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188265 articles
Proceedings Article

Research on Intelligent Clothing Blemishes Detection System and Application Based on Cloud Computing

Yihong Zhang, Bao Zong, Xin Ruan, Lifeng Shi, Xiang Li
This paper research the clothing blemishes detection theory based on smart clothing support robots, and proposes a clothing detection system based on smart clothing support robot of multi-objective collaborative intelligence; and proposes a clothing quality inspection method based on multi-features collaboration...
Proceedings Article

A Conceptual Framework for Lithium-ion Battery RUL Prediction Using Deep Learning

Shiqiang Zhao
In this paper, a conceptual framework for Remaining Useful Life (RUL) prediction of lithium-ion battery integrating deep learning is presented. The main processing stages, i.e., feature extraction, redundant information removal, data preprocessing, DNN model training, RUL prediction and evaluation, are...

Main Points of the Theory of Intersubjectivity

Xiaoge Xie
Intersubjectivity is an important concept highlighted in the 20th century Western philosophy [Song Yaping. Intersubjectivity [J], Marxist Philosophy Research, 2008 (4)]. Its research methods apply to various fields of humanities such as anthropology, history, sociology, and arts. This article summarizes...

The Regional Regime Architecture For The Envisioned ASEAN Community Connectivity: Domestic Constraints And Challenges For The Philippines

Hilton J. Aguja
In its continuous effort to fine-tune its institutional ways of doing things to achieve a seamless regulatory framework, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has already had two Master Plans on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC). These documents have been the blueprint for the overall effort of...

The Contemporary Value of Environmental Protection Law.

Qingyu Tan, Hongzhou Shen, Sisi Li
Horse philosophy tells us that practice decision knowledge, understanding of practice has the opposite effect. Any of the legal department is the product of the certain social historical conditions, therefore, in the field of environmental protection, people's understanding. In the long human society,...
Proceedings Article

Continuous speech recognition model based on CTC Technology

Yumeng Wang, Jianmin Zhao
In end to end speech recognition,the linguistic knowledge such as pronunciation 1exicon is not essential??,and therefore the performance of the ASR systems based on CTC is weaker than that of the baseline.Aiming at this problem,a strategy combining the existing linguistic knowledge and the acoustic modeling...

Application of a Shaping Technique to Increase On-Task Behavior Duration in Children with ADHD

Amatul Firdausa Nasa, Sri Redatin Retno Pudjiati, Mita Aswanti Tjakrawiralaksana
In general, children with ADHD have difficulty performing on-task behaviors. This relates to their difficulty of sustaining their attention for a long time. Difficulty in maintaining attention level means that children with ADHD often experience poor academic performance and academic failure. To improve...

"Switch off?!" the Mechanism of Psychological Detachment Affecting Employee Creativity

Yi-Ying QU
This paper examines the effect of psychological detachment from work during off-job time on employee creativity in the workplace and tests the mediating role of creative self-efficacy and the moderating role of job complexity in the above relationship. This paper conducted a cross-sectional survey study...
Proceedings Article

Inexact Orthant-Wise Quasi-Newton Method

Faguo Wu, Wang Yao, Xiao Zhang, Chenxu Wang, Zhiming Zheng
The Orthant-Wise Limited-memory Quasi-Newton method (OWL-QN), based on the L-BFGS method, is an effective algorithm for solving the ‘1-regularized sparse learning problem. In order to deal with the ‘1-regularization, OWL-QN restrict the point to an orthant on which the quadratic model is valid and differentiable....

A Study on the Restrictive Factors in Cultivating Cross-Culture Communication Ability - A Reflection Based on College English Teaching Guide

Yan Xie
The insufficient phenomenon among Chinese cultural knowledge, the education of information as well as the training in English expression are majors factors that hinder the formation and development of intercultural communicative competence, the College English Teaching Guide "learning and understanding...
Proceedings Article

Design of University Central Kitchen Management Information System

Quanzhou Huang
With the increasing enrollment of colleges and universities, the demand for catering services is getting higher and higher. The traditional management mode has not adapted to the development of the new situation, so it is urgent to reform the management mode. This paper analyzes the shortcomings of traditional...

An Analysis of Tourists' Willingness To Accept under Forced Consumption from Travel Agencies

Jian-Hua Wei, Meng Ding
The phenomenon of forced consumption by travel agencies and tour guides is endless. This not only has a great impact on the reputation of tourism destinations, but also reduces the tourists experience utility. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of the forced consumption of travel agencies...
Proceedings Article

Portable Anti-bedsore System

Ping Shi, Weimin Wang, Hongliu Yu
The purpose of this paper is to develop a portable anti-bedsore system. This portable anti-bedsore system, which can provide a new way to the prevention and treatment of bedsore. This above way not only suitable for bedridden patients also for long-term wheelchair users. MCS-51 was applied in the hardware...

Research on Campus New Facilities Arrangement Based on SLP Method

Yingyi Huang, Jianhong Guo
The facility layout has a great influence on teaching activities and entertainment for teachers and students. The appropriate and reasonable campus facility layout is beneficial for the development of school. The paper takes a certain university as a research object and uses SLP from to chart, job related...

Formation and Implementation of a Common EU Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) (1992-2019)

Dadashov Kanan, Arbuzova Svetlana, Ivanova Svetlana, Azarkhin Aleksey, Zinkov Evgenii
The article argues that the European Union’s Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), from 1992 to 2019, allows the Union to play a leading role in peacekeeping operations, conflict prevention and strengthening international security. It is an integral part of the EU’s integrated crisis management...

The Translation of Sci-Tech English Paper Abstracts from the Perspective of Eco-Translatology

Yongping Zhang, Zaibo Li
The translation of scientific paper abstracts is very important for international academic communication. Based on the eco-translatology and current existing problems in Chinese to English translation of scientific paper abstracts, this paper analyzed the translations of sci-tech abstracts in current...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Study Of Column-Fonudation Joint Using Semi-Precast System Subjected To Axial And Lateral Cyclic Loading

Guntur Nugroho
­Semi-precast column consists of the combination of cast-in-place concrete and segmental precast concrete. In semi-precast concrete column, difference in compressive strength exists between the cast-in-place and precast concrete. The aim of this research is to investigate the behaviour of column-foundation...

Revitalization and Actualization of Religious Values to Realize Civilized Wasathiyah Economy

Muhammad Djakfar
the existing economic system in the world can be mapped into two categories. The first is the secular group separating economic matters and transcendental religious values as shown by the capitalism and socialism. Its fundamental source is from human thinking products. The second is the spiritual group...

Would British Business Management Style be affected by the Japanese Approach in the Context of Globalization?

Li Zhang, Nan Lin
The management styles of Japanese are definitely effective in the business operations. This article aims to identify whether the British business management style could be affected by the Japanese approach due to the Japanese branches in the UK. The cultural differences should be existed and stable to...

Exploration of Risk Oriented Fund Performance Audit—Take Rural Endowment Insurance as an Example

Ronggang Zhang, Lanzhihao Liu
Pages: 149 - 154
The performance audit risk of rural pension fund is worth studying deeply. Based on the cost-benefit principle and the public fiduciary economic responsibility theory, this paper analyzes the current situation and causes of the performance audit of rural pension fund and finds that the audit demand degree...
Proceedings Article

Design and Dynamic Simulation of Friction - Vibration Test Rig for Planetary Gearbox

Han Zhao, Cao Wei, Wang Dong, Ruan Shaolong
In order to prevent the catastrophic accidents caused by the failure of the reducer, based on virtual technology such as CAD/CAE and Solidworks, the friction and vibration testing device of planetary gear reducer was designed, and the weak links of the transmission device were found out, its life and...

Influence of world development trends on changes in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan and Russia

Ye A Kolos, T S Dobrydneva, S I Dobrydnev
In this article, based on the analysis of global trends in the development of future specialist training, perspective types of production and products (mainly services) that are promising for cross-border areas are highlighted, corresponding to a number of global trends. Based on the analysis of foreign...

Presidential Threshold in the Presidential Election: A Democratic and Constitutional Study

Sulardi, Febriansyah Ramadhan
Presidential Threshold (PT) is a system the legislators have been being held as an instrument in the presidential election system since 2004. Although PT has been stated in the legal product, and justified by the Decision of the Constitution Court, it does not mean that it is a final product. As something...

Political Education Model for Beginner Female Voters among Students in Local Leaders Election of Serang City in 2018

Kandung Nugroho, Agus Sjafari
This study aims to formulate political education models to increase the political participation of beginner female voters in Indonesia. Nowadays political education is getting worse along with the lower public trust in democratic institutions such as political party. Political parties that cannot be...
Proceedings Article

Modern Collection Fund of the Laboratory of Ornamental Plants of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences as a Source of Genetic Resources for Breeding

Irina Bondorina, Alexander Kabanov, Natalia Mamaeva, Julia Khokhlacheva, Galin Savelieva, Valentina Kudusova
The current policy of forming the collection fund of the laboratory of ornamental plants of the MBG RAS is aimed at creating not only large, but also unique collections that can be in demand in various aspects of research work. Thus one of the most actual and obvious basic directions of use of resources...

A study concerning what parenting topics parents appreciate the most

Hungchang Lee
The main purpose of this study is to explore the different parenting preferences of parents depending on their educational background, social status, and parenting style. In this research paper, the target population consisted of 949 respondents having preschool children in Taiwan. The researcher collected...

Neurolinguistic and neuromarketing effects on consumer behavior

S.V. Karpova, I.V. Rozhkov, O.E. Ustinova
The current market environment is extremely competitive. In recent years, increased competition and competitiveness among companies has grown exponentially, increasing the range of products on the market. In this regard, the development of business strategies that guarantee their long-term survival is...

Research on Green Barriers of China’s Agricultural Products and Countermeasures

Wei Wei
In recent years, emerging green trade barriers with the theme of environmental protection and rational utilization of resources gradually become the main factors affecting China’s agricultural products export and bring many and new problems. Compared with traditional trade barriers, green barriers have...

Play Traffic Simulation in interactive Surfaceplay Traffic Simulation in Interactive Surface for Early Childhood Education

Yerry Soepriyanto, Dio Lingga Purwodani
Playing traffic simulation is a multimedia software that provides early childhood learning activities in the classroom to instill traffic discipline especially in early childhood. The software is run by a computer and the resulting image is a road simulation along with traffic signs that are projected...

Differential Evolution and Local Search based Monarch Butterfly Optimization Algorithm with Applications

Xingyue Cui, Zhe Chen, Fuliang Yin
Pages: 149 - 163
Global optimization for nonlinear function is a challenging issue. In this paper, an improved monarch butterfly algorithm based on local search and differential evolution is proposed. Local search strategy is first embedded into original monarch butterfly optimization to enhance the searching capability....

An Attempt of Returning Assets from Corruption in The Form of Tourist Attraction

Muh Sutri Mansyah
Indonesia is currently facing the problem of corruption that has been rampant and has a tremendous negative impact hence it is necessary eradication and prevention of corruption but in reality the resulting loss of corruption becomes a problem also, so this paper aims to describe the effort of Indonesia...

Model of Research Evaluation to Map Profile and Competence of Graduate Lecturer of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

In order to develop competency-based Human Resources management, it is necessary to mapping lecturer competency. The study was conducted with the aim to map the profile and competence of lecturers, as the basis for mapping the students and final student supervisor. To achieve these objectives, a database...

An Analysis of the Linkage of Stocks between China and Countries along the Belt and Road

Wenbo Du, Yaxian Lu, Xiaojun Yao
This article has conducted an in-depth study on the linkage between China and the daily returns of the stock markets of 17 countries from Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, North Africa, and Central and Eastern Europe. Based on the stock market indices of 18 countries including the Shanghai Composite...


Kim Van Der Borght, Intan Soeparna
This paper attempts to analyse the changing role of amicus-curiae in the WTO dispute settlement system where the Appellate Body was developing and implementing a judicial policy. Although it was a radical step for Appellate Body to engage amici curiae, it has given an indication that this body has opened...

Represantation of Women in A Collection of Short Stories "BH" by Emha Ainun Nadjib

Surya Kurnia Putu Desak I Dewi, Sugiarica Ayu Dewa I Joni
Gender inequality is manifested in various forms, such as stereotyping or negative labelling. Stereotypes of women who are weak, emotional, identical to domestic sphere are considered normal and natural. This is constructed by the mass media, so it can affect the way the public view of women’s image....

Spatiotemporal Characteristics Analysis of Environmental Sensitivity of Drought Disaster in Xilingol Grassland

Qiaofeng Zhang, Guixiang Liu, Hongbo Yu, Shan Yu, Yuhai Bao
Under the background of global warming, drought is one of the main meteorological disasters in China. The risk assessment of drought disaster is the premise of risk early warning and actual disaster evaluation, and it is the basis of disaster prevention and reduction. In this paper,meteorological data,...

Leading approaches to modernization of state financial control: a case of Ukraine

Natalia Novikova, Lydmyla Deshko, Anna Gurzhii
With the deepening of European integration, steady development of the national system of public finances and transition to international standards of state audit, become of particular importance the issues of the state financial control, as a key instrument for ensuring the legality, correctness and...

Function of Traditional Art “Karungut” in Character Building Education of Dayak People in Central Kalimantan

Holten Sion, Muhamad Affandi
On this modern era, many people only concern about how to improve the cognitive and psychomotor as the results of their children’s education process. They usually did many ways to increasing that aspect but sometimes they forget the affective (attitudes) of their childrens. The affective aspect, which...

Instructional Scaffolding in the Teaching of English Writing Based on the Online Writing Platform

Li Li
Writing is an indispensable part of English learning. However, the present situation of English writing teaching is far from satisfaction. This paper aims at studying online writing teaching based on instructional scaffolding and analyzing how to make full use of various scaffoldings in the teaching...

The Effectiveness of ScaffoldingStrategy in EFL reading comprehension

Sri Wachyunni
The aim of this article is to examine the effectiveness of scaffolding in improving reading comprehension skills in an EFL reading context. An experimental design was applied in this article. Participants of this study were 60 students of English Education at Jambi University. The students in the experimental...

A Literature Review on the Role of Religiosity in Islamic Banking Adoption

Umda Nafia Yasin, Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati
Despite the exponential growth in the Muslim population across the world, a large gap still exists between the number of existing customers of Islamic banking and the number of potential customers. Previous and numerous studies in the field of consumer research have demonstrated the associations among...
Proceedings Article

Research on Addressing Technology of Internet of Things

Wenbo Jiang, Jing Liu
In order to construct a unified object coding model, the coding and addressing characteristics of Internet of Things are studied in detail, and the types of codes that may appear in the Internet of Things are defined, and the coding addressing mode of the Internet of Things is defined. Based on the analysis...

Marriage Assimilation of Banjar and Arab Ethnics in Kampung Arab, Antasan Kecil Barat Street, Pasar Lama District, Banjarmasin Tengah Subdisctrict

Irni Cahyani
Assimilation marriage between different ethnics can be seen in the family of a mixed marriage between Banjar and Arab ethnics in Kampung Arab, Antasan Kecil Barat Street, Pasar Lama District, Banjarmasin Tengah Subdistrict, in this case, is the informant family. This studyaims to know the process of...

Blue Carbon: Role of Sea to the Balance of Climate Within the Mitigation Frame of Climate Change

Sunyowati Dina, Ria Tri Vinata
The impact of global climate change has been a particular concern of the world community and nations, including Indonesia. As an archipelagic country that has a wide range of natural resources and high biodiversity, Indonesia has great potential to be adversely affected by climate change and also has...

Good Governance and Human Right: The Experience Of Indonesia As The Biggest Muslim Country In The World

Dede Rosyada
The political leaders of Indonesia have given a great attention to human rights since early of the national movement for independence. The first national movement was Budi Utomo, the organization that was promoted by Indonesian academicians with the main effort was an education for indigenous Indonesia....
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Development in the Smart Growth Cities

Lingqing Zhao
Urbanization is becoming the general trend of the whole world. In this paper, we aim to find an ultimate strategy for all countries that can not only achieve the goal of normal urbanization, but also meet the policy of sustainable development. What is necessary to emphasize is that we establish our models...
Proceedings Article

Visualization of Virtual Maintenance Constraints

Yongsheng Shi, Jie Fan
To resolve problems of virtual maintenance system for aircraft, based on the analysis of domestic and international research, propose constraint visualization framework based on virtual disassembly object model. Discusses the main modules of the system, ways to achieve functions and key technologies....
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Evolution of Requirement Goal Deployed on Network Environment

Yang Liu, Jinzhao Wu
Under the network environment, it inevitably exists inconsistency and dynamic information in users’ requirements because of the complicated and volatile network, update, restructuring and so on. This paper studies how to handle the inconsistent information and keep correctness of the requirement goals...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Demographic Characteristics and the Influencing Factors of Brand Sensitivity

Zhang Xumei, Guan Zili, Li Wei, Xiangyu Liu
Brand consumption has developed into a kind of culture accepted by more and more consumers. The study on the con-sumer brand sensitivity behavior can pro-vide guidance to the brand marketing of enterprises. The consumer brand sensitiv-ity behavior is affected by some factors, which will vary from different...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of the foundations of college teacher ----student relationship

Ying Zhao
a good teacher - student relationship is the prerequisite and guarantee of improving the quality of teaching in colleges and universities. However, evidences indicated that the current relationship between teachers and students is in a distorted situation and must be reconstructed. We need to form a...