Proceedings of the 4th Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST-T3-20)
32 articles
Proceedings Article
Travel Experiences and Quality of Destination as Antecedent of Satisfaction of Tourist Visiting Culinary Tourism Destinations
Abd. Hamid, Ummasyroh, Jusmawi Bustan, Heri Setiawan
Culinary is one of the attractions and tourist attractions that attract tourists to visit tourist destinations. Culinary tours offer a variety of unique local culinary delights for tourists to enjoy. This study was triggered to explore the extent to which tourist experiences and destination quality perceived...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Organizational Support and Job Characteristics Towards Engagement of Employee
A.Jalaludin Sayuti, Munparidi, L.Suhairi Hazizma, Alditia Detmuliati
Support of organization relate to perception of employees to which an organization benefit contribution link of concern for employee welfare. Engagement of employee is the degree of commitment and involvement of employees to the organization and its values. This study proposes a relationship between...
Proceedings Article
Work Ability Implication and Organization Climate Against Turnover Intention Through Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variables in Global Capital Investama, Palembang PT.
Afrizawati, Paisali, Divianto, Yahya
This research raised the problems of how the implication of work ability and organizational climate on turnover intention and job satisfaction. Does work ability and organizational climate has a direct effect on turnover intention variables, as well as organizational climate and job satisfaction variables...
Proceedings Article
Orientation of Market and Orientation of Learning as a Driver Innovation Capabilities of Small Restaurant
Purwati, Yusleli Herawati, Elisa, Marieska Lupikawati
The success of small businesses, especially restaurant businesses, is very much determined by the ability of the manager or owner to innovate. The phenomenon in small business management encourages research that observes the orientation that managers have in seeing the market, the ability in learning...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning to Improve Students’ Report Writing
Yusri, Sri Gustiani, Tiur Simanjuntak, Evi Agustinasari
The aim of this study is to find out whether or not project based learning is effective to improve students’ writing on project report to the students at English Department, Sriwijaya state Polytechnics. This research applied a quantitative approach. In principle, experimental research was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Needs of English Expression Commonly Used in Daily Conversation of Online Drivers
Desloehal Djumrianti, Hanifati, Pridson Mandiangan, Alfitriani
This is a qualitative descriptive research. The aim of this study is to examine how communication technology - apps able to support communication skills of women drivers who work for online transportation companies in serving international guests. The study uses a saturation sampling technique where...
Proceedings Article
The Students’ Perceptions of Religious Radicalism at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
Farida Husin, Ibnu Maja, Yulianto Wairan, Lindawati
This research was conducted at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya with the purpose to find out students’ perceptions of religious radicalism. The method used in this research was a descriptive-analysis method. The population of this study was students who were members of student organization or SMEs and...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation Between Students’ Listening Comprehension Strategy and Their TOEIC Score at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
Koryati, Aisyah Shahab, Zulkifli, Nian Masna Evawati
The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between the students’ listening comprehension strategy and their TOEIC listening score. Correlational study was used as the research design in this study. The samples were 77 students of the 6th semester at English Department of Sriwijaya State Polytechnic...
Proceedings Article
Description of Anxiety Levels of Pre School Children With Thalassemia Who Will Get Blood Transfusion in the Thalassemia Poly at Al-Ihsan Baleendah Hospital, Bandung
Lisbet Octovia Manalu, Budi Rustandi, Budi Somantri
The nursing process carried out by nurses in the hospital creates anxiety for patients, especially in children. The anxiety that is often shown by children when they are in hospital is when they get treatment in the hospital, especially when they are going to be doing invasive actions in children. The...
Proceedings Article
A Story of a Cup of Coffee
Review of Google Local Guide Review
Setiawan Priatmoko, Dávid Lóránt
This study aims to seek the lack of insight Google Local Guide into what constitutes a positive presence for the Caravella cafe through its reviewer. The data collected is in the form of opinions and reviews from consumers who have visited the Caravella café. The data collected were comments from 120...
Proceedings Article
Asian Women’s Roles in Family Holiday:
A Case Study of Indonesian Females
Desloehal Djumrianti, Augustus E. Oseso-Asare
The issues about gender in tourism are still debated among scholars. The women’s movement has had a positive impact on gender equality, as in many countries wives hold an equal position with their husbands when making decisions about family holidays. However, some Asian women are still subordinate and...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Daily Conversation for Online Drivers
Desloehal Djumrianti, Augustus E. Oseso-Asare
The issues about gender in tourism are still debated among scholars. The women’s movement has had a positive impact on gender equality, as in many countries wives hold an equal position with their husbands when making decisions about family holidays. However, some Asian women are still subordinate and...
Proceedings Article
The Customary Philosophy of the Anak Dalam Tribe as Part of the Soul of the Mation’s Law
Muhamad Erwin, Ahmad Taqwa, Dicky Seprianto, Ahmad Zamheri
In the soul of the customary law of the Anak Dalam Tribe in Bukit Duabelas National Park is closely related to the traditional teachings of the ancestors and in the balance of his life with the jungle of Bukit Duabelas. The nuance of the soul of law takes place by basing on the existence, source of knowledge,...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Leadership Style, Motivation and Work Structure to Muara Enim Community Health Center Performance (Equation Structural Method Approach)
AlHushori, Yusnizal Firdaus, Markoni Badri, Muhammad Yusuf
This study focus to determine the effect of leadership style and motivation on employee performance and to assist in providing suggestion related to the structure of work in the context of providing public health services. This research focus to the management of the program for the Mass Prevention of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Financial Technology on Financial Inclusion SMEs in Palembang City
Nur Rizka Erlianta, Marieska Lupikawaty, Titi Andriyani
The urgent of study is to optimize of the use of financial technology and to expansive of financial inclusion. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of financial technology on financial inclusion, the object of research was conducted on SMEs in Palembang City. The population...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Patient Satisfaction Levels on Competency and Facilities at Siti Khadijah Islamic Hospital, Palembang City
Sarikadarwati, Henny Yulsiati, Sandrayati, Susi Ardiani
The purpose of the research is to improve human resources who build character as a concept of thinking about technology which is increasingly sophisticated. Where this also develops the stage of paying the hospital easily, namely the BPJS and the specific target to be achieved from this study is to analyze...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) and Economic Growth in Indonesia: The VECM Analysis
Aladin Aladin, Evada Dewata, Yuliana Sari, Yuli Antina Aryani
This study explored the causal relationship between the role of SMEs (number of SME, the workforce of SMEs) and economic growth in Indonesia. Secondary data of time series for the period 1999-2019. The research method uses Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis with stationary Augmented Dickey-Fuller...
Proceedings Article
Poverty in South Sumatra Province Is Viewed From Village Fund and Village Fund Allocation
Rita Martini, Endah Widyastuti, Sukmini Hartati, Zulkifli, Riana Mayasari, Mardhiah
This study aims to analyze the effect of village funds and village fund allocations on poverty in South Sumatra Province. The sample used in this study was from 14 districts/cities in South Sumatra, selected based on the purposive sampling method. This study uses multiple regression data analysis. The...
Proceedings Article
Impact of BUMDesa Management on PADesa in Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency
Rosy Armaini, Maria Maria, Nurhasanah Nurhasanah, Yevi Dwitayanti
This study points to prove empirically the increase in PADesa due to the establishment of BUMDesa which is managed by Information Technology Utilization, Community Participation, and Human Resource Competency in Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency. The sample used in the research was the Operational Officer/...
Proceedings Article
Determinants of Economic Growth in South Sumatra in 2010 - 2018
Sri Hartaty, F Eka Jumarni, O Anggeraini, R.P L. Vera
This study empirically examines the effect of government expenditures, government investments and private investments on economic growth in regional goverments (regencies and cities) in the South Sumatra Province (Sumsel) from 2010 to 2018. Out of a population of 17 regencies and cities in South Sumatra,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Local Government Characteristics and BPK Audit Opinions on the Financial Performance of Local Governments (Study on Local Governments in South Sumatra)
Indra Satriawan, Ardiyan Natoen, Periansya, AR Sopiyan
This research aims to determine the effect of local government characteristics and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) audit opinions on the financial performance of the local governments studies at the Local Government in South Sumatra. Regional characteristics in this research use the Level of Regional...
Proceedings Article
Dimensions of Women’s Empowerment
Neneng Miskiyah, Sari Lestari Zainal Ridho, Hadi Jauhari, Keti Purnamasari
Women’s empowerment is an important strategy in increasing the role and opportunities of women in improving their economy and is an effort to increase and actualize their potential so that they are more able to be independent and work, and are more respected. This study aims to analyze the probability...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Competencies on Business Performance (Empirical Study on MSMEs of Palembang Woven Fabric)
Edwin Frywaruwa, Bainil Yulina, Sulaiman, Siska Aprianti
The aims of this study were to investigate the entrepreneurial competence in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of Palembang woven fabrics, the business performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of Palembang woven fabrics, and whether entrepreneurial competence affected business...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Marketing Mix Strategy on Consumer Value in Small and Medium Enterprises in Palembang, South Sumatra
Case Study of Palembang’s Traditional Processed Food
Riza Wahyudi, M. Thoyib, Firmansyah, Darul Amri
This research aims to determine the effect of market mix strategies on consumer value in Small Medium Enterprises in Palembang (case study of Palembang traditional processed food), by taking a sample of 180 middle-size business entrepreneurs with purposive non-probability sampling technique by distributing...
Proceedings Article
Planning Affects the Risk of Loss in Investing in the Capital Market
Z Mariskha., Hendra Sastrawinata, Dewi Fadilah, M. Riska Maulana
The Yuk Nabung Saham or let’s save stock campaign has provided insight to public that investing in the capital market is easy and cheap. This program is much in line with the development of capital markets in South Sumatra, which began to change the direction since 2008, namely from entrepreneurs to...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Bank Credibility and Service Convenience on Bank Customer Attitudes
Esya Alhadi, Gusti Ayu Oka Windarti, Elvia Zahara, Titi Andriani
Electronic banking services have developed and are implemented by the banking sector in providing services to customers. It is interesting to study the drivers of customer behavior in using electronic banking services. Therefore, this study seeks to determine the drivers of consumer attitudes in using...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Information Quality and Information System Quality of Regional Assets on User Satisfaction at the Provincial Government of South Sumatera
Kartika Rachma Sari, Zainal Arifin, Desi Indriasari, Choiruddin
The Regional Assets Information System application program is used to carry out the process of managing Regional Assets in a computerized manner which aims to harmonize the implementation of Regional Assets Management policies in accordance with applicable regulations. In this study, the influence of...
Proceedings Article
Determinants of Regional Budget Absorption in the Regional Apparatus Organization of Palembang City
Vega Nabila Putri, Kuo Keo Pisey, Mardhiah, Rita Martini
This study aims to investigate the effect of budget planning, budget execution, goods / services procurement, and competence of human resources on budget absorption in the regional apparatus organization of Palembang City. The data used are primary data. The sample selection technique was purposive sampling,...
Proceedings Article
Aspects Affecting the Accountability Performance of Government Agencies Banyuasin District
Rita Martini, Muhammad Aulia Ramadhan, Sukmini Hartati
This study aims to work out the effect of the government’s control system, the utilization of data technology, and therefore the competence of human resources on the performance accountability of state agencies in Banyuasin Regency. The population during this study was the Regional Apparatus Organization...
Proceedings Article
Human Resources Aspect and Ability to Manage BUMdes
Nelly Masnila, Faridah, M. Husni Mubarok, Desri Yanto
In Indonesia, BUMDes is one of the tools to build the economy in the village. A lot of unemployment has occurred in rural areas because of lack of jobs in the villages. Through increasing the role of BUMDes, many jobs can be created. Improving the performance of BUMDes is important and urgent because...
Proceedings Article
Fiscal Stress: Growth Aspects of Pad, Growth of Capital Expenditure, and Economic Growth
Ilham Sanjaya, Rita Martini, Muhammad Fauzan Ahnaf
This study is to determine the effect of growth in local revenue (PAD), growth in capital expenditures and economic growth on fiscal stress. With purposive sampling, it was found that 15 district / city governments in South Sumatra were sampled. Secondary data is in the form of Regional Revenue and Expenditure...
Proceedings Article
The Activity of Smes Female Enterpreneurs on Trade Sector and Its Impacts on the Economy of Palembang
Yulia Pebrianti, Rini, Lisnini, Fetty Maretha
This study aimed to determine the impacts of the activity of SMEs female entrepreneurs on the trade sector on the economy of Palembang. The variables used in this study were the number of SMEs female entrepreneurs, the number of SMEs female workforce, and the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of...