Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Science and Technology (ISST 2023)

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18 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Yonelian Yuyun, Mustafid Rasyiid, Muhammad Sulaiman Zubair, Elisa Sesa
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 5th International Seminar on Science and Technology during 9-10 Decembber 2023 in Palu, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Sterring Commitee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms...
Proceedings Article

Bioactivity of Sinbiotics Products Based on Banggai Sweet Potato (Dioscorea sp) and Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) Caragenance

Nurhaeni, Jusman, Syamsuddin
One of the local agricultural commodities of Central Sulawesi is Banggai sweet potato (Dioscorea sp) and seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) which contain nutrients to support public health. This study aims to find a synbiotic drink formulation with the highest bioactivity and best sensory value based on Banggai...
Proceedings Article

Determination of Gold Phytoavailability in Soil by Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films and Brassica juncea L Plant

Khairuddin Khairuddin, Ruslan Ruslan, Muhammad Mirzan, Ahmad Fauzan Tambuak
Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) techniques, a recently developed approach for assessing gold (Au) phytoavailability is beginning to gain traction due to its advantages over conventional soil extractants. A greenhouse study was conducted to determine Au thresholds and the phytoavailability of...
Proceedings Article

Conversion of α-Pinene into More Valuable Compounds by Using Rahims 3rd Generation Catalyst

Erwin Abdul Rahim, Yunianty Indar Sari, Masashi Shiotsuki
The hydration reaction of α-pinene and the isomerization reaction of α-pinene were studied with Rahims 3rd generation catalyst. The aim of this study was to determine the level of terpineol compounds formed in the hydration reaction of α α-pinene and the product compounds formed in the isomerization...
Proceedings Article

Determination of Seismic Vulnerability Index and Sediment Thickness Using the HVSR Method in Mamuju, Tapalang, and Malunda districts

S. Sandra, A. N. Aisy, M. Rusydi, A. Abdullah, J. Jamidun, W. O. Awaliah, R. Rahmawati, C. A. Basri
Research was carried out on determination of the Seismic vulnerability index and sediment thickness using the HVSR method in Mamuju, Tapalang and Malunda districts from June 30 to July 1 2021. This research aims to determine the thickness of the sediment layer at the research site and determine the value...
Proceedings Article

Earthquake Generation Analysis Using the Focal Mechanism Method in the Flores Sea Region, East Nusa Tenggara

Afriansyah Afriansyah, Sandra Sandra, Wa Ode Awaliah, M. H. Rusydi, Rustan Efendi, Mauludin Kurniawan
East Nusa Tenggara is an area that has a fairly high seismicity level because it has 2 earthquake hazard zones. The first is the hazard from the subduction zone of the Eurasian Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate, the second is the hazard caused by the back arc thrust fault or also known as the Flores...
Proceedings Article

Determination of Aquifer Potential of Toga Village, Parigi Moutong District Using Geoelectrical Method

Badaruddin Badaruddin, Maskur Maskur, Sitti Rugayya, Harsano Jayadi, Asrafil Asrafil
This research was conducted to determine the potential of the aquifer layer in Toga village. The research used the Schlumberger configuration type obstacle geoelectric method by taking 4 measurement points. Data processing was carried out using progress software and combined with Corel draw for the results...
Proceedings Article

Wave Energy Attenuation Levels Based On Various Coastal Building Scenarios

Sabhan Sabhan, Abd. Rahman, Magdalena Gloria Botilangi, Hosiana M. D. Labania, Sitti Rugayya, Muhammad Rusli, Muhammad Rusydi
The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. 150-250 words. The research aims to determine the level of wave energy attenuation in various coastal building scenarios. Data collection was carried out at wave frequencies of 1Hz, 2Hz and 3Hz. The variables measured involve...
Proceedings Article

Magnetic Field Effect on Germination of Sweet Corn (Zea Mays Saccharata Sturt) using Helmholtz Coil

Wana Sapitri, Anis Nismayanti, Sabhan Sabhan, Darmawati Darwis, Hosiana M. D. Labania, Kasman Kasman
Studies have been conducted about the effect of magnetic field on the germination of sweet corn seed (Zea Mays Saccharata Sturt) used the Coil Helmholtz. This study to determine the effect and duration of exposure to the magnetic field on the process of germination of sweet corn seed. The method is use...
Proceedings Article

Study of the Depth of Groundwater Layers Using the Ordinary Block Kriging Method and It’s Effect on the Occurrence of Liquefaction in the Petobo Area of South Palu, Indonesia

Nur’eni Nur’eni, Jamidun Jamidun, Andi Harismahyanti, Nurul Fazharia
Petobo as the location of the research area is part of the city of Palu in Indonesia, namely in the South Palu sub-district area. The topographic profile of this region is a flat area, most of which is used as rice fields and some have developed into residential areas. In Palu city planning. Before the...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor in Every Class (FKNNC) Method for Tsunami Disaster Potential Classification

Zainal Mu’arif, Rais Rais, Mohammad Fajri
Tsunamis are sea waves generated by sudden disturbances in the ocean, resulting from changes in the seabed’s shape, causing sea water to rise to the surface. Almost every year earthquakes with the potential for tsunamis always occur in all countries in the world. No one knows when a tsunami will occur,...
Proceedings Article

Sentiment Analysis Using Recurrent Neural Network (Rnn) Method With Long Short Term Memory (Lstm) On Traveloka Application Comment Review

Husen Yarbo, Rais Rais, Iman Setiawan
In the industrial era 5.0, everything can be done online. The same applies to travel, whether booking public transportation tickets for a vacation, or booking a hotel room at the desired destination. One example of such an application is Traveloka on the Google Play Store for android users. Long Short...
Proceedings Article

Clustering Indonesian Provinces Based on Poverty Levels Utilizing the Average Linkage Method with Principal Component Analysis

Paskal Immanuel Kontoro, Junaidi Junaidi, Nurul Fiskia Gamayanti, Arditya Sulistya Ningsih Apusing
Indonesia grapples with the pervasive issue of poverty that undermines the well-being of its citizens. Recognizing the diverse characteristics of each region in Indonesia, effective poverty alleviation policies must be tailored through a nuanced approach. Therefore, this research is crucial as it aims...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Vitamins, Comorbid Status and Advanced Age in Modelling Survival Time for Covid-19 Patients Using the Cox Proportional Hazard Model in Southeast Sulawesi

Ruslan Ruslan, Anida Nur Azizah, Herdi Budiman, Gumgum Darmawan, Toni Toharuddin, Yusep Suparman
There has been an increase of the COVID-19 case in December, 2023. For this reason, learning from previous data is needed to anticipate so that the spike in COVID-19 cases does not happen again. This study aims to identify risk factors that influence the survival of COVID-19 patients using the Cox proportional...
Proceedings Article

Application of Random Forest on C5.0 Algorithm for Diabetes Mellitus Disease Classification in RSUD Tora Belo Sigi District

Nur Intan, Mohammad Fajri, Hartayuni Sain
In 2021, Sigi Regency is the area with the highest level of diabetes mellitus in Central Sulawesi Province, as evidenced by the number of patients at RSUD Tora Belo which continues to increase where in 2020 there were 466 patients and in 2021 it increased to 526 patients. Accurate classification of people...
Proceedings Article

Modeling Factors Affecting Stunting in Indonesia using the Conway Maxwell Poisson Regression Method

Dewi Puji Astuti, Nur’eni, Nurul Fiskia Gamayanti, Nurul Aulia Putri
Stunting is a global problem due to chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections in children, characterized by below standard height. This problem does not only occur in Indonesia and can be caused by various health and social factors. Modeling toddler stunting based on factors is an important step...
Proceedings Article

Modeling The Nutritional Status of Underweight and Stunting Toddler in East Java Using Multivariate Geographically Weighted Regression Method

Syahrul Romadhani, Nurul Fiskia Gamayanti, Fadjryani Fadjryani
Nutritional status is an important factor that influences health status. The main nutritional problem currently facing Indonesia, especially the East Java region, is the incidence of underweight and stunting toddlers. Need to analysis what models and factors have a significant influence on the nutritional...