Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Accounting, Management and Economics (ICAME-7 2022)

Conference name: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Accounting, Management and Economics (ICAME-7 2022)
Date: 7 October 2022
Location: Makassar, Indonesia (Offline)

It is an honor to welcome all participants of the 7th International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (7th ICAME). As Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Hasanuddin, I am writing this foreword to address my high appreciation for all researchers and presenters who have contributed knowledge and shared their ideas on economic and environmental issues. This year’s conference takes a concern on innovation toward sustainable business. As one of the leading faculties of economics and business in Indonesia, we are highly committed to encourage academic research in this field, since the world is currently transitioning to promote economic activities in compliance with the implementation of a sustainable approach and natural preservation. Our involvement in this issue is also aimed to assist the community development agenda by regional and national stakeholders in designing their strategy to achieve sustainable development goals.

It begins with the organization of the Paris Agreement in 2015 which marked the international initiative on climate change. Along with 194 parties in this global treaty, Indonesia has committed to implement some programs in the nationally determined contribution (NDC) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is difficult to realize that the achievement of this objective could be feasible without concrete approaches and solutions from the business sectors. We are often faced with the question of tradeoffs between natural preservation and economic opportunity, where the achievement of one thing should always be compensated with the sacrifice of another. For example, Indonesia, a country whose total area of 187 million km2 is covered by at least 65% by forest, experienced the loss of 28,6Mha of tree cover from 2001 to 2020, or equivalent to an 18% decrease in tree cover since 2000. This was mainly contributed to deforestation to support production in commercial activities, such as oil palm and timber plantation, conversion to grassland, land conversion to small-scale agriculture and plantations, as well as excessive logging activities. The impact on the environment is detrimental, where it was estimated that the amount of loss in tree cover had equivalently resulted in 19.6 Gt of CO2 emissions according to Global Forest Watch. However, the best practice in the world has shown evidence that the trade-off is not always the case, especially when we are talking about the longer-term economy and business. It is argued that the existence of nature and environmental factors would give services to the economy and business that barely or even cannot be provided at all by any entities. In the end, this will give rise to the economy, and without a sufficient proportion of these elements, the economy will not be able to continuously grow. Some mechanisms like payment for ecosystem services (PES), land and marine protected areas, fishing quotas, carbon credits, tax, and green subsidies are among the instruments that are still under consideration by the government of Indonesia to implement. Some studies have shown the effectiveness of these policies in promoting environmental protections without losing significant chances to enjoy the economic profit. However, such pieces of evidence are still in need of improvement in research methodology and reliable proof.

Hence, through the organization of the 7th ICAME, we invited all researchers and scholars to share their expertise and knowledge on this issue. We are aware that the innovations to promote a sustainable approach in the economy and business practice cannot be achieved without in-depth and profound investigations. I would also like to thank everyone who has given their support for this year’s conference, including Rector of Universitas Hasanuddin, Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa,Vice Deans of the faculty, sponsors, fellowlecturers, and our beloved students. I also highly appreciate Prof. Dr.Noor Raihan AB Hamid, Prof Johnny Jeremias, Dr. Yanuar Nugroho, and Prof Anshory Yusuf for the inspiring keynote session at the conference. I hope that we can continue to work together in the future to preserve our earth!

Sincerely yours,
Abdul Rahman Kaidr