Proceedings of the 1st International Ninevah Conference on Medical Sciences (INCMS 2021)
2021 1st International Ninevah Conference on Medical Sciences (INCMS2021) was successfully held at Ninevah University, Mosul, Iraq during September 05-07, 2021. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the organizing committee and scientific committee decided to follow the guidelines of World Health Organization (WHO), and local government agencies on the current situation. Thus, the INCET2021 was held virtually this year. All sessions that were held on day 1 and day 2 of the conference schedule were conducted successfully through online platform (Zoom Webinar).
The main target of INCMS2021was to provide an opportunity for researchers and professionals from medical sciences fields and with cross-disciplinary interests to circulate information on the latest developments in medical sciences. Keynote speakers from the United Kingdom Egypt and Jordan were invited to deliver their latest information related toCOVID, electronic medical learning and other important fields in medical sciences.
In this proceeding, papers selected from various submitted papers to the conference and from many universities and industries. All submitted papers were subjected to double-bind peer-review by international reviewers and members of conference committees. In this proceeding, papers were selected based on their originality, novelty, quality and relevancy to the conference. This proceeding presents to the readers the recent various fields of Covid19, basic medical sciences, surgery, pharmacy, dental and nursing sciences.
The organizing committee would like to thank reviewers as they helped to improve the quality of this proceeding. The organizing committee also would like to thank all authors for their participations in this proceeding. The organizing committee would like to thank keynote speakers for their interesting topics and deliver their knowledge to audience from different background fields. The organizing committee also would like to encourage you to participant to our nextevent INCMS22.
Prof. Dr. Jafar Ramadhan Mohammed
Conference Co-Chairman
Vice-chancellor for Scientific Affairs of Ninevah University, Mosul, Iraq
Conference Co-Chairman
Vice-chancellor for Scientific Affairs of Ninevah University, Mosul, Iraq