Proceedings of the 1 st International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICITE 2020)
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Good Morning The Honorable
Speakers and Participants of The 1st International Conference On Information Technology And Education Alhamdulillah, praise God, Allah SWT, for all his blessings, Shalawat and salam may always be bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad, and his family and friends who have preceded us may receive infinite favors with Allah SWT We also thank the speakers and all the audience and all parties who have provided support in the 6th International Conference on Education and Technology Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to The 1st International Conference On Information Technology And Education. This happy day, we have all proven a commitment to build a scientific framework in the field of education and learning. The commitment in particular is an effort to conduct a retrospective, in the field of education and learning, to produce technology that can facilitate the life of the learning community. Learners in the twenty-first century are engaged in personal learning networks inside and outside of the classroom walls, often despite the involvement of instructors. A disconnect exists between how they use technology outside of school and how they are being educated in most schools. Learners embrace the connections they make with their peers and with strangers through technology and ask to use these connections for learning. Technology is an integral and ubiquitous part of their lives where they engage in exchanges with their peers through technological means creating meaningful social and learning experiences. If students have questions, they instantly pull out their smartphones to find answers. Having instant access to information creates a different milieu and increased expectations for learning. Students in K12 and university environments can take charge of their learning in ways not possible before the evolution of learning to an “anytime anywhere” approach to living and learning. Technology enables learners to access knowledge beyond the scope of instructors or textbooks. The paradigm shift is happening with a grassroots movement beginning with learners. Students are demanding that their educational experiences be reformed to include more meaningful, authentic experiences. Students were desirous of three overall changes in their educational environment: “social-based learning, un-tethered learning, and digitally-rich learning”. Technology is a means to education, not the end. Students want to use technological means to access personal learning networks to gain access to experts on the problems and issues they are addressing. Students do not use technology as toys for play exclusively; they use technology to accomplish their goals. Untethered learning requires that students go beyond the boundaries of their classroom resources, whether face-to-face or bounded by a Course Management System to access resources. In a digitally rich learning environment, students want more than engagement with technology; they want the technology to drive “learning productivity.” These are challenges that the latest wave of distributed learning can meet, perhaps more easily than face-to-face learning environments. Distributed learning is evolving with advanced technological resources making the new paradigm of learning at a distance more engaging than any time before in history. Initially, distance education was a place where instructors transferred their face-to-face courses online and called it online education. They often used technology to replicate digitally what teachers and students were already doing in a face-to-face class. When researchers explored the differences between face-to-face and online instruction, it was not surprising that the results indicated “no significant differences.” In time, online instruction became a business enterprise, and courses were developed using a Course Management System like Blackboard or eCollege that improved the learning opportunities. Threaded discussions and chat, grade books and Dropboxes, and media and online resources were all available with “one-stop shopping” for learners. This safe environment allowed instructors to control the media and resources used by students in their courses while participating in a fully online experience. With the ubiquitous influx of technology in the lives of learners and their engagement in personal learning networks, the demand to go outside the walls of the Course Management System caused a new wave of distributed education and yet another paradigm shift in the delivery of learning experiences. While many universities still maintain a Course Management System as the basic structure of their online courses, students are using digital resources to maximize their learning and challenging the way they demonstrate learning. Engagement through collaboration is more powerful as students create their wikis and blogs to share their contributions to their growth. Learners are creating podcasts, videos, interactive presentations, and mind maps to demonstrate learning. Universitas Negeri Malang is committed to continuing to contribute even in the covid-19 pandemic era. This commitment is a retrospective form of continued transformation. We commit not to give up and never declare defeat to pandemic conditions or other conditions of uncertainty. Ladies and Gentlemen,
Flashback to the commitment of Universitas Negeri Malang through the Faculty of Education is a retrospective of educational theory and learning-based towards transformative and universal, as an inclusive educational challenge, for all and throughout life. With The 1st International Conference On Information Technology And Education, we are committed to contributing to Information and Communication Technology in Education for Human Development. We recognize education as the key to achieving a full human being, the embodiment of equality and inclusion, the improvement of quality and learning outcomes, in a lifelong learning approach. Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wbr, Good Morning
Dean of Faculty of Education
Prof. Dr. Bambang Budi Wiyono, M.Pd
Good Morning The Honorable
Speakers and Participants of The 1st International Conference On Information Technology And Education Alhamdulillah, praise God, Allah SWT, for all his blessings, Shalawat and salam may always be bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad, and his family and friends who have preceded us may receive infinite favors with Allah SWT We also thank the speakers and all the audience and all parties who have provided support in the 6th International Conference on Education and Technology Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to The 1st International Conference On Information Technology And Education. This happy day, we have all proven a commitment to build a scientific framework in the field of education and learning. The commitment in particular is an effort to conduct a retrospective, in the field of education and learning, to produce technology that can facilitate the life of the learning community. Learners in the twenty-first century are engaged in personal learning networks inside and outside of the classroom walls, often despite the involvement of instructors. A disconnect exists between how they use technology outside of school and how they are being educated in most schools. Learners embrace the connections they make with their peers and with strangers through technology and ask to use these connections for learning. Technology is an integral and ubiquitous part of their lives where they engage in exchanges with their peers through technological means creating meaningful social and learning experiences. If students have questions, they instantly pull out their smartphones to find answers. Having instant access to information creates a different milieu and increased expectations for learning. Students in K12 and university environments can take charge of their learning in ways not possible before the evolution of learning to an “anytime anywhere” approach to living and learning. Technology enables learners to access knowledge beyond the scope of instructors or textbooks. The paradigm shift is happening with a grassroots movement beginning with learners. Students are demanding that their educational experiences be reformed to include more meaningful, authentic experiences. Students were desirous of three overall changes in their educational environment: “social-based learning, un-tethered learning, and digitally-rich learning”. Technology is a means to education, not the end. Students want to use technological means to access personal learning networks to gain access to experts on the problems and issues they are addressing. Students do not use technology as toys for play exclusively; they use technology to accomplish their goals. Untethered learning requires that students go beyond the boundaries of their classroom resources, whether face-to-face or bounded by a Course Management System to access resources. In a digitally rich learning environment, students want more than engagement with technology; they want the technology to drive “learning productivity.” These are challenges that the latest wave of distributed learning can meet, perhaps more easily than face-to-face learning environments. Distributed learning is evolving with advanced technological resources making the new paradigm of learning at a distance more engaging than any time before in history. Initially, distance education was a place where instructors transferred their face-to-face courses online and called it online education. They often used technology to replicate digitally what teachers and students were already doing in a face-to-face class. When researchers explored the differences between face-to-face and online instruction, it was not surprising that the results indicated “no significant differences.” In time, online instruction became a business enterprise, and courses were developed using a Course Management System like Blackboard or eCollege that improved the learning opportunities. Threaded discussions and chat, grade books and Dropboxes, and media and online resources were all available with “one-stop shopping” for learners. This safe environment allowed instructors to control the media and resources used by students in their courses while participating in a fully online experience. With the ubiquitous influx of technology in the lives of learners and their engagement in personal learning networks, the demand to go outside the walls of the Course Management System caused a new wave of distributed education and yet another paradigm shift in the delivery of learning experiences. While many universities still maintain a Course Management System as the basic structure of their online courses, students are using digital resources to maximize their learning and challenging the way they demonstrate learning. Engagement through collaboration is more powerful as students create their wikis and blogs to share their contributions to their growth. Learners are creating podcasts, videos, interactive presentations, and mind maps to demonstrate learning. Universitas Negeri Malang is committed to continuing to contribute even in the covid-19 pandemic era. This commitment is a retrospective form of continued transformation. We commit not to give up and never declare defeat to pandemic conditions or other conditions of uncertainty. Ladies and Gentlemen,
Flashback to the commitment of Universitas Negeri Malang through the Faculty of Education is a retrospective of educational theory and learning-based towards transformative and universal, as an inclusive educational challenge, for all and throughout life. With The 1st International Conference On Information Technology And Education, we are committed to contributing to Information and Communication Technology in Education for Human Development. We recognize education as the key to achieving a full human being, the embodiment of equality and inclusion, the improvement of quality and learning outcomes, in a lifelong learning approach. Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wbr, Good Morning
Dean of Faculty of Education
Prof. Dr. Bambang Budi Wiyono, M.Pd