Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Geography and Education (ICGE 2016)
184 authors
- Rachmawati, Rini
- Inclusive Cities: The New Issue in Urban Development
- Rahmawati Hizbaron, Dyah
- Disaster Management Practice Towards Diverse Vulnerable Groups in Yogyakarta
- Restu, Restu
- Model of Mangrove Ecosystem Utilization as Media and Learning Resources of Environmental Education at Senior High School
- Restu Wardani, Nila
- Strengthening Local Capacity in Disaster Risk Reduction (Case Study: Disaster Resilient Village in Batu City, East Java, Indonesia)
- Restuti, Candra
- Social Disaster Risk Vulnerability Analysis as A Result of Rural Urban Transformation Process (Case Study at Sawangan Depok West Java Province Indonesia)
- Ridha Syafii Damanik, Muhammad
- Model of Mangrove Ecosystem Utilization as Media and Learning Resources of Environmental Education at Senior High School
- Ritohardoyo, Su
- Reducing Risk from Lahar Hazard in Volcanic Catchment: Retarding Basin Site Assessment
- Rizqihandari, Nurrokhmah
- Using OpenStreetMap Data for Population Distribution Model
- Rofi, Abdur
- Longitudinal Livelihood Study: A Case Study of Traditional Weavers in Grogol Village, Weru Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java
- Rohmat, Dede
- Improvement of People's Welfare Through Fulfilling The Needs of Water in Morotai Island As Outermost Island
- Rohmat, Dede
- Utilization of the Mangrove Forest as a Learning Sources To Improve an Understanding of Concepts and Environmental Awarness (Experimental Quasy Study of Mangrove Ecotourism Karangsong for Student Participants at SMA Negeri 1 Indramayu)
- Romadhon N., Mei Vita
- The Effect of Learning Cycle 7E Model for Geographic Achievement on Multi-ethnic Students
- Rosyida, Fatiya
- Mental Mapping: Viewing the School Environment of the Mind
- Rudianto, Rudianto
- Strengthening Local Institution to Improve Phytoremediation of Mangrove Forest Based on Co-Management: Case Study in Wonorejo, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
- Ruhiat, Dadang
- Improvement of People's Welfare Through Fulfilling The Needs of Water in Morotai Island As Outermost Island
- Ruhimat, Mamat
- The Effect of Interest and Motivation in Learning Geography Towards Spatial Intelligence of Senior High School Students in Kuantan Singingi Regency
- Sabilussalami, Nur'aini
- Sekolah Paseduluran as a Social Capital to Increasing Community Preparedness to the Eruption of Merapi Volcano (Case Study: Glagaharjo Village, Cangkringan Sub-district, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta)
- Safitri, Diwya
- Assessing the Social Economic and Physical Vulnerabilities to Gamalama Volcano
- Sambah, Abu Bakar
- The Spatial Analysis in Tuna Habitat Related to The Ocean Variability in The Indian Ocean
- Sapta Widartono, Barandi
- Utilization of Orthophoto Imagery for Mapping The Cultural Heritage Area (Ijo Temple Complex, District Prambanan, Yogyakarta)
- Sapta Widartono, Barandi
- Utilization of Aerial Photograph for Spasial Data Using Quadcopter (Ijo Temple Complex, District Prambanan, Yogyakarta)
- Saraswati, Ratna
- Potential Development Region in Palangka Raya
- Sardiana, I Ketut
- The Application of Geographic Information System for Mapping Superior Food Commodities in Tabanan Regency
- Sartohadi, Junun
- Dynamic Land Resource Management in Mt. Kelud Area
- Sartohadi, Junun
- Reducing Risk from Lahar Hazard in Volcanic Catchment: Retarding Basin Site Assessment
- Sartohadi, Junun
- Analysis of Building Position and Orientation to Assess the Building Vulnerability to Landslide Through the Interpretation of 2D Small Format Aerial Photo (Case Study in Bompon Catchment, Magelang Regency)
- Satrya U., Citra
- The GIS Application of Marine Protected Area Site Selection, in Trenggalek, East Java Province
- Setyasih, Iya'
- The Effect of Learning Cycle 7E Model for Geographic Achievement on Multi-ethnic Students
- Setyawan, Boby
- Analysis of Building Position and Orientation to Assess the Building Vulnerability to Landslide Through the Interpretation of 2D Small Format Aerial Photo (Case Study in Bompon Catchment, Magelang Regency)
- Setyono, Prabang
- Sediment Characteristics and Benthos Community Spread in Lake Beratan in Bali
- Sholeh, Muh.
- Geography Lesson Development Based Ecoliteracy
- Sholikhah, Wakhidatus
- Mental Mapping: Viewing the School Environment of the Mind
- Sidiq Anggoro, Habib
- Comparison Study of Crowdsource Geographic Information Services for Rural Mapping and Toponym Inventory (Case study in Kebondalem Lor, Prambanan, Klaten, Central Java)
- Soekamto, Hadi
- Analysing The Geographical Skills Across The World Secondary Schools Curriculum Based on The Scientific Approach
- Soepardjo, A. Harsono
- Youth Education in Self- Preparing as Marine Ecotourism Guide in Kepulauan Seribu
- Somantri, Lili
- Utilization of the Mangrove Forest as a Learning Sources To Improve an Understanding of Concepts and Environmental Awarness (Experimental Quasy Study of Mangrove Ecotourism Karangsong for Student Participants at SMA Negeri 1 Indramayu)
- Sri Hadmoko, Danang
- Analysis of Building Position and Orientation to Assess the Building Vulnerability to Landslide Through the Interpretation of 2D Small Format Aerial Photo (Case Study in Bompon Catchment, Magelang Regency)
- Sri Rahatiningtyas, Nurul
- Identify Sustainable Livelihood in Small Island
- Sriyanto
- Analysis of the Pesanggem Cognitive Aspects of the Resources Management Program Community Based in Muria Forest
- Sudaryatno, Sudaryatno
- Application of Landsat 8 Imagery for Potential of Groundwater Mapping in Bogowonto Downstream Watershed, Purworejo Regency
- Sugandi, Dede
- Effects of School Environment to Student's Spatial Intelligence in Senior High School of Bandung
- Sugiyarto, Sugiyarto
- The Diversity Study of Asteraceae Family as Effort to Develop Ecotourism in Mount Lawu
- Suharini, Erni
- Study of Population Growth and Land Use Change Impact of Intrusion at Pekalongan City
- Sukandar, Sukandar
- The GIS Application of Marine Protected Area Site Selection, in Trenggalek, East Java Province
- Sumarmi, Sumarmi
- A Study of Local Wisdom of Balinese Aga and Samin People to Develop Environmental Awareness Characteristics
- Sumiyati, Sri
- Analysis of Examination Location with Spatial Approach (Study in UPBJJ-UT Lampung, Surakarta, Makassar and Banjarmasin in Universitas Terbuka)
- Sunaedi, Nedi
- Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Environmental Education
- Sunarto, Sunarto
- Dynamic Land Resource Management in Mt. Kelud Area
- Sunarto, Sunarto
- Sediment Characteristics and Benthos Community Spread in Lake Beratan in Bali
- Sunarto, Sunarto
- Identification of Condition in Coastal Metinaro Mangrove Forest, Timor-Leste
- Sunarto, Sunarto
- The Diversity Study of Asteraceae Family as Effort to Develop Ecotourism in Mount Lawu
- Surdin, Surdin
- The Effect Guided Inquiry to Critical Thinking Ability to Build Student Character in Geography Subject
- Suriani Harefa, Meilinda
- Model of Mangrove Ecosystem Utilization as Media and Learning Resources of Environmental Education at Senior High School
- Suryo Sumunar, Dyah Respati
- The Impact of Land Use Change on The Groundwater Level in Suburban Area
- Susanto, J.
- Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Urban Agglomeration of Yogyakarta City
- Susilo, Singgih
- The Meaning of Housework (Domestic Sector) for The Indonesian Labor Woman's Husband in The Village of Dungmanten, Rejotangan Subdistrict, Tulungagung Regency
- Susiloningtyas, Dewi
- Social Disaster Risk Vulnerability Analysis as A Result of Rural Urban Transformation Process (Case Study at Sawangan Depok West Java Province Indonesia)
- Susilowati, M.H. Dewi
- The Spatial Variation of Visitors of Beach Resorts in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province
- Sutrisno, Joko
- Identification of Condition in Coastal Metinaro Mangrove Forest, Timor-Leste
- Suwito, Suwito
- Population Mobility Based on Social Integrity Factors
- Tiara, T. Putri
- Strategy for Tourism Development in Ex-Tin Mining, Lake Pongkar Tanjung Balai Karimun, Riau Islands, Indonesia
- Triwahyudianto, Triwahyudianto
- Population Mobility Based on Social Integrity Factors
- Tyas Wulan Mei, Estuning
- Physical Assessment of Barangka Tugurara Towards Volcanic Hazards of Gamalama Volcano
- Tyas Wulan Mei, Estuning
- Assessing the Social Economic and Physical Vulnerabilities to Gamalama Volcano
- Ulya Rusdimi, Alzaena
- Reducing Risk from Lahar Hazard in Volcanic Catchment: Retarding Basin Site Assessment
- Urfan, Faiz
- Effects of School Environment to Student's Spatial Intelligence in Senior High School of Bandung
- Utaya, Sugeng
- The Effect of Learning Cycle 7E Model for Geographic Achievement on Multi-ethnic Students
- Wagistina, Satti
- Urban Sprawl Impact on The Social Change in West Suburb of Malang City
- Wahyu Permatasari, Cintya
- Tsunami Risk Evaluation Based on Land Suitability for Settlement in Pacitan Coastal Area, East Java
- Wahyuni, Lies
- Improvement of People's Welfare Through Fulfilling The Needs of Water in Morotai Island As Outermost Island
- Wahyuni Nurwihastuti, Dwi
- Landslide Hazard Analysis Based on Geomorphological Approach in Karo Highland, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
- Wahyuningtyas, Neni
- Dugong in the Account of Stamford Raffles
- Wan Ahmad, Wan Ibrahim
- Future Living Arrangement of Older People: A Comparison Between Malaysia and Indonesia
- Wan Ahmad, Wan Ibrahim
- Environment Condition of Indonesian Migrant Worker in The Destination Countries And The Amount of Remittance Delivery to Origin Region
- Wardoyo, S.S.
- Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Urban Agglomeration of Yogyakarta City
- Warsani, Henki
- The Effect of Interest and Motivation in Learning Geography Towards Spatial Intelligence of Senior High School Students in Kuantan Singingi Regency
- Warsiti, Titik
- The Diversity Study of Asteraceae Family as Effort to Develop Ecotourism in Mount Lawu
- Widodo, Sugeng
- The Evaluation of Teacher Certified Performance In Tulang Bawang Lampung
- Wijayanti, Helvetia
- Disaster Management Practice Towards Diverse Vulnerable Groups in Yogyakarta
- Yanti Amalia, Dwi
- Physical Assessment of Barangka Tugurara Towards Volcanic Hazards of Gamalama Volcano
- Yogafanny, E.
- Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Urban Agglomeration of Yogyakarta City
- Yuniastuti, Eni
- Landslide Hazard Analysis Based on Geomorphological Approach in Karo Highland, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
- Zainal Maliki, Rendra
- Developing Interactive Learning Media for Living Environment Material of the Geography Lesson
- Zikrullah, Ahmad
- Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Flood Area in Cisadane Watershed, Banten Province