Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Economics and Health (ICLEH 2020)

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140 articles
Proceedings Article

Can Input Tax of That Discovered on The Audit Process Be Treated as Value Added Tax (VAT) Credit? A Legal Perspective Analysis

Abdul Basir, Adi Barata
Conceptually, Value Added Tax (VAT) Input Tax on purchase of taxable goods or services that have been paid and collected by VAT Enterpreuner is considered as VAT credit and can be credited with Output Tax in computing the VAT payable on the respective VAT Return period.It is worth noting that Article...
Proceedings Article

Suffocation Caused by Plastic Bag Covering the Face Combined with Cotton Wool Containing Premium Gasoline: A Forensic Pathology Case Report

Abigael S. Pagatiku, Muhammad Afiful Jauhani, Ahmad Yudianto, Soekri Ervan Kusuma
Every unwitnessed death should be suspected as unnatural death, mainly if the body was found in unusual conditions. When the investigator found an unnatural death case, the investigator will ask for the help of a forensic pathologist to examine the deceased and to determine the cause of death and the...
Proceedings Article

Criminal Law Politics in the Management of Natural Resources: Efforts to Confront the Positivistic Thinking Absolutism

M. Adystia Sunggara, Endra Wijaya
The concept of the Right to Control by the State is the core teachings of the political activities of law in designing, formulating and enacting legislation in the field of Natural Resource management, which is based on Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This concept gives...
Proceedings Article

Importance of Fiduciary Guarantee Registration for Parties Based on Law No. 42 of 1999 on Fiduciary Guarantee

Agnes Maria Janni Widyawati
The emergence of fiduciary guarantees as they are known so far in the form of “Fiduciare Eigendom Overdracht” (surrender of ownership rights in trust) because the provisions of the law governing pawn contain many shortcomings, do not meet the needs of the community and do not follow the development of...
Proceedings Article

The Principle of Best Interest and Harm Principle as the Basis for Limitation of the Role of Informed Refusal by Surrogate Consent in Pediatric Patient

Agus Suprapto
This research starts from the problem of ethical dilemma that occurs due to informed refusal by parents or guardians of pediatric patients which has the potential to cause disability or death in children as an implementation of unlimited authority delegation to the family / guardian of pediatric patients...
Proceedings Article

DNA Methylation on Bloodstain as a Forensic Age Estimation Method

Ahmad Yudianto, Masniari Novita, Muhammad Afiful Jauhani, Deka Bagus Binarsa
Forensic identification is an effort to help law enforcement in determining a person’s identity. Personal identity is often a problem in criminal cases, civil cases, death without identity, and mass disasters. Age estimation is very important in forensic identification. DNA methylation is a potential...
Proceedings Article

Hospital Responsibilities in Blood Transfusion Services as a Patient Protection

Anggraeni Endah Kusumaningrum
The responsibility of the hospital in blood transfusion services is needed to provide protection to patients. Blood transfusion service is a series of activities that start from the planning, mobilization and preservation of blood donors, blood supply, blood distribution, as well as medical treatment...
Proceedings Article

Pros and Cons of the Corruption Eradication Commission in the Perspective of Law Politics

Arista Candra Irawati
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as an independent Special Commission, free from the influence of any authority, was formed on the basis of a solution step over public distrust in eradicating criminal acts of corruption handled by the Police and the Prosecutors’ Office previously considered...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Technology Transfer for Indonesia

Bakti Trisnawati
As a developing country, Indonesia is determined to increase the success of development in the industrial sector besides the agricultural sector. So that technology transfer is the most efficient way in terms of time and cost. Indonesia’s national development was compiled with the Five-Year Development...
Proceedings Article

Chop Wound Due to Theft with Violence: Case Report

Desy Martha Panjaitan, Ahmad Yudianto, Renny Sumino
Injury caused by the application of physical force can be divided into two main groups: blunt force and sharp force. One of the wounds caused by sharp violence is chop wounds. Crimes with sharp violence that are quite common in Indonesia are theft with violence. Thieves often injure their victims with...
Proceedings Article

Law Protection to Nature Resources Through Indonesian Positive Laws Concerning on Dispute of Water Border

Dian Narwastuty
Through this research, author wants to examine how far the protections to nature resources especially that placed in a place that has a water border’s dispute to other country. Also, author wants to explain another possibilities for Indonesian government to prevent nature resources from negative impact...
Proceedings Article

Legal Psychology of Judges to Determine the Defendant’s Ability to Commit a Crime

Dijan Widijowati, Rizky Purnomo Adji
In criminal proceedings, law enforcers are required to be as fair as possible.They are not allowed to discriminate, and everyone is entitled to legal protection. Likewise, the judge is required to make a profile analysis of the defendant, related to evidence and witnesses to explain this case thoroughly....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Bilateral Investment Treaty at Joint Enterprise Agreement

Edi Krisharyanto, Fries Melia Salviana
Bilateral Investment Treaty is an agreement made between two parties, of which both parties are countries. Bilateral Investment Treaty aims to increase supprort, as well as to provide legal protection to investors from regime changes or changes in political and economic policy from Host State. Joint...
Proceedings Article

Non Goverment Organization and the Authority State of Forcing

Edi Pranoto
In the midst of the tide tendencies of globalization, rapidly developing the idea of civil society as a control device to state power, much done by Non GovermentOrganisazation (NGO). This idea rests on the assumption that the state is not the sole agent in enforcing human dignity. Human dignity in its...
Proceedings Article

The Death Penalty for Drug Offences in Indonesia

Effi M Zulkifli
The rampant drug abuse that occurs lately is not only done by Indonesian citizens (WNI), but also by foreign citizens (foreigners). Narcotics Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics regulates capital punishment sanctions resulting in a polemic that says that the death penalty is contrary to the 1945...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Wage Payments in PT Unitex Bogor in Efforts to Improve Workers’ Welfare

Endeh Suhartini, Ani Yumarni, Eka Suprihatiningsih
Labor’s salary payment in a company is important and requires further attention for company’s continuous business and ability of the company to improve good Working Relationship between labor and company, entrepreneur in particular.This research has a purpose to check and to analyze the optimization...
Proceedings Article

Disputes Settlement on the Village Head Election (A Study on Positive Law and Local Wisdom)

Erga Yuhandra, Gios Adhyaksa
This study aims to find out and analyze disputes settlement on the village head election based on the applicable positive law in Indonesia as well as disputes settlement mechanism on the village head election based on local wisdom values, especially in Kuningan District which is based on Kuningan District...
Proceedings Article

Verdict of Military Tribunals on Soldiers Committing Crimes and Fired Disrespectfully from the Military Service

Esron Sinambela
The crucial point in the administration of military justice is the role of a commander as the superior who has the authority to punish (Ankum) and submitter case officer (Papera). Because the subject of offense in military criminal law is a person or individual of the military, or persons who are likened...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Economic Performance Through the Rule of Law in Indonesia: Law and Economics Perspective

Fajar Sugianto, Stevinell Mildova, Felicia Christina Simeon
In the globalisation era, laws are forced and challenged to be able to adapt. Not only from economists, but lawyers also are hungry for the primacy of efficiency and start to duplicate the way most economists think, such as, in explicating efficiency and progressiveness of the rule of law. From law and...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection for Whistleblower in Criminal Justice System of Indonesia

Firman Wijaya
The witness’s position in the criminal justice process occupies a key position, as seen in Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code. As the primary evidence, of course, the impact is felt if, in a case, the witness is not obtained. The importance of the position of witnesses in the criminal justice...
Proceedings Article

Existence of Capitalist Economic System in Indonesia

Sugeng Suprijanto
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the framework of the capitalist economic system and how the existence of the capitalist economic system in Indonesia. This research is a normative and empirical jurisdiction. Normative juridical approach is done by clicking examine and interpret...
Proceedings Article

Clinical Forensics in Electric Shock Trauma: A Case Study

Galih Endradita, Ahmad Yudianto, Ria Kumala, Muhammad Afiful Jauhani
Electricity needed in all our daily activities. Ranging from household life to low scale low voltage, medium to high scale industrial activities with high voltage. Electric shock trauma is a rare case. Electric shock victims are generally caused by workplace accidents. Electric shock that causes injury...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing the Implementation of Spatial Planning Policy in the Regions (A Case Study in Region III Cirebon)

Haris Budiman, Anis Mashdurohatun, Eman Suparman
The implementation of spatial planning aims to realize a safe, comfortable, productive and sustainable space. However, its implementation in the regions still faces serious challenges as it is shown by various problems reflecting that the quality of our living space is still far from the goals of spatial...
Proceedings Article

Molestation in a Helpless Woman: A Clinical Forensic Case Report

Hastin Novia, Ahmad Yudianto, Muhammad Afiful Jauhani, Tatit Bimo
Sexual crimes are serious crimes and evidence of violations of Human Rights (HAM). Based on data from the National Commission on Violence Against Women in 2018 in 2019 it appears that violence against women has increased by 406,178 cases, up about 14% compared to the previous year. Sexual crime is an...
Proceedings Article

Binding of Fiduciary at Product Named Pegadaian Kredit Angsuran Fidusia at PT Pegadaian (Persero) Post-Applicability of Finance Minister Regulation Number 130/PMK.010/2012

Holilur Rohman
PT PEGADAIAN (Persero) is running its operations from one based lending fiduciary, has issued a product named Pegadaian Kredit Angsuran Fidusia (KREASI) with the mechanism set out in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) established by the Board of Directors. In preparing the SOP produtcs with based...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Settle Land Disputes Between the People and the State (Case Study in the PTPN IX Kerjo Arum Land Area, Sambirejo District, Sragen Regency)

Hudi Karno Sabowo
This paper highlights the land disputes that often occurs in the area of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) IX Kerjo Arum Batujamus Afdeling Kepoh Sambirejo District Sragen Regency with local residents who are members of the Sambirejo Truth and Justice Concern Forum (Forum Peduli Kebenaran dan Keadilan...
Proceedings Article

Giving Mandatory Wills for Adopted Children as a Legal Protection Based on Justice Value

Indira Hastuti
The position of adopted children who do not inherit in practice raises legal issues regarding the inheritance of adoptive parents. Islamic law provides a solution by giving the mandatory wills to the adopted child. Mandatory wills between adopted children and adoptive parents can prevent or avoid disputes...
Proceedings Article

Policy of Nation’s Capital Transfer in the Perspective of Power Separation

Muhammad Junaidi, Muhammad Iqbal, Kadi Sukarna, Soegiato, Bambang Sadono, Diah Sulistyani Ratna Sediati
The government’s policy in conducting the transfer of the National Capital is considered to cause polemic in the community. Because the study of relocating the capital is based on the one-sided policy aspects delivered by the executive. This is certainly very appropriate to be reviewed in the perspective...
Proceedings Article

Human Rights Framework on Menstrual Health and Hygiene

Khansadhia Afifah Wardana
A discussion regarding menstruation among girls from an early age still being regarded as a taboo. The stigma that surrounds it held menstruation as something unclean, shameful, and impure. But it cannot be denied that such process is a natural and inextricable part of women’s growth. Therefore, we must...
Proceedings Article

Defense Economics Viewpoint of Intellectual Property Rights

Kuncoroadi Prasetyadji, Witri Aulia Maudy, Supandi
Intellectual property Rights (IPR) is a self-esteem appreciation of the human imagination that has produced an intellectual work. Intellectual property that is obained is things that have more value and huge benefit in terms of economic, social, cultural, and development of a civilization. The appreciation...
Proceedings Article

Law Protection for Post Divorced Women Through Law Enforcement with a Gender Perspective

Lelita Dewi
The woman protection has been guaranteed by the state through the principle of equality before the law without discrimination. Women’s access to religious courts has a lot to do with divorce cases that indirect contact with women’s rights after divorce in form of iddah and mut’ah. In reality, law enforcement...
Proceedings Article

Juridical Review Appointment of Honorary Consul by the Government of Indonesia

Lynda Asiana, Supanto, Hari Purwadi
Consular relations as a form of inter-state relations are regulated in the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and has been ratified by the Government of Indonesia with Law No. 1 of 1982. According to the 1963 Vienna Convention consular officers are divided into two categories, that is career/permanent...
Proceedings Article

Enlargement of Penis Ala Mak Erot Between Law, Tourism and Health (Are There Negligence and Malpractice Elements?)

Murry Darmoko
Penis enlargement spreads in millennial times, even the advertisements on Facebook and Instagram are widely spread into daily reading. It has even become controversial with the planning of the Indonesian health minister over the implementation of a traditional Indonesian Health Tourism, one of which...
Proceedings Article

Juridical Analysis of Theft in the Family (Article 367 of the Indonesian Penal Code)

Nina Yolanda
The purpose of this research is to find out how the characteristics of the complaint offense theft in the family environment according to Article 367 of The Criminal Code and how the possible consequences of investigating offense complaints of theft in the family environment. Using the normative juridical...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection That Justice the Filariasis Patient in Efforts to Prevent Infectious Diseases

Nurul Ummi Rofiah, Sarsintorini Putra, Anggraeni Endah Kusumaningrum
Legal protection can be interpreted as protection by law or protection by using institutions and legal means. The law in providing protection can be through certain ways, including by making regulations and enforcing. The number of patients with Filariasis in Indonesia is increasing every year due to...
Proceedings Article

Forensic Autopsy on a Corpse with Injury Due to Sharp Trauma: a Case Report

Puji Rahayu, Ahmad Yudianto, Deka Bagus Binarsa, Muhammad Afiful Jauhani
Sharp violence is a form of violence using sharp weapons. Sharp violence often leads to death. Crimes against someone lives in Indonesia are still a thousand cases per year. One of this murder that occurred due to sharp violence. a 49-year-old man stabbed with a knife in the left waist. The body arrived...
Proceedings Article

Clinical Forensic Aspect of Burn Injury in Domestic Violence: A Case Report

Ria Kumala, Bimo S. Thathit, Ahmad Yudianto, Sudjari Solichin
Domestic violence is one case that increases from year to year. This is universal and can occur regardless of age, profession, economic status or education. Most of the victims are women and the perpetrators are usually her husbands. Domestic violence can be physical, psychological, sexual violence and...
Proceedings Article

Omnibus Law in Indonesia: Is That the Right Strategy?

Ricca Anggraeni, Cipta Indra Lestari Rachman
The plan to form a law with the concept of the Omnibus Law continues to roll and color the public policy that will be taken by the Government of Indonesia. The Draft Law with the concept of the Omnibus Law continues to be finalized with the pros and cons in the process of its formation. Whatever it is,...
Proceedings Article

Simulacra Law Outside the National Legislation Program

Ricca Anggraeni, Indah Mutiara Sari
Simulacra is usually known in social theory related to consumerism, or capitalist products. But in this research applied in the formation of legislation, especially the Law produced through the formation process outside the National Legislation Program. The people in this research are considered as consumers...
Proceedings Article

Distortion of Generic and Patent Medicine in Consumer Protection Law Aspect

Rifkiyati Bachri, Yunan Prasetyo Kurniawan
Medication consumption shall not be based upon its taste nor the needs. Consumers’ ignorance on the ingredients medication consumed (as patient), indirectly lead to a dependency upon the doctor’s suggestion on the medication, which may cause a misleading on clear and fair information. Indeed, in some...
Proceedings Article

Initiating a Principle Free from Pressure in the Investigation Process: Tracking the Semiotics of Investigator Communication

Rocky Marbun, Muhammad Imanuddin
Indonesia, as one of the countries adopting a civil law system in its legal system, which has the characteristics of written and administrative. As a result, the overall pattern of the investigator’s oral communication is assumed to be just right. The Criminal Procedure Code, which adheres to the principle...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection on Share Transfer Owned by a Foundation to the Affiliated Company

The foundation’s management in transferring, transferring and selling the foundation’s wealth is limited in accordance with article 5 paragraph (1) of Law Number 28 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations. And also in article 38 paragraph (1) it is stated that foundations...
Proceedings Article

Norm Reformulation and Reconstruction of Narcotics Abuser in Indonesia Criminal Justice System

Sahat Maruli T. Situmeang
Mistakes in understanding a legal concept will lead to errors in making an interpretation, so that it will lead to mistakes in making a decision. However, misunderstanding of the concept of law is very dependent on mistakes in understanding the nature of an object in the form of written legal norms....
Proceedings Article

Restorative Justice Approach as an Alternative Companion of the Criminal Justice System in Indonesia

Sahuri Lasmadi, Ratna Kumala Sari, Hari Sutra Disemadi
The Criminal Justice System has played a large role in shaping thinking about the concept of crime and how to deal with it through the judiciary. The legal system approach with criminal justice to justice has important strengths. However, there are also significant limitations and fail in certain conditions....
Proceedings Article

Evil Constitution: Study on the Interpretation of the Indonesian Constitution

Sanggup Leonard Agustian, Fabian Edbert Iryanto, Julius Fang
The constitution can be interpreted with various perspectives with each individual which is motivated by various factors. Nevertheless, in general, the constitution can be interpreted as a set of principles and rules that govern various principles, norms, and institutions which are all fundamental. A...
Proceedings Article

Nurse’s Negligance and Criminal Responsibilty: Case Study of Health Worker in North Lampung Regency

Slamet Haryadi, Irhammudin
Nursing staff in North Lampung Regency are still far from enough, many have voluntary, honorary, and many do not have independent practice licenses, so access to health is vulnerable. Negligence cases that cause patients to die occur. Actions, mistakes, and accountability are discussed. With normative...
Proceedings Article

The Marriage Age Limit According to Indonesian Law No. 16, 2019 as Effort to Child Protection

Sri Murni
In marriage, women will experience a severe psychological process, namely pregnancy and childbirth that requires sacrifice. Marriage Law Nu. 1 of 1974 established a marriage age limit of 16 years for women and 19 years for men. However, in the period of 6 years from 2011 the divorce rate of minors always...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of Regulation for Government Employees with Employment Agreements on Rights and Obligations as a Value-Based State Civil Apparatus

The issue of the rights of Government Employees with Work Agreements that are not the same as the rights of Civil Servants who are both as State Civil Apparatuses who have the same rights, but their rights are different for Government Employees with Work Agreements which indicate that Legislation in...
Proceedings Article

Criminal Sanction Policy to Stopping Investigation Suspect is Breach of Human Rights

In the process of investigating a suspect, sometimes the treatment is deviated from the provisions of the legislation. This is not only in Indonesia but also in developed countries. If related to Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police which contains the values contained in Pancasila,...
Proceedings Article

The Authority of the People’s Consultative Assembly and the Discourse of the Limited Amendment of the Constitution

Sulardi, Fitria Esfandiari
Indonesia is a state of law and is based on popular sovereignty based on the 1945 Constitution, as determined in Article 1 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3). The People’s Consultative Assembly is the executor of people’s sovereignty. The shifting of the position of this institution from the highest institution...
Proceedings Article

The Right for Victims and Sexual Offender: A Comparative Study

Sulbadana, AndiIntan Purnamasari
Article 10 of the Indonesian Criminal Code, explains the types of sanctions. However, Article 103 of the Indonesian Criminal Code provides space for regulations governing the types of sanctions outside it. One type of sanctions that is relatively new in Indonesia is the castration chemical sanctions....
Proceedings Article

Hospital Responsibilities in Providing Health Services

Doctors as health care workers in hospitals are required to be professional in carrying out their duties and authority in medical services. In medical practice, doctors and patients have interrelated relationships. The object of this agreement is the health services performed by doctors and their nature...
Proceedings Article

Regional Government Policy in Environmental-Based Waste Management

Suwari Akhmaddhian, Nulan Sunarsah, Sugiarto, Bias Lintang Dialog
This study aims to find out and analyze the regulations of waste management based on Indonesian legislations as well as the implementation of waste management policies in Kuningan District. The method used in this study was an evaluative analysis method which is a method of collecting and presenting...
Proceedings Article

Legal Certainty of Article 1977 BurgerlijkWetboek Implementation Related to Credit Distribution Based on Mortgage Law in Pergadaian Industry

Teja Sukma Gumelar
The nature of moving objects that are easily transferred make material’s mastery difficult to ascertain whether the person who controls the object was the owner or just a holder. In response to the problematic, the legislator has established a principle of “bezitgeltalsvolcomentitel” as stipulated in...
Proceedings Article

Juridical Review of the Refugees in Indonesia from the Human Rights Side and the Private Protection

Titi Herwati Soeryabrata
The emergence of conflicts within a country as well as conflicts between countries lead to warfare which results in the occurrence of fear because it causes many casualties and loss of property. This has triggered many people to flee to flee their countries without bringing enough supplies or documents...
Proceedings Article

Trade Union: One Aspect of Worker Rights Protection in Company

Totok Tumangkar
The aim of this study is to describe the role of trade unions in protecting workers’ rights. The result of this study shows that Trade Unions in their duties and functions have shown optimal roles through persuasive communication, namely dialogue between workers and companies as a family. Obstacles faced...
Proceedings Article

Optimalization for the Development of Ex-Convicts Related to Human Rights in Recidivic Prevention Measures

Umi Enggarsasi, Nur Khalimatus sa’diyah
Ex-convicts are ex-convicts who have lost independence and guidance in prison, The existence of ex-convicts in the community often causes trauma to ex-convicts because the community still has a negative view of it. This condition is one of the causes of ex-convicts to repeat criminal acts (recidivists)....
Proceedings Article

Philosophical Criticism of the Betrayal of the Criminal Law Rechtspersoon as a Legal Subject

Wibisono Oedoyo, Rocky Marbun
In every legal case, especially a case that is special in nature, always brings up two side by side. The hegemony of one field of law over other fields of law raises losses for those who experience dominance of the Law Enforcement Officials. The emergence of differences in understanding, in the end will...
Proceedings Article

Application of Res Ipsa Loquitur to the Medical Negligence Case in Patient Protection Perspective

Wukir Prayitno
The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur (the things speak for itself) facts that speak for themselves can be applied in cases of medical negligence in court, although this doctrine does not guarantee victory in every case for patients. The formulation of this research problem is: why is the doctrine of res...
Proceedings Article

Conceptualizing the Regulation Based on Spiritual Values Toward the LGBT Phenomenon in Indonesia

Zaenal Arifin, Adhi Putra Satria
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) is a phenomenon that is always interesting to discuss. LGBT actors continue to campaign to get guarantees of recognition, equality, and legal protection for their existence in Indonesia. The existence of LGBT in Indonesia has caused various reactions from...
Proceedings Article

Stages of Objections as Irregularities Prevention of Government Goods/Services Procurement

Zaenal Arifin
In an effort to realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation is to carry out the construction of facilities and infrastructure to support and drive the country’s economy. Efforts to implement the construction of one of them carried out through tender for the government procurement of goods /services tenders....
Proceedings Article

Legal Responsibilities of Plastic Surgery Specialists Against Patients’ Rights in Health Services

Endang Sri Sarastri
The increasing needs of the community in the field of aesthetics, makes the medical world develop and improve their knowledge and skills in medical services, especially in the aesthetic field. There are times when medical services occur errors/negligence by doctors that cause harm to patients both immaterial...
Proceedings Article

Child Diversion Application Policy that has a Conflict with Law to Make a Restorative Justice in Indonesia

Erna Trimartini, Hartiwiningsih, Widodo Tresno Novianto
The inclusion of diversion and restorative justice in the Rules of the Juvenile Justice System in Indonesia is the development of formulation policies in providing legal protection for children in conflict with laws that pay attention to children’s rights as mandated by constitutional law which determines...
Proceedings Article

Storage of Functions and Values from Pancasila in Law Enforcement as a Guideline of Life in Community

Ervina Dwi Indriati
Pancasila has become an agreement of the Indonesian people as the basis of the state of the Republic of Indonesia, but in its implementation efforts have experienced various obstacles both internal and external. Pancasila as the nation’s view of life needs to be implemented in real life, this has been...
Proceedings Article

Make a Prosperous State Through National Security

Harjono Pamungkas Putro
The ideals of the Indonesian state are to realize a nation that is whole, a just, prosperous, prosperous, orderly and peaceful society. Efforts made in realizing the nation’s goals are through the national security system, which until now has not produced new regulations that are in line with the expectations...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the National Land Agency in the Implementation of Land Registration as an Effort to Make Administration Law Rules Land in Semarang City

In Law No. 5 of 1960 Concerning Agrarian Principles, several basic provisions have been outlined on how the land should be used, controlled and owned in Indonesia. Besides that, in the possession of land required legal certainty, with the legal certainty, it will further increase the use of the land....
Proceedings Article

A Model of Authority of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission in the Imposition of Administration Sanctions Based on Law Number 32 of 2002 Concerning Broadcasting

M. Riyanto
Broadcast media has a strong influence or penetration or is called The Powerful Effect of Media, especially television, which is the imitation process of television shows both direct and delayed effects in the form of an explosive display of images, and misleading of narratives. Therefore, broadcasting...
Proceedings Article

Constitutional Court Authority and the Implementation of Democratic Legal Countries in Dispute Settlement General Selection Results

Democracy contains the sacred meaning adopted by most countries in the world. Democracy has become a universal principle that places people’s sovereignty in an honorable position on the stage of state power. The formulation of the problem in this paper is (1.) What is the authority of the Constitutional...
Proceedings Article

The Criminal Law of the Consumer Protection on Sale Buy Online Through Mass Media

Rini Retnowinarni
The era of globalization does not rule out opportunities for change and development. By developing technology, it will directly change the pattern of life as well as the culture and dignity of the nation. In the world of world-scale trading more and more utilizing internet facilities, one of which is...
Proceedings Article

Attendance Challenge Peer to Peer Lending Economic Development in Indonesia

Alum Simbolon, Irene Puteri
The big challenge to be aware of the government over the presence of peer to peer lending in the economic development of Indonesia, and even pose many risks for related parties. Risks to the organizers collector (user), to the recipient (borrower) and to the lender (investor), and risk of loss to the...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Autopsy Functions in Evidence Criminal Act

Bintara Sura Priyambada
This paper aims to find out and analyze optimizing the function of outopsis as evidence in criminal acts. Outopsis is an internal and external examination of the body to determine the cause of death of a human being. Death will cause permanent disruption to the central nervous system, cardiovascular...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of the 1998 Rome Statute in Indonesia’s National Law Through Act Number 26 Year 2000 on Human Rights Courts

Eva Arief
Severe human rights violations that occurred in Indonesia such as in Aceh, Papua, Jakarta, Poso and East Timor are included in the category of crime against humanity. Indonesia adopted the principles of international law into the national law, which was adjusted to the ideological values of the Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

Limitation of Air Conditioning That Became a Sovereignty of Indonesia’s State

Evert Maximiliaan Tentua
The country of Indonesia is an archipelago and is located at a crossroads between the continents of Asia and the continents of Australia and the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and this situation makes the sea in Indonesia become Indonesia’s busiest sea and airspace in the world, and this makes the...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening the Implementation of Pancasila Values in Life of Nation and State Private Living in Indonesia’s Legal System

Hadi Karyono
Pancasila as an ideology and the basis of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, is a political choice of funding fathers in the midst of the choice of a religious or secular state in general. Aside from being an ideology and the foundation of the State, Pancasila is also the source of all sources...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Traditional Cultural Expression on Regional Economic Assets

Chryssantus Kastowo
This paper aims to analyze and evaluate the expression of traditional culture to have real economic value in the area of managing regional economic assets. Traditional cultural expression as communal intellectual property whose existence is recognized internationally. Expectations Traditional culture...
Proceedings Article

Prevention of Money Laundering Criminal Act in Overcoming Corruption Criminal Act

With so many criminal acts of corruption occurring in Indonesia today, of course, must be addressed with the aim that the state’s financial losses can be returned to the State to be used for people’s prosperity, so that the State’s finances are not lost so that juxtaposed with the enactment of the Law...
Proceedings Article

Defamation and Insults as Criminal Acts Against Trademarks

Brandon A Malvin
The purpose of this study is to determine whether criminal acts of defamation and insults categorized as crimes against trademarks and to find out the legal protection for trademark owners from defamation and insults. This research method use normative juridical as this method examines the concepts,...
Proceedings Article

The Reconstruction of Government Policy’s Waste Management for the Rights of Good and Healthy Living Environment

Moh. Sidik
The good and healthy environment of life is the basic right of every Indonesian citizen as mandated in Article 28H of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the government is obliged to create a good and healthy environment for Indonesian citizens to actualize a prosperous society....
Proceedings Article

Dialectics Method in Completion of Notary & PPAT Service Capacity Issues with Lecturers as Social Problems in the Legal Education Scope

Lina Maulidiana, Rendy Renaldy, Muhamad Rusjana
Law colleges or colleges that have law faculties, often found practitioners in the field of law, such as: Notary, PPAT, Advocates and other legal profession bearers who are deemed to be scientifically qualified and get a call in the academic field, namely becoming a lecturer or teaching staff with the...
Proceedings Article

Advertisement and Publication Health Service

Sri Retno Widyorini
Advertisement is an effort made by a seller to offer a product. Products can be in the form of goods or service. Advertisement and publication for health service offered can use print or electronic media. Basically advertisement about health service is permitted by the applicable provision to the extent...
Proceedings Article

Community Role in the Prevention of Narcotics Abuse Among Teenagers

Sri Wulandari, Sri Hartati
Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants/non-plants that can cause a decrease in consciousness to eliminate pain and if abused can cause dependence. In general, narcotics abusers are adolescents, they are those who are in the age 17-24 years are in a transition period or in a looking for...
Proceedings Article

Reintegrative Shaming: Strengthening of Punishment in the Criminal Policy of Corruption in Indonesia

Bambang Joyo Supeno
Statute, 20 of 2001 about Amendment of Statute, 31 of 1991 about Eradication of Corruption emphasizes criminal policy in punitive model, as imprisonment, fine, penalties for repayment of state losses and additional penalties. The punitive model cannot be used as a deterrent and shock therapy factor in...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection of Bank as the Recipient of Warehouse Receipt Security According to Law No. 9 of 2011 Regarding Warehouse Receipt System

Enny Patria
The banking industry has an important and strategic function in economic activity. In distributing funds or credit to borrower, a bank must first conduct a careful assessment toward the character, capacity, capital, condition of economy, and collateral of debtor. Warehouse Receipt is one of instruments...
Proceedings Article

Ownership of Land Right for Joint Partnership in Indonesia

Catharina Mulyani Santoso
The Joint partnership (commanditaire vennootschap) or often known by the abbreviation CV is a partnership established by one or several people who entrust money or goods to one or several people who run the company and act as leaders. The limited partnership was established with a notarial deed and is...
Proceedings Article

The Process of Granting Permits to Establish Buildings Based on Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2009 in Realizing Good Regional Government

The giving process of IMB (Building Construction Permit) based on Semarang Municipality Regulation No. 5 year 2009 for the good governance in Semarang municipality has done in comprehensive way of Permission Service Board (BPPT). In the regional Regulation that requires every citizen to erect and dismantle...
Proceedings Article

Cancellation of Parents’ Grants Giving to Children According to the Islamic Law Compilation and the Civil Code

Yulies Tiena Masriani
Grants are gifts given to others while they are still alive, free of charge without any conditions and irrevocable. However, giving of these grants often also causes disputes between heirs who disagree on the grant giving rise to disputes reaching the court. The causes are: 1) How to cancel the grant...
Proceedings Article

Ownership Limitation to the Land Rights Based on the Social Justice in Accordance to the Renewal of National Agrarian Rights Act

Widyarini Indriasti Wardani
The limitation to the ownership of land rights in Indonesia is regulated by article 7 and 17 of Land Rights Act, and specifically the agriculture field is regulated by Act No. 56 of 1960 juncto Regulation of Agriculture Minister Number 18 of 2016 concerning Control of Mastery Agricultural Land and Presidential...
Proceedings Article

Democratization and Human Rights in Indonesia in the Globalization Era (Legislation Study)

The study of Democratization and Human Rights has the background that democratization and Human Rights are two species that move towards each other (reciprocity), and now as part of global politics, provide the consequences of recognition and protection for countries in the world. In historical records,...
Proceedings Article

Legal Harmonization of Red Program in the Protection of Forest Management in Indonesia

Southeast Asia is undergoing the expansion and intensification in forest conventions for oil palm plantations. The expansion of oil palm plantations is rapidly becoming a global phenomenon. The environmental impact of large oil palm plantations results in increased greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Regionally Owned Enterprises (BUMD) in Indonesia

Agus Wibowo
Regionally Owned Enterprises (BUMD) are companies established and owned by local governments. In general, BUMDs in Indonesia in carrying out their business are charged with three missions, namely as a public servant, as a source of Local Revenue (PAD), and also as an agent for driving regional economic...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of the Roles of Vice Regional Heads in the Future

Benny Bambang Irawan
According to the fourth paragraph of the Preambule of Indonesian Constitution, the mandate of forming Indonesian government is to protect and to increase the society’s welfare. Normative-empirically, Indonesian government consist of central government and regional government. In many ways, the unity...
Proceedings Article

Shariah Compliance on Laws About Alternative Disputes Resolution Institutions for Shariah Financial Institutions: Coverage and Elements

Ro’fah Setyowati, Islamiyati, Aista Wisnu Putra
Shariah compliance is a special feature of Shariah financial institutions. Therefore, the paradigm of Shariah compliance has changed into an instrument for Shariah financial institutions. This article aims to find the coverage and elements of Shariah compliance, in laws about alternative dispute resolution...
Proceedings Article

Oral and Health Therapist Transfer of Authority: A Concept of Medical Dispute Solution Through Mediation

Sukini, Puji Lestari, Krismono Irwanto
The main purpose of writing this article is to analyze how legal problems might arise in handling patients, by dental therapists / dental nurses in carrying out abundant tasks, and analyzing about how to resolve disputes medical treatment by dental therapists through mediation channels. The writing of...
Proceedings Article

Protection of Legal Rights of Ulayat Peoples in Sumba Timur District, Indonesia.

Sigit Irianto, Adolf Cornelis, Umbu Kundji Hawula
Customary rights are rights owned by indigenous peoples in Indonesia, such as adat land, adat customs, rituals, culture, adat order and life values to respect their environment which arises based on inner and outer relationships. Indonesian legislation has provided protection for indigenous rights and...
Proceedings Article

Immaterial Compensation in Tort Law Acts Judge Made Law Through Rechsvinding

Markus Suryoutomo, Sri Purwaningsih
Burgelijk Wetboek (BW) contains two main sources of civilization, namely Binding (verbintennis) and Tort Law (onrechmatige daad) respectively under Article 1320 BW and Article 1365 BW. This can be found in almost all legal events (rechtsgevolg) in the practice of justice sourced from it. As such, a legal...
Proceedings Article

Shifting Patterns in Settlement of Land Ownership Right

Sri Puspitaningrum
That the population growth rate is directly opposite so fast with the land inventory, Indonesia’s development paradigm shift that is slowly evolved from an agrarian country into the industrialized countries, as a consequence of the development of coastal development requires land as ingredients. The...
Proceedings Article

Government’s Responsibilities in the Use of Discretion for Natural Disaster Management

Indonesia as a state of law that aims to achieve public welfare, every activity must be oriented to the goals to be achieved as a rule of state activities, government, and society. The problems in this research are: (1) Why is there an urgency in the implementation of government accountability in the...
Proceedings Article

Authentic Deed of Notary That Carries Criminal Charges

Liliana Tedjosaputro
Deed of Notary as evidence of the existence of a legal act. In Indonesia there are two position which is a Notary who makes Deed of Notary and a Land Deed Official who makes Land Deeds (PPAT). PPAT is the only positions that exist in the world, namely in Indonesia. The writing method used is normative...
Proceedings Article

Vague Norm on Conditions: Article 60 of Law Number 13 Year 2016 Concerning Patents

Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah Indradewi, I Made Wahyu Chandra Satriana
Revocation of Law Number 14 Year 2001 concerning Patents for the inception of a new patent law namely Law Number 13 Year 2016 concerning Patents automatically brings fundamental changes to the regulation of patent rights in Indonesia. One of them is the stipulation in Article 60 of Law Number 13 Year...
Proceedings Article

Arrangement of Foreign Capital Investment in Industrial Development Based on Social Capital

Budi Purnomo
Indonesia is a developing country that strives to realize social welfare with justice. Investment is a means used in realizing social welfare with justice. This study aims to determine foreign capital investment arrangements in Indonesia. The problems in this study are (1) Why does foreign capital investment...