Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Halal Development (ICHaD 2022)
Conference name: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Halal Development (ICHaD 2022)
Date: 6 October 2022
Location: Malang, Indonesia
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to 3rd ICHaD 2022 International Conference on Halal Development held by the Halal Center, a research and community service institution at the Universitas Negeri Malang.
I would like to welcome our honorable speakers today:
1. Prof. Dr. BakriMohamed Bkheet Ahmed, M.A.—University of The Holy Qur’an and Islamic Sciences, Khartoum Sudan
2. Pg. Dr. Hjh. Norkhairiah binti Pg. Haji Hasim—Director of Halalan Thayyiban
Research Centre, Universiti Islam Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam
3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adam Voak—James Cook University, Australia
4. Prof. Satomi Ohgata—Kyushu International University, Japan
5. Prof. Dr. Heri Pratikto—Head of Halal Center, Universitas NegeriMalang, Indonesia
Thank you for attending these conferences.
Ladies and gentlemen, we express our gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed his blessings and grace upon us all, allowing us to gather at the international seminar entitled “The Trend of Green Economics on Halal Industry: Unveiling Current and Future Prospect.” This seminar is held to discuss the latest trends in green economics within the halal industry and unveil its future potential.
The 3rd ICHaD 2022 International Conference on Halal Development on “The Trend of Green Economics on Halal Industry: Unveiling Current and Future Prospect” is a discussion forum organized by the Halal Center, a research and community service institution at the Universitas Negeri Malang in 2022. Its aim is to discuss the trend of green economics in the halal industry and its future prospects. As a global phenomenon, the halal industry continues to grow in importance for both Muslim and non-Muslim communities. On the other hand, green economics is also gaining popularity as a solution to reduce the negative impact of conventional industries on the environment. Therefore, this seminar aims to merge both trends in complementary discussions and contribute to the development of a sustainable halal industry.
The seminar also addressed several subthemes relevant to the halal industry, such as ICT Halal Assurance & Halal Regulation, Halal Tourism, Halal Science & Halal Industry, Halal Finance & Supply Chain Halal, Halal Lifestyle & Halal Substitution Raw, Halal Product & Services, Halal Food, Halal Quranic And Hadith Exegesis, and Sharia Economics & Islamic Finance. Experts from various countries are also invited to share their insights and knowledge related to the seminar’s theme. Through these discussions, we hope to encourage collaboration and better development of the halal industry in the future.
The seminar is attended by experts and academicswith competence in their respective fields, including Prof. Dr. Bakri Mohamed Bkheet Ahmed, M.A. from the University of The Holy Qur’an and Islamic Sciences, Khartoum Sudan; Pg. Dr. Hjh. Norkhairiah binti Pg. Haji Hasim from Director of Halalan Thayyiban Research Centre, Universiti Islam Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam; Assoc. Prof.Dr.AdamVoak from JamesCook University, Australia; Prof. Satomi Ohgata from Kyushu International University, Japan, and Prof. Dr. Heri Pratikto as Head of the Halal Center, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia.
We hope that this seminar organized by the Halal Center, a research and community service institution at the State University of Malang in 2022, can provide new insights into the potential and challenges of the halal industry, as well as solutions to address various problems faced. We also hope to establish a network of cooperation among the experts and academics present at this seminar. In conclusion, we would like to express our gratitude to all parties who have contributed to the success of this seminar. May this seminar be beneficial to us all.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Date: 6 October 2022
Location: Malang, Indonesia
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to 3rd ICHaD 2022 International Conference on Halal Development held by the Halal Center, a research and community service institution at the Universitas Negeri Malang.
I would like to welcome our honorable speakers today:
1. Prof. Dr. BakriMohamed Bkheet Ahmed, M.A.—University of The Holy Qur’an and Islamic Sciences, Khartoum Sudan
2. Pg. Dr. Hjh. Norkhairiah binti Pg. Haji Hasim—Director of Halalan Thayyiban
Research Centre, Universiti Islam Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam
3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adam Voak—James Cook University, Australia
4. Prof. Satomi Ohgata—Kyushu International University, Japan
5. Prof. Dr. Heri Pratikto—Head of Halal Center, Universitas NegeriMalang, Indonesia
Thank you for attending these conferences.
Ladies and gentlemen, we express our gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed his blessings and grace upon us all, allowing us to gather at the international seminar entitled “The Trend of Green Economics on Halal Industry: Unveiling Current and Future Prospect.” This seminar is held to discuss the latest trends in green economics within the halal industry and unveil its future potential.
The 3rd ICHaD 2022 International Conference on Halal Development on “The Trend of Green Economics on Halal Industry: Unveiling Current and Future Prospect” is a discussion forum organized by the Halal Center, a research and community service institution at the Universitas Negeri Malang in 2022. Its aim is to discuss the trend of green economics in the halal industry and its future prospects. As a global phenomenon, the halal industry continues to grow in importance for both Muslim and non-Muslim communities. On the other hand, green economics is also gaining popularity as a solution to reduce the negative impact of conventional industries on the environment. Therefore, this seminar aims to merge both trends in complementary discussions and contribute to the development of a sustainable halal industry.
The seminar also addressed several subthemes relevant to the halal industry, such as ICT Halal Assurance & Halal Regulation, Halal Tourism, Halal Science & Halal Industry, Halal Finance & Supply Chain Halal, Halal Lifestyle & Halal Substitution Raw, Halal Product & Services, Halal Food, Halal Quranic And Hadith Exegesis, and Sharia Economics & Islamic Finance. Experts from various countries are also invited to share their insights and knowledge related to the seminar’s theme. Through these discussions, we hope to encourage collaboration and better development of the halal industry in the future.
The seminar is attended by experts and academicswith competence in their respective fields, including Prof. Dr. Bakri Mohamed Bkheet Ahmed, M.A. from the University of The Holy Qur’an and Islamic Sciences, Khartoum Sudan; Pg. Dr. Hjh. Norkhairiah binti Pg. Haji Hasim from Director of Halalan Thayyiban Research Centre, Universiti Islam Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam; Assoc. Prof.Dr.AdamVoak from JamesCook University, Australia; Prof. Satomi Ohgata from Kyushu International University, Japan, and Prof. Dr. Heri Pratikto as Head of the Halal Center, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia.
We hope that this seminar organized by the Halal Center, a research and community service institution at the State University of Malang in 2022, can provide new insights into the potential and challenges of the halal industry, as well as solutions to address various problems faced. We also hope to establish a network of cooperation among the experts and academics present at this seminar. In conclusion, we would like to express our gratitude to all parties who have contributed to the success of this seminar. May this seminar be beneficial to us all.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.