Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Future of Asean 2023 (ICoFA 2023)
109 authors
- Susanto, Perengki
- How Does University Support Influence Social Entrepreneurship Intention Among Malaysian University Students?
- Tamrin, Masliana
- The Impact of Electronic Word-Of-Mouth (eWOM) on Ecotourism Destination Choice: A Conceptual Paper
- Tedong, Cantianella Rampa Anak
- Effect of the COVID-19 Lockdown and Post-lockdown on Mental Health Among Diploma in Pharmacy Students
- Wan Mohd Bilal, Wan Muhammad Dhiyauddin
- Diploma in Pharmacy Students’ Preference and Perception of Online Laboratory Practical Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia
- Yusof, Norzayana
- Recovery and Rebuilding of Healthcare Travel at Post COVID-19: Malaysia and the ASEAN Economic Community
- Yusof Suwandi, Nor Azimah
- Generation Z’s Behavioural Intention to Use E-Wallet During the Pandemic of COVID-19
- Zen, Irina Safitri
- Strategy on the Practices and Responses of Health Emergency Disaster Risk Management in Several Countries: A Scoping Review
- Zolkaflil, Salwa
- How Does University Support Influence Social Entrepreneurship Intention Among Malaysian University Students?
- Zuhaimi, Natasha
- Literature in Malaysian Classrooms: A Conceptual Paper