Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2019)
The theme of the 2nd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) in 2019 is “Strengthening cultural understanding through Arts and Design Education.” The 2nd ICADE aims to share and exchange knowledge and practices for academician, educators, researchers, practitioners, graduate and post graduate students, and art entrepreneurs from different cultural backgrounds and nationality to worldwide present and exchange their recent knowledge, and latest research in fields of performing arts, arts education and the practices, as well as multidisciplinary arts field. This conference is also held as a media in establishing a partnership within art and design institutes, nationally and internationally.
The 2nd ICADE was attended by nearly 200 presenters, co-presenters and participants from various countries such as Germany, USA, Mexico, Malaysia, Korea, and from different cities of Indonesia. We would like to thank keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Klaus Näumann from Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, and all invited speakers: Assoc. Prof. Adrian Rodgers, Ph.D. from The Ohio State University, U.S. A, Prof. Dr. Md. Nasir Ibrahim from Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia, and Prof. Juju Masunah, M. Hum., Ph. D. from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Our gratitude is also addressed to all presenters and participants of The 2nd ICADE from 27 Universities.
We would like to express our gratitude to Rector of UPI, Prof. Dr. H. R. Asep Kadarohman, M. Si. and all vices; Rector of Institut Seni dan Budaya (ISBI) Bandung Dr. Hj. Een Herdiani, S. Sen., M. Hum. and all vices; Dean of FPSD, Mr. Dr. Zakarias S. Soeteja, M. Sn., and all vices and staffs; and all members of the Steering and Organizing Committees, for all the assists, supports, participation and cooperation in carrying out this 2nd ICADE well.
The Editors
Yudi Sukmayadi – Editor in Chief
Juju Masunah
Tati Narawati
Rita Milyartini
Trianti Nugraheni
The 2nd ICADE was attended by nearly 200 presenters, co-presenters and participants from various countries such as Germany, USA, Mexico, Malaysia, Korea, and from different cities of Indonesia. We would like to thank keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Klaus Näumann from Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, and all invited speakers: Assoc. Prof. Adrian Rodgers, Ph.D. from The Ohio State University, U.S. A, Prof. Dr. Md. Nasir Ibrahim from Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia, and Prof. Juju Masunah, M. Hum., Ph. D. from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Our gratitude is also addressed to all presenters and participants of The 2nd ICADE from 27 Universities.
We would like to express our gratitude to Rector of UPI, Prof. Dr. H. R. Asep Kadarohman, M. Si. and all vices; Rector of Institut Seni dan Budaya (ISBI) Bandung Dr. Hj. Een Herdiani, S. Sen., M. Hum. and all vices; Dean of FPSD, Mr. Dr. Zakarias S. Soeteja, M. Sn., and all vices and staffs; and all members of the Steering and Organizing Committees, for all the assists, supports, participation and cooperation in carrying out this 2nd ICADE well.
The Editors
Yudi Sukmayadi – Editor in Chief
Juju Masunah
Tati Narawati
Rita Milyartini
Trianti Nugraheni