Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology (ICHIT 2022)
Conference name: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology (ICHIT 2022)
Date: 29-30 October 2022
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia (Virtual)
Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb, Greeting from Indonesia
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology, at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Indonesia. We hope you will have a technically rewarding experience and use this occasion to meet old friends and make many new ones. Do not miss the opportunity to explore in Surabaya, Indonesia. And do not forget to take a sample of the many and diverse attractions in the rest of the Surabaya City, Indonesia.
The 2nd International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology, promises to translate health academics advances into clinical care improvements, especially in the 2022 pandemic era is challenging, difficult, risky, and poorly understood. Notably, many clinicians who identify healthcare problems do not have the time or expertise to solve the problems, and many academic researchers are unaware of the important gaps in clinical care to which their expertise may apply connected with innovation and technology. Recognizing an opportunity to connect people who can identify healthcare problems with those who can solve them, the faculty of health sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya determining the International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology.
Faculty of health sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya was established with vision and mission to educate and enhance the impact of health innovation and technology. Recently, the faculty of health sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya was accredited very excellent from the committee of Medical and Health Indonesian Accreditation Association or well known as LAMPTKES ( Either those achievements will continue for the faculty of health sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya to give the societies benefits in health with the aim to achieve better impact.
Furthermore, need communication and forum to bridge as strategy enhance solving issues problem. The International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology offers a potential solution to closing this gap, and we highlight those conference might helpful and has been tailored to its unique healthcare ecosystem, especially in Indonesia.
We would like to thank the organization staff, the members of the program committees, and reviewers. They have worked very hard in reviewing papers and making valuable suggestions for the authors to improve theirwork.We alsowould like to express our gratitude to the external reviewers, for providing extra help in the review process, and the authors for contributing their research results to the conference. Special thanks goes to Atlantis Press.
We wish all attendees of the 2nd ICHIT an enjoyable scientific gathering in Surabaya, Indonesia. We look forward to seeing all of you next year at the conference.
Conference Publication Chair
Date: 29-30 October 2022
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia (Virtual)
Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb, Greeting from Indonesia
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology, at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Indonesia. We hope you will have a technically rewarding experience and use this occasion to meet old friends and make many new ones. Do not miss the opportunity to explore in Surabaya, Indonesia. And do not forget to take a sample of the many and diverse attractions in the rest of the Surabaya City, Indonesia.
The 2nd International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology, promises to translate health academics advances into clinical care improvements, especially in the 2022 pandemic era is challenging, difficult, risky, and poorly understood. Notably, many clinicians who identify healthcare problems do not have the time or expertise to solve the problems, and many academic researchers are unaware of the important gaps in clinical care to which their expertise may apply connected with innovation and technology. Recognizing an opportunity to connect people who can identify healthcare problems with those who can solve them, the faculty of health sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya determining the International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology.
Faculty of health sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya was established with vision and mission to educate and enhance the impact of health innovation and technology. Recently, the faculty of health sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya was accredited very excellent from the committee of Medical and Health Indonesian Accreditation Association or well known as LAMPTKES ( Either those achievements will continue for the faculty of health sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya to give the societies benefits in health with the aim to achieve better impact.
Furthermore, need communication and forum to bridge as strategy enhance solving issues problem. The International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology offers a potential solution to closing this gap, and we highlight those conference might helpful and has been tailored to its unique healthcare ecosystem, especially in Indonesia.
We would like to thank the organization staff, the members of the program committees, and reviewers. They have worked very hard in reviewing papers and making valuable suggestions for the authors to improve theirwork.We alsowould like to express our gratitude to the external reviewers, for providing extra help in the review process, and the authors for contributing their research results to the conference. Special thanks goes to Atlantis Press.
We wish all attendees of the 2nd ICHIT an enjoyable scientific gathering in Surabaya, Indonesia. We look forward to seeing all of you next year at the conference.
Conference Publication Chair