Proceedings of the 1st Raden Intan International Conference on Muslim Societies and Social Sciences (RIICMuSSS 2019)
The first edition of Raden Intan International Conference on Muslim Societies and Social Sciences (RIICMUSSS), held on 19-21 November 2019, decided to focus on issues of religious authority in Muslim societies, as its main theme. The main questions of the conference include the followings. What is religious authority? Who has the right to speak for Islam in an authoritative manner? How is religious authority constructed, pluralized, and contested among Muslim actors, across times and places? How is the construction of religious authority in Muslim societies currently taking its shapes and characters? To what extent, and in what ways, the social, economic, and political transformations of the last two-decades have influenced the (re)configuration of religious authority in many, different Muslim societies? The organization of the 1st edition of RIICMSSSS conference and the publication of its proceeding are mainly funded by the generosity of Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Intan Lampung.
Please click here for the conference website.
Please click here for the conference website.