, reuse and recycle. This alternative must be seriously addressed regarding to the increasing municipal waste generation as the population grow. In Semarang City, waste generation has...
Proceedings Article
Refrigerated Sea Water (RSW) For Handling of Fish Catches
Bambang Sri Waluyo, Budi Utomo, Sarwoko Sarwoko, Untung Budiarto
Most fishermen use ice (icing) as a fish preservative for fresh fish products and use the frezer as a frozen fish product.Handling of fish catches in the sea on fishing boats is the first stage that determines the quality of fish that directly impact on the selling price. RSW to overcome the weakness...
Proceedings Article
Longitudinal Tensile Test of Bamboo Lamination (Dendrocalamus asper and Gigantochloa apus) for Gligen Part (Anco/Lift Net Fishing Tools)
Sulaiman Sulaiman, Muhammad Ridwan, Suharto Suharto
A study on assessing the tensile test of bamboo lamination using Dendrocalamus asper and Gigantochloa apus. Focus in this research is strength of Gligen (part of Anco/liftnet). Here we use bamboo laminate products with special adhesive materials. The basis for making a bamboo lamination model with the...
Proceedings Article
Strength Analysis of Vessel Ship Type PBL Conversion From Barge
Budi Utomo, Budi Santoso
One of the stages in evaluating ship design is the calculation of the strength of the ship's length. So we need a support tool that can speed up the calculation process. Therefore it is necessary to develop a program for calculation, as an alternative to evaluate the strength of the ship's length. Analysis...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Lactobacillus salivarius I-11 on Microbial Populations of Pellet Duck Feed
Sri Sumarsih, Bambang Sulistiyanto
An in vitro study was performed with the aim to evaluate addition Lactobacillus salivarius I-11 on population bacteria of pellet duck feed. The completely randomized design was been used on this research with 3 treaments and 3 replications with 5 experimental units. The treatments were P0 (Pellet feed...
Proceedings Article
An Automatic PH Equipment for Hydroponic System Using ATMEGA328P Microcontroller
Dedi Nugroho, Priyono Priyono, Jatmiko Endro Suseno
The equipment of automatic pH control system has been introduced on the hydroponic with microcontroller ATmega328p. The aim of this research is to create a pH control system to reins water pH on hydroponic. This control system consists of hardware such as pH sensor, microcontroller Atmega328p, servo...
Proceedings Article
Total Plate Count (TPC) Analysis of Processed Ginger on Tlogowungu Village
Fahmi Arifan, Sri Winarni, Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih, Isti Pudjihastuti, RTD Wisnu Broto
The various natural resources of Tlogowungu Village has becomes the income for the citizens. Of the natural resources, gingers are known to be beneficial to health. Gingers are rich in antioxidant content as health benefits, so that Tlogowungu residents utilize ginger into various preparations such as...
Proceedings Article
Promotion Strategy in Grand Mercure Medan Angkasa Hotel by SWOT Analysis
Riandhita Eri Werdani, Nurul Imani Kurniawati, Ghozian Aulia Pradhana, Treicy Putri Hagana Ginting
Economic developments and times are increasingly making people increasingly selective in choosing products or services. The emergence of new companies engaged in services and products that trigger the emergence of very competitive and tight competition in the business world. This situation is also experienced...
Proceedings Article
The Identification of Risk Factors of Delay On The Road Construction Project in Indonesia
Asri Nurdiana, Mohamad Agung Wibowo, Yulian Fundra Kurnianto
In the construction of road projects, there are risks in, especially related to the time of project. This is a concern because in its construction, road projects are often related to social impact in the society, such as the road closures, the route changes, etc. The delay in road projects will impact...
Proceedings Article
Mitigation Disaster at Drainage Basin of Air Dingin Padang City
Lusi, Utama, Amrizal Saidi, Isril Berd, Zuherna Mizwar
DAS (Drainage Basin) Air Dingin located in Koto Tangah Padang City. DAS Air Dingin come from some small river in upstream. Meeting from some small river reside in the area of Lubuk Minturun. DAS Air Dingin own the height until 1.800 m above water sea level and have the rain pattern which high relative....
Proceedings Article
The Definition of Poverty Tourism
Ghozian Aulia Pradhana
Abstract–Poverty tourism that developed by Interculture Socio-Cultural community become controversial because it is trying to show the poor life of people in Luar Batang, North Jakarta. Poverty become an alternative tourism comodity that trying to show a reality of the real life in Jakarta. This research...
Proceedings Article
Design and Study of Spinner Machine Peformance through Simulation and Proximate Analysis of Sepakung Village-Speciality Pegagan Leaf (Centella asiatica) Chips
Suryanti Suryanti, Suzanna Ratih Sari, Imam Setiono, Fahmi Arifan, RTD Wisnu Broto
Sepakung Village is a tourism village in the rural area of Semarang Regency which provides various farm products such as rice, coffee, brown sugar, vegetables and processed product, Sepakung Village-specialty pegagan leaf (Centella asiatica) chips. In the production chain of pegagan leaf chips, one of...
Proceedings Article
Strategy to Provide the Feasible and Affordable Housing for Industrial Labor in Semarang by SWOT Analysis
Zulinar Irfiyanti, Asnawi Manaf
The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of industrial labor housing in Semarang. It is also to formulate a strategy to provide the feasible and affordable housing for industrial labor. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis of qualitative and quantitative, scoring...