Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Continuing Education and Technology (ICCOET 2021)
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
The Honorable:
1. Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
2. Speakers:
a. Prof. Dr. Ach. Rasyad., M.Pd dari PLS UM Indonesia
b. Prof. Anabelie V. Valdez, Ph.D dari Mindanao State University, Philippines
c. Maruff Akinwale Oladejo., P.hD., dari University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria
d. Prof. Takahashi Mitsuru dari Miyagi Study Center at the Open University of Japan, Japan
e. Associate Prof. Dr. Nor Wahiza Abd. Wahat, dari Universiti Putra Malaysia
3. Participants of ICCOET First of all, let’s pray to our God who has been giving us some mercies and blessing. So, we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation. Secondly, to the speakers and participants who have been willing to spare their time to attend to this international seminar. Thirdly, to the lecturers and committees who have been worked hard for this event. Also, I would like to say thank you very much to the Master of Ceremony who has giving me time to speak in front of you all. Because of you all, this international seminar entitled “Strengthening Of Non-Formal And Informal Education In The Era Of Society 5.0” can be hold well. I hope this event runs well as we hope. Amen. Ladies and Gentlemen,
Education is a tool to create a better quality of human resources in the future. We need to know that a person not only gets formal education but also non-formal and informal education, where non-formal education plays as an addition, complement, and or substitute for formal education in the context of life long education (Law number 20 of 2003 article 26 paragraph 1) . While informal education is basic education received by a person or child, where this is related to parents and society. This is emphasized in the National Education System Law (Sisdiknas) Number 20/2003 which stated "Education consists of formal, non-formal, and informal education that can complement and enrich each other". Non-formal education is an educational service that is not limited by time, age, gender, race, social conditions, culture, economy, religion, and others. Therefore, to transmit knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values in the community, the need for Non-formal and Informal Education in the community is so high that it provides support for development starting at the rural level to the city. Non-formal education as an empowerment process has a broad meaning, which includes increasing knowledge, attitudes, skills and developing other abilities towards independent living. By increasing community empowerment through non-formal and informal education are considered important to realize the quality of non-formal and informal education that is able to answer the challenges of social life, create a society that is highly competitive, has science and technology insight, and has proper morality and cultured. On this basis, an international seminar with the theme "Strengthening of Non-Formal And Informal Education in the Era Of Society 5.0" is very strategic and needs to be carried out as a manifestation of a shared commitment in strengthening and aligning the goals of non-formal and informal education in a global society. Ladies and Gentlemen,
This international seminar, ICCOET is attended by 5 speakers from various countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Nigeria, and Philippines. The number of participants who have registered in this international seminar are 300 people and some parallel discussion participants. Let us express our highest gratitude to the speakers and participants who have attended and contributed to this international seminar. We as the organizers of the ICCOET international seminar also apologize if there are shortcomings in this activity. Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb. Prof. Dr. Bambang Budi Wiyono, M.Pd
Dean of Faculty of Education
Universitas Negeri Malang
The Honorable:
1. Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
2. Speakers:
a. Prof. Dr. Ach. Rasyad., M.Pd dari PLS UM Indonesia
b. Prof. Anabelie V. Valdez, Ph.D dari Mindanao State University, Philippines
c. Maruff Akinwale Oladejo., P.hD., dari University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria
d. Prof. Takahashi Mitsuru dari Miyagi Study Center at the Open University of Japan, Japan
e. Associate Prof. Dr. Nor Wahiza Abd. Wahat, dari Universiti Putra Malaysia
3. Participants of ICCOET First of all, let’s pray to our God who has been giving us some mercies and blessing. So, we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation. Secondly, to the speakers and participants who have been willing to spare their time to attend to this international seminar. Thirdly, to the lecturers and committees who have been worked hard for this event. Also, I would like to say thank you very much to the Master of Ceremony who has giving me time to speak in front of you all. Because of you all, this international seminar entitled “Strengthening Of Non-Formal And Informal Education In The Era Of Society 5.0” can be hold well. I hope this event runs well as we hope. Amen. Ladies and Gentlemen,
Education is a tool to create a better quality of human resources in the future. We need to know that a person not only gets formal education but also non-formal and informal education, where non-formal education plays as an addition, complement, and or substitute for formal education in the context of life long education (Law number 20 of 2003 article 26 paragraph 1) . While informal education is basic education received by a person or child, where this is related to parents and society. This is emphasized in the National Education System Law (Sisdiknas) Number 20/2003 which stated "Education consists of formal, non-formal, and informal education that can complement and enrich each other". Non-formal education is an educational service that is not limited by time, age, gender, race, social conditions, culture, economy, religion, and others. Therefore, to transmit knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values in the community, the need for Non-formal and Informal Education in the community is so high that it provides support for development starting at the rural level to the city. Non-formal education as an empowerment process has a broad meaning, which includes increasing knowledge, attitudes, skills and developing other abilities towards independent living. By increasing community empowerment through non-formal and informal education are considered important to realize the quality of non-formal and informal education that is able to answer the challenges of social life, create a society that is highly competitive, has science and technology insight, and has proper morality and cultured. On this basis, an international seminar with the theme "Strengthening of Non-Formal And Informal Education in the Era Of Society 5.0" is very strategic and needs to be carried out as a manifestation of a shared commitment in strengthening and aligning the goals of non-formal and informal education in a global society. Ladies and Gentlemen,
This international seminar, ICCOET is attended by 5 speakers from various countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Nigeria, and Philippines. The number of participants who have registered in this international seminar are 300 people and some parallel discussion participants. Let us express our highest gratitude to the speakers and participants who have attended and contributed to this international seminar. We as the organizers of the ICCOET international seminar also apologize if there are shortcomings in this activity. Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb. Prof. Dr. Bambang Budi Wiyono, M.Pd
Dean of Faculty of Education
Universitas Negeri Malang