Proceedings of the 3rd Jogjakarta Communication Conference (JCC 2021)
The 3rd JCC was conducted with “Communication Challenges in Post Pandemic” as the main theme. COVID-19 Pandemic has given tremendous impacts in different aspects of life including communication. Governments and public health institutions across the globe have set social distancing and stay-at-home guidelines to battle the Covid-19 pandemic. With reduced opportunities to spend time together in person come new challenges to remain socially connected.
Digital media has become mainstream now. During almost two year of the pandemic, industry reports showed that digital media use tremendously increased as people spent more time at home due to coronavirus lockdown. Such increases were especially prevalent for social media and messaging apps, but particularly remarkable was the unprecedented uptake in video conferencing apps and programs. Given people’s widespread reliance on information and communications technologies (ICTs) for social interaction under such stay-at-home circumstances, this bears further examination.
In business communication, the pandemic has influenced the way companies to manage operations and communicate with employees. But there is no choice. For businesses to survive, a restructuring of traditional working practices has to take place. And a lot of changes will need to be made. So, communication practices in journalism, advertising, public relations, broadcasting, and digital media will be changed.
In health communication, an emerging infectious disease event like the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic demands careful communication of public health messages to diverse audiences. However, misinformation is easily generated and amplified when a rapidly evolving epidemiological situation is coupled with gaps in scientific knowledge about a novel pathogen.
We would like to thank the publication team 3nd Jogjakarta Communication Conference, They have worked very hard in reviewing papers and making valuable suggestions for the authors to improve their work, Special thanks go to Atlantis Press.
We hope that this conference is able to provide a proportional academic atmosphere to the academicians in the fields of communication and media, as well as facilitating scientific publication to birth for communication researchers. Hopefully, the publications can be read and learned by wider society and eventually are capable of giving benefits for today’s development.
Finally, on behalf of all committees, we would like to say thank you very much for all the participants that have contributed to this conference. We look forward to seeing all of you next year at the conference.
Dr. Filosa Gita Sukmono, MA
General Chair 3nd Jogjakarta Communication Conference
Digital media has become mainstream now. During almost two year of the pandemic, industry reports showed that digital media use tremendously increased as people spent more time at home due to coronavirus lockdown. Such increases were especially prevalent for social media and messaging apps, but particularly remarkable was the unprecedented uptake in video conferencing apps and programs. Given people’s widespread reliance on information and communications technologies (ICTs) for social interaction under such stay-at-home circumstances, this bears further examination.
In business communication, the pandemic has influenced the way companies to manage operations and communicate with employees. But there is no choice. For businesses to survive, a restructuring of traditional working practices has to take place. And a lot of changes will need to be made. So, communication practices in journalism, advertising, public relations, broadcasting, and digital media will be changed.
In health communication, an emerging infectious disease event like the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic demands careful communication of public health messages to diverse audiences. However, misinformation is easily generated and amplified when a rapidly evolving epidemiological situation is coupled with gaps in scientific knowledge about a novel pathogen.
We would like to thank the publication team 3nd Jogjakarta Communication Conference, They have worked very hard in reviewing papers and making valuable suggestions for the authors to improve their work, Special thanks go to Atlantis Press.
We hope that this conference is able to provide a proportional academic atmosphere to the academicians in the fields of communication and media, as well as facilitating scientific publication to birth for communication researchers. Hopefully, the publications can be read and learned by wider society and eventually are capable of giving benefits for today’s development.
Finally, on behalf of all committees, we would like to say thank you very much for all the participants that have contributed to this conference. We look forward to seeing all of you next year at the conference.
Dr. Filosa Gita Sukmono, MA
General Chair 3nd Jogjakarta Communication Conference