Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Innovation on Health Sciences and Nursing (ICOSI-HSN 2022)
Conference name: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Innovation on Health Sciences and Nursing (ICOSI-HSN 2022)
Date: 20-21 July 2022
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Offline)
This proceeding consists of research presented in ICOSI UMY, on 20–21 July 2022 at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The conference covers the topic of health sciences and nursing. The key lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic is that the goal of health innovation should be Health for All. To achieve this goal, health innovations must be regulated in such a way as to benefit as many people globally as possible. Some critical issues in the scope of improving medical education and medicine, biomedical science innovation, and increasing the quality of public health for better life are discussed. The proceedings include articles from Dental sciences, Pharmaceutical sciences, and Nursing sciences.
As technology developers focused on providing impactful solutions to global development challenges, we have learnt that technology alone cannot be a solution to the problem. It has to be seen in the context where the solution is applied. The world crisis should spur us all to explore a new form of globalization for the future years, one that prioritizes collective investment in global public goods—including technological and ethical goods—to the benefit of all. Such global integration must enable diverse stakeholders from across the public, private, and non-profit sectors worldwide to work more effectively and sustainably together.
The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2022 brings out the issues of the Sustainable Innovation and Global Society. With the main theme of “Optimizing Global Benefit for Future Wellbeing”, this conference is trying to play a role as a vehicle of showcasing scientific works from around the world, not only from researchers, lecturers, government officers, students but also from all parties with the same interests alike.
Finally, all 51 papers published in this proceedings are expected not only as research output but also can be developed further into prototypes or evidence for policymaking.
Date: 20-21 July 2022
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Offline)
This proceeding consists of research presented in ICOSI UMY, on 20–21 July 2022 at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The conference covers the topic of health sciences and nursing. The key lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic is that the goal of health innovation should be Health for All. To achieve this goal, health innovations must be regulated in such a way as to benefit as many people globally as possible. Some critical issues in the scope of improving medical education and medicine, biomedical science innovation, and increasing the quality of public health for better life are discussed. The proceedings include articles from Dental sciences, Pharmaceutical sciences, and Nursing sciences.
As technology developers focused on providing impactful solutions to global development challenges, we have learnt that technology alone cannot be a solution to the problem. It has to be seen in the context where the solution is applied. The world crisis should spur us all to explore a new form of globalization for the future years, one that prioritizes collective investment in global public goods—including technological and ethical goods—to the benefit of all. Such global integration must enable diverse stakeholders from across the public, private, and non-profit sectors worldwide to work more effectively and sustainably together.
The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2022 brings out the issues of the Sustainable Innovation and Global Society. With the main theme of “Optimizing Global Benefit for Future Wellbeing”, this conference is trying to play a role as a vehicle of showcasing scientific works from around the world, not only from researchers, lecturers, government officers, students but also from all parties with the same interests alike.
Finally, all 51 papers published in this proceedings are expected not only as research output but also can be developed further into prototypes or evidence for policymaking.