Proceedings of 2nd Annual Management, Business and Economic Conference (AMBEC 2020)

166 authors
Afandi, Aang
Risk Management Implementation Planning
Afandi, Yosi
Use of Chatbot on Online Store Website as Virtual Customer Service to Improve Sales
Agustina, Hiqma Nur
The Utilization of ResearchGate for State Polytechnic Malang Lecturers
Amalia, Riezky
The Effect of Earning Management on Level of Stickiness Cost in Registered Consumer Goods Industry Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2018
Amalia, Riezky
Islamic Mini Banking Laboratory Management System
Andhayani, Atik
User Resistance in the Implementing E-Budgeting
Anshori, Moh. Abdullah
Design of Entrepreneurship Learning Model with Teaching Factory Method to Improve Student’s Competencies
Anyassari, Nugrahaningtyas Fatma
The Utilization of ResearchGate for State Polytechnic Malang Lecturers
Arjo, Tri Ramadani
Use of Chatbot on Online Store Website as Virtual Customer Service to Improve Sales
Aziza, Mayasir
The Effect of Fundamental and Macroeconomic Factors on Agricultural Sector Company Stock Prices Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange on the 2016-2018 Period
Aziza, Mayasir
Implementation of Risk Management in Apartments Development Projects
Aziza, Mayasir
The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Forecasting Indonesian Composite Stock Price Index
Azizah, Nur
Analysis of Cash Flow Components, Gross Profit, Earnings per Share on Stock Returns Manufacturing Company Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2016 Until 2018
Azizah, Nur
Risk Management Implementation Planning
Azizah, Nur
Analyzing the Pandemic Effect on Time series Prediction of Demand and Sales Manufacturing Product
Bahit, Muhammad
Bibliometric Analysis on the Concept of Managing and Integrating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the MSMEs (Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Sector
Bahit, Muhammad
Online Learning Evaluation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Accounting Department of Polytechnic State Banjarmasin
Biduri, Sarwenda
Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Good Corporate Governance on Banking Financial Performance in Indonesia
Biduri, Sarwenda
The Effect of Computer Anxiety, Computer Attitude, Computer Self Efficacy and Accounting Knowledge on Accounting Students’ Understanding Using Accurate-based Accounting Software
The Mediating Effect of Financial Distress on Audit Tenure and Auditor Switching Towards Audit Delay
Dhakira, Sanita
Bipartite Industrial Relations Settlement Assistance to Reduce Disputes Between Garment Company Workers and Entrepreneurs in Malang Regency
Djajanto, Ludfi
Implementation of Discovery Learning Factor Analysis in Transforming Learning Achievement Through Stimulus Organism Response Theory
Djajanto, Ludfi
Blended Learning Model Design Integrated with Problem Based Learning and Rehearsal Pairs Practice to Increase Motivation and Outcomes in Marketing Management Course
Djajanto, Ludfi
Inflation Forecasting by Commodity Using the Autoreggressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Method
Djajanto, Ludfi
Risk Management Implementation Planning
User Resistance in the Implementing E-Budgeting
Efendi, Aang
Analyzing the Pandemic Effect on Time series Prediction of Demand and Sales Manufacturing Product
Eka W., Ellyn
The Identification of Historical Tourism Potential in the Re-Branding of Kajoetangan Village
Ekasari, Kurnia
Analysis of Eco-Efficiency Application to Achieve Sustainable Development
Ekasari, Kurnia
The Effect of Due Professional Care, Integrity, Confidentiality, and Independence on Audit Quality
Ekasari, Kurnia
Accounting Treatment for Cryptocurrency
Ekasari, Kurnia
Social Responsibilities Commitment
Ekasari, Kurnia
Forecasting Analysis on the Impact of Pandemic Towards Cigarette Sales
Eltivia, Nurafni
Analysis on the Effect of Company Size, Company Type, and Profitability on Sustainability Report Based on GRI Index
Eltivia, Nurafni
The Effect of Earning Management on Level of Stickiness Cost in Registered Consumer Goods Industry Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2018
Eltivia, Nurafni
The Effect of Cash Turnover, Receivable Turnover, and Inventory Turnover Towards Profitability of Consumer Goods Companies in Indonesia
Eltivia, Nurafni
Inflation Forecasting by Commodity Using the Autoreggressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Method
Eltivia, Nurafni
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Stickiness Cost Level of Manufacturing Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in Period of 2017-2018
Eltivia, Nurafni
The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Forecasting Indonesian Composite Stock Price Index
Eltivia, Nurafni
Impact of Pandemic on Online Marketplace Active Users
Eltivia, Nurafni
Does Pandemic Covid-19 Affect Foreign Tourist Visit in Jakarta?
Eltivia, Nurafni
Analyzing the Pandemic Effect on Time series Prediction of Demand and Sales Manufacturing Product
Eltivia, Nurafni
Forecasting Analysis on the Impact of Pandemic Towards Cigarette Sales
Eryatna, Ertia Nursanti
The Effect of Cash Turnover, Receivable Turnover, and Inventory Turnover Towards Profitability of Consumer Goods Companies in Indonesia
Fadilla, Baby
Analysis on the Effect of Company Size, Company Type, and Profitability on Sustainability Report Based on GRI Index
Fajariwati, Heni
The Effect of Earning Management on Level of Stickiness Cost in Registered Consumer Goods Industry Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2018
Farida, Lea Emilia
Suddenly Online
Fauzan, Slamet
Business in The New Normal Era
Fauzia, Maya Rizky
The Utilization of ResearchGate for State Polytechnic Malang Lecturers
Fiernaningsih, Nilawati
Does Border Strength Affect Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Firmansyah, Rizky
The University Students’ Perspectives on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning Due to COVID-19
Fitriana, Annisa
Visualizing Public Sector Accounting During the Pandemic Covid-19 by Android-based Augmented Reality
Fridayanti, Primagita
Risk Management Implementation Planning
Fridhayanti, Primagita
Impact of Pandemic on Online Marketplace Active Users
Fuadiyah, Zakiyatul
Mediating Role of Good Corporate Governance to Intellectual Capital and Firm Value
Handayani, Monika
Bibliometric Analysis on the Concept of Managing and Integrating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the MSMEs (Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Sector
Handayani, Monika
Online Learning Evaluation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Accounting Department of Polytechnic State Banjarmasin
Handayawati, Kuni Utami
The Effect of Cash Turnover, Receivable Turnover, and Inventory Turnover Towards Profitability of Consumer Goods Companies in Indonesia
Hanif, Aisha
Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Good Corporate Governance on Banking Financial Performance in Indonesia
Haris, Zainal Abdul
Meaningful Learning: Improving Students’ Accounting Knowledge and Skills Through Learning Computer Accounting Practice Courses
Haryanto, Rudy
Bibliometric Analysis on the Concept of Managing and Integrating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the MSMEs (Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Sector
Herijanto, Pudji
Does Border Strength Affect Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Hermawan, Sigit
Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Good Corporate Governance on Banking Financial Performance in Indonesia
Hermawan, Sigit
The Effect of Computer Anxiety, Computer Attitude, Computer Self Efficacy and Accounting Knowledge on Accounting Students’ Understanding Using Accurate-based Accounting Software
Indrawan, Andi Kusuma
Social Responsibilities Commitment
Blended Learning Model Design Integrated with Problem Based Learning and Rehearsal Pairs Practice to Increase Motivation and Outcomes in Marketing Management Course
Ismanu, Sidik
Implementation of Risk Management in Apartments Development Projects
Ismanu, Sidik
The Role of Enterprise Risk Management in Enhancing Firm Value Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Ismanu, Sidik
Design of Entrepreneurship Learning Model with Teaching Factory Method to Improve Student’s Competencies
The Effect of Due Professional Care, Integrity, Confidentiality, and Independence on Audit Quality
Kamayanti, Ari
The Influence of Sharia Supervisory Board, Leverage, and Equitable Distribution Ratio on Earnings Management Practices in Islamic Banking
Kamayanti, Ari
Testing Factors is Used to See the Effect on the Fraudulent Financial Reporting in the perspective Fraud Pentagon Theory
Kamayanti, Ari
Prevention of Accounting Fraud in the Village Government
Khaidar, Akromul
Implementation of Risk Management in Apartments Development Projects
Krismantara, Agus Trihari
Testing Factors is Used to See the Effect on the Fraudulent Financial Reporting in the perspective Fraud Pentagon Theory
Kusmintarti, Anik
The Role of Enterprise Risk Management in Enhancing Firm Value Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Kusmintarti, Anik
Design of Entrepreneurship Learning Model with Teaching Factory Method to Improve Student’s Competencies
Lestari, Baroroh
The Identification of Historical Tourism Potential in the Re-Branding of Kajoetangan Village
Lutfillah, Novrida Qudsi
Relevant Accounting Information Systems
Magdalena, Marlina
Analysis of Cash Flow Components, Gross Profit, Earnings per Share on Stock Returns Manufacturing Company Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2016 Until 2018
Mangoting, Yenni
Relevant Accounting Information Systems
Manullang, Anton Prawira
Accounting Treatment for Cryptocurrency
Mardi, Rina Walmiaty
The Effect of External Factors on the Sustainability of Msme Business in Medan City During Covid 19 Pandemy
Marsely, Mika
Visualizing Public Sector Accounting During the Pandemic Covid-19 by Android-based Augmented Reality
Maryanti, Eny
The Effect of Computer Anxiety, Computer Attitude, Computer Self Efficacy and Accounting Knowledge on Accounting Students’ Understanding Using Accurate-based Accounting Software
Use of Chatbot on Online Store Website as Virtual Customer Service to Improve Sales
Bipartite Industrial Relations Settlement Assistance to Reduce Disputes Between Garment Company Workers and Entrepreneurs in Malang Regency
Melani, Erlin
Mediating Role of Good Corporate Governance to Intellectual Capital and Firm Value
Miharso, Apit
Mediating Role of Good Corporate Governance to Intellectual Capital and Firm Value
Miharso, Apit
Social Responsibilities Commitment
Mukhlisah, Nurul
Suddenly Online
Mulyono, Imam
Visualizing Public Sector Accounting During the Pandemic Covid-19 by Android-based Augmented Reality
Muqorobin, Masculine Muhammad
Business in The New Normal Era
Murty, Kresna
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Stickiness Cost Level of Manufacturing Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in Period of 2017-2018
Muwidha, Muhamad
Analysis of Cash Flow Components, Gross Profit, Earnings per Share on Stock Returns Manufacturing Company Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2016 Until 2018
Muwidha, Muhammad
The Influence of Sharia Supervisory Board, Leverage, and Equitable Distribution Ratio on Earnings Management Practices in Islamic Banking
Narullia, Dwi
Web-Based Excellent Internship System (EIS) as Interconnected Media to Maintain Student Capabilities During Pandemic Era
Novitasari, Ane Fany
Bipartite Industrial Relations Settlement Assistance to Reduce Disputes Between Garment Company Workers and Entrepreneurs in Malang Regency
Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Good Corporate Governance on Banking Financial Performance in Indonesia
Nurtjahjani, Fullchis
Bipartite Industrial Relations Settlement Assistance to Reduce Disputes Between Garment Company Workers and Entrepreneurs in Malang Regency