Proceedings of the Youth International Conference for Global Health 2022 (YICGH 2022)

104 authors
Alfaris, Muhammad Salman
Indonesian National Food Security Challenges During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Anggraeni, Dhea Tika
Telemedicine: A New Form of Technology Based Health Service, Its Challenge, and Its Solution
Arkhanata, Fausta Nanda Sava
Legal Liability Due to Negligence by Nurses in Health Services to Patients
Atmaja, Claudia Trivenna
The Correlation of Self-compassing with Life Quality of People with HIV/AIDS (ODHA) in KDS Solo Plus Surakarta
Budyatmojo, Winarno
Indonesian Policies and Services Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic
Emi, La Ode
Legal Liability Due to Negligence by Nurses in Health Services to Patients
Endriaswari, Ardhani
Legal Protection Model on Poor Health Services Policy
Erwanti, Fanisa Luthfia Putri
Multilateral Policy Coordinated in Order to Facing Global Pandemic of Covid-19
Fatkhurrahman, Farhan
Analysis of the Level of Maximality of the Implementation of Health Service Management at the Gunungkidul Regional General Hospital
Febiyasari, Hafifah Gina
Analysis of the Benefits of Information Technology During the Covid Pandemic
Firdaus, Inayah Salma
The Role of the Community in Strengthening the Health Architecture in the Face of COVID-19
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
Peer-Review Statements
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
A Diplomatic Approach to Global Cooperation on Covid-19 Lockdown
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
The Role of Informed Consent in Therapeutic Transactions
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
Legal Certainty as a Form of Assurance of the Rights to Health Services for People Affected by the COVID-19 Virus in the Context of Protecting Human Rights
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
ASEAN Countries (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Collaborate in the Fight Against the Covid-19 Outbreak
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
The Function of Informed Consent in Therapeutic Transactions as a Form of Efforts to Prevent Malpractice Claims in Indonesia
Fuadi, Muhammad Dzaki Najmi
The Role of the Community in Strengthening the Health Architecture in the Face of COVID-19
Hakim, M. A.
The Existence and Way of the Banjar Tribe Adapting in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Hanafi, Muhammad Fikri
Ease of Health Financing in the National Health Insurance Program
Herdiman, Lobes
Regulations of Personal Data Privacy in PeduliLindungi Application
Hidayat, M. Alief
The Role of Informed Consent in Therapeutic Transactions
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Government Responsibility and Challenges in Improving the Quality of Health Services Management
Indriyani, Rachma
Government Responsibility and Challenges in Improving the Quality of Health Services Management
Isnaini, Riqqah Fajr
The Efforts to Improve the Quality of Health Services in Puskesmas
Ivanocalzha, Ferdhika Audrey
Application Based on Technological Advances in the Health Sector During a Pandemic: A Study of Telemedicine in Indonesia from Legal Perspective
Khairunnisa, Cornella Fithria
Large-Scale Social Restriction Legal Policy According to the Health Law During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kharisma, Dona Budi
Peer-Review Statements
Krisna, Listi Murnita
The Role of the Community in Strengthening the Health Architecture in the Face of COVID-19
Kusuma, Wijaya
The Correlation of Self-compassing with Life Quality of People with HIV/AIDS (ODHA) in KDS Solo Plus Surakarta
Laxamana, M. Herzegovin
The Urgency of Applying the Information and Electronic Technology Law in the Case of the Spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic Hoax in Indonesia
Laxamana, M. Herzegovin
Implementation of Medical Financing in Hospitals
Laxamanahady, Moch Syafrudin Dwisapto
Large-Scale Social Restriction Legal Policy According to the Health Law During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Lestari, Yulia Rizqi
Indonesian National Food Security Challenges During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Louysa, Kartika
The Development of New Technology Related to Health Information and Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Machfudz, Drifarrosa Aisy Aufanuha
Application Based on Technological Advances in the Health Sector During a Pandemic: A Study of Telemedicine in Indonesia from Legal Perspective
Machfudz, Drifarrosa Aisy Aufanuha
Utilization of Online Health Services During a Pandemic Based on Health Ministry Rules Number 20 of 2019th
Madalina, Maria
The Development of New Technology Related to Health Information and Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Madalina, Maria
Realization of International Collaboration in Mitigating the Impact of the Pandemic
Magistra, A. R.
The Existence and Way of the Banjar Tribe Adapting in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Maharani, Mutiara
Utilization of Online Health Services During a Pandemic Based on Health Ministry Rules Number 20 of 2019th
Maudy, Tasyafrila Alifah
Government Responsibility and Challenges in Improving the Quality of Health Services Management
Maulana, S. A.
The Existence and Way of the Banjar Tribe Adapting in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Meliana, Vera
Analysis of the Level of Maximality of the Implementation of Health Service Management at the Gunungkidul Regional General Hospital
Mirnasari, Annisa Dewi
Indonesian Policies and Services Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mortadza, Noor Shazreen
Vaccine Procurement Policy and Financing Strategies in the Framework of 2019 Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic
Muryanto, Yudho Taruno
Forms of Government Policies in Handling and Financing Health for the Community
Naharunna, Nana
ASEAN Countries (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Collaborate in the Fight Against the Covid-19 Outbreak
Naufal, F. Abdusyahid
The Development of New Technology Related to Health Information and Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nugroho, A. A.
The Existence and Way of the Banjar Tribe Adapting in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nurmalasari, Nadhila C.
Financing Health in Indonesia: A Literature Review
Pangestu, Anggoro Adji
Analysis the Importance of Government Policies to Address Public Health
Paulina, Falarasika Anida
Mechanism of Health Financing in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Permana, Wintang Dayinta
Health Financing System in Indonesia
The Role of Informed Consent in Therapeutic Transactions
Pradana, Genies Wisnu
The Function of Informed Consent in Therapeutic Transactions as a Form of Efforts to Prevent Malpractice Claims in Indonesia
Prasetyo, Bayu Aji
Legal Protection Model on Poor Health Services Policy
Prihantari, Arrizka
The Development of Health Technologies in the Digitalization Era
Putranto, Prihandjojo Andri
The Correlation of Self-compassing with Life Quality of People with HIV/AIDS (ODHA) in KDS Solo Plus Surakarta
Putri, A. V.
The Existence and Way of the Banjar Tribe Adapting in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Putri, Oktavia Lusiana
Implementation of Medical Financing in Hospitals
Putri, S. Dhike
The Urgency of Universal Health Coverage Policy for the Implementation of Public Health Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Putri, Zhaudiva Azzahra
Regulations of Personal Data Privacy in PeduliLindungi Application
Rafi, Muhammad
The Role of the Community in Strengthening the Health Architecture in the Face of COVID-19
Raharjo, Purwono Sungkowo
Definition, Importance, and Formulation of Health Policy and Financing
Raharjo, W. S.
The Existence and Way of the Banjar Tribe Adapting in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rahmani, Annisa Kusuma
The Influence of Policies Related to Health Service Management on the Service Quality of a Hospital
Ramadhani, Navadilla
Realization of International Collaboration in Mitigating the Impact of the Pandemic
Rencan, Florisya Luqyana
The Urgency of Applying the Information and Electronic Technology Law in the Case of the Spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic Hoax in Indonesia
Rozaqi, Salma Azzuhri
Definition, Importance, and Formulation of Health Policy and Financing
Rozaqi, Salma Azzuhri
Definition, Importance, and Formulation of Health Policy and Financing
Satria, Najib
A Diplomatic Approach to Global Cooperation on Covid-19 Lockdown
Sawitri, Ika
Vaccine Procurement Policy and Financing Strategies in the Framework of 2019 Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic
Setyowati, Virna Tirtasari
Health-Related Policies by the Government During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Steviarty, Chelsa Nazarin
Indonesian National Food Security Challenges During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Subekti, Rahayu
Cooperation World Health Organization Member in Handling Covid-19
Subekti, Rahayu
Medical Waste Management During Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia
Sugito, Muthiah Rosita
The Role of the Community in Strengthening the Health Architecture in the Face of COVID-19
Suprayoga, Afifah Diva Aramitha
Cooperation World Health Organization Member in Handling Covid-19
Suprobaowati, Gayatri Dyah
The Role of the Community in Strengthening the Health Architecture in the Face of COVID-19
Suprobowati, Gayatri Dyah
The Influence of Policies Related to Health Service Management on the Service Quality of a Hospital
Suprobowati, Gayatri Dyah
The Urgency of Universal Health Coverage Policy for the Implementation of Public Health Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Suprobowati, Gayatri Dyah
Indonesia and China Collaboration for Decreasing the Number of Covid 19 Spreading
Suwandono, Adji
Peer-Review Statements
Suwandono, Adji
Application Based on Technological Advances in the Health Sector During a Pandemic: A Study of Telemedicine in Indonesia from Legal Perspective
Suwandono, Adji
Mechanism of Health Financing in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Suwanto, Yohanes
Analysis of the Benefits of Information Technology During the Covid Pandemic
Tahawy, Lamlom
The Development of Health Technologies in the Digitalization Era
Tamelia, Nurdina
A Diplomatic Approach to Global Cooperation on Covid-19 Lockdown
Triansyah, Muhammad Aldi
Indonesian National Food Security Challenges During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Violie, Lionie Natasha
Cooperation World Health Organization Member in Handling Covid-19
Violie, Lionie Natasha
Medical Waste Management During Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia
Peer-Review Statements
Analysis the Importance of Government Policies to Address Public Health
Wibawa, Aurelia Neyshanda Dascha
Legal Certainty as a Form of Assurance of the Rights to Health Services for People Affected by the COVID-19 Virus in the Context of Protecting Human Rights
Widiasari, Meirliana
Forms of Government Policies in Handling and Financing Health for the Community
Widyanindar, Astia
Telemedicine: A New Form of Technology Based Health Service, Its Challenge, and Its Solution
Wulandari, Dhea Vanissa
Indonesia and China Collaboration for Decreasing the Number of Covid 19 Spreading
Yudhana, Fachrizal Woma
The Role of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Provincial Government, the Society, and the Private Sector in Handling Covid-19
Yudis, Y. A.
The Existence and Way of the Banjar Tribe Adapting in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic