Proceedings of the 8th Scientific Conference on Information Technologies for Intelligent Decision Making Support (ITIDS 2020)
224 authors
- Minaev, Andrey
- Development and Research of Electro-and Magnetocontrollable Elastic Polymeric Materials for Soft Robotics
- Mironov, Konstantin
- Proposal for IoT Implementation of a Distributed Ledger
- Mironov, Valeriy
- RESTful Web Services Development in Situation-Oriented Databases
- Mironov, Valeriy
- Graphic Documents Parametric Personalization for Information Support of Educational Design Using Situation-Oriented Databases
- Moiseeva, Tatiana
- Intersubjective Management Theory: Conceptualization of the Subject Area
- Morozov, Andrey
- Evaluation of the Impact of Random Computing Hardware Faults on the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks
- Moskalenko, Philip
- Ontological Approach to Viable Decision Support Services Development
- Mullayanov, Ruslan
- Approximate Entropy Technique of Calculation Based on Parallel Computation with Usage of GPU
- Muratov, Ildar
- Accuracy Analysis of Remote Measurement of Thermokarst Lakes Parameters for Field Dynamics Modeling Problems
- Nadezhda, Navalikhina
- Formal Representation of the Model of the Designed Software-Analytical Complex Based on the Principle of the Necessary Variety of Structural Relationships
- Nasyrov, Rashit
- An Approach to Automated Extraction of Diagnostic Rules From the Text of Clinical Guidelines for Decision Support Systems
- Nasyrov, Rashit
- Approximate Entropy Technique of Calculation Based on Parallel Computation with Usage of GPU
- Nasyrov, Rashit
- Development of Requirements for Key Components and Infrastructure of Medical Computer-Aided Design Systems
- Nasyrov, Rashit
- The study of the Dynamics of the Spread of Viral Infection in the Premises of the Critical Infrastructure Using a Hybrid Model on the Example of a Medical Organization
- Naymushina, Alla G.
- Methodological Problems of Biomedical Data Assessment
- Nikolaev, Ivan
- The Comparison of Distributive Semantics Models Applied to the Task of Short Job Requirements Clustering for the Russian Labor Market
- Nikolaev, Pavel
- Research of YOLO Architecture Models in Book Detection
- Nikulina, Natalya
- Simulation Modeling of Innovative Project Management Processes
- Oleinikov, A Aleksandr
- Use of Fuzzy Neural Networks in Identification of the State of Data Transmission System Elements
- Osipov, Alexander
- Analysis of Interactions in Structural System Representations
- Oskin, Nikolai
- On the Problem of Class Imbalance in the Recognition of Electrocardiograms
- Palchevsky, Evgeny
- Threats Complex Distributed Systems Parrying Based on their Development Prognostication
- Panfilenko, Dmitry V.
- Information and Analytical Support for Biomedical Research in the Field of the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction
- Pavlov, Andrey
- Method for Reconfiguring the Kinematic Structure of a Mechatronic-Modular Robot in Non-Deterministic Conditions
- Pavlov, Andrey
- Machine Learning Algorithm for Anthropomorphic Manipulator Control System
- Pavlov, Sergey
- Threats Complex Distributed Systems Parrying Based on their Development Prognostication
- Pavlovich, Tatyana
- Data Quality and Digital Twins in Decision Support Systems of Oil and Gas Companies
- Perevozchikov, Nikita
- Decision-Making Support for Supervisory Control of Non-Banking Financial Institutions
- Petrenko, Vyacheslav
- Method of Planning the Trajectory of an Anthropomorphic Manipulator With a Copying Control With Haptic Gloves
- Petrenko, Vyacheslav
- A Robotic Complex Control Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks for Automatic Harvesting of Greenhouse Crops
- Petrenko, Vyacheslav
- Method for Reconfiguring the Kinematic Structure of a Mechatronic-Modular Robot in Non-Deterministic Conditions
- Petrenko, Vyacheslav
- Machine Learning Algorithm for Anthropomorphic Manipulator Control System
- Petrenko, Vyacheslav
- Method of Controlling the Movement of an Anthropomorphic Manipulator in the Working Area With Dynamic Obstacle
- Petrichenko, Yulia
- Gradient Boosting–Based Machine Learning Methods in Real Estate Market Forecasting
- Pinchuk, Aleksey
- Requirements Synthesis for a Smart Antenna Array for Microwave Medical Imaging
- Polishchuk, Vladimir Y.
- A Randomized Algorithm for Restoring Missing Data in the Time series of Lake Areas Using Information on Climatic Parameters
- Polishchuk, Vladimir Yu.
- The System of Geo-Simulation Modeling of Thermokarst Lakes Fields Based on the Log-Normal Distribution of Their Sizes
- Polishchuk, Yuri M.
- A New Approach to the Identification of Active Fracture Zones of Oil-Bearing Rocks Based on Satellite Images and GIS Technologies
- Polishchuk, Yury
- Accuracy Analysis of Remote Measurement of Thermokarst Lakes Parameters for Field Dynamics Modeling Problems
- Polishchuk, Yury M.
- A Randomized Algorithm for Restoring Missing Data in the Time series of Lake Areas Using Information on Climatic Parameters
- Polishchuk, Yury M.
- The System of Geo-Simulation Modeling of Thermokarst Lakes Fields Based on the Log-Normal Distribution of Their Sizes
- Polyaeva, Natalya
- Intersubjective Management Theory: Conceptualization of the Subject Area
- Popkov, Yuri S.
- A Randomized Algorithm for Restoring Missing Data in the Time series of Lake Areas Using Information on Climatic Parameters
- Porechny, Sergey
- Multi-Stage Filtering of Numerical Solutions With an Application to the Hele-Shaw Problem
- Potapov, Alexander P.
- Information and Analytical Support for Biomedical Research in the Field of the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction
- Provornov, Igor
- Application of Noise-Resistant Modular Codes to Increase the Fault Tolerance of Infocommunication Systems with OFDMD
- Pupynin, Kirill
- A Microscopic Traffic Simulation Web Toolkit
- Pyatkov, Sergey
- Inverse Problems of Heat and Mass Transfer and Filtration Theory
- Rizvanov, Dmitry
- Cyber-Physical Systems and Reliability Issues
- Rizvanov, Dmitry
- GTE Resource Assessment and Renewal Software
- Rizvanov, Dmitry
- Data Processing Models and Algorithms for Outsourcing of Resources in the Production Scheduling Task
- Rizvanov, Konstantin
- GTE Resource Assessment and Renewal Software
- Rogacheva, Sofia
- Generating Data on Individual Learning Paths for Classification Using Deep Learning Networks
- Romazanov, Artur
- Temperature Prediction in a Public Building Using Artificial Neural Network
- Rotko, Valerii
- Inverse Problems of Heat and Mass Transfer and Filtration Theory
- Ryabtsev, Sergey
- Method of Controlling the Movement of an Anthropomorphic Manipulator in the Working Area With Dynamic Obstacle
- Ryazanov, Ivan
- The Comparison of Distributive Semantics Models Applied to the Task of Short Job Requirements Clustering for the Russian Labor Market
- Safina, Gulnur
- Formation of Balanced System of Program Project Characteristics
- Saitova, Guzel
- Intelligent Data Processing and Analysis During the Engine Test
- Savinov, Evgeniy
- Methodological Assessment of Street Lighting With the Effect of Light Scattering in the ITSGIS Intelligent Transport Geographic Information System Personified Approach
- Sazonova, Ekaterina
- Knowledge Identification by Structured Data for Decision Making in Project Teams
- Sazonova, Svetlana
- Analysis of Interactions in Structural System Representations
- Sergei, Pyatkov
- On Some Classes of Inverse Problems on Determining the Source Function
- Shakhmametova, G. R.
- Identification of Pathological Formations in the Lungs Based on Machine Learning Methods
- Shakhmametova, G. R.
- Unstructured Text and Tabular Information Processing in the Clinical Decision Making System for the Respiratory Diseases Diagnosis
- Shalfeeva, Elena
- Ontological Approach to Viable Decision Support Services Development
- Shamsutdinov, Rinat
- Providing Information Security on the Base of Artificial Immune System for Industrial Internet of Things
- Shergin, Sergey
- A Numerical Algorithm of Determining the Coefficients and Functions of Sources in the Filtration Equation
- Sherykhalina, Nataliya
- Multi-Stage Filtering of Numerical Solutions With an Application to the Hele-Shaw Problem
- Shumilina, Natalia
- Cognitive Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Project Risks
- Sichinskiy, Dmitriy
- Methodology Development for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Implemented Regional Government Information Systems
- Smetanina, Olga
- Knowledge Identification by Structured Data for Decision Making in Project Teams
- Smirnov, Sergey
- On the Way to the Ontology of Test and Diagnostics Systems for Blading Power Plants
- Sokol, Evgeny S.
- A Randomized Algorithm for Restoring Missing Data in the Time series of Lake Areas Using Information on Climatic Parameters
- Sokolova, Aleksandra
- Multi-Stage Filtering of Numerical Solutions With an Application to the Hele-Shaw Problem
- Sorokin, Aleksandr
- Use of Fuzzy Neural Networks in Identification of the State of Data Transmission System Elements
- Sosinskaya, Sofia
- Generating Data on Individual Learning Paths for Classification Using Deep Learning Networks
- Stepanov, Gennady
- Development and Research of Electro-and Magnetocontrollable Elastic Polymeric Materials for Soft Robotics
- Sudakov, V.A.
- The Ant Colony Method to Support Decision-Making on the Appointment of Employees
- Suvorova, Veronika
- Method for Improving the Accuracy of Search Algorithms in Socially Significant Events
- Svetlana, Isakova
- Genetic Algorithm: Application in the Decision Support System for Selecting a Machine and Tractor Fleet
- Svistunov, Nikolay
- Machine Learning Algorithm for Anthropomorphic Manipulator Control System
- Sysoev, Dmitry
- Analysis of Interactions in Structural System Representations
- Tebueva, Fariza
- Method of Planning the Trajectory of an Anthropomorphic Manipulator With a Copying Control With Haptic Gloves
- Tebueva, Fariza
- A Robotic Complex Control Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks for Automatic Harvesting of Greenhouse Crops
- Tebueva, Fariza
- Method for Reconfiguring the Kinematic Structure of a Mechatronic-Modular Robot in Non-Deterministic Conditions
- Tebueva, Fariza
- Machine Learning Algorithm for Anthropomorphic Manipulator Control System
- Tebueva, Fariza
- Method of Controlling the Movement of an Anthropomorphic Manipulator in the Working Area With Dynamic Obstacle
- Tikhonov, A.N.
- Digital Transformation of Network-Centric Geo-Visualization Transport Infrastructure
- Timchenko, Vadim
- Ontological Approach to Viable Decision Support Services Development
- Titov, Yu.P.
- The Ant Colony Method to Support Decision-Making on the Appointment of Employees
- Tiunov, Igor
- Development of Requirements for Key Components and Infrastructure of Medical Computer-Aided Design Systems
- Trishin, Sergey
- Proposal for IoT Implementation of a Distributed Ledger
- Tsaregorodtsev, Alexander
- Developing Risk Assessment Model for Altering Conditions of Forest Reserves in an Oil-Production Region
- Tuguzbaev, Gayaz
- Graphic Documents Parametric Personalization for Information Support of Educational Design Using Situation-Oriented Databases
- Vafin, Ruslan
- An Approach to Automated Extraction of Diagnostic Rules From the Text of Clinical Guidelines for Decision Support Systems
- Vakkazov, N.O.
- Identification of Pathological Formations in the Lungs Based on Machine Learning Methods
- Valiakhmetova, Yuliya
- The Rational Material Distribution Problem for Building Floor Wall Structures
- Valiev, Emil
- Evaluation of the Impact of Random Computing Hardware Faults on the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks
- Vasilyev, Vladimir
- Providing Information Security on the Base of Artificial Immune System for Industrial Internet of Things