Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2020)
Good morning, Assalamualaikum wr wb,
First and Foremost, praise is to Allah, the Almighty, the greatest of all, on whom ultimately, we depend for sustenance and guidance. It is because of His bless, we can gather today in the Second Annual International Conference in Social Sciences and Humanities 2020, or AICOSH, at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. Secondly, Shalawat and Salam to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us out from the darkness into the brightness world that full of knowledge.
It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to this conference today. AICOSH is one of our respectable conferences at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. It was initiated last year to enrich and strengthen our knowledge as academicians and practitioners in the social science, humanities, and religious studies. At UIN Sunan Kalijaga, combining science and religious studies is something we have done for a long time. Therefore, we greatly appreciate the initiative of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities in integrating the two paradigms through this international conference.
As a concurrence of last year’s conference theme, the main theme of AICOSH 2020 is “Crafting Madani Society 5.0: Issues and perspectives”. The theme represents our present-day situation where industrial revolution 4.0 has changed our society. Social development has always been in a process of constant evolution, from hunter-gatherer societies to agriculture, followed by the industrial revolution with the emergence of steam power, and today's information-based society with the development of computers, big data, and artificial intelligence or AI. In this regards, social embedded-ness about technology and society is needed to provide framework for social acceptability and legitimacy. Therefore, considering Qur'anic interpretation as part of this social embedded-ness is particularly important in predominantly Muslim countries like Indonesia.
While considering the importance of Qur’anic interpretation with technology, we are now witnessing and even, experiencing a disruptive era caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. As was done by other universities and educational institutions in various countries, we changed our course and administration system at UIN Sunan Kalijaga from offline to online. We utilized technology to help achieve our university's goals. At this point, we knew that adaptation to New Normal is inevitable, where technology plays an important role. However, we also knew that it is not merely about the use of technology, but social, cultural, religion, and political aspects are also contributing to and determine how the New Normal adaptation can be carried out.
In my opinion, here is the importance of the implementation of AICOSH 2020, that technology, both in the form of AI and big data, is inseparable from the socio-religious aspects of our society. Therefore, I hope this conference can contribute to science by providing a critical reflection on Society 5.0’s design and implementation.
Participants in AICOSH 2020 were attended by researchers, practitioners, technocrats, undergraduate and graduate students from Indonesia and other countries. Their participation greatly colored the conference because themes of this conference are important and had academic and practical value for knowledge, expertise, and professionalism for them. Therefore, on behalf of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, I would expresses my highest gratitude and appreciation to all parties who have helped organize this conference, especially to all participants, sponsors, committees, and institutions for their commitment so that this conference can be held properly. We also sincerely apologize for all the shortcomings of our services and actions while organising this conference. Finally, we believe that this conference will provide maximum benefits for the people. Therefore, by saying Bismillahirrohmanirrahim, I officially open this conference.
Thank you and happy conferencing.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
Dr. Phil. Sahiron Syamsuddin, MA
Rector of State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
First and Foremost, praise is to Allah, the Almighty, the greatest of all, on whom ultimately, we depend for sustenance and guidance. It is because of His bless, we can gather today in the Second Annual International Conference in Social Sciences and Humanities 2020, or AICOSH, at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. Secondly, Shalawat and Salam to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us out from the darkness into the brightness world that full of knowledge.
It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to this conference today. AICOSH is one of our respectable conferences at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. It was initiated last year to enrich and strengthen our knowledge as academicians and practitioners in the social science, humanities, and religious studies. At UIN Sunan Kalijaga, combining science and religious studies is something we have done for a long time. Therefore, we greatly appreciate the initiative of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities in integrating the two paradigms through this international conference.
As a concurrence of last year’s conference theme, the main theme of AICOSH 2020 is “Crafting Madani Society 5.0: Issues and perspectives”. The theme represents our present-day situation where industrial revolution 4.0 has changed our society. Social development has always been in a process of constant evolution, from hunter-gatherer societies to agriculture, followed by the industrial revolution with the emergence of steam power, and today's information-based society with the development of computers, big data, and artificial intelligence or AI. In this regards, social embedded-ness about technology and society is needed to provide framework for social acceptability and legitimacy. Therefore, considering Qur'anic interpretation as part of this social embedded-ness is particularly important in predominantly Muslim countries like Indonesia.
While considering the importance of Qur’anic interpretation with technology, we are now witnessing and even, experiencing a disruptive era caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. As was done by other universities and educational institutions in various countries, we changed our course and administration system at UIN Sunan Kalijaga from offline to online. We utilized technology to help achieve our university's goals. At this point, we knew that adaptation to New Normal is inevitable, where technology plays an important role. However, we also knew that it is not merely about the use of technology, but social, cultural, religion, and political aspects are also contributing to and determine how the New Normal adaptation can be carried out.
In my opinion, here is the importance of the implementation of AICOSH 2020, that technology, both in the form of AI and big data, is inseparable from the socio-religious aspects of our society. Therefore, I hope this conference can contribute to science by providing a critical reflection on Society 5.0’s design and implementation.
Participants in AICOSH 2020 were attended by researchers, practitioners, technocrats, undergraduate and graduate students from Indonesia and other countries. Their participation greatly colored the conference because themes of this conference are important and had academic and practical value for knowledge, expertise, and professionalism for them. Therefore, on behalf of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, I would expresses my highest gratitude and appreciation to all parties who have helped organize this conference, especially to all participants, sponsors, committees, and institutions for their commitment so that this conference can be held properly. We also sincerely apologize for all the shortcomings of our services and actions while organising this conference. Finally, we believe that this conference will provide maximum benefits for the people. Therefore, by saying Bismillahirrohmanirrahim, I officially open this conference.
Thank you and happy conferencing.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
Dr. Phil. Sahiron Syamsuddin, MA
Rector of State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta