Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainability and Equity (ICSE-2021)
Humanity has made incredible and rapid advances in health care, transportation, energy, infrastructure, food production, technology, science, and education in an astonishing speed. As a result of which, emotions are being expressed, information are being accessed at the fingertip and distances are travelled in the most minimal time. The adaptation and execution of the technologies is making the lives easier on earth. We are adopting the processes and systems which are emitting high carbon and are high intense resource requirement models. As a result of which imbalances are being seen in ecology, and inequalities are noticed in accessibility and possession of the resources. In 2015, the sustainable development goals were identified by the United Nations that focus on No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life on Land, Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and Partnerships for the Goals.
With the focus to bring the thinkers and innovators together, to share their ideas, thoughts, technological concepts on a common platform, that can help to develop the sustainable model for refining, restructuring and redefining the system for making it sustainable, This sustainability conference was organized jointly by Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Deemed to be University - an Institute of Eminence and World Leadership Academy. The conference has the following major areas at its focus:
1. Democratic Citizenship and Sustainable Global Society
2. Economic, Environmental, Technological, and Socio-Cultural Sustainability
3. Leadership, Governance and Sustainable Business
4. Digitalization and Innovation
5. Globalization, Global Resilience and Tolerance
The conference has witnessed the presentation of several ideas, innovations, thoughts and possibilities for a sustainable society. Starting from the ideas of digitalization for homepreneurs, digital banking and bank sustainability, green buildings, sustainability of livelihoods through Information and communication technologies (ICT), energy and power sustainability to thoughts of using Artificial Intelligence for operational performance of companies, in cognitive marketing and even in health care has been discussed. The conference has also discussed various issues such as digital governance, gender gap in education, unanticipated transition to remote work, customer’s loyalty in e-commerce, techno-stress in online education, turnover intentions of generation y employees and students' mental well-being in the wider context of a sustainable society and explored various possibilities. This book covers the conference knowledge which may be referred and followed by followed by the future generations.
With the focus to bring the thinkers and innovators together, to share their ideas, thoughts, technological concepts on a common platform, that can help to develop the sustainable model for refining, restructuring and redefining the system for making it sustainable, This sustainability conference was organized jointly by Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Deemed to be University - an Institute of Eminence and World Leadership Academy. The conference has the following major areas at its focus:
1. Democratic Citizenship and Sustainable Global Society
2. Economic, Environmental, Technological, and Socio-Cultural Sustainability
3. Leadership, Governance and Sustainable Business
4. Digitalization and Innovation
5. Globalization, Global Resilience and Tolerance
The conference has witnessed the presentation of several ideas, innovations, thoughts and possibilities for a sustainable society. Starting from the ideas of digitalization for homepreneurs, digital banking and bank sustainability, green buildings, sustainability of livelihoods through Information and communication technologies (ICT), energy and power sustainability to thoughts of using Artificial Intelligence for operational performance of companies, in cognitive marketing and even in health care has been discussed. The conference has also discussed various issues such as digital governance, gender gap in education, unanticipated transition to remote work, customer’s loyalty in e-commerce, techno-stress in online education, turnover intentions of generation y employees and students' mental well-being in the wider context of a sustainable society and explored various possibilities. This book covers the conference knowledge which may be referred and followed by followed by the future generations.