Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Information Science & Application Technology (ICCIA 2016)
286 authors
- Liu, Shengjie
- Temperature Distribution Characteristics of Asphalt Pavement Based on the Field Measured Data
- Liu, Shuai
- Design and realization visible light communication transmitter circuit
- Liu, Wei
- Adaptive Medical Image Fusion Method based on NSCT and Unit-Linking PCNN
- Liu, Yang
- Short-Term Bus Load Matching and Forecasting Model
- Liu, Yang
- Research on Weather Navigation Algorithm Based On Rolling Window Optimization
- Liu, Yang
- Research on Electricity Demand Combination Forecasting Model in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Shapley Value
- Liu, Zhi
- Starting of shipboard ESG monitors at low latitudes
- Liu, Zhi
- The Feasibility Research of GNSS Difference Positioning Based on Maritime Removed Datum
- Liu, Zhong
- A Greedy Routing Algorithm for Deep Sea without Location Information
- Long, Zhuhan
- Research on the Emission Reduction Problem of Biomass Power Generation
- Lu, Fan
- Region-based Image Fusion Method with Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
- Lu, Guangming
- Analysis and Countermeasure Research about Sensitive Information of Complex Cyber Psychology of Cross-border Multi-ethnic Language
- Lu, Wei
- Target Detection Algorithm Based on Region Segmentation in Moving Background
- Luo, Jiaolian
- The effect in the production and Luminescence property of Zn3V2O8 with fluxing
- Lv, Hongjun
- Application of Industrial Control Configuration Software WinCC in the Monitoring System of Ship Steering Gear
- Lv, Peng
- Design and Implementation of a Private Cloud's Database as a Service
- Ma, Shun
- Design of a Decoupled Six-axis Force Sensor for Powered Lower Limb Exoskeleton
- Ma, Zilong
- Automatic Download Design of STC MCU Based on CH340G
- Mao, Cheng
- Research on Small Hydropower Group Output Characteristics of Multiple Time Scales
- Mei, Quanliang
- A Study on Government Emergency Disposal System of Network Emergencies
- Mei, Song
- A Study on Government Emergency Disposal System of Network Emergencies
- Mei, Xiaohan
- Research on the Biological Data Visualization Algorithm based on Self-Organizing Network
- Ming, Yong
- Simulation of Solar Wind Based on K-epsilon (k-ε) Turbulence Models
- Mo, Yifu
- D-STATCOM Optimal Allocation Based On Investment Decision Theory
- Mu, Xihui
- The Development and Application of the Replaceable Triangle Track Wheel
- Peng, Han
- The Decision of Fatigue State Based On Characteristics' Fuzzy Fusion
- Peng, Huafeng
- Precision Analysis of an Analytical Method in Space Debris Orbit Prediction
- Peng, Lilin
- Short-Term Bus Load Matching and Forecasting Model
- Peng, Lilin
- Research on the Emission Reduction Problem of Biomass Power Generation
- Peng, Lilin
- Research on Electricity Demand Combination Forecasting Model in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Shapley Value
- Peng, Nie
- Bioinformatics Analysis on Molecular Mechanism of Poria Cocos in Treatment of Jaundice
- Qian, Wenxin
- Research on Simulation and Experiment of Hydro-pneumatic Spring Thermodynamic Characteristics
- Qiao, Xiuquan
- Design and Implementation of a Private Cloud's Database as a Service
- Qiao, Xiuquan
- Prediction-Based Elastic Load Balancing Mechanism in Cloud Environment
- Qu, Zhanwei
- Remote Sensing Image Fusion Method Based on improved Radial Basis and Fast partition Interpolation
- Ren, Lijing
- Demographic Data Visualization on Continuous Area Cartograms
- Shan, Yilin
- An Image Dehazing Method Based On an Improved Retinex Theory
- Shang, Yanlei
- An Event Modeling and Analysis Method Based on Bipartite Graph
- Shang, Yanlei
- A Cross-platform and User Transparent Mobile Application Event Collection Mechanism
- Shang, Yuyong
- The Feasibility Research of GNSS Difference Positioning Based on Maritime Removed Datum
- Shi, Quan
- Simulation and Analysis of Function Damage Effect for Typical Mechanical Transmission System
- Si, Shan
- Bioinformatics Analysis on Molecular Mechanism of Poria Cocos in Treatment of Jaundice
- Song, Hao
- Numerical simulation and noise prediction of the aerial propeller
- Song, Wenfeng
- Multi Laser Displacement Sensors Based Three-dimensional Pavement Measuring Technology
- Song, Yukun
- Implementation of High Accuracy Trigonometric Function on FPGA by Taylor Expansion
- Su, Li
- Research on Small Hydropower Group Output Characteristics of Multiple Time Scales
- Sun, Chenjun
- Short-Term Bus Load Matching and Forecasting Model
- Sun, Chenjun
- Research on the Emission Reduction Problem of Biomass Power Generation
- Sun, Chenjun
- Research on Electricity Demand Combination Forecasting Model in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Shapley Value
- Sun, Shun
- Study on Optimal Station Distribution Based on TDOA Measurements
- Sun, Yuzhong
- Empirical Research of the Impact of Internet Finance on Personal Finance
- Tang, Jiqun
- Research on Small Hydropower Group Output Characteristics of Multiple Time Scales
- Tang, Yue
- A Cross-platform and User Transparent Mobile Application Event Collection Mechanism
- Tao, Xinrong
- The Correlation Analysis of Curriculum Based On Clementine
- Tao, Zhiyu
- Discrimination Method of Ship and Corner Reflector Based on Micro-Doppler Feature
- Tian, Bo
- Feature Extraction of Precession Targets Based on Multi-aspect Range-Profile Sequence
- Tian, Zixi
- A New Ant Colony Algorithm for Deep Sea Sparse Network
- Tong, Xiaojun
- A Decoding Method For Modulo Operations-Based Fountain Codes Using the Accelerated Hopfield Neural Network
- Wang, Bin
- Precision Analysis of an Analytical Method in Space Debris Orbit Prediction
- Wang, Dangwei
- Maneuverable Warhead Tracking Based on CKF
- Wang, Guangyan
- Simulation and Analysis of Function Damage Effect for Typical Mechanical Transmission System
- Wang, Hainan
- Development Trend of Support Vector Machine and Applications on the Field of Computer Science
- Wang, Hong
- An Image Dehazing Method Based On an Improved Retinex Theory
- Wang, Hongbo
- Application of Industrial Control Configuration Software WinCC in the Monitoring System of Ship Steering Gear
- Wang, Hu
- Numerical Method for Three-Dimensional Heat Conduction in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
- Wang, Huajun
- Simulation of Solar Wind Based on K-epsilon (k-ε) Turbulence Models
- Wang, Jiamei
- Analysis and Countermeasure Research about Sensitive Information of Complex Cyber Psychology of Cross-border Multi-ethnic Language
- Wang, Jianfeng
- Multi Laser Displacement Sensors Based Three-dimensional Pavement Measuring Technology
- Wang, Juan
- Development of Full-waveform Acquisition Device in High Power Electrical Transmitter
- Wang, Kuan
- Research of Multiple Channels Synchronous Wideband LFM Signal Generation Technology
- Wang, Lei
- Numerical Method for Three-Dimensional Heat Conduction in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
- Wang, Li
- Secure Routing Algorithm Based On Trust Value for Ad Hoc Networks
- Wang, Qiang
- Simulation and Analysis of Function Damage Effect for Typical Mechanical Transmission System
- Wang, Qingwen
- Secure Routing Algorithm Based On Trust Value for Ad Hoc Networks
- Wang, Tianshuo
- Design of a Decoupled Six-axis Force Sensor for Powered Lower Limb Exoskeleton
- Wang, Xiao
- Design and realization visible light communication transmitter circuit
- Wang, Xin
- Numerical Method for Three-Dimensional Heat Conduction in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
- Wang, Xin
- Research on the Emission Reduction Problem of Biomass Power Generation
- Wang, Yizhe
- Feature Extraction of Precession Targets Based on Multi-aspect Range-Profile Sequence
- Wang, Youjun
- Influences of Groove Depth on the Coupling of Small Tip Clearance and Circumferential Grooves
- Wang, Yuqing
- Research on Electricity Demand Combination Forecasting Model in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Shapley Value
- Wang, Zhi
- Study on Optimal Station Distribution Based on TDOA Measurements
- Wang, Zhiguo
- Study on Optimal Station Distribution Based on TDOA Measurements
- Wei, Han
- Design of Double Environment Dynamical Simulation System for Fuze
- Wei, Yuewei
- Attenuation Characteristics of Laser in Rain
- Wen, Xiankui
- Research on Small Hydropower Group Output Characteristics of Multiple Time Scales
- Wu, Guangzhi
- Application of the Phase Recovery Algorithm Based on the Parallel Architecture in the Holographic Projection Technology
- Wu, Guangzhi
- Realization of High-Speed Data Transmission between Modules within Single Computer
- Wu, Qin
- Research on Weather Navigation Algorithm Based On Rolling Window Optimization
- Wu, Xueqin
- Multi Laser Displacement Sensors Based Three-dimensional Pavement Measuring Technology
- Wu, Yacong
- Acoustic Scattering Performance of a Duct for a Monopole Source Using Thin-Body BEM Method
- Wu, Ying
- Email Information Security of Enterprise based on Big Data
- Xia, Meng
- Robot Path Planning Based on an Improved Multi-Objective PSO Method
- Xia, Min
- Robot Path Planning Based on an Improved Multi-Objective PSO Method
- Xiao, Qian
- Numerical simulation and noise prediction of the aerial propeller
- Xiao, Qiang
- Design of Target Detection and Tracking Simulation System of Networking Fire Control Radar
- Xiao, Qiang
- Design of Double Environment Dynamical Simulation System for Fuze
- Xing, Hongliang
- Discussion on and Development Trend of Graphic and Image Processing Technologies of Computer
- Xiong, Ran
- Design of Target Detection and Tracking Simulation System of Networking Fire Control Radar
- Xiong, Zhimin
- Maneuverable Warhead Tracking Based on CKF