Proceedings of the International Conference on Administrative Science (ICAS 2017)
133 authors
- Rusyiana, Aris
- Radical Decentralization Reform and Communal Conflict in Indonesia, 2003-2014
- Saefudin, Yusuf
- Bureaucracy in Criminal Justice A Study of Criminogen Factors in Law Enforcement on Narcotics Crime Settlement
- Salipi, Citra Fathimah
- Community Tourism Entrepreneurship in Disaster-Prone Areas of Mount Merapi
- Santoso, Anang Dwi
- Does the Government Hear Us? A Picture of Interaction between Netizen and Indonesian Local Government in Twitter
- Sasmita, Siska
- Dear Mr. Mayor... Can You Clean the Housing? A Citizen's Dependency on Local Government in Environmental Collective Action
- Sedana, I_Dewa Gede Putra
- Effectiveness Implementation of Management Information System: A Case Study in Badung, Indonesia
- Sekarningrum, Bintarsih
- To Break Dependence on Tin Mining -- The Analysis of Dependency Theory on Constructive Policy in Economic Development of Bangka Belitung After Tin Mining
- Sudrajat, Tedi
- Legal Uncertainty of Islamic Personality Principle by Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 8 Year 2010
- Sudrajat, Tedi
- Questioning The Essence Of Bureaucratic Neutrality Dialectical Relationship Between Freedom of Speech and The Impact of Digital Democracy in Indonesia
- Suganda, Dadang
- Internet Memes : Representation of Indonesian Political Culture in Jakarta Gubernatorial Election 2017
- Sugandi, Yogi Suprayogi
- E-Policy: Designing E-Aparatur In Bandung City
- Sujarwoto, Dr.
- Radical Decentralization Reform and Communal Conflict in Indonesia, 2003-2014
- Sujarwoto, Dr.
- Patronage Leadership in Decentralized Developing Countries
- Sukarno, Dedi
- E-Policy: Designing E-Aparatur In Bandung City
- Sulila, Ismet
- Social Network Harmonization and Public Service -- A Case Study of Boalemo, Indonesia
- Supangka, Budiawati
- Patterns of Power Relations in Governing Street Vendors - A Case Study of Bandung, Indonesia
- Supriyono, Bambang
- A Model of Village Government System Based on Systems Thinking - A Study in Kairane village, Indonesia
- Susanti, Gita
- Public Service Performance and Public Trust in Government -- An Indonesian Case Study
- Susanti, Gita
- Actors' Behavior in Policy Formulation - A Case Study of Woman And Child Protection Policy in Parepare, Indonesia
- Susanto, Ely
- The Role of the Government Internal Auditor in Fraud Risk Management: A Case Study in Local Government of Gunung Kidul and Sleman Yogyakarta Province
- Tabroni, Roni
- The Effectiveness Of The Socialization Strategy of Taxation Regulation in Establishing Taxpayer's Objectives in Tax Rights And Obligations
- Tadjang, Salma
- Measuring Quality of Citizens' Participation in Local Development
- Utami, Sawitri Budi
- E-Policy: Designing E-Aparatur In Bandung City
- Wanusmawatie, Ike
- A Model of Village Government System Based on Systems Thinking - A Study in Kairane village, Indonesia
- Warsono, Hardi
- Analysis on Handling Community Cultural Values Erosion in Semarang, Indonesia
- Wijayanti, Laras
- Collaboration Through Entrepreneurship in Non Profit Organization -- A Study of Hoshizora Foundation, Indonesia
- Wiryanto, Wisber
- The Need of Public Administration -- An Islamic Perspective for Higher Education in Indonesia
- Yamin, Muhamad Nur
- Comparison of Culture and Organization Effectiveness -- A Case Study of Labuang Baji Hospital and Stella
- Yani, Andi Ahmad
- Measuring Quality of Citizens' Participation in Local Development
- Yani, Andi Ahmad
- Public Service Performance and Public Trust in Government -- An Indonesian Case Study
- Yunus, Andi Yudha
- Measuring Quality of Citizens' Participation in Local Development
- Yunus, Muhammad
- Accountability in Public Services - A Case Study of Immigration Services in Makassar, Indonesia
- Yunus, Rabina
- The Empowerment of Coastal Women Through Capacity Improvement of Seaweed Farmer Groups -- Obstacles and Challenges