Proceedings of the International Seminar SEMANTIKS & PRASASTI 2023 Theme: Language in the Workplace (PRASASTI 2023)

Conference: Proceedings of the International Seminar SEMANTIKS & PRASASTI 2023 Theme: Language in the Workplace (PRASASTI 2023)
Date: 7 November 2023
Location: Surakarta, Indonesia (Offline)

This is the Proceedings of the International Seminar SEMANTIKS & PRASASTI 2023 Theme: Language in the Workplace (PRASASTI 2023)—a collaborative execution of two seminar agendas, i.e., Semantiks and Prasasti. Such a collaboration is expected to be able to accommodate larger coverage for the issue selected for this academic meeting—Language in the Workplace.

Five keynote speakers are presented by the invited experts in their field coming from neighboring universities and universities from other countries. The International Seminar on Language in the Workplace has accepted more than 50 full papers, and after peer-reviewing process, finally the selected papers are accepted for publication in a WOS indexed conference proceedings. On that account, along with the five keynote speeches, 41 papers are also shared by linguists around Indonesia including several coming from neighboring countries on poster display—considering the time allocation for this event. Overall, including the presenters, 100 domestic and international participants attended this scientific meeting.

We would like to express our gratitude to all of the players who have helped us make this meeting possible to happen, especially Universitas Sebelas Maret for the funding, Faculty of Cultural Sciences for the support, The University of King Abdul Aziz, Saudi Arabia, University Utara Malaysia, Universitas Negeri Padang, and Universitas Airlangga for the cooperative support with the keynote speakers. Our deep gratitude is also strongly forwarded to all individuals who take parts in this event, especially all the presenters and participants as well as all students and staffs who have been involved in the preparation and execution of the seminar and the proceedings publication.

It is expected that all ideas and insights presented both in the seminar and in the proceedings will give academic benefits, mainly in broadening the participants’ horizon of knowledge on linguistics, especially on language in the workplace. However, we realize that this seminar and the proceedings are still far from being perfect. On that account, constructive criticism is much welcome for the improvement.

Editors of Proceedings of the International Seminar SEMANTIKS & PRASASTI 2023