Proceedings of the International Conference of Geography and Disaster Management (ICGDM 2022)
Conference name: Proceedings of the International Conference of Geography and Disaster Management (ICGDM 2022)
Date: 5-7 December 2022
Location: Sukoharjo, Indoneisa (Virtual)
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh,
International Conference of Geography and Disaster Management 2022 (ICGDM 2022) was held during December 5–7, 2022, using virtual meeting. Our conference theme is “Geography for Sustainable Development and Prosperous Humanity.” It is pleasing to note that the agenda of this conference covers a wide range of interesting topics related to all theoretical and practical aspects related to human nature interactions, human geography, remote sensing, and GIS application for society, and social aspect of disaster management.
It is our hope that ICGDM 2022 would be able to achieve its objective in providing an effective forum for academician, researchers, and practitioners to advancing knowledge, research, and technology for humanity. We believe that knowledge, research, and technology are for all people, for minorities, people with disabilities, and to help anyone. No matter how much we can accomplish by ourselves, whether it is research or development, it is never sufficient in this world of knowledge. Therefore, the focal drive of this conference is to exchange ideas, and by participating in this exchange, I hoped that all parties who may benefit from the conference can apply it in managing activities in their area of expertise.
Last but not least, our deepest gratitude goes to the advisory board, organizing committee, scientific committee, institutions, companies, and volunteer who have directly and indirectly supported the success of this seminar.
Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir
The Chairman of ICGDM 2022
Date: 5-7 December 2022
Location: Sukoharjo, Indoneisa (Virtual)
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh,
International Conference of Geography and Disaster Management 2022 (ICGDM 2022) was held during December 5–7, 2022, using virtual meeting. Our conference theme is “Geography for Sustainable Development and Prosperous Humanity.” It is pleasing to note that the agenda of this conference covers a wide range of interesting topics related to all theoretical and practical aspects related to human nature interactions, human geography, remote sensing, and GIS application for society, and social aspect of disaster management.
It is our hope that ICGDM 2022 would be able to achieve its objective in providing an effective forum for academician, researchers, and practitioners to advancing knowledge, research, and technology for humanity. We believe that knowledge, research, and technology are for all people, for minorities, people with disabilities, and to help anyone. No matter how much we can accomplish by ourselves, whether it is research or development, it is never sufficient in this world of knowledge. Therefore, the focal drive of this conference is to exchange ideas, and by participating in this exchange, I hoped that all parties who may benefit from the conference can apply it in managing activities in their area of expertise.
Last but not least, our deepest gratitude goes to the advisory board, organizing committee, scientific committee, institutions, companies, and volunteer who have directly and indirectly supported the success of this seminar.
Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir
The Chairman of ICGDM 2022