Proceedings of the 1ST Bengkulu International Conference on Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (BICEMBA 2023)
124 authors
- Sriwidharmanely, Sriwidharmanely
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sriwidharmanely, Sriwidharmanely
- Religiousity, Cohesiveness, Honesty, Ethical Judgment, Accounting Students’ Intention to Report Friends’ Academic Fraud
- Suharti, Titing
- The Effect of GRDP and Income Inequality on Regional Expenditures Regency/City in Bangka Belitung Islands Province
- Sukiyono, Ketut
- Determinants of Indonesia’s Long-Term Economic Structure Panel Data Approach Using Logistic Multinomial Regression
- Sunoto, Sunoto
- The Effect of Government Expenditure on Poverty in Indonesia
- Suparyati, Agustina
- Peer-Review Statements
- Suranta, Eddy
- The Influence of Law Enforcement, Pressure, Religious Beliefs, Rationality, Machiavellian Nature on Fraud Intention
- Syafitri, Freesca
- Post Pandemic in Indonesia: Economic Development Challenges and Policy Recommendations for Indonesia
- Syahputra, Syahputra
- Pest Analysis: Improvement Strategies for “Kampus Merdeka” Quality at Indonesian Higher Education
- Usman, Berto
- Peer-Review Statements
- Valeriani, Devi
- Local Community Perceptions in the Development of Green Economy Based Tourism Destinations in Bangka Belitung
- Viana Jr, Dante Baiardo C.
- Peer-Review Statements
- Wahab, Zakaria
- Green Marketing Strategy: Factors Influencing Green Purchase Intention in the Decision to Use a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Palembang City
- Wang, Hurng-Jyuhn
- Income Analysis of Robusta Coffee Farming in Sumbermanjing Wetan Subdistric
- Wibawa, Dian Prihardini
- Local Community Perceptions in the Development of Green Economy Based Tourism Destinations in Bangka Belitung
- Yarsah, Waldi Novi
- The Influence of Zakat, Education and Unemployment at the Poverty Level in Bengkulu Province (2016–2020)
- Yefriza
- Post Covid-19 Employment Analysis in Bengkulu Province
- Yefriza, Yefriza
- Peer-Review Statements
- Yusnida, Yusnida
- Measurement of Productivity of Local Government Spending in Poverty Alleviation
- Yusoff, Yusliza Mohd
- The Role of Risk Financing, Intellectual Capital and Corporate Governance on Performance Islamic Banks in Indonesia
- Zoraya, Intan
- The Effect of Fintech Payment, Lifestyle, and Financial Knowledge of Financial Management Behavior on Students of the University of Bengkulu
- Zoraya, Intan
- Unveiling the Power of Fundamental Analysis: Exploring the Influence of Representative Bias on Stock Investment Decisions
- Zoraya, Intan
- The Effect of Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge and Self-Control on the Financial Well-Being of Generation Z in Indonesia
- Çopani, Dea
- The Impact of Transformational Leadership in Relation to Job Performance in the Aviation Industry of Albania