Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2019)
The 3rd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM) 2019 theme is “Enhancing Educational Administration: Planning, Policy, Management & Leadership Innovation, toward Professional Administration in Digital Era” in coherence with the “LEADING & OUTSTANDING” vision of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 3rd ICREAM 2019 is becoming one of the representations. As this conference is aimed to provide a platform for educators, administrators, managers, leaders, policy makers, researchers, scholars, principals, supervisors, graduate students, practitioners, academicians, professionals and teachers from different discipline backgrounds to present and discuss research, developments and innovations in the fields of educational administration. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. Specifically, this conference can be used as a scientific forum for accommodating discussion among young researchers in the field of applied leadership and management in dealing with Industrial Revolution 4.0. Therefore, the invited speakers in this conference are well-known and reputable in the world. Thus, it is not merely for Indonesian context, but all around the globe. It is our hope that through 3rd ICREAM 2019, all of us could gain knowledge and values to be shared with each other for better educational practices, especially in facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution through the study of Educational Administration, Management and Leadership toward Societal Transformation 5.0.