Proceedings of the 2023 2nd International Conference on Public Culture and Social Services (PCSS 2023)
Conference name: Proceedings of the 2023 2nd International Conference on Public Culture and Social Services (PCSS 2023)
Date: 11-13 August 2023
Location: Qingdao, China (Hybrid)
This Proceedings presents the written contributions of the participants of 2023 2nd International Conference on Public Culture and Social Services (PCSS 2023) which was held in the form of virtual conference from August 11 to 13, 2023, in Qingdao, China. This was the second version of the annual meetings that began in 2022.
The three-day scientific program of the PCSS 2023 consisted of keynote speeches, oral presentations, poster presentations and academic investigation with the participation of delegates from China, Malaysia, Poland, India, Bengal, among others. Moreover, the objective of PCSS 2023 was to bring together national and international researchers and practitioners in order to establish a network of scientific cooperation with a global impact in the areas of creative industries and knowledge economy; to promote the exchange of creative ideas and the effective transfer of scientific knowledge, from fundamental research to innovation applied to public culture and social services; and to advance in the development of new research by means of efficient transference of the knowledge.
At the keynote speech part of the Conference, Assoc. Prof. Emma Duester (USC- SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry, China) explored the paradigm shift in the nature of work for the current generation of creatives in the contemporary visual art sector in China with her study Digital Artwork: The New Generation of Contemporary Visual Creatives and the Nature of their Digital Work. This research documented the characteristics of digital work in the creative industries by exploring the natures of work evident among today’s new generation of creatives. It also explored how they are dealing with technical acceleration and how digital technologies are impacting their artistic practices and how are they coping with everything becoming more digital, in a sector that prizes aura, aesthetics and being present in front of artworks.
The Proceedings consists of many excellent contributions that were presented as speeches or presentations at the Conference or as publications in the paper volume. All papers published in this volume of Atlantis Press have been peer-reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of the proceedings journal.
The topics of papers collected in this volume cover but are not limited to: Cultural Development, Language and Broadcasting Host, Aesthetic Principles, Urban and Regional Planning, Social Space Construction, etc.
We would like to thank the members of reviewers for their kind assistance in reviewing the papers. We would also extend our best gratitude to the keynote speakers for their invaluable contribution and worthwhile ideas shared in the Conference. Special acknowledgements go to the editors and staff of Atlantis Press for their hard work in making this volume published.
We hope that the series conference of PCSS will be even greater than ever before in the future!
The Committee of PCSS 2023
Date: 11-13 August 2023
Location: Qingdao, China (Hybrid)
This Proceedings presents the written contributions of the participants of 2023 2nd International Conference on Public Culture and Social Services (PCSS 2023) which was held in the form of virtual conference from August 11 to 13, 2023, in Qingdao, China. This was the second version of the annual meetings that began in 2022.
The three-day scientific program of the PCSS 2023 consisted of keynote speeches, oral presentations, poster presentations and academic investigation with the participation of delegates from China, Malaysia, Poland, India, Bengal, among others. Moreover, the objective of PCSS 2023 was to bring together national and international researchers and practitioners in order to establish a network of scientific cooperation with a global impact in the areas of creative industries and knowledge economy; to promote the exchange of creative ideas and the effective transfer of scientific knowledge, from fundamental research to innovation applied to public culture and social services; and to advance in the development of new research by means of efficient transference of the knowledge.
At the keynote speech part of the Conference, Assoc. Prof. Emma Duester (USC- SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry, China) explored the paradigm shift in the nature of work for the current generation of creatives in the contemporary visual art sector in China with her study Digital Artwork: The New Generation of Contemporary Visual Creatives and the Nature of their Digital Work. This research documented the characteristics of digital work in the creative industries by exploring the natures of work evident among today’s new generation of creatives. It also explored how they are dealing with technical acceleration and how digital technologies are impacting their artistic practices and how are they coping with everything becoming more digital, in a sector that prizes aura, aesthetics and being present in front of artworks.
The Proceedings consists of many excellent contributions that were presented as speeches or presentations at the Conference or as publications in the paper volume. All papers published in this volume of Atlantis Press have been peer-reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of the proceedings journal.
The topics of papers collected in this volume cover but are not limited to: Cultural Development, Language and Broadcasting Host, Aesthetic Principles, Urban and Regional Planning, Social Space Construction, etc.
We would like to thank the members of reviewers for their kind assistance in reviewing the papers. We would also extend our best gratitude to the keynote speakers for their invaluable contribution and worthwhile ideas shared in the Conference. Special acknowledgements go to the editors and staff of Atlantis Press for their hard work in making this volume published.
We hope that the series conference of PCSS will be even greater than ever before in the future!
The Committee of PCSS 2023