Proceedings of the E-Learning and Smart Engineering Systems (ELSES 2023)

Conference: Proceedings of the E-Learning and Smart Engineering Systems (ELSES 2023)
Date: 11-13 May 2023
Location: Tetouan, Morocco (Hybrid)

It is with great pleasure that we present the Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning and Smart Engineering Systems (ELSES 2023) held from May 11 to 13, 2023, at the Higher Normal School of Martil. These proceedings are the result of the collective efforts, dedication and innovation of researchers, scientists and practitioners from all over the world.

ELSES was a space for knowledge sharing, intellectual dialogue and exploration of the frontiers of knowledge, as it brought together brilliant minds, inquisitive minds and enthusiasts from diverse fields of research. The diversity of participants and topics covered is a true demonstration of the richness and vitality of the global scientific community.

This collection of proceedings brings together papers, presentations and ideas presented at the conference. The contributions contained here are the fruit of hard work, in-depth reflection and innovative research. They illustrate each author’s dedication to the pursuit of academic excellence and the dissemination of relevant and exciting knowledge.

Throughout these pages, you’ll discover a myriad of topics, from basic science to practical applications, from theoretical analyses to real-life case studies. We hope these proceedings will inspire you, challenge you to rethink established concepts and inspire you to explore new avenues of research.

We would like to thank all the authors for their valuable contributions and the program committee for their hard work in the peer-review process. We are also grateful to the sponsors, organizers and all those who helped make ELSES a resounding success.

Finally, we would like to thank our readers for their interest and commitment to the advancement of knowledge. We hope these proceedings will contribute to your understanding, reflection and inspiration in your own academic research and exploration.