Proceedings of the 2020 4th International Seminar on Education, Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2020)
We are happy to introduce you that 2020 4th International Seminar on Education, Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2020) was recently held online on July 17th, 2020. With the aim to disseminate the latest studies and achievements related to education, management and social sciences topics, we originally commit to hold this conference annually to provide opportunities for scholars from difference areas to face-to-face exchange latest academic ideas and share the state-of-the-art studies. However, this year, due to the impact of COVID-19, we switched to conduct virtual conference to avoid physical contact. ISEMSS 2020 still provides a flexible platform for scholars and practitioners to discuss current trends on education, management and social sciences.
We invited a professional team of nearly sixty prominent scholars from different famous universities and institutes around the globe to constitute the committee of ISEMSS 2020. With such profound academic influence, we are honored to have invited a few distinguished experts to deliver their oral presentations and keynote speeches during the conference.
The conference was divided into three sessions. In the first part, some scholars were individually allocated 5-10 minutes to have a brief oral presentation of their research. Then it came to the second part where three keynote speakers were given 30-45 minutes to present their latest studies. Prof. Milena Dragićević Šešić from University of Arts held a speech entitled Ethical Challenges in the Era of Academic Capitalism: Mission of Critically Engaged University. And Assoc. Prof. FROILAN D. MOBO, representing Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, talked about Studying Social Sciences Using Learning Management Systems. Last but not least, Assoc. Prof. Qun Liu from Shanghai Institute of Technology shared her talk on Social work and the construction of psycho-social service system. After their excellent presentations, the audience sparked heated discussion. In the last part of the conference, all participants held this discussion for about 30 minutes. All of these talks were conducted via Zoom.
Now please allow us to present you the proceedings of ISEMSS 2020. These papers were rigidly selected from the submissions to the conference, and all of them have been through rigorous review and process to meet the requirements of International publication standard. The topics of interest for the proceedings include but are not limited to: Education Science, Management Science, Social sciences, Psychology, Culture, Law, Politics, Humanities and social sciences, and other related topics.
In the end, we would like to sincerely thank the Conference Chair, the distinguished keynote speakers, as well as all the participants. We also want to express our gratitude to the publisher for publishing the proceedings. May the readers could enjoy the gain some valuable knowledge from the proceedings. We are expecting you and more experts from all over the world to join this international event next year.
The Organizing Committee of ISEMSS 2020
We invited a professional team of nearly sixty prominent scholars from different famous universities and institutes around the globe to constitute the committee of ISEMSS 2020. With such profound academic influence, we are honored to have invited a few distinguished experts to deliver their oral presentations and keynote speeches during the conference.
The conference was divided into three sessions. In the first part, some scholars were individually allocated 5-10 minutes to have a brief oral presentation of their research. Then it came to the second part where three keynote speakers were given 30-45 minutes to present their latest studies. Prof. Milena Dragićević Šešić from University of Arts held a speech entitled Ethical Challenges in the Era of Academic Capitalism: Mission of Critically Engaged University. And Assoc. Prof. FROILAN D. MOBO, representing Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, talked about Studying Social Sciences Using Learning Management Systems. Last but not least, Assoc. Prof. Qun Liu from Shanghai Institute of Technology shared her talk on Social work and the construction of psycho-social service system. After their excellent presentations, the audience sparked heated discussion. In the last part of the conference, all participants held this discussion for about 30 minutes. All of these talks were conducted via Zoom.
Now please allow us to present you the proceedings of ISEMSS 2020. These papers were rigidly selected from the submissions to the conference, and all of them have been through rigorous review and process to meet the requirements of International publication standard. The topics of interest for the proceedings include but are not limited to: Education Science, Management Science, Social sciences, Psychology, Culture, Law, Politics, Humanities and social sciences, and other related topics.
In the end, we would like to sincerely thank the Conference Chair, the distinguished keynote speakers, as well as all the participants. We also want to express our gratitude to the publisher for publishing the proceedings. May the readers could enjoy the gain some valuable knowledge from the proceedings. We are expecting you and more experts from all over the world to join this international event next year.
The Organizing Committee of ISEMSS 2020