Proceedings of the 2023 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (ICAIE 2023)

Conference name: Proceedings of the 2023 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (ICAIE 2023)
Date: 16-18 June 2023
Location: Guilin, China (Hybrid)

From June 16–18, 2023, the 2023 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (ICAIE 2023) was held in Guilin, China, via hybrid form. The conference was attended by about 100 researchers, engineers, teachers, and students working in the field of artificial intelligence and education.

The general objectives of the ICAIE 2023 were:
To generate an adequate academic and scientific forum to present the work and experiences of researchers/teachers/students, contributing this way, to the production of new knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence and education.

To establish specific relationships between all the participants at the conference, with activities and/or investigation independently.

The subject areas in which papers were presented are:
Technologies and application of artificial intelligence;
Natural language processing and understanding;
Pervasive computing and ambient intelligence;
New generations of educational technologies;
Human–computer interaction in teaching system, etc. ;

The conference took place for three days,whose program included keynote speeches, oral presentations, and academic tour.

At the keynote speech part, Professor Grigoris Antoniou (University of Huddersfield, Britain), with his own professional knowledge and research experience, performed a dramatic speech and interacted with the attendees on his study AI for Mental Health. This research covered work on using AI as a clinical decision support tool for mental health conditions, with a focus on adult ADHD and suicide risk assessment. Recent AI developments around knowledge graphs, large language models, and their combinations were also discussed. From theAI perspective, the research is interesting because it had to address various requirements (in terms of accuracy and explainability) and because we are using a hybrid AI approach: a combination of a machine learning and a knowledge-based model.

ICAIE 2023 was supported by Central South University, China, and Naresuan University, Thailand. It is a pleasure to thank the organizers, sponsors, and all the participants and contributors for making the conference possible and successful. And our appreciation also to Atlantis Highlights in Computer Sciences for providing us help in publishing this paper volume.

The Committee of ICAIE 2023