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188759 articles

Economic Security of Economic Entities in Crises

Olga Chepik, Elena Mishanova, Galina Kalinina, Alla Gracheva
The study examines a set of measures that affect the level of economic security of the country as a whole, individual regions and companys. Current economic conditions determine the state of the economy, which is determined from a position of macroeconomic control of the state over the use of national...

An Analysis of the Risk of Anemia on Female Students of Senior High School Number 6 Palembang

Sartono, Ahmad Sadiq
The result of Baseline Health Research (Riskesdas) 2013 was found out that iron nutritional anemia is still being public health problems with prevalence ≥ 20 percent in adolescents. Anemia iron nutrition is still a public health problem with prevalence in adolescents of 13- 18 years and 22.7 percent...

The Efforts to Strengthen Nationalist Character Values Through the Methods of Story Telling and Dancing

Retno Tri Wulandari, Eny Nur Aisyah, Ajeng Fitri Untariana
The purpose of this study is to describe the nationalist character on early the childhood education and the application of story tell and dance methods to improve the nationalist character of early childhood in group B Laboratorium Kindergarten UM that consist of 18 children. This research carried out...

Pro-Environmental Organizational Activities, Participation, and Life Events: A Narrative Inquiry of South Kalimantan Environmental Activists

Neka Erlyani, Ria Novita Rahimi, Niken Lestari, Syifa Oktavia, Aminuddin Prahatama Putra, Muhammad Abdan Shadiqi
People tend to become actively involved in environmental organizations to respond to environmental problems. These activists have a specific motivation to join the organization and to behave pro-environmentally. This study aims to explain the form of environmental activities, the reasons for participation...

A Brief Study on the Cultivation of Meta-cognitive Strategies in English Majors’ Pronunciation Learning

Jingxin Wang
The article deals with the problem of English pronunciation learning strategies. Pronunciation is particularly important for English majors, which directly affects the effectiveness of communication, but the improvement of pronunciation learning and teaching is complicated. The article reviews the previous...

Animation: Medium and Practice in Indonesia

RR. Mega Iranti Kusumawardhani, Muhammad Cahya Mulya Daulay
Animation has been a part of modern human life, and often become a media representation of a person, feelings, emotion, images, sound, lights, even political statements. Modern people like to see how this medium represents themselves, but they have limited access to understanding the complexity of animation...

Analyzing Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation on Lake Tana Transport Enterprise, Ethiopia

Tikuye Gashaw Awoke, Ying Ma
The objective of the study is to analyse the factors that influence corporate social responsibility implementation on Lake Tana Transport Enterprise, Ethiopia. The study used both descriptive & explanatory survey research approach. The survey data collected in both primary and secondary data. The...
Proceedings Article

KELIA, A Liquid Organic Fertilizer Made of Tutut Snails for A Good Tomato Growth

Fika Fatwa Anin Nafis, Nur Laili Rahmawati, Robiatul A’dawiyah, Septa Katmawanti, Hartati Eko Wardani
The failure of tomato harvesting, which happens to some agricultural lands in Indonesia, compels farmers to utilize liquid organic fertilizer (LOF). Liquid organic fertilizer can be applied to escalate tomato immune system against phytophthora, a fungus-like organism which frequently stampedes tomato...

Development of Trade and Economic Relations of Russia with the Countries of the European Union: Problems and Prospects

Natalya Shalygina, Natalya Zaitseva, Maksim Selyukov, Ol’ga Znajdenova
The geographical proximity of Russia and the countries of the European Union contributed to the development of trade and economic bilateral relations, which have a significant impact on all spheres of interests of the participating parties. Currently, Russia and the EU are key trading partners, as evidenced...

A Study on Roger Ames’ Interpretation of Confucian Concepts

You Zhang
In the translation of Chinese Confucian classics, the concepts of Confucian philosophy are interpreted variously by Western missionaries and Sinologists in different ages. Taking the English translation of Confucian classics by American Sinologist Roger Ames as an example, this paper explores the translator’s...

The Analysis of Flight-to-Safety Phenomenon from Stocks to Government Bonds and Their Effects on The Risk-Return Trade-off in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period March 2008 - May 2020

Kania Diah Rachmawati, Eko Rizkianto
This paper aims to analyze the relationship of the risk-return trade-off between excess return and excess return volatility on the stock exchange in Indonesia (in which both of them are already being conditioned by the macroeconomics factors) and see the effect of flight-to-safety on the relationship...

A Vector Fokas-Lenells System from the Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations

MengXia Zhang, ShaoLing He, ShuQiang Lv
Pages: 144 - 154
With the aid of the spectral gradient method of Fuchssteiner, the compatible pair of Hamiltonian operators for the coupled NLS hierarchy is rediscovered. This result enables us to construct a hierarchy, which contains a vector generalization of Fokas-Lenells system. The vector Fokas-Lenells system is...

Description About Materials Mathematics the Special Needs of Junior School of Result National Examination 2019

Sri Wuryanti, Rahmi Rivalina, Dian Rahdiani, Handaru Catu Bagus, Wenny Saraswaty
The purpose of this study was to see students with special needs in inclusive schools and their absorption of mathematics subject matter in the 2018/2019 Junior High School National Examination. Although the National Examination has been legally abolished, the results of the last National Examination...

Factors that Influence the Auditors in Issuing Qualified Opinion

Agnessia Veronica, Julisar Julisar
This study examines the effect of Earnings Management, Audit Quality, Audit Tenure, Firm Size, Leverage, Liquidity, Inventories, Losses, and Profitability on Qualified Opinion among manufacturing companies in Indonesia. This research used 102 manufactured companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange...

Research on Talent Training Mode of Port, Waterway and Coastal Engineering Based on Engineering Education Professional Certification

Chao Wan, Feng Jin, Hong Wang
Professional evaluation and certification is an important means to ensure the quality of higher education in the world, China’s engineering education quality assurance system has been internationally recognized. With the continuous advancement of engineering education professional certification, in order...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Mixed Biodiesel and Petrodiesel as Transportation Fuel

A Sholihah, S D S Murti, A R Juwita, F M Yanti, H Saputra
The use of biodiesel from palm oil as a substitute for diesel oil is a policy of the Government of Indonesia. In addition to renewable energy, the use of biodiesel as a fuel for transportation and industry is also an effort to reduce imports of diesel oil. Apart from the advantages of renewable biodiesel...
Proceedings Article

Feeding Management of Red Jungle Fowl Offsprings by Community in Seluma District, Bengkulu, Indonesia

Sutriyono, J. Setianto, A. H. K. Amrullah
Domestication of red jungle fowl has been done in Seluma District, Bengkulu Indonesia. Domestication is done for many purposes, and has produced breeds of burgo chicken, which is currently bred. The objective of the study was to evaluate the feeding management vof red jungle fowl and its offspring by...

Study on the Impact of Fintech and Debt Leverage on Systemic Financial Risk Transmission Mechanism

Chunyu Dong, Shiyun Xiao, Shouwei Li
This paper analyzes the contagion mechanism of systemic financial risk from the perspectives of fintech and debt leverage, and the analysis results show that the impact of fintech development on the occurrence of systemic financial risk is both exacerbated and mitigated. The mitigating effect is mainly...

The Effect of School Culture and Discipline on Teacher Performance at SMA Negeri Mesuji Makmur

Uspita, Bukman Lian, Mulyadi
This study aimed to determine and describe school culture and discipline on teacher performance in SMA Negeri Mesuji Makmur. The population and sample in this study were 46 SMA teachers in Mesuji Makmur. The research method used was descriptive quantitative research using a questionnaire as an instrument....
Proceedings Article

Cutaneous Manifestation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Lina Damayanti
Patients with COVID-19 most commonly present with respiratory symptoms, but multiorgan involvement can occur, including skin manifestations. Dermatologic findings may include a maculopapular eruption (morbiliform rash), urticarial, vesicular rash (varicella-like), petechiae, purpura, pseudochilblains,...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Study of Porous Paving Using Kalimantan Local Materials

Y Pranoto, A Sudibyo, E R Rivelda
Floods in Samarinda occur every year. It’s because the infiltration area is getting narrower, the drainage conditions are full of garbage, high rainfall, and the behaviour of people who litter. So, it needs improvement technology to reduce these problems. One way is to make porous paving that can absorb...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Activation of Fresh Fruit Bunch Oil Palm Acetyl Co-A Carboxylase

I. Kresnawaty, D. Santoso, S. Hudiyono
Palm oil has a substantial contribution to national economy, as well as local economy development. At present the productivity of Indonesian oil plam plantation, especially small holderd is relatively low. Efforts to increase productivity can be done through biochemicals approach in this case enzymes...
Proceedings Article

The Appearance of Male Sapera Goat Production Based on Indigofera sp. as a Commercial Concentrate Substitute

Mia Rahmawati, Agustinah Setyaningrum
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Indigofera sp. fresh and hay on the growth of chest circumference, chest width, and body length in male Sapera goats. The study was conducted in vivo on male Sapera goats with P0 treatment, namely basal rations consisting of native grass (NG) and...

Influence of Green Accounting and Environmental Performance on Profitability

Ati Sumiati, Santi Susanti, Ahmad Maulana, Lina Indrawati, Diana Puspitasari, Rini Indriani
The purpose of this research is to gather empirical evidence about the effect of green accounting and environmental performance on profitability, either separately or concurrently. The population in this study consists of 107 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the mining sector and the...

The Effect of Learning Strategies and Linguistic Intelligence on the Results of English Texts Reading Comprehension for High School Students in Medan

Tiarmayanti Novita Sonia, Andrew Ryan Hasudungan Siallagan, Abdul Muin Sibuea, Sugiharto
The objectives of this research are: (1) the difference of results of students’ English text comprehension who are taught with the Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) strategies and student taught by using the Directed, Reading, Thinking, Activity (DRTA) strategy (2) the difference of results the students...

Self-Managed Learning in Online Learning

Ni’matul Istiqomah, Nur Anita Yunikawati, M. Rudi Irwansyah
This study aims to find out the benefits of self-managed learning in online learning. As we know, the world is currently facing a pandemic, in which most agendas are delayed and must be carried out online. Like education. Education as one of the sectors affected by the pandemic covid19 is undergoing...

A Study on the Impact of the 2022 Winter Olympics on the City Image of Zhangjiakou

——Based on the Emotional and Cognitive Perspectives of Generation Z

Yitong Huang
Based on the customer perceived value theory, combined with the interview method, the perception factor of the influence of the city image of Zhangjiakou in the 2022 Winter Olympics is designed. Then, through the questionnaire survey method, the Z generation in Zhangjiakou City is the survey object,...
Proceedings Article

Forage Pellets Quality From Weed Legetan With Different Composition

Bambang Suwignyo, Rifqi Danang Subagya, Andriyani Astuti, Nafiatul Umami, Ali Agus
The aimed of the research conducted to determine the effect of composition on the quality of forage pellet. This study used fresh Legetan (Synedrella nodiflora) for major material of forage pellets, while rice bran was additional feed ingredients. There was two (2) variation of forage pellet consisting...
Proceedings Article

Substantial Changes in Physical and Chemical Properties of Spodosols Soil by Hardpan Breaking and Mounding in Oil Palm Plantation

Suwardi, Lilik Sutiarso, Herry Wirianata, Andri Prima Nugroho, Sukarman, Septa Primananda
Spodosols soil are categorized as a marginal or sub-optimum soil which has several limiting factors and potential for oil palm plantations. The main limiting factors for spodosols are the presence of a spodic layer, poor nutrients, acidic pH, low water retention capacity, and low cation exchange capacity...

The Influence of Father Presence and Father-Child Attachment on the Psychological Security of Young Children

Jingyi Chen
The psychological security of children is a crucial issue when it comes to the mental health of young children. As an essential condition for young children to gradually grow up and blend into society, this sense of security always is fostered in children’s families. Most of the previous studies and...
Proceedings Article

Natural Dyes as Photosensitizers of Propionibacterium acnes

Asmiyenti Djaliasrin Djalil, Aqshal Pramudya Susanto, Rizal Nandha Arisugita, Binar Asrining Dhiani, Muhammad Faris Maulidan, Irfan Zamzani
The patient’s quality of life may be negatively impacted by the high prevalence of acne vulgaris among adolescents. Acne vulgaris is a skin condition in which hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells, bacteria, and natural facial oils. It has been demonstrated that acne antibiotics raise antibacterial...

Credit Bank Training System for Digital Creativity and Media Majors in Art Design

Xia Sun
This project is the “Revelation and Command” (Quality Engineering) project of Shandong Commercial Vocational and Technical College, which belongs to the sub-project of Double High Construction. The credit bank connects with the construction of professional groups, leads the process of teaching and learning...
Proceedings Article

Research of an Integrated Organization and Management Methods for Natural Resource Data

Xueyuan Li, Changqing Liu, Chen Fan, Wei Tang, Yizhou Yang
With the continuous growth in the diversity, volume, and complexity of natural resource data, a singular approach to organize, store, and manage spatial databases has become insufficient for managing multi-source data. Against this backdrop, this research conducted to build upon traditional spatial data...

The Impact of Digitalization on Income Inequality in Singapore

Lantian Christina Ma
Digitalization has become one of the most significant trends experienced by the workforce. However, debates about whether it really benefits the population by offering them with more opportunities, or would exacerbate inequality because of Skill-Biased Technological Change (SBTC) that favours workers...

Role Conflict on Working Students

Self-Regulated Learning as a Predictor

Ichlas Nanang Afandi, Nur Syamsu Ismail, Asdalifa
According to the KBBI, students are people who study in universities. According to the definition, work is not a student’s job. However, not a few students are studying and working simultaneously. Various reasons underlie it, especially economic factors. Of course, the situation of studying and working...
Proceedings Article

Distribution of Major Viruses on Shallot in Indonesia

Heri Harti, Sobir Sobir, Suryo Wiyono, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat
High infestation of viruses on shallot’s bulb has been reported in Indonesia, although little is known on the effect of virus infection on shallot productivity. The use of virus-free seeds is assumed to be the key factor to improve productivity. The study was conducted to detect the main viruses infecting...

From Struggle to Resilience: Understanding the Communication Orientations of Refugee Communities in Indonesia on Instagram

Durrotul Mas’udah, Ahmad Syafii
This research highlights the communication orientations of refugee communities in Indonesia, by looking at the messages in the Instagram posts of @vorindonesia and @helpforrefugees. Hence, a qualitative textual content analysis is employed to study the captions of the Instagram posts of @vorindonesia...

Resilience of Tourism Conscious Group (POKDARWIS) Based on Post Covid-19 Cultural Transformation

Anton Nurcahyo, Tauhid Hira, Siska Tiara Apriani, Fina Mufirotika, Cesar Ratu Harpgillnesia, Eman Sukmana
A positive impact of the Covid-19 pandemic was the emergence of community cultural transformation. Social and physical distancing became a portal for travel movements that were responded and implemented Health Protocols (or Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability) by tourism businesses....
Proceedings Article

The Emotional Intelligent and Social Support as Predictor of Stress at Work Among Nurses During Post Pandemic

Sumayah Soimah, Sukma Putri Utami
This study investigates the influence relationship between emotional intelligence and social support on work stress in nurses during the post-pandemic situation. This study uses Multidimensional Instrument of Perceived Social Support (α = 0,870), Work Stress (α = 0,904), and Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence...

Transformation of Educational Traditions: Foundations of Educational Management and Evaluation in the Future Covid-19 Pandemic

Adison Adrianus Sihombing, Yuliana Saridewi Kusumastuti
Problem fundamental management - evaluation Education in Indonesia is unprepared for the transformation of educational traditions. Educational institutions are slow to anticipate changes that occur in 21st century learning which are strongly influenced by information and communication technology. Covid-19...
Proceedings Article

The Physicochemical Properties of Annatto Extract Obtained from Distillate Water as Solvent Extraction in the Variation of pH and Extraction Time

Isti Handayani, Aisyah Tri Septiana, Budi Sustriawan
Annatto is one of the most common natural colorants used in the food industry. The commercial processes to extract annatto were direct extraction into oil, direct extraction into aqueous alkali, or indirect extraction with solvents. The physicochemical properties of the extract are known to be influenced...

Creative Industry of Zhengding Siheyuan from a Cultural Perspective

Jiahui Zhou
Zhengding Siheyuan is one of the representatives of traditional Chinese architecture, with a long history and unique cultural value. The purpose of this study is to explore the development of the cultural and creative industry of Zhengding Siheyuan, in order to promote its cultural protection and economic...
Proceedings Article

Risk Factors Analysis of Macronutrient Intakes and Obesity with Hypertension in Coastal Communities, Kapoiala District, Konawe Regency

Laode Kardin, I Putu Sudayasa, Aldi Dwi Maretsa Sajuddin
Research related to correlation between consumption patterns of macronutrients as a risk factor for hypertension in coastal communities has been rarely studied. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors for intake of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) and obesity with the incidence...
Proceedings Article

Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions

Numerical Analysis of Bugis Makassar Wedding Days

Ja’faruddin, Wen-Haw Chen
The cultural practice of “A’pa’tantu allo baji,” determining auspicious wedding days, intricately involves calculations rooted in Islamic lunar months or the Hijri calendar. This study deeply explores the symbiotic relationship between cultural traditions and mathematical concepts, centering on numerical...

“Smart Stall” Artificial Intelligence Solution -Vendor Economy and Its Transformation Model from the Perspective of Artificial Intelligence

Lingqing Liu, Jing Lu, Minyu Huang
With the sweeping of COVID-19, the domestic and foreign economies show a downward trend. As one of the main forces of the national economy, vendor economy shoulders the important task of alleviating economic pressure and promoting employment. In recent years, with the rapid development of artificial...

Proposal of Playful Innovation for Decision Making in Savings Cooperatives. The Case of Ecuador

Javier Herrán Gómez, Bernardo Salgado, Angel Torres-Toukoumidis
Although theory helps to lay firm foundations on business cooperative development, practices based on bottom-up actions and adaptation to new forms of interaction through telematic platforms catalyze the manifestation of situations that can positively affect the participation of members, employees and...
Proceedings Article

Will Résumé Data Tell Stories About Job Skills?

Content Analysis of the Russian IT, Internet, and Telecom Industry

Fengchen Wang, William Attatsitsey, Natalia Volkova
Recruitment has been more streamlined, more convenient, and less time-consuming thanks to the advent of digital technology, which enables employers or recruiters to scan through a bank of job seekers’ résumés on the job site. As a result of the advancement of e-recruiting, which allows job seekers to...

Student Character Building in the Era of Digital Transformation

Hera Chairunisa, Humaizi Humaizi
This research discusses student character development in the midst of digital transformation, with a focus on the role of digital technology in shaping their character in the higher education environment. The research method used was a descriptive qualitative approach, involving literature study, questionnaires...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Modern Economic Management Based on Home Commercial Insurance Purchase Data

Jun Wang, Chi Zhang
Nowadays, in the context of technology empowerment, the improvement of office efficiency in all walks of life provides a source of power for the rapid development of the economy. In order to protect its own rights and interests and maximize economic benefits, the commercial insurance industry has developed...

Strengthening the Economy of Fishermen Communities Tanjung Sembilang Through the Mentoring Sustainable Program

Deny Wahyu Apriadi, Waskito, Nanda Harda Pratama Meiji, Diaz Restu Dharmawan
The fishing community is one object of interesting study for research and has many aspects of life that can be lifted. In this article will serve results analysis about effectiveness strengthening economy Public fisherman through the mentoring program sustainable which is one of the form not quite enough...