Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health - South East Asia 2019 (ISESSAH-SEA 2019)
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of The International Society for Economics and Social Science on Animal Health Southeast Asia (ISESSAH-SEA 2019), we welcome you to IPB University, Bogor Indonesia. The meeting is attended by 90 participants from 8 countries, namely Australia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, and we are truly honored and delighted to take this opportunity to welcome delegates, speakers and experts at this meeting.
Our conference theme is "Strengthening Animal Health in Farm Business Towards 4.0 Industries in the Southeast Asia", speaking to not only veterinary economics and social science, but also about one health, veterinary epidemiology, veterinary public health, and infectious diseases.
We realized that understanding economics and social science is very important in controlling and eradicating diseases. Transboundary animal diseases, emergency and re-emergency animal diseases must be addressed together among the countries, so collaboration and communication especially in the South East Asian region, are important to develop.
This conference is the first regional ISESSAH-Southeast Asia conference, which is expected to initiate the development of collaboration and communication among South East Asian countries within and across disciplines for the advancement of our fields on veterinary epidemiology, economics and social science of animal health.
We thank Professor Jonathan Rusthon and Professor Henk Hogeveen from The International Society for Economics and Social Science of Animal Health (ISESSAH) that supported us to hold this conference. We also thank Directorat General of Higher Education, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine IPB University for supporting the funding. We also thank School of Business IPB University for very excellent collaboration. Words of thanks also for Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA), Indonesian Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Association (IVEEA), Sponsors, the organizing committee, scientific committees, reviewers, participants, session chairs, keynote speakers, plenary speakers, and all staff for the great contributions and helping us to build this very exciting conference program.
I sincerely believe that this conference will be a forum where you engage new friends and colleagues, create partnerships, build new scientific and personal networks and bridges to support animal health and sustainable societies.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Etih Sudarnika
The Conference of ISESSAH-SEA 2019
Our conference theme is "Strengthening Animal Health in Farm Business Towards 4.0 Industries in the Southeast Asia", speaking to not only veterinary economics and social science, but also about one health, veterinary epidemiology, veterinary public health, and infectious diseases.
We realized that understanding economics and social science is very important in controlling and eradicating diseases. Transboundary animal diseases, emergency and re-emergency animal diseases must be addressed together among the countries, so collaboration and communication especially in the South East Asian region, are important to develop.
This conference is the first regional ISESSAH-Southeast Asia conference, which is expected to initiate the development of collaboration and communication among South East Asian countries within and across disciplines for the advancement of our fields on veterinary epidemiology, economics and social science of animal health.
We thank Professor Jonathan Rusthon and Professor Henk Hogeveen from The International Society for Economics and Social Science of Animal Health (ISESSAH) that supported us to hold this conference. We also thank Directorat General of Higher Education, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine IPB University for supporting the funding. We also thank School of Business IPB University for very excellent collaboration. Words of thanks also for Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA), Indonesian Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Association (IVEEA), Sponsors, the organizing committee, scientific committees, reviewers, participants, session chairs, keynote speakers, plenary speakers, and all staff for the great contributions and helping us to build this very exciting conference program.
I sincerely believe that this conference will be a forum where you engage new friends and colleagues, create partnerships, build new scientific and personal networks and bridges to support animal health and sustainable societies.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Etih Sudarnika
The Conference of ISESSAH-SEA 2019