Proceedings of the International Conference of Democratisation in Southeast Asia (ICDeSA 2019)
168 authors
- Abdullah, Sait
- Understanding Aceh Referendum Discourse in the Context of Asymmetric Decentralisation
- Adnan, Hasyim
- Implementation of Regional Regulation No.11 of 2011 Concerning Business Service Retribution at the Transportation Departmen of Pandeglang Regency
- Afaf, Naufal
- Social Media in The Public Sphere, Network Society, and Political Branding
- Agustin, Hermawan
- Gender Responsiveness on Public Facilities in Terminal Type A of Pakupatan, Serang City
- Agustini, P.M
- Government-Initiated City Branding: A Case of Sapta Cita In Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia
- Agustino, Leo
- Democracy in Crisis: Civic Freedom in Contemporary Indonesia
- Ahmad, Jamaludin
- Village Government Leadership Towards Optimizing Society Participation in Development Planning
- Akbar, M.Chairil
- Identity Politics Within Indonesian Islamic Parties: Study of PKB and PKS
- Anan, Edy
- Effect of Fiscal Desentralization and Region-wide Corruption Level in Indonesia
- Arenawati
- Reframing on Organization Transforming at PT. Kereta Api Indonesia
- Arifin, Arif
- An Integrated Public – Private Partnership System for Covering Narcotics Addiction Treatment Centre: a Case Study of Anti – Narcotics Zones in Indonesia
- Bachruddin, Devi
- The Problems of The Implementation of Authority on Affairs of Population and Civil Registration in Regional Governance in Banten Province
- Baidawi, Ahmad
- The Role of Jambi Malay Customary Institutions in Preservation of Local Wisdom in Jambi Province
- Bandiyah
- Review of Pierre Bourdieu in Political Practice of Dana Punia in The General Bali Governor Election 2018
- Basit, Abdul
- Social Media in The Public Sphere, Network Society, and Political Branding
- Basit, Abdul
- Sandiaga Uno’s Personal Branding in The Midst of Indonesian Millennial Generation
- Bekti, Herijanto
- Reframing on Organization Transforming at PT. Kereta Api Indonesia
- Budiati, Ayuning
- The Improvement of E-administration in Indonesia : An Analysis Based on U Theory and Quintuple Helix
- Cahyani, Ferina
- Forest Utilization Policy in Indonesia in Improving Environmental Carrying Capacity
- Darma, Bani
- The Problems of The Implementation of Authority on Affairs of Population and Civil Registration in Regional Governance in Banten Province
- Darmi, Titi
- Muhammadiyah Political Role In Increasing Rural Community Economicn (The Role Of Institutional Assessment Branch Of Muhammadiyah In Resources Management)
- Darwis
- Traditional Communication Model of Traditional Leaders in Maintaining Local Wisdom in Custom Tribe, Kasepuhan Cisungsang, South Banten, Banten Province, Indonesia
- Dewi, Kurniawati
- How Did Women Workers Get Benefit From Revolution 4.0?
- Dewi, M. Retno
- Critical Analysis on Entrepreneurial Strategies on Drug Abuse in Indonesia
- Dimyati, Idi
- Traditional Communication Model of Traditional Leaders in Maintaining Local Wisdom in Custom Tribe, Kasepuhan Cisungsang, South Banten, Banten Province, Indonesia
- Efendi, Dori
- Analysis of Traditional Leadership Models in Indigenous Peoples of Kerinci on Affecting policy Direction
- Ekowati, Sri
- Muhammadiyah Political Role In Increasing Rural Community Economicn (The Role Of Institutional Assessment Branch Of Muhammadiyah In Resources Management)
- Fadli, Yusuf
- Social Media in The Public Sphere, Network Society, and Political Branding
- Fatriani, Riri
- Analysis of the Changing Village Status Becoming a Urban Village towards Public Services at Kampung Baruh Tabir Sub-District Merangin Regency
- Fauzan, Muhammad
- Kalimantan Province: The Incompetence Of Incumbents In The Contestation Of 2015 Regional Head Elections In The Central Hulu Sungai Regency Of South
- Febriansyah, Muhamad
- Bawaslu and the Dynamic of Election Monitoring in Indonesia
- Febriansyah, Muhammad
- Bawaslu and the Dynamic of Election Monitoring in Indonesia
- Framanik, Naniek
- Traditional Communication Model of Traditional Leaders in Maintaining Local Wisdom in Custom Tribe, Kasepuhan Cisungsang, South Banten, Banten Province, Indonesia
- Fuad, Anis
- E-Government Based Public Information Servicesin the Framework of Public Information Openness
- Fuad, Anis
- Digital Information Literacy Competency among Lecturers of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University in Supporting Research and Scientific Publication
- Fuady, Ahmad
- How Did Women Workers Get Benefit From Revolution 4.0?
- Futaesaku, Kazuyo
- Reconstruction and Transformation of Regional Culture Through Tourism: The case of Bangka Belitung Province
- Ganis, Evi
- Democratization of Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Through Political CSR in The DKI Jakarta Regional Election 2017
- Godjali, Moh. Rizky
- Empowerment and Literacy Development Through Waste Management (Case Study of Bank Sampah and Limbah Pustaka in Muntang Village, Purbalingga Regency)
- Hafid, Lili
- Implementation of E-Government and Public Service in Sidenreng Rappang Regency: Study of Village Website in Bulo Wattang, Carawali, Kanie, and Lagading Village
- Hairini, Siti
- Kalimantan Province: The Incompetence Of Incumbents In The Contestation Of 2015 Regional Head Elections In The Central Hulu Sungai Regency Of South
- Hamid, Abdul
- Digital Information Literacy Competency among Lecturers of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University in Supporting Research and Scientific Publication
- Handaka, Riya
- The impact of government transfers and expenditure assignments as part of fiscal decentralization on the level of corruption: Evidence from Indonesia
- Handayani, Riny
- Mapping of Banten Province Population Quantity
- Handayani, Riny
- Mapping Of Banten Province Population Quantity
- Harriadi, Ibrahim
- The impact of government transfers and expenditure assignments as part of fiscal decentralization on the level of corruption: Evidence from Indonesia
- Hartanto, Dadang
- Effect of Social Interaction Based on Socio-Religions In Ensuring Security (Case Study: Capital City Police of Medan, Indonesia)
- Hidayat, Endik
- Village democracy and winning strategies based on Power in Javanese culture in Village Head Election in Tanjung Village, Pagu District, Kediri Regency
- Hidayat, Nasrullah
- Effect of Social Interaction Based on Socio-Religions In Ensuring Security (Case Study: Capital City Police of Medan, Indonesia)
- Hidyat, Dadang
- Culture Stereotype in Etnic Humor: An Analysis of Sunda Humors in “Canghegar” Program on Rama FM Bandung
- Hikmawan, M.Dian
- Environmental Movement Against Mining Exploration in Bojonegara Serang Banten
- Hikmawan, M.Dian
- The Movement of Women with Disabilities on Indonesia’s Legislative Election 2019
- Hirawan, Zaenal
- Decentralization Of Fiscal Administration Of Subang Regional Financial Year 2015 - 2017
- Husain, Muh
- The Publics’ Perception and The Interest of Islamic Insurance in The City of Tangerang
- Idris, Ika
- Fake News and Elections in Two Southeast Asian Nations: A Comparative Study of Malaysia General Election 2018 and Indonesia Presidential Election 2019
- Indriyany, Ika
- Environmental Movement Against Mining Exploration in Bojonegara Serang Banten
- Indriyany, Ika
- The Movement of Women with Disabilities on Indonesia’s Legislative Election 2019
- Intityaswi, Drina
- Political Expression on YouTube During the 2019 Presidential Election Campaign With Uses and Dependency Perspective
- Intyaswati, Drina
- Political Expression on YouTube During the 2019 Presidential Election Campaign With Uses and Dependency Perspective
- Irwan
- Village Government Leadership Towards Optimizing Society Participation in Development Planning
- Ismail, Muhamad
- Bawaslu and the Dynamic of Election Monitoring in Indonesia
- Ismanto
- Pseudo Governance: A Lesson Learned From Banten
- Iswandi
- The Role of Jambi Malay Customary Institutions in Preservation of Local Wisdom in Jambi Province
- Jalli, Nururrianti
- Fake News and Elections in Two Southeast Asian Nations: A Comparative Study of Malaysia General Election 2018 and Indonesia Presidential Election 2019
- Jalli, Nuurianti
- Perception, Knowledge, And Acceptance Of Rome Statute In Malaysia
- Jalli, Nuurrianti
- Fake News and Elections in Two Southeast Asian Nations: A Comparative Study of Malaysia General Election 2018 and Indonesia Presidential Election 2019
- Jumiati, Ipah
- Policy Implementation Model Of Hiv And AIDS Prevention Program Budgeting At Banten Province
- Juniardi, Yudi
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program for English Teachers’ Professional Competence in Secondary Subject' Forum of Serang Regency
- Karlinah, Siti
- Culture Stereotype in Etnic Humor: An Analysis of Sunda Humors in “Canghegar” Program on Rama FM Bandung
- Karnadhi, Stephanus
- Legitimation of Religious Symbols in Politics: Descriptive Analysis of The Narration of Indonesian Election Campaign 2019
- Karnesih, Erlis
- Reframing on Organization Transforming at PT. Kereta Api Indonesia
- Khumaini, Sabik
- The Publics’ Perception and The Interest of Islamic Insurance in The City of Tangerang
- Kismartini
- The Informatıon Technology-Based Plannıng And Budgetıng System In The Regıonal Government Of Banten Provınce Indonesıa
- Kusmanto, Heri
- The Problems of Political Development of Islamic Party Politics in Indonesia and Malaysia: History Review on Democration Process
- Larasati, Endang
- The Informatıon Technology-Based Plannıng And Budgetıng System In The Regıonal Government Of Banten Provınce Indonesıa
- Latif, Adam
- Village Government Leadership Towards Optimizing Society Participation in Development Planning
- Lega, Michael
- Analysis of Traditional Leadership Models in Indigenous Peoples of Kerinci on Affecting policy Direction
- Leiliyanti, Eva
- Reading Symbolic Identity Smear Campaign on Presidential Candidates Billboards in Indonesia’s Post-Truth Era: The 2019 Election
- Listyaningsih
- Pseudo Governance: A Lesson Learned From Banten
- Lubis, Yusniar
- The Problems of Political Development of Islamic Party Politics in Indonesia and Malaysia: History Review on Democration Process
- Ma'ruf, Rosyid
- Elements and success factors of the electronic-based public service to the active role of the community in the Lukadesi Program in Wukirsari village government
- Madaling
- Implementation of E-Government and Public Service in Sidenreng Rappang Regency: Study of Village Website in Bulo Wattang, Carawali, Kanie, and Lagading Village
- Mahyuni
- Kalimantan Province: The Incompetence Of Incumbents In The Contestation Of 2015 Regional Head Elections In The Central Hulu Sungai Regency Of South
- Mahyuni, Hairini
- Kalimantan Province: The Incompetence Of Incumbents In The Contestation Of 2015 Regional Head Elections In The Central Hulu Sungai Regency Of South
- Maksum, Ali
- The Pattern of Village Democratic Institutionalization in Managing Village Funds
- Malik, Abdul
- Traditional Ceremony as a Development Communication Medium
- Mansur, Suraya
- Democratization of Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Through Political CSR in The DKI Jakarta Regional Election 2017
- Marta, Auradian
- Democracy in Crisis: Civic Freedom in Contemporary Indonesia
- Maryani, Eni
- Political Expression on YouTube During the 2019 Presidential Election Campaign With Uses and Dependency Perspective
- Maulana, Delly
- The Informatıon Technology-Based Plannıng And Budgetıng System In The Regıonal Government Of Banten Provınce Indonesıa
- Maulana, Rio
- Analysis of Traditional Leadership Models in Indigenous Peoples of Kerinci on Affecting policy Direction
- Mayrudin, Yeby
- Environmental Movement Against Mining Exploration in Bojonegara Serang Banten
- Mayrudin, Yeby
- Identity Politics Within Indonesian Islamic Parties: Study of PKB and PKS
- Mayrudin, Yeby
- The Movement of Women with Disabilities on Indonesia’s Legislative Election 2019
- Mihardja, E.J
- Government-Initiated City Branding: A Case of Sapta Cita In Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia
- Miskan
- Village democracy and winning strategies based on Power in Javanese culture in Village Head Election in Tanjung Village, Pagu District, Kediri Regency
- Muljadi
- Sandiaga Uno’s Personal Branding in The Midst of Indonesian Millennial Generation
- Mustanir, Ahmad
- Village Government Leadership Towards Optimizing Society Participation in Development Planning
- Noor, Norazam
- Bawaslu and the Dynamic of Election Monitoring in Indonesia
- Nugroho, Hadi
- Decentralization Of Fiscal Administration Of Subang Regional Financial Year 2015 - 2017