Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2020)
113 authors
- Sulistyaningsih
- Reconsidering the Implementation of Participatory Action Research and Community Development Courses at Sociology Department
- Sumarno, Setyo
- The Influence of Staff Competency of Integrated Service in Handling of Poverty
- Supriyadi, SN
- Gotong Royong as Social Practice of Winning Strategy at Kulon Progo’s Local Election in 2017
- Suradi
- Changes of Poor Family Behavior Through Family Development Session
- Susantyo, Badrun
- Changes of Poor Family Behavior Through Family Development Session
- Tamtomo, Kristian
- Revisiting Social Movement in Organic Agriculture Community in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Tyas, Putri Pamungkas Cahyaneng
- The Dynamics of Religiosity Conversion from Followers of Instagram Accounts @beraniberhijrah
- Wahyuni, Ekawati Sri
- The Opportunities and Constraints of Providing Health and Social Security for Domestic Workers in Yogyakarta
- Wahyuni, Kadek Meri
- Why do People in Bali Meet Traditional Healer?
- Widyastuti, Fitriana
- The Roles of Spiritual Intelligence and Social Comparison Over Career Anxiety of Final Year Students
- Wulanyani, Ni Made Swasti
- Why do People in Bali Meet Traditional Healer?
- Yusuf, Husmiati
- The Influence of Staff Competency of Integrated Service in Handling of Poverty
- Zunariyah, Siti
- The Development of Civilians Caring about AIDS