Proceedings of the 1ST Bengkulu International Conference on Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (BICEMBA 2023)
34 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Roosemarina Anggraini Rambe, Lizar Alfansi, Robinson Robinson, Dewi Rahmayanti, Agustina Suparyati, Mukhlis Mukhlis, Renea Shinta Aminda, Abdul Bashir, Berto Usman, Sriwidharmanely Sriwidharmanely, E. Ahmad Soleh, Yefriza Yefriza, Retno Agustina Ekaputri, Dante Baiardo C. Viana Jr, Vehap Kola
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the BICEMBA during October 4, 2023 in Gedung Layanan Terpadu, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Fintech Payment, Lifestyle, and Financial Knowledge of Financial Management Behavior on Students of the University of Bengkulu
Aten Apriani, Intan Zoraya, Chairil Afandy
The research aims to determine whether fintech payments, lifestyle, and financial knowledge influence the financial management behavior on students of the University of Bengkulu. This type of research is a causal study using quantitative research methods and proportionate stratified random Sampling....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Household Debt on Poverty Level in Rejang Lebong District: A Logit Model Approach
Upi Niarti, Kamaludin Kamaludin, Purmini Purmini, Bambang Agoes Hermanto
High poverty rates have become a severe problem in many developing countries, with high poverty rates hampering equitable economic development. Many factors contribute to the high poverty rate, one of which is household consumption debt problem. In many cases it is found that every family experience...
Proceedings Article
Post Pandemic in Indonesia: Economic Development Challenges and Policy Recommendations for Indonesia
Freesca Syafitri, Raden Parianom, Desmintari Desmintari
This study aims to analyze the challenges and policy recommendations in post-Covid-19 pandemic economic development in Indonesia. The Online Research Method approach collects relevant data from Internet sources with relevant keywords. These data were analyzed using the Nvivo 12 Plus tool with a case...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Transformational Leadership in Relation to Job Performance in the Aviation Industry of Albania
Dea Çopani, Vehap Kola
This study investigates the impact that transformational leadership has on job performance in the Albanian aviation industry. Existing literature has viewed that transformational leadership has generally a high impact on the performance of the workforce. With the help of quantitative research methodology,...
Proceedings Article
Unveiling the Power of Fundamental Analysis: Exploring the Influence of Representative Bias on Stock Investment Decisions
Chairil Afandy, Intan Zoraya, Ridwan Nurazi, Baihaqi Baihaqi
This study aims to investigate the contribution of representative bias on stock investment decisions. It also focuses on examining the role of fundamental analysis performed by investors in making stock investment decisions. The study adopts a quantitative approach and employs a survey design. The population...
Proceedings Article
Religiousity, Cohesiveness, Honesty, Ethical Judgment, Accounting Students’ Intention to Report Friends’ Academic Fraud
Vika Fitranita, Sriwidharmanely Sriwidharmanely, Madani Hatta
This research aims to influence knowledge of religiosity and ethical judgment, which is moderated by cohesiveness and honesty inaccounting students’ intention to report the condition of friends. This studyis based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the theory of self-justification and moral balance....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge and Self-Control on the Financial Well-Being of Generation Z in Indonesia
Putri Annisa Ramadhini, Intan Zoraya, Kamaludin Kamaludin
This study aimed to determine the effect of financial behaviour, financial knowledge and self-control on the financial well-being of Generation Z in Indonesia. Supervision was sought out by 255 respondents of Generation Z in Indonesia. The research method used is quantitative. The data used in this research...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of GRDP and Income Inequality on Regional Expenditures Regency/City in Bangka Belitung Islands Province
Renea Shinta Aminda, Laila Mulia Dayanti, Titing Suharti, Asti Marlina
Regional spending is an important part of the economy of a regional government for the welfare of its people through spending with the right realization in creating public services in building facilities and infrastructure so that it can be enjoyed and utilized properly by all levels of society. Regional...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Ambidexterity of Learning in Indonesian Start-Up: Moderated-Mediated
Delly Nofiani, Muhammad Nur Fietroh
Conditions in the digital economy environment such as volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity are particularly unsettling and have the potential to harm firms that are still learning and evolving gradually. The purpose of this research is to examine the balance between exploitative and explorative...
Proceedings Article
Does ESG Initiatives Affect Market Value and Profitability for Public Listed Companies in Indonesia?
Minaldi Loeis, Dennis Alexander
This study examines 246 listed companies in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) having reported their economic, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure in 2021with the aim to evaluate whether its ESG initiatives impacted the companies’ market value and profitability. Sustainability investing, specifically...
Proceedings Article
Green Employee Involvement, Green Training, and Mediating Effects of Green Competencies on Corporate Environmental Performance
Nurna Aziza, Muhammad Fahmi Imanullah, Andi Agus
This research aims to develop and test mediation models between Green Competencies and Corporate Environmental Performance for the public sector (Health organizations). In particular, our goal is Green Competencies to improve Corporate Environmental Performance, and is associated with the role of Green...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Entrepreneur Leadership and Territorial Knowledge Exploitability in Increasing the National Resilience Improvement
Dimar Bahtera, Rahman Lubis, Said Musnadi, Permana Honeyta Lubis, Syafruddin Chan
The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that contribute to national resilience, including Entrepreneurial Leadership, Exploitability Knowledge Proficiency, Attitude, Social Media Marketing Activities, and Intentional Behavior. The research was conducted in the region governed by the Military...
Proceedings Article
Financial Technology (Peer-to-Peer Lending): Efficiency and Effect on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Ririn Nopiah, Ratu Eva Febriani, Antoni Sitorus
The transformation of the digitalization era has experienced rapid growth, especially in the financial services industry, since the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The advances have created Financial Technology (FinTech) through a digital system known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending, which...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty of Local Cosmetics in Indonesia
Inastasia Rifka, Nurafni Rubiyanti
This paper uses customer relationship management to asses customer loyalty toward local cosmetics. The data for this study was gathered from 200 particular cosmetic customers. Variance-based structural equation modeling was applied to assess the association between customer relationship management, customer...
Proceedings Article
Do Education, Health, and Economic Expenditures Drive an Increase in Human Development Index in Districts/Cities in the Province of Bengkulu, Indonesia?
Windu Setiandanu, Roosemarina Anggraini Rambe, Muhammad Rusdi, Armelly Armelly, Hutapia Hutapia
This study aims to analyze the effect of the education, health, and economic expenditures in Human Development Index in districts/cities of the Province of Bengkulu, Indonesia. This research was conducted using panel data, consisting of 10 districts/cities for 2014–2021. The analytical method used is...
Proceedings Article
Determinants of Indonesia’s Long-Term Economic Structure Panel Data Approach Using Logistic Multinomial Regression
Barika Barika, Ketut Sukiyono, RetnoAgustina Ekaputri, Bambang Agoes Hermanto
The pattern and structure of the economy in Indonesia are experiencing a contraction in line with economic development. This study aims to analyze changes in economic structure and causative factors. The analysis was conducted in panel data on 33 provinces from 2007–2021. Using Multinomial Logistic Regression...
Proceedings Article
Income Analysis of Robusta Coffee Farming in Sumbermanjing Wetan Subdistric
Yogi Pasca Pratama, Hurng-Jyuhn Wang, Doo-Chul Kim
This study aims to determine the income of robusta coffee farming and determine the feasibility of robusta coffee farming based on the harvest month in Sumbermanjing Wetan Subdistrict. This research was conducted for four months, from August to November 2022, which is located in Sumbermanjing Wetan Subdistrict,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Regional Development Bank Capability in Indonesia
Try Beta Anggraini, Roosemarina Anggraini Rambe, Purmini Purmini, Mochamad Ridwan, Muhammad Rusdi
The aim of this research is to analyze the regional development bank capability in Indonesia during 2019–2021. The analysis method used is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with Variabel Return to Scale (VRS). Input oriented is applied as efficiency model. Input variables in this research are network of...
Proceedings Article
Pest Analysis: Improvement Strategies for “Kampus Merdeka” Quality at Indonesian Higher Education
Rajiv Mangruwa, Syahputra Syahputra
The Educational Ministry of Indonesia declared regulation to formulate a more effective educational system by launching the Kampus Merdeka Merdeka Belajar (MBKM) program for higher education. The urgency of problem analysis toward the MBKM implementation for a year is about clarifying the future improvement...
Proceedings Article
Green Marketing Strategy: Factors Influencing Green Purchase Intention in the Decision to Use a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Palembang City
Nehemia Indrajaya, Badia Perizade, Zakaria Wahab, Muchsin Saggaff Shihab
The main objective of this study is to identify factors that can influence green purchase intention in the decision to use renewable energy for PLTS. The research design used in this study is a causal design to explain the causal relationship between variables through hypothesis testing. Theory of Planned...
Proceedings Article
Does Triple Bottom Line and Circular Economy Effective in CSR Program? Danone AQUA Practice in Indonesia
Willy Abdillah, Delly Nofiani, Chika Nur Rachma Koeswandi
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives are a way for companies to show their concern for the community in which they operate as well as a visible example of how they adhere to regulations. This research investigates a company’s CSR strategy to address environmental issues, specifically plastic...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Financial Literacy and Financial Technology on Bank Account Opening Mediated by Financial Behavior (Study in West Jakarta)
Michael Samuel Gouw, Rudolf Lumbantobing, Eka Desy Purnama
Bank account opening in the past few years has not increased significantly. People who open accounts can still be said not to compensate for technology and the influence of one’s financial behavior which is very influential in opening an account at the Bank. This study has several objectives, namely...
Proceedings Article
Measurement of Productivity of Local Government Spending in Poverty Alleviation
Ratu Eva Febriani, Roosemarina Anggraini Rambe, Yusnida Yusnida, Bertha Iin Esti Indraswanti
This study aims to measure the productivity of local government spending in alleviating poverty in West Java, Indonesia. The input used were local government spendings per capita, which consists of spending on education, health, economy, social protection, as well as housing and public facilities. The...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Government Expenditure on Poverty in Indonesia
Septriani Septriani, Armelly Armelly, Retno Agustina Ekaputri, Handoko Hadiyanto, Sunoto Sunoto, Ririn Nopiah
The objective of this research is to determine the effect of education function expenditure, social protection function expenditure and health function expenditure on poverty in Indonesia. The data used in this research are secondary data sourced from the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bereau of...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Zakat, Education and Unemployment at the Poverty Level in Bengkulu Province (2016–2020)
Romi Gunawan, Armelly Armelly, Waldi Novi Yarsah
This research aims to know the influence of zakat, education and unemployment on the poverty rate in Bengkulu Province. Desain research is a descriptive quantitative using the PLS (Partial Least Square). The data used is secondary data from the Badan Pusat Statista (BPS) and the Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAZ)...
Proceedings Article
Poverty Determinant Models: Interregional Study in Indonesia
Eka Dewi Anggraini, Barika Barika, Benardin Benardin
This research aims to analyze nine models of poverty determinants in seven regions in Indonesia. The formation of the model is based on model 1, namely the poverty trap, economic growth, DAK, and spending on government functions which consists of spending on education, health, economic functions, social...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Government Expenditure, Consumption and Investment on the Economic Growth in City/District of Bengkulu Province
Desti Nur Mawati, Merri Anitasari
The purpose of this study is analyze the effect of Direct Expenditure,Indirect Expenditure, household consumption, and investment on the economic growth of Bengkulu Province. In this study the data used are secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency of each city/district in Bengkulu Province in...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Law Enforcement, Pressure, Religious Beliefs, Rationality, Machiavellian Nature on Fraud Intention
Gusnan Mulyadi, Eddy Suranta, Fachruzzaman Fachruzzaman, Pratana Puspa Midiastuty
This research aims to prove the influence of law enforcement, pressure, religious beliefs, rationality, Machiavellian traits on fraud intention. The population in this study was ASN Echelon III in Bengkulu Province. The sample in this research is the State Civil Apparatus in Bengkulu Province with a...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Risk Financing, Intellectual Capital and Corporate Governance on Performance Islamic Banks in Indonesia
Indra Siswanti, Yusliza Mohd Yusoff, Yohanes Ferry Cahaya, Embun Prowanta
In general, this study wants to create a model of the performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia through the risk of financing, intellectual capital, and corporate governance. The population of this study consists of 14 (fourteen) Islamic commercial banks (BUS) in Indonesia, and the sampling criteria...
Proceedings Article
The Global Trend of Leadership in Cluster Research
A Systematic Review Approach
Citra Ari Mangesti, Syamsul Hadi, Kusuma Chandra Kirana
Leadership is a movement to influence how other people behave with the aim that they will be coordinated to achieve certain goals. Leadership is concerned with members who have distinctive features of a group that can be positively distinguished from other members in behavior, personal characteristics,...
Proceedings Article
Post Covid-19 Employment Analysis in Bengkulu Province
Novi Tri Putri, Esti Pasaribu, Yefriza
Covid-19 has caused a major shock to economic conditions, including employment. This study aims to analyze the employment conditions of Bengkulu Province, especially the inequality of labor productivity during the post-COVID-19 economic recovery period. The study used data from the Central Statistics...
Proceedings Article
Local Community Perceptions in the Development of Green Economy Based Tourism Destinations in Bangka Belitung
Devi Valeriani, Dian Prihardini Wibawa, Herry Marta Saputra, Misbahul Munir
A green economy is a low-carbon, resource-saving and socially inclusive economic activity. The aim of this study is to formulate a model for integrating local communities in developing green economy-based tourism destinations in Bangka Belitung. The research method in this study uses two approaches,...
Proceedings Article
The Liberating Effect of AI in Organizations
Vehap Kola
In the evolving landscape of organizational dynamics, AI emerges not as a usurper of human roles, but as a liberator, unshackling the human workforce from the confines of monotonous and mechanized tasks. This paper delves into a nuanced exploration of the harmonious coexistence of AI and human ingenuity,...