Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports in conjunction with the 4th Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (COIS-YISHPESS 2021)
The Faculty of Sports Science, UNY, regularly holds international conferences to foster an academic atmosphere. The 4th International Conference on Physical Education, Sports and Health (YISHPESS) and on Sports Coaching (COIS) will be held on November 13, 2021. The aim of the conference is to provide a space for scholars, professionals, sports researchers and technocrats to share and discuss the latest knowledge and findings with the aim of changing revitalization and rethinking in an effort to encourage investment in Physical Education, Sports and Health programs, as well as coaching Achievement Sports.
Hopefully all the discussion themes and problems presented can be understood and can be implemented operationally in the development of achievement sports coaching and physical education, sports and health. This scientific meeting forum involves scientists, stakeholders, and various sports human stakeholders. I convey my highest respect and appreciation to the Chancellor of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes, Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science, Prof. Dr. Wawan S Suherman, M.Ed, and, all keynote speakers and the entire steering committee and members of the scientific board.
Allow me to express my gratitude to the participants and viewers from Indonesia and other overseas who enthusiastically participated in this valuable conference. I hope that all participants will get the important values and can collaborate them into their respective fields and make important changes in the future. In addition, I would also like to express my appreciation to the entire organizing committee for their extraordinary commitment to presenting this international seminar and forum.
Dr. Sulistiyono, M.Pd.
Hopefully all the discussion themes and problems presented can be understood and can be implemented operationally in the development of achievement sports coaching and physical education, sports and health. This scientific meeting forum involves scientists, stakeholders, and various sports human stakeholders. I convey my highest respect and appreciation to the Chancellor of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes, Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science, Prof. Dr. Wawan S Suherman, M.Ed, and, all keynote speakers and the entire steering committee and members of the scientific board.
Allow me to express my gratitude to the participants and viewers from Indonesia and other overseas who enthusiastically participated in this valuable conference. I hope that all participants will get the important values and can collaborate them into their respective fields and make important changes in the future. In addition, I would also like to express my appreciation to the entire organizing committee for their extraordinary commitment to presenting this international seminar and forum.
Dr. Sulistiyono, M.Pd.