Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Geography and Education (ICGE 2016)

184 authors
Rachmawati, Rini
Inclusive Cities: The New Issue in Urban Development
Rahmawati Hizbaron, Dyah
Disaster Management Practice Towards Diverse Vulnerable Groups in Yogyakarta
Restu, Restu
Model of Mangrove Ecosystem Utilization as Media and Learning Resources of Environmental Education at Senior High School
Restu Wardani, Nila
Strengthening Local Capacity in Disaster Risk Reduction (Case Study: Disaster Resilient Village in Batu City, East Java, Indonesia)
Restuti, Candra
Social Disaster Risk Vulnerability Analysis as A Result of Rural Urban Transformation Process (Case Study at Sawangan Depok West Java Province Indonesia)
Ridha Syafii Damanik, Muhammad
Model of Mangrove Ecosystem Utilization as Media and Learning Resources of Environmental Education at Senior High School
Ritohardoyo, Su
Reducing Risk from Lahar Hazard in Volcanic Catchment: Retarding Basin Site Assessment
Rizqihandari, Nurrokhmah
Using OpenStreetMap Data for Population Distribution Model
Rofi, Abdur
Longitudinal Livelihood Study: A Case Study of Traditional Weavers in Grogol Village, Weru Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java
Rohmat, Dede
Improvement of People's Welfare Through Fulfilling The Needs of Water in Morotai Island As Outermost Island
Rohmat, Dede
Utilization of the Mangrove Forest as a Learning Sources To Improve an Understanding of Concepts and Environmental Awarness (Experimental Quasy Study of Mangrove Ecotourism Karangsong for Student Participants at SMA Negeri 1 Indramayu)
Romadhon N., Mei Vita
The Effect of Learning Cycle 7E Model for Geographic Achievement on Multi-ethnic Students
Rosyida, Fatiya
Mental Mapping: Viewing the School Environment of the Mind
Rudianto, Rudianto
Strengthening Local Institution to Improve Phytoremediation of Mangrove Forest Based on Co-Management: Case Study in Wonorejo, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Ruhiat, Dadang
Improvement of People's Welfare Through Fulfilling The Needs of Water in Morotai Island As Outermost Island
Ruhimat, Mamat
The Effect of Interest and Motivation in Learning Geography Towards Spatial Intelligence of Senior High School Students in Kuantan Singingi Regency
Sabilussalami, Nur'aini
Sekolah Paseduluran as a Social Capital to Increasing Community Preparedness to the Eruption of Merapi Volcano (Case Study: Glagaharjo Village, Cangkringan Sub-district, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta)
Safitri, Diwya
Assessing the Social Economic and Physical Vulnerabilities to Gamalama Volcano
Sambah, Abu Bakar
The Spatial Analysis in Tuna Habitat Related to The Ocean Variability in The Indian Ocean
Sapta Widartono, Barandi
Utilization of Orthophoto Imagery for Mapping The Cultural Heritage Area (Ijo Temple Complex, District Prambanan, Yogyakarta)
Sapta Widartono, Barandi
Utilization of Aerial Photograph for Spasial Data Using Quadcopter (Ijo Temple Complex, District Prambanan, Yogyakarta)
Saraswati, Ratna
Potential Development Region in Palangka Raya
Sardiana, I Ketut
The Application of Geographic Information System for Mapping Superior Food Commodities in Tabanan Regency
Sartohadi, Junun
Dynamic Land Resource Management in Mt. Kelud Area
Sartohadi, Junun
Reducing Risk from Lahar Hazard in Volcanic Catchment: Retarding Basin Site Assessment
Sartohadi, Junun
Analysis of Building Position and Orientation to Assess the Building Vulnerability to Landslide Through the Interpretation of 2D Small Format Aerial Photo (Case Study in Bompon Catchment, Magelang Regency)
Satrya U., Citra
The GIS Application of Marine Protected Area Site Selection, in Trenggalek, East Java Province
Setyasih, Iya'
The Effect of Learning Cycle 7E Model for Geographic Achievement on Multi-ethnic Students
Setyawan, Boby
Analysis of Building Position and Orientation to Assess the Building Vulnerability to Landslide Through the Interpretation of 2D Small Format Aerial Photo (Case Study in Bompon Catchment, Magelang Regency)
Setyono, Prabang
Sediment Characteristics and Benthos Community Spread in Lake Beratan in Bali
Sholeh, Muh.
Geography Lesson Development Based Ecoliteracy
Sholikhah, Wakhidatus
Mental Mapping: Viewing the School Environment of the Mind
Sidiq Anggoro, Habib
Comparison Study of Crowdsource Geographic Information Services for Rural Mapping and Toponym Inventory (Case study in Kebondalem Lor, Prambanan, Klaten, Central Java)
Soekamto, Hadi
Analysing The Geographical Skills Across The World Secondary Schools Curriculum Based on The Scientific Approach
Soepardjo, A. Harsono
Youth Education in Self- Preparing as Marine Ecotourism Guide in Kepulauan Seribu
Somantri, Lili
Utilization of the Mangrove Forest as a Learning Sources To Improve an Understanding of Concepts and Environmental Awarness (Experimental Quasy Study of Mangrove Ecotourism Karangsong for Student Participants at SMA Negeri 1 Indramayu)
Sri Hadmoko, Danang
Analysis of Building Position and Orientation to Assess the Building Vulnerability to Landslide Through the Interpretation of 2D Small Format Aerial Photo (Case Study in Bompon Catchment, Magelang Regency)
Sri Rahatiningtyas, Nurul
Identify Sustainable Livelihood in Small Island
Analysis of the Pesanggem Cognitive Aspects of the Resources Management Program Community Based in Muria Forest
Sudaryatno, Sudaryatno
Application of Landsat 8 Imagery for Potential of Groundwater Mapping in Bogowonto Downstream Watershed, Purworejo Regency
Sugandi, Dede
Effects of School Environment to Student's Spatial Intelligence in Senior High School of Bandung
Sugiyarto, Sugiyarto
The Diversity Study of Asteraceae Family as Effort to Develop Ecotourism in Mount Lawu
Suharini, Erni
Study of Population Growth and Land Use Change Impact of Intrusion at Pekalongan City
Sukandar, Sukandar
The GIS Application of Marine Protected Area Site Selection, in Trenggalek, East Java Province
Sumarmi, Sumarmi
A Study of Local Wisdom of Balinese Aga and Samin People to Develop Environmental Awareness Characteristics
Sumiyati, Sri
Analysis of Examination Location with Spatial Approach (Study in UPBJJ-UT Lampung, Surakarta, Makassar and Banjarmasin in Universitas Terbuka)
Sunaedi, Nedi
Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Environmental Education
Sunarto, Sunarto
Dynamic Land Resource Management in Mt. Kelud Area
Sunarto, Sunarto
Sediment Characteristics and Benthos Community Spread in Lake Beratan in Bali
Sunarto, Sunarto
Identification of Condition in Coastal Metinaro Mangrove Forest, Timor-Leste
Sunarto, Sunarto
The Diversity Study of Asteraceae Family as Effort to Develop Ecotourism in Mount Lawu
Surdin, Surdin
The Effect Guided Inquiry to Critical Thinking Ability to Build Student Character in Geography Subject
Suriani Harefa, Meilinda
Model of Mangrove Ecosystem Utilization as Media and Learning Resources of Environmental Education at Senior High School
Suryo Sumunar, Dyah Respati
The Impact of Land Use Change on The Groundwater Level in Suburban Area
Susanto, J.
Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Urban Agglomeration of Yogyakarta City
Susilo, Singgih
The Meaning of Housework (Domestic Sector) for The Indonesian Labor Woman's Husband in The Village of Dungmanten, Rejotangan Subdistrict, Tulungagung Regency
Susiloningtyas, Dewi
Social Disaster Risk Vulnerability Analysis as A Result of Rural Urban Transformation Process (Case Study at Sawangan Depok West Java Province Indonesia)
Susilowati, M.H. Dewi
The Spatial Variation of Visitors of Beach Resorts in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province
Sutrisno, Joko
Identification of Condition in Coastal Metinaro Mangrove Forest, Timor-Leste
Suwito, Suwito
Population Mobility Based on Social Integrity Factors
Tiara, T. Putri
Strategy for Tourism Development in Ex-Tin Mining, Lake Pongkar Tanjung Balai Karimun, Riau Islands, Indonesia
Triwahyudianto, Triwahyudianto
Population Mobility Based on Social Integrity Factors
Tyas Wulan Mei, Estuning
Physical Assessment of Barangka Tugurara Towards Volcanic Hazards of Gamalama Volcano
Tyas Wulan Mei, Estuning
Assessing the Social Economic and Physical Vulnerabilities to Gamalama Volcano
Ulya Rusdimi, Alzaena
Reducing Risk from Lahar Hazard in Volcanic Catchment: Retarding Basin Site Assessment
Urfan, Faiz
Effects of School Environment to Student's Spatial Intelligence in Senior High School of Bandung
Utaya, Sugeng
The Effect of Learning Cycle 7E Model for Geographic Achievement on Multi-ethnic Students
Wagistina, Satti
Urban Sprawl Impact on The Social Change in West Suburb of Malang City
Wahyu Permatasari, Cintya
Tsunami Risk Evaluation Based on Land Suitability for Settlement in Pacitan Coastal Area, East Java
Wahyuni, Lies
Improvement of People's Welfare Through Fulfilling The Needs of Water in Morotai Island As Outermost Island
Wahyuni Nurwihastuti, Dwi
Landslide Hazard Analysis Based on Geomorphological Approach in Karo Highland, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Wahyuningtyas, Neni
Dugong in the Account of Stamford Raffles
Wan Ahmad, Wan Ibrahim
Future Living Arrangement of Older People: A Comparison Between Malaysia and Indonesia
Wan Ahmad, Wan Ibrahim
Environment Condition of Indonesian Migrant Worker in The Destination Countries And The Amount of Remittance Delivery to Origin Region
Wardoyo, S.S.
Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Urban Agglomeration of Yogyakarta City
Warsani, Henki
The Effect of Interest and Motivation in Learning Geography Towards Spatial Intelligence of Senior High School Students in Kuantan Singingi Regency
Warsiti, Titik
The Diversity Study of Asteraceae Family as Effort to Develop Ecotourism in Mount Lawu
Widodo, Sugeng
The Evaluation of Teacher Certified Performance In Tulang Bawang Lampung
Wijayanti, Helvetia
Disaster Management Practice Towards Diverse Vulnerable Groups in Yogyakarta
Yanti Amalia, Dwi
Physical Assessment of Barangka Tugurara Towards Volcanic Hazards of Gamalama Volcano
Yogafanny, E.
Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Urban Agglomeration of Yogyakarta City
Yuniastuti, Eni
Landslide Hazard Analysis Based on Geomorphological Approach in Karo Highland, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Zainal Maliki, Rendra
Developing Interactive Learning Media for Living Environment Material of the Geography Lesson
Zikrullah, Ahmad
Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Flood Area in Cisadane Watershed, Banten Province