Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Public Policy, and Human Rights (ICLaPH 2023)

90 authors
Abdillah, Muhamad Ari
Analysis of Article 27 Paragraph (4) of The UU ITE for Perpetrators Who Transmit Indecent Content Through Electronic Media
Afkar, Muhamad
Restoration of Rights Against Marriage Annulment Due to Falsification of Identity
Agustina, Resa
Protection of The State on the Constitutional Rights of Street and Negligate Children in Review of the KUHP Bill on Variety
Aisawa, Tesa
Restoration of Rights Against Marriage Annulment Due to Falsification of Identity
Alawiyah, Alda Dewi
Reorientation of the Indonesian Penal System Based on the Philosophy of Pancasila
Alfarizi, Gunawan
Involvement of The Constitutional Court in Amending The 1945 Constitution Law
Alfian, Alfian
Abuse of Power: Legalization of Illegal Mining in National Strategic Projects
Alhidayah, Rahmawati
Abuse of Power: Legalization of Illegal Mining in National Strategic Projects
Almahisa, Yopani Selia
Juridical Analysis of Ecocide Crimes in a Positive Legal Perspective in Indonesia
Andiyansyah, Andriyansyah
Involvement of The Constitutional Court in Amending The 1945 Constitution Law
Aprianti, Indri
Legal Protection and Implementation of Tax Laws for Non-Fungible Token (NFT) in Indonesia
Apriliandi, Rival
Effectiveness of Rehabilitation for Drug Addicts in Law Number 35 of 2009 Concerning Narcotics
Peer-Review Statements
Armansyah, Armansyah
Restoration of Rights Against Marriage Annulment Due to Falsification of Identity
Baam, Bram Bachrum
Involvement of The Constitutional Court in Amending The 1945 Constitution Law
Barkah, Barkah
Implementation of Government Policies Related to Sexual Violence as an Effort to Suppress Sexual Violence Rates in Higher Education
The Relevance of Maqashid Al-Syari’ah in The Context of Modern Society
Christine, Sri Erwin
Implementation of Government Policies Related to Sexual Violence as an Effort to Suppress Sexual Violence Rates in Higher Education
Dunnuraeni, Moch Ae
The Relevance of Maqashid Al-Syari’ah in The Context of Modern Society
Ekiawan, Muhammad Alrizky
Effectiveness of Rehabilitation for Drug Addicts in Law Number 35 of 2009 Concerning Narcotics
Erlyanti, Elsy Elsera
Legal Protection of Heirs Over The Sale and Purchase of Undivided Inherited Property (Case Study in Ciambar Parungkuda Sub-District)
Fauzan, Muhammad Fikri
Involvement of The Constitutional Court in Amending The 1945 Constitution Law
Fauziah, Ismi
Juridical Analysis of the Misuse of Personal Data of HIV/AIDS Patients in the Digital Era
Fauziyah, Hulwah Fikriyani
Juridical Analysis of Underwear Commercialization Models Based on Law Number 44 of 2008 Concerning Pornography
Firtikasari, Melsya
Implementation of Government Policies Related to Sexual Violence as an Effort to Suppress Sexual Violence Rates in Higher Education
Gadri, Kiky Zakiyah
Analysis of Therapeutic Relationships as a Means of Legal Protection for Patients and Doctors
Grizelda, Grizelda
Abuse of Power: Legalization of Illegal Mining in National Strategic Projects
Gunawan, Asep Indra
The Relevance of Maqashid Al-Syari’ah in The Context of Modern Society
Harjanti, Wiwik
Abuse of Power: Legalization of Illegal Mining in National Strategic Projects
Hasnda, Nucharaha Alhuda
Indonesia’s Tax Sovereignty Toward Digital Multinational Companies
Hasnda, Nuchraha Alhuda
Juridical Analysis of Underwear Commercialization Models Based on Law Number 44 of 2008 Concerning Pornography
Hasnda, Nuchraha Alhuda
Juridical Analysis of the Impact of Postponing the 2024 Election from Constitutional Perspective Indonesia
Hasnda, Nuchraha Alhuda
Traditional Rights of “Ciptagelar” Indigenous Communities Post Recognition of the Ciletuh Sukabumi Geopark Area as a World Heritage
Hasnda, Nucraha Alhuda
The Effectiveness of The Village Head’s Role in Resolving Non-Litigation Land Disputes in Kebon Manggu Village
Heriyanto, Heri
Bioetic View Regarding Termination of Medical Actions Brain Stem Dead Patients
Hidayatullah, M. Taufik
Legal Protection and Implementation of Tax Laws for Non-Fungible Token (NFT) in Indonesia
Hopeman, Teofilus Ardian
Implementation of Government Policies Related to Sexual Violence as an Effort to Suppress Sexual Violence Rates in Higher Education
Jaman, Ujang Badru
Peer-Review Statements
Jaman, Ujang Badru
Child Grooming Crime in View Become the New Face of Crime of Sexual Violence
Jaman, Ujang Badru
Implementation of the Concept of Trias Politica in the Government System of the Republic of Indonesia According to the 1945 Basic Act
Jaman, Ujang Badru
Indonesia’s Tax Sovereignty Toward Digital Multinational Companies
Jaman, Ujang Badru
Law Number 12 of 2022 Regarding Crime of Sexual Violence as a Role and Form of Legal Protection of Victims of Sexual Violence in Indonesia
Jaman, Ujang Badru
Legal Protection and Implementation of Tax Laws for Non-Fungible Token (NFT) in Indonesia
Jaman, Ujang Badru
Legal Protection of the Rights of Honorary Teachers as an Effort to Realize the Welfare of Honorary Teachers in Indonesia
Junjunan, Andri
The Concept of Plea Bargaining in The Settlement of Narcotic Crime
Khoreunnisa, Ressa
Legal Protection of Heirs Over The Sale and Purchase of Undivided Inherited Property (Case Study in Ciambar Parungkuda Sub-District)
Kurnia, Budi
Implementation of Government Policies Related to Sexual Violence as an Effort to Suppress Sexual Violence Rates in Higher Education
Kusherawati, Melisa
Legal Protection of Song Copyright Works from Music Covers on Youtube with Fair Use Principles
Lesmana, C. S. A. Teddy
Effectiveness of Rehabilitation for Drug Addicts in Law Number 35 of 2009 Concerning Narcotics
Lesmana, C. S. A. Teddy
Legal Protection of Song Copyright Works from Music Covers on Youtube with Fair Use Principles
Lesmana, C. S. A. Teddy
The Concept of Plea Bargaining in The Settlement of Narcotic Crime
Lesmana, Teddy
Reorientation of the Indonesian Penal System Based on the Philosophy of Pancasila
Legal Protection of Heirs Over The Sale and Purchase of Undivided Inherited Property (Case Study in Ciambar Parungkuda Sub-District)
Mulyadi, Tedi
Juridical Aspect of Implementation of The Article on The Criminal Action of Money Laundering Against A Trading Robot-Based Trader
Mulyasandi, Dede
Implementation of the Concept of Trias Politica in the Government System of the Republic of Indonesia According to the 1945 Basic Act
Najib, Moh
Interfaith Marriages in Indonesia: A Study in The Perspective of Islamic Law and State Law
Nasty, Farhan Touska
Analysis of Article 27 Paragraph (4) of The UU ITE for Perpetrators Who Transmit Indecent Content Through Electronic Media
Nuraeni, Ai Heni
Juridical Analysis of the Impact of Postponing the 2024 Election from Constitutional Perspective Indonesia
Nurani, Ai
Reform of Indonesian Criminal Law in The Political of Law Perspective
Nurfadilla, Sefira
Juridical Analysis of Underwear Commercialization Models Based on Law Number 44 of 2008 Concerning Pornography
Nurfaridah, Siti
Legal Protection of the Rights of Honorary Teachers as an Effort to Realize the Welfare of Honorary Teachers in Indonesia
Nurhaliza, Anisa
Juridical Analysis of Underwear Commercialization Models Based on Law Number 44 of 2008 Concerning Pornography
Nurulaeni, Fitria
Implementation of Government Policies Related to Sexual Violence as an Effort to Suppress Sexual Violence Rates in Higher Education
Nurulaeni, Fitria
Traditional Rights of “Ciptagelar” Indigenous Communities Post Recognition of the Ciletuh Sukabumi Geopark Area as a World Heritage
Permana, Aramdhan Kodrat
The Relevance of Maqashid Al-Syari’ah in The Context of Modern Society
Permana, Ruswan Surya
Restoration of Rights Against Marriage Annulment Due to Falsification of Identity
Pertiwi, Endah
Legal Protection of Heirs Over The Sale and Purchase of Undivided Inherited Property (Case Study in Ciambar Parungkuda Sub-District)
Pertiwi, Endah
Comparison Between Law Number 13 of 2003 and Government Regulation Number 35 of 2021 in Termination of Employment for Workers, Certain Time Employment Agreements in the Contract Period Associated with the Employment Creation Law
Pertiwi, Endah
Indonesia’s Tax Sovereignty Toward Digital Multinational Companies
Pertiwi, Endah
Juridical Analysis of the Misuse of Personal Data of HIV/AIDS Patients in the Digital Era
Pertiwi, Endah
Protection of The State on the Constitutional Rights of Street and Negligate Children in Review of the KUHP Bill on Variety
Pertiwi, Endah
Traditional Rights of “Ciptagelar” Indigenous Communities Post Recognition of the Ciletuh Sukabumi Geopark Area as a World Heritage
Putri, Galuh Ratna
Legal Protection and Implementation of Tax Laws for Non-Fungible Token (NFT) in Indonesia
Raziah, Hanna Fitri
Child Grooming Crime in View Become the New Face of Crime of Sexual Violence
Rifa’i, Zuhdi
Interfaith Marriages in Indonesia: A Study in The Perspective of Islamic Law and State Law
The Effectiveness of The Village Head’s Role in Resolving Non-Litigation Land Disputes in Kebon Manggu Village
Romanista, Virya Nanda
Optimization of the Press in Building Public Legal Awareness in Indonesia
Salmah, Nida
Law Number 12 of 2022 Regarding Crime of Sexual Violence as a Role and Form of Legal Protection of Victims of Sexual Violence in Indonesia
Sinaga, Muhammad Ridho
Analysis of Article 27 Paragraph (4) of The UU ITE for Perpetrators Who Transmit Indecent Content Through Electronic Media
Sitepu, Rida Isda
Juridical Aspect of Implementation of The Article on The Criminal Action of Money Laundering Against A Trading Robot-Based Trader
Sitepu, Rida Ista
Juridical Analysis of Ecocide Crimes in a Positive Legal Perspective in Indonesia
Subroto, Aryo
Abuse of Power: Legalization of Illegal Mining in National Strategic Projects
Suganda, A.
Interfaith Marriages in Indonesia: A Study in The Perspective of Islamic Law and State Law
Suganda, A.
The Relevance of Maqashid Al-Syari’ah in The Context of Modern Society
Supriyadi, Ferry
Effectiveness of Rehabilitation for Drug Addicts in Law Number 35 of 2009 Concerning Narcotics
Susmiyati, Haris Retno
Abuse of Power: Legalization of Illegal Mining in National Strategic Projects
Tarigan, Junaidi
Optimization of the Press in Building Public Legal Awareness in Indonesia
Winarni, Wiwin
Implementation of Government Policies Related to Sexual Violence as an Effort to Suppress Sexual Violence Rates in Higher Education
Wisely, Wisely
Comparison Between Law Number 13 of 2003 and Government Regulation Number 35 of 2021 in Termination of Employment for Workers, Certain Time Employment Agreements in the Contract Period Associated with the Employment Creation Law
Yusuf, Yudanagara Maulana
Analysis of Article 27 Paragraph (4) of The UU ITE for Perpetrators Who Transmit Indecent Content Through Electronic Media