Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET 2023)
17 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Unung Verawardina, Akrimullah Mubai
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [10 Th” INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (ICTVET)] during [“August 26, 2023”] in [Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members...
Proceedings Article
Macro and Micro Teaching Advice: Theoretical and Practical Solution toward Teachers of English for Tourism
Luqman Hakim
Tourism teachers especially those who teach English for specific purposes need English teaching advice for teaching English tourism students or employees working in tourism sectors in order to teach well to achieve the learning objectives. Macro elements of teaching advice relate to theoretical solution...
Proceedings Article
Measuring Academic Resilience Among Vocational Students; A Comparative Study Based on Vocational Fields
I Putu Agus Apriliana, Andriani P. Nalle
Academic activities in vocational schools vary, shaped by the distinct target skills within each vocational field. Predictably, students encounter specific academic challenges and difficulties unique to their chosen field. Recognizing the importance of academic resilience as a vital component, schools...
Proceedings Article
Development of E-Modules in Sanitation Hygiene and K3 Courses in the Culinary Study Program
Yuzia Eka Putri, Nikmat Akmal, Arzuliah Elfita, Ajeng Inggit Anugerah
Teaching materials in the form of books or modules do not yet exist in the culinary arts study program. so that students cannot study at home, and learning objectives are not achieved. This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of e-modules so that student learning outcomes increase in...
Proceedings Article
Development of Textbooks for Making Fashion Ornaments With Embroidery Variations
Armaini Rambe, Juliarti Juliarti, Eka Rahma Dewi
This research aims to develop a textbook for clothing applications featuring various embroidery techniques. Learning opportunities have been constrained by the limited availability of suitable learning materials. Following the Borg and Gall model, the research and development process encompasses several...
Proceedings Article
Design of Computer Aided Design Based Teaching Materials to Improve the Quality of Men’s Fashion Pattern Drawing
Halimul Bahri, Farihah Farihah, Dina Ampera, Ulfa Annida Damanik, Erni Erni
The aim of this study is to create a viable, practical, and effective video tutorial on crafting digital patterns in Men’s Fashion. The research addresses curriculum requirements, emphasizing students’ proficiency in fashion pattern creation using computer-assisted applications. The study employs a developmental...
Proceedings Article
Development of Comic-Based Teaching Books in Children’s Fashion Course
Erni Erni, Armaini Rambe, Yudhistira Anggraini, Halimul Bahri, Novita Novita
Interest in reading and literacy skills which are still relatively low are one of the problems that are felt in children’s fashion lectures, both for theoretical and practical material. The level of understanding and psychomotor abilities that are different for each student also makes the learning process...
Proceedings Article
Innovation of Appetizer Pocket Book-Based Learning Media in Continental Food Courses Innovation of Appetizer Pocket Book-Based Learning Media in Continental Food Courses
Ajeng Inggit Anugerah, Lelly Fridiarty, Erli Mutiara, Yuzia Eka Putri, Nikmat Akmal
This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of pocket books so that student learning outcomes increase in continental food courses in the opening material. The research method used is the 4-D method. This research was conducted at the Culinary Education Study Program, Medan State University....
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Placement and Determination of Capacitor Capacity in Medan City Medium Voltage Distribution Network Using the Electrical Transient Analysis Program
Yoakim Simamora, Mega Silvia Dewy, Agnes Irene Silitonga, Muhammad Isnaini
The characteristics of an electric power distribution system, often radial in shape and distant from the generator, result in voltage drops. When these drops fall below tolerance levels, it adversely affects power quality for consumers connected to the distribution network. To address this issue, various...
Proceedings Article
Development of Interactive E-Book on Basic Electronics Courses
Mega Silfia Dewy, Yoakim Simamora, Agnes Irene Silitonga, Muhammad Isnaini
Basic Electronics is an introductory course that provides an initial understanding of electronics to Electrical Engineering Education students. In today’s learning, it is necessary to make several innovations in the learning process so students can easily understand the information or material conveyed...
Proceedings Article
K-Means Algorithm’s Implementation to Facilitate Grouping of Landslide-Prone Areas
Maria Ulfah, Andi Sri Irtawaty, Zulkifli, Subur Mulyanto
Indonesia is one of the countries that has hydrometeorological disaster vulnerability, one of which is Balikpapan City. Natural disasters have the potential to damage the environment, harm property, and cause casualties. Landslide disaster mitigation is still not optimal and there is no grouping of landslide-prone...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Increase Student’s Creative Thinking Ability In Unimed Cosmetology Study Program Through Development Of Beauty Nutrition Learning Devices Assisted With E-Magazine Media
Marnala Tobing, Irmiah Nurul Rangkuti, Vita Pujawanti Dhana, Habibah Hanim Lubis, Astrid Sitompul
This study aims to: (1) develop suitable beauty nutrition learning materials assisted by e-magazine media for easy learning, with a focus on enhancing students’ creative thinking abilities in the UNIMED Cosmetology Study Program and facilitating individual learning, (2) assess the effectiveness of the...
Proceedings Article
Developing Computer Based Test Of Higher Order Thinking Skills Instrument In Cosmetology Comprehensive Examination
Vita Pujawanti Dhana, Habibah Hanim Lubis, Wisri Ardhita Manda Putri, Astrid Sitompul, Irmiah Nurul Rangkuti
The purpose of this study was to develop the High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) instrument for the comprehensive examination of students of the Cosmetology Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Medan State University, which was applied through a Computer Based Test (CBT). Students of the Cosmetology...
Proceedings Article
Implementing Sustainable Fashion Upcycling in Casual Fashion as the Sustainable Fashion Course Outcome
Sri Listiani, E. Lutfia Zahra, Suryawati Suryawati
Rapid trend changes from time to time affect fashion industry development extremely and eventually bring about the ready-to-wear concept in the fast-fashion industry. This concept brings on fashion at an affordable price, easy to access, and with massive and quick production capacity, causing new issues,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Cooperative Problem Based Learning Models in Engineering Mechanics Learning
Juniman Silalahi, Rijal Abdullah, Jonni Mardizal
This research is motivated by the observed low learning ability of students in the Engineering Mechanics course. Consequently, a Cooperative Problem-Based Learning (CPBL) model was developed with the aim of enhancing students’ learning abilities in Engineering Mechanics. The CPBL model is a synergistic...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Food Enterpreneur e-Module Using Flipbook
Esi Emilia, Regania Pasca Rassy
Introduction: The food entrepreneurship e-module is needed by students to make it easier to understand the learning and practice of food entrepreneurship. The research objective is to develop a food entrepreneurship e-book using the Flip Book PDF application. Method: The research was carried out at Medan...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Production-Based Learning in Wood Construction Applications
Yualitas Gusmareta, Fani Keprila Prima, Windry Novalia Jufri, Wiwik Indrayeni, Nidal Zuwida
This study aimed to examine how a hands-on learning approach, focused on practical application, could improve students’ skills and learning outcomes in Wood Construction Applications. The research used a method where one group experienced this new approach, while another group followed the traditional...