Proceedings of 2nd Annual Management, Business and Economic Conference (AMBEC 2020)
166 authors
- Afandi, Aang
- Risk Management Implementation Planning
- Afandi, Yosi
- Use of Chatbot on Online Store Website as Virtual Customer Service to Improve Sales
- Agustina, Hiqma Nur
- The Utilization of ResearchGate for State Polytechnic Malang Lecturers
- Amalia, Riezky
- The Effect of Earning Management on Level of Stickiness Cost in Registered Consumer Goods Industry Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2018
- Amalia, Riezky
- Islamic Mini Banking Laboratory Management System
- Andhayani, Atik
- User Resistance in the Implementing E-Budgeting
- Anshori, Moh. Abdullah
- Design of Entrepreneurship Learning Model with Teaching Factory Method to Improve Student’s Competencies
- Anyassari, Nugrahaningtyas Fatma
- The Utilization of ResearchGate for State Polytechnic Malang Lecturers
- Arjo, Tri Ramadani
- Use of Chatbot on Online Store Website as Virtual Customer Service to Improve Sales
- Aziza, Mayasir
- The Effect of Fundamental and Macroeconomic Factors on Agricultural Sector Company Stock Prices Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange on the 2016-2018 Period
- Aziza, Mayasir
- Implementation of Risk Management in Apartments Development Projects
- Aziza, Mayasir
- The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Forecasting Indonesian Composite Stock Price Index
- Azizah, Nur
- Analysis of Cash Flow Components, Gross Profit, Earnings per Share on Stock Returns Manufacturing Company Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2016 Until 2018
- Azizah, Nur
- Risk Management Implementation Planning
- Azizah, Nur
- Analyzing the Pandemic Effect on Time series Prediction of Demand and Sales Manufacturing Product
- Bahit, Muhammad
- Bibliometric Analysis on the Concept of Managing and Integrating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the MSMEs (Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Sector
- Bahit, Muhammad
- Online Learning Evaluation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Accounting Department of Polytechnic State Banjarmasin
- Biduri, Sarwenda
- Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Good Corporate Governance on Banking Financial Performance in Indonesia
- Biduri, Sarwenda
- The Effect of Computer Anxiety, Computer Attitude, Computer Self Efficacy and Accounting Knowledge on Accounting Students’ Understanding Using Accurate-based Accounting Software
- Bunyamin
- The Mediating Effect of Financial Distress on Audit Tenure and Auditor Switching Towards Audit Delay
- Dhakira, Sanita
- Bipartite Industrial Relations Settlement Assistance to Reduce Disputes Between Garment Company Workers and Entrepreneurs in Malang Regency
- Djajanto, Ludfi
- Implementation of Discovery Learning Factor Analysis in Transforming Learning Achievement Through Stimulus Organism Response Theory
- Djajanto, Ludfi
- Blended Learning Model Design Integrated with Problem Based Learning and Rehearsal Pairs Practice to Increase Motivation and Outcomes in Marketing Management Course
- Djajanto, Ludfi
- Inflation Forecasting by Commodity Using the Autoreggressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Method
- Djajanto, Ludfi
- Risk Management Implementation Planning
- Djamhuri
- User Resistance in the Implementing E-Budgeting
- Efendi, Aang
- Analyzing the Pandemic Effect on Time series Prediction of Demand and Sales Manufacturing Product
- Eka W., Ellyn
- The Identification of Historical Tourism Potential in the Re-Branding of Kajoetangan Village
- Ekasari, Kurnia
- Analysis of Eco-Efficiency Application to Achieve Sustainable Development
- Ekasari, Kurnia
- The Effect of Due Professional Care, Integrity, Confidentiality, and Independence on Audit Quality
- Ekasari, Kurnia
- Accounting Treatment for Cryptocurrency
- Ekasari, Kurnia
- Social Responsibilities Commitment
- Ekasari, Kurnia
- Forecasting Analysis on the Impact of Pandemic Towards Cigarette Sales
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- Analysis on the Effect of Company Size, Company Type, and Profitability on Sustainability Report Based on GRI Index
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- The Effect of Earning Management on Level of Stickiness Cost in Registered Consumer Goods Industry Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2018
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- The Effect of Cash Turnover, Receivable Turnover, and Inventory Turnover Towards Profitability of Consumer Goods Companies in Indonesia
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- Inflation Forecasting by Commodity Using the Autoreggressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Method
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Stickiness Cost Level of Manufacturing Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in Period of 2017-2018
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Forecasting Indonesian Composite Stock Price Index
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- Impact of Pandemic on Online Marketplace Active Users
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- Does Pandemic Covid-19 Affect Foreign Tourist Visit in Jakarta?
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- Analyzing the Pandemic Effect on Time series Prediction of Demand and Sales Manufacturing Product
- Eltivia, Nurafni
- Forecasting Analysis on the Impact of Pandemic Towards Cigarette Sales
- Eryatna, Ertia Nursanti
- The Effect of Cash Turnover, Receivable Turnover, and Inventory Turnover Towards Profitability of Consumer Goods Companies in Indonesia
- Fadilla, Baby
- Analysis on the Effect of Company Size, Company Type, and Profitability on Sustainability Report Based on GRI Index
- Fajariwati, Heni
- The Effect of Earning Management on Level of Stickiness Cost in Registered Consumer Goods Industry Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2018
- Farida, Lea Emilia
- Suddenly Online
- Fauzan, Slamet
- Business in The New Normal Era
- Fauzia, Maya Rizky
- The Utilization of ResearchGate for State Polytechnic Malang Lecturers
- Fiernaningsih, Nilawati
- Does Border Strength Affect Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Firmansyah, Rizky
- The University Students’ Perspectives on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning Due to COVID-19
- Fitriana, Annisa
- Visualizing Public Sector Accounting During the Pandemic Covid-19 by Android-based Augmented Reality
- Fridayanti, Primagita
- Risk Management Implementation Planning
- Fridhayanti, Primagita
- Impact of Pandemic on Online Marketplace Active Users
- Fuadiyah, Zakiyatul
- Mediating Role of Good Corporate Governance to Intellectual Capital and Firm Value
- Handayani, Monika
- Bibliometric Analysis on the Concept of Managing and Integrating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the MSMEs (Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Sector
- Handayani, Monika
- Online Learning Evaluation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Accounting Department of Polytechnic State Banjarmasin
- Handayawati, Kuni Utami
- The Effect of Cash Turnover, Receivable Turnover, and Inventory Turnover Towards Profitability of Consumer Goods Companies in Indonesia
- Hanif, Aisha
- Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Good Corporate Governance on Banking Financial Performance in Indonesia
- Haris, Zainal Abdul
- Meaningful Learning: Improving Students’ Accounting Knowledge and Skills Through Learning Computer Accounting Practice Courses
- Haryanto, Rudy
- Bibliometric Analysis on the Concept of Managing and Integrating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the MSMEs (Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Sector
- Herijanto, Pudji
- Does Border Strength Affect Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Hermawan, Sigit
- Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Good Corporate Governance on Banking Financial Performance in Indonesia
- Hermawan, Sigit
- The Effect of Computer Anxiety, Computer Attitude, Computer Self Efficacy and Accounting Knowledge on Accounting Students’ Understanding Using Accurate-based Accounting Software
- Indrawan, Andi Kusuma
- Social Responsibilities Commitment
- Indrayati
- Blended Learning Model Design Integrated with Problem Based Learning and Rehearsal Pairs Practice to Increase Motivation and Outcomes in Marketing Management Course
- Ismanu, Sidik
- Implementation of Risk Management in Apartments Development Projects
- Ismanu, Sidik
- The Role of Enterprise Risk Management in Enhancing Firm Value Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Ismanu, Sidik
- Design of Entrepreneurship Learning Model with Teaching Factory Method to Improve Student’s Competencies
- Jaswadi
- The Effect of Due Professional Care, Integrity, Confidentiality, and Independence on Audit Quality
- Kamayanti, Ari
- The Influence of Sharia Supervisory Board, Leverage, and Equitable Distribution Ratio on Earnings Management Practices in Islamic Banking
- Kamayanti, Ari
- Testing Factors is Used to See the Effect on the Fraudulent Financial Reporting in the perspective Fraud Pentagon Theory
- Kamayanti, Ari
- Prevention of Accounting Fraud in the Village Government
- Khaidar, Akromul
- Implementation of Risk Management in Apartments Development Projects
- Krismantara, Agus Trihari
- Testing Factors is Used to See the Effect on the Fraudulent Financial Reporting in the perspective Fraud Pentagon Theory
- Kusmintarti, Anik
- The Role of Enterprise Risk Management in Enhancing Firm Value Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Kusmintarti, Anik
- Design of Entrepreneurship Learning Model with Teaching Factory Method to Improve Student’s Competencies
- Lestari, Baroroh
- The Identification of Historical Tourism Potential in the Re-Branding of Kajoetangan Village
- Lutfillah, Novrida Qudsi
- Relevant Accounting Information Systems
- Magdalena, Marlina
- Analysis of Cash Flow Components, Gross Profit, Earnings per Share on Stock Returns Manufacturing Company Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2016 Until 2018
- Mangoting, Yenni
- Relevant Accounting Information Systems
- Manullang, Anton Prawira
- Accounting Treatment for Cryptocurrency
- Mardi, Rina Walmiaty
- The Effect of External Factors on the Sustainability of Msme Business in Medan City During Covid 19 Pandemy
- Marsely, Mika
- Visualizing Public Sector Accounting During the Pandemic Covid-19 by Android-based Augmented Reality
- Maryanti, Eny
- The Effect of Computer Anxiety, Computer Attitude, Computer Self Efficacy and Accounting Knowledge on Accounting Students’ Understanding Using Accurate-based Accounting Software
- Maskur
- Use of Chatbot on Online Store Website as Virtual Customer Service to Improve Sales
- Masreviastuti
- Bipartite Industrial Relations Settlement Assistance to Reduce Disputes Between Garment Company Workers and Entrepreneurs in Malang Regency
- Melani, Erlin
- Mediating Role of Good Corporate Governance to Intellectual Capital and Firm Value
- Miharso, Apit
- Mediating Role of Good Corporate Governance to Intellectual Capital and Firm Value
- Miharso, Apit
- Social Responsibilities Commitment
- Mukhlisah, Nurul
- Suddenly Online
- Mulyono, Imam
- Visualizing Public Sector Accounting During the Pandemic Covid-19 by Android-based Augmented Reality
- Muqorobin, Masculine Muhammad
- Business in The New Normal Era
- Murty, Kresna
- The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Stickiness Cost Level of Manufacturing Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in Period of 2017-2018
- Muwidha, Muhamad
- Analysis of Cash Flow Components, Gross Profit, Earnings per Share on Stock Returns Manufacturing Company Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2016 Until 2018
- Muwidha, Muhammad
- The Influence of Sharia Supervisory Board, Leverage, and Equitable Distribution Ratio on Earnings Management Practices in Islamic Banking
- Narullia, Dwi
- Web-Based Excellent Internship System (EIS) as Interconnected Media to Maintain Student Capabilities During Pandemic Era
- Novitasari, Ane Fany
- Bipartite Industrial Relations Settlement Assistance to Reduce Disputes Between Garment Company Workers and Entrepreneurs in Malang Regency
- Nurasik
- Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Good Corporate Governance on Banking Financial Performance in Indonesia
- Nurtjahjani, Fullchis
- Bipartite Industrial Relations Settlement Assistance to Reduce Disputes Between Garment Company Workers and Entrepreneurs in Malang Regency