Proceedings of the 2nd Borobudur International Symposium on Science and Technology (BIS-STE 2020)
320 authors
- Widadi, Rahmat
- Hand and Foot Movement of Motor Imagery Classification Using Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Multilayer Perceptron Backpropagation
- Widaningrum, Ida
- Comparison of Effectiveness of Stemming Algorithms in Indonesian Documents
- Widianingsih, Betti
- Analysis of Solar and Wind-Based Hybrid Power Plant Using HOMER Software (Case Study: EMAS BAYU Hybrid Power Plant in Bondan, Cilacap)
- Widiantoro, Verly
- Measurement Analysis of Box Girder Production Cycle Times in Indonesia Infrastructure Projects
- Widiarso, Candra
- Improving Quality Level of Dining Table Through Painting Process by Using Taguchi Method
- Widodo, Eko Muh
- Improving Quality Level of Dining Table Through Painting Process by Using Taguchi Method
- Widoyoko, Sugeng Eko Putro
- Climate Change, Adaptation and Livelihood Resilience in the Context of Tourism Development
- Widya, Dessy
- Application of Continuous Wavelet Transform to Layer Boundaries Detection from Gamma Ray Log
- Widyanto, R. Arri
- Developing a Website for Durian Seed Marketing: Alternative Business Media During a Pandemic
- Wilantara, Bahtiar
- The Effect of Fuel Variations Toward Honda CB 150R Performance
- Windi, Yohanes K
- The Analysis of Determining Cost of Products and Forecasting Dengue Fever Hemorrhagic Incidents: A Machine Learning Approach
- Yudiati, Rini
- The Development of Learning Media Based on Android Using Crossword Puzzles to Improve Student’s Vocabulary Skill
- Yuliatin, Umi
- Corrosion Study of Graphene Coatings on Carbon Steels
- Yunanik
- The Analysis of Determining Cost of Products and the Application of Cost Plus Price Methods in Ordering Natural Gas Sell Prices in the Gundih Area of PT Pertamina Asset EP 4 Field Cepu, in Sumber Village, Kradenan Sub-District, Blora District
- Yuniarto, T.
- Development of the Ceramic Jewellry Industry for Necklace with Indonesian Batik Motifs
- Yusnica, Sylvia
- Catalytic Conversion of Oil and Gas Residue to Liquid Fuel Using Heterogeneous Catalysts
- Zetra, Yulfi
- Synthesis of Acetin: Bio-Based Additive for Low Sulfur Petrodiesel
- Zetra, Yulfi
- Synthesis of 2-Hydroxy-Ethyl Ester from Peanut Oil as a Bio-Additive for Diesel Fuel
- Zulherman, Dodi
- Hand and Foot Movement of Motor Imagery Classification Using Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Multilayer Perceptron Backpropagation
- Zuwanna, Ika
- Pectin Isolation from Sentul Peel (Sandorium Koetjape) with Microwave Assisted Extraction