Proceedings of the 2024 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Engineering Structures (AMES 2024)

75 authors
A Rashid, Ahmad Safuan Bin
Peer-Review Statements
Chen, Jiangxue
Test and Analysis of the Influence of Curve Radius on Subway Vibration at a Speed of 120km/h
Chen, Lei
Reliability Analysis of Vertical Joints of Steel Plate-Concrete Composite Silo Wall in Assembled Underground Granary
Chen, Zheng
Effect of Foundation Pit Protective Facing Thickness on the Construction Stability of Open-Cut Underpass
Chunyang, ZHU
Study on Seismic Performance of Hinged Frame-Rocking Wall System
Ding, Chenyang
Study on Flexural Capacity and Deformation of Partially Filled Steel-Fiber Lightweight Concrete Composite Beams
Dong, Jun
Finite Element Analysis of Gas Leakage Diffusion and Dynamic Response of Explosion Structure in Underground Pipe Gallery Under Different Ventilation Modes
Duan, Yapeng
Experimental Study on Damage and Protection of Steel Structure Plant under Explosion Impact
Gao, Xu
Reliability Analysis of Vertical Joints of Steel Plate-Concrete Composite Silo Wall in Assembled Underground Granary
Gao, Yonghong
Experimental Study on Damage and Protection of Steel Structure Plant under Explosion Impact
Han, Quanguo
Finite Element Analysis of Gas Leakage Diffusion and Dynamic Response of Explosion Structure in Underground Pipe Gallery Under Different Ventilation Modes
Hou, Xichen
Research on Dynamical Characteristics of an Eccentric Rotor System
Hu, Cong
Quality Control of Bored Piles of Cross-river Bridges Pile Foundation Construction
Hu, Wenlin
Test and Analysis of the Influence of Curve Radius on Subway Vibration at a Speed of 120km/h
Huang, Chaoyuan
Experimental Study on Damage and Protection of Steel Structure Plant under Explosion Impact
Huang, Xu
Experimental Study on Damage and Protection of Steel Structure Plant under Explosion Impact
Hui, Yi
Research on the Technology of Integrated Thermal Insulation Single-sided Composite Shear Wall
Ismail, Mohamed A.
Peer-Review Statements
Ji, Han
Research on Performance Optimization of Arched Transfer Beams in a Complex Office Building
Jiang, Bolong
Test and Analysis of the Influence of Curve Radius on Subway Vibration at a Speed of 120km/h
Jing, Wenjun
Research on Performance Optimization of Arched Transfer Beams in a Complex Office Building
Li, Guohua
Finite Element Analysis of Gas Leakage Diffusion and Dynamic Response of Explosion Structure in Underground Pipe Gallery Under Different Ventilation Modes
Li, Mi
Quality Control of Bored Piles of Cross-river Bridges Pile Foundation Construction
Li, Shumin
Quality Control of Bored Piles of Cross-river Bridges Pile Foundation Construction
Ling, Aijun
A Simple Linear Method Applied in Mat Global Structural Analysis for Mat-supported Jack-up Rig
Liu, Huan
Effect of Foundation Pit Protective Facing Thickness on the Construction Stability of Open-Cut Underpass
Liu, Jizhao
Test and Analysis of the Influence of Curve Radius on Subway Vibration at a Speed of 120km/h
Liu, Ke
Research on the Technology of Integrated Thermal Insulation Single-sided Composite Shear Wall
Liu, Xinyan
Quality Control of Bored Piles of Cross-river Bridges Pile Foundation Construction
Liu, Yuan
Effect of Foundation Pit Protective Facing Thickness on the Construction Stability of Open-Cut Underpass
Makhmudov, Kh. F.
Peer-Review Statements
Miao, Mengyao
Research on Performance Optimization of Arched Transfer Beams in a Complex Office Building
Qiao, Xin
Study on the Influence of Fatigue on the Shear Performance of Metal Rubber Bearing
Qiu, Jianchun
Structural Deformation Analysis of Double-Row PC Pile Cofferdam by Finite Element Numerical Simulation and Actual Project Monitoring
Shen, Jingnan
Comparison of Tunnel Options for Overhead Electrified Highways
Shen, Mengru
Research on the Analysis Method of Highway Traffic Impact Under Large-Scale Emergencies with Passenger Cars as an Example
Shi, Jiedong
Research on Dynamical Characteristics of an Eccentric Rotor System
Siyang, MEI
Study on Seismic Performance of Hinged Frame-Rocking Wall System
Song, Leipeng
Research on Dynamical Characteristics of an Eccentric Rotor System
Sun, Lei
Quality Control of Bored Piles of Cross-river Bridges Pile Foundation Construction
Sun, Lin
A Steel Frame with the Main Girder Plane Arranged Diagonally Stable Design
Sun, Qiang
Research on the Technology of Integrated Thermal Insulation Single-sided Composite Shear Wall
Sun, Wei
Study on Flexural Capacity and Deformation of Partially Filled Steel-Fiber Lightweight Concrete Composite Beams
Tan, Xinyu
Test and Analysis of the Influence of Curve Radius on Subway Vibration at a Speed of 120km/h
Tang, Xintong
A Simple Linear Method Applied in Mat Global Structural Analysis for Mat-supported Jack-up Rig
Tian, A. Li
Analysis of Vibration Energy Transfer in Composite Lattice Structures
Wang, Dongdong
Structural Deformation Analysis of Double-Row PC Pile Cofferdam by Finite Element Numerical Simulation and Actual Project Monitoring
Wang, Haitao
Application of Discrete Element Parallel Bond Model in Rod Structures
Wang, Zicong
Experimental Study on Damage and Protection of Steel Structure Plant under Explosion Impact
Wu, Hao
Structural Deformation Analysis of Double-Row PC Pile Cofferdam by Finite Element Numerical Simulation and Actual Project Monitoring
Wu, Yongjun
Structural Deformation Analysis of Double-Row PC Pile Cofferdam by Finite Element Numerical Simulation and Actual Project Monitoring
Xia, Guochun
Structural Deformation Analysis of Double-Row PC Pile Cofferdam by Finite Element Numerical Simulation and Actual Project Monitoring
Xia, Xiushen
Study on the Influence of Fatigue on the Shear Performance of Metal Rubber Bearing
Xu, Junpeng
Quality Control of Bored Piles of Cross-river Bridges Pile Foundation Construction
Yan, Xu
Study on Flexural Capacity and Deformation of Partially Filled Steel-Fiber Lightweight Concrete Composite Beams
Yang, Ming Zhuo
Analysis of Vibration Energy Transfer in Composite Lattice Structures
Yao, Siqi
Quality Control of Bored Piles of Cross-river Bridges Pile Foundation Construction
Yao, Tianqi
Research on the Local Head Loss Coefficient in Short-Tube Hydraulic Testing
Yin, Zhiyong
Research on Dynamical Characteristics of an Eccentric Rotor System
Yu, Qian
Research on Performance Optimization of Arched Transfer Beams in a Complex Office Building
Yuan, Cong
Structural Deformation Analysis of Double-Row PC Pile Cofferdam by Finite Element Numerical Simulation and Actual Project Monitoring
Zhang, Changshen
Structural Deformation Analysis of Double-Row PC Pile Cofferdam by Finite Element Numerical Simulation and Actual Project Monitoring
Zhang, Hao
Reliability Analysis of Vertical Joints of Steel Plate-Concrete Composite Silo Wall in Assembled Underground Granary
Zhang, Hongchun
Research on the Analysis Method of Highway Traffic Impact Under Large-Scale Emergencies with Passenger Cars as an Example
Zhang, Shoufeng
Research on the Technology of Integrated Thermal Insulation Single-sided Composite Shear Wall
Zhang, Wei
Research on Performance Optimization of Arched Transfer Beams in a Complex Office Building
Zhang, Wei
Structural Deformation Analysis of Double-Row PC Pile Cofferdam by Finite Element Numerical Simulation and Actual Project Monitoring
Zhang, Yanbin
Research on the Technology of Integrated Thermal Insulation Single-sided Composite Shear Wall
Zhang, Yaoyao
Experimental Study on Damage and Protection of Steel Structure Plant under Explosion Impact
Zhang, Yongqiang
A Simple Linear Method Applied in Mat Global Structural Analysis for Mat-supported Jack-up Rig
Zhang, Zhuohang
Research on Performance Optimization of Arched Transfer Beams in a Complex Office Building
Zhou, Kun
Application of Discrete Element Parallel Bond Model in Rod Structures
Zhou, Yan
Quality Control of Bored Piles of Cross-river Bridges Pile Foundation Construction
Zhou, Zheng
Research on the Analysis Method of Highway Traffic Impact Under Large-Scale Emergencies with Passenger Cars as an Example
Şahin, Sümer
Peer-Review Statements