Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management and Social Science (TEAMS 2020)
Om Swastyastu, AssalamualaikumWr.Wb. Syalom, Namo budaya,
Salam Harmoni, best wishes for all of us.
The Most Honorable, delegates and representatives from the Universitas Kristen Petra, Universitas Nusa Cendana, and Universitas Palangka Raya
The most honorable, the keynote speakers: Dr. Jean Marc-Dautrey, Dr. Anantawikrama Tungga Atmadja, SE., M.Si, and Dr. Pek Chuen Khee
This conference is to bring together researchers, educators, scholars, scientists, economists, practitioners, graduate students, and entrepreneurs to exchange and share their knowledge, innovations and also discuss research. The conference is expected to develop a strong network of researchers and pioneers in Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science worldwide. This year we started to hold online conferences in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation which requires physical distancing.
1. TEAMS (Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science) is a routine conference organized by the Faculty of Economics of Undiksha. The first and second TEAMs were still in the national scope, and started from the third TEAMS, we organized the conference, internationally.
1st TEAM 2016, Adi Jaya Hotel, Badung, Bali - October 26, 2016
The theme: “Competing in The Globalised Economy Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship”
2nd TEAM 2017, Denpasar, Bali – October 12-13, 2017
The theme: “Strengthening Economic For Global Competitiveness”
3th TEAMS 2018, Denpasar, Bali – October 24-25, 2018
The theme: “Moving Forward: Reaching the Strategies to Improve Competencies in the Digital Economy Era”
4th TEAMS 2019, Denpasar, Bali – October 10-11, 2019
The theme: “Sustainable Development of Economics and Business in The Digital Era”
2. In this fifth TEAMS, we target the proceeding to be indexed by a reputable indexer.
3. The committee targeted 50 articles. Thankfully, submitted articles beyond our expectation, and there will be 85 articles published on the conference proceedings.
4. Hopefully, in less than 2 months, the proceedings will have been published and can be accessed directly through the Atlantis Press website.
We thank all the committees for their cooperation thus the conference is running smoothly.
We also thank all parties who have been supporting this conference.
We apologize if there is any inconvenience during the conference.
Thank you... Om Shanti-Shanti-Shanti Om
Salam Harmoni, best wishes for all of us.
The Most Honorable, delegates and representatives from the Universitas Kristen Petra, Universitas Nusa Cendana, and Universitas Palangka Raya
The most honorable, the keynote speakers: Dr. Jean Marc-Dautrey, Dr. Anantawikrama Tungga Atmadja, SE., M.Si, and Dr. Pek Chuen Khee
This conference is to bring together researchers, educators, scholars, scientists, economists, practitioners, graduate students, and entrepreneurs to exchange and share their knowledge, innovations and also discuss research. The conference is expected to develop a strong network of researchers and pioneers in Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science worldwide. This year we started to hold online conferences in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation which requires physical distancing.
1. TEAMS (Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science) is a routine conference organized by the Faculty of Economics of Undiksha. The first and second TEAMs were still in the national scope, and started from the third TEAMS, we organized the conference, internationally.
1st TEAM 2016, Adi Jaya Hotel, Badung, Bali - October 26, 2016
The theme: “Competing in The Globalised Economy Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship”
2nd TEAM 2017, Denpasar, Bali – October 12-13, 2017
The theme: “Strengthening Economic For Global Competitiveness”
3th TEAMS 2018, Denpasar, Bali – October 24-25, 2018
The theme: “Moving Forward: Reaching the Strategies to Improve Competencies in the Digital Economy Era”
4th TEAMS 2019, Denpasar, Bali – October 10-11, 2019
The theme: “Sustainable Development of Economics and Business in The Digital Era”
2. In this fifth TEAMS, we target the proceeding to be indexed by a reputable indexer.
3. The committee targeted 50 articles. Thankfully, submitted articles beyond our expectation, and there will be 85 articles published on the conference proceedings.
4. Hopefully, in less than 2 months, the proceedings will have been published and can be accessed directly through the Atlantis Press website.
We thank all the committees for their cooperation thus the conference is running smoothly.
We also thank all parties who have been supporting this conference.
We apologize if there is any inconvenience during the conference.
Thank you... Om Shanti-Shanti-Shanti Om